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Status and plan of 'Operation rule improvement and ecological restoration plan of Nakdong estuary' ('낙동강하굿둑 운영개선 및 생태복원 방안 연구 용역' 추진현황 및 계획)

  • Noh, Hee Kyung;Ryu, Hyung Kwan;Ryu, Jong Hyun;Kim, Hwa Young;Chun, Ja Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.21-22
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    • 2020
  • 낙동강 하굿둑(이하 하굿둑)은 1987년 부산 사하구와 강서구 사이에 건설되어 하류 지역의 바닷물 유입을 막아 부산, 울산, 경남 등에 안정적으로 생활·농업·공업 등의 분야에 용수를 공급하는 역할을 해왔다. 현재, 하굿둑의 수문은 낙동강 상류로부터 하류로 흘러내려오는 민물(담수)을 방류하기 위해서만 하굿둑 수문을 개방하고 있다. 하구는 하천의 담수와 바다의 염수가 서로 만나는 구역으로 바닷물과 염수의 밀도차에 의한 혼합으로 자연상태의 하구에서는 담수와 염수가 섞이는 기수역이 형성되며, 이러한 특성으로 하구 인근의 지역에서는 일반적인 하천 및 해양, 연안과는 분명히 구별되는 생태계가 조성된다. 하굿둑 건설이후 바닷물(해수)과 민물(담수)이 만나는 낙동강 어귀에 기수생태계가 사라지면서 바닷물이 유입될 수 있도록 하여 생태계를 복원해야 한다는 필요성이 제기되어 왔으며, 하굿둑이 지역에 기여해온 사실은 분명하나 하굿둑으로 인해 생태계 단절이 발생하고 기수생태계가 파괴되었기 때문에 이를 해결하기 위해서는 하굿둑을 개방하여 과거 기수생태계를 복원해야 한다는 목소리가 높아지고 있다. 이에 따라 정부에서는 하굿둑의 기수생태계 복원을 위해서 관계기관 합동으로 의사결정을 하고 효율적인 개방 방안을 모색하는 실무협의회를 구성하여 운영 중이고, 실무협의회 논의를 통해 5개 주요 관계기관(환경부, 국토부, 해양수산부, 부산광역시, K-water) 공동으로 "낙동강하굿둑 운영개선 및 생태복원 방안 연구용역"을 추진 중이다. 2018년 1단계 용역이 완료되었으며, 2019년부터 2단계 연구용역을 추진 중이고 하굿둑 개방의 수준별로 각종 영향을 검토한 후 대책을 마련하여 기수생태계 복원 방안을 수립하는데 그 목적이 있다. 2단계 연구용역에서는 과학적이고 합리적인 기수생태계 복원방안 마련을 위해서 실제로 해수를 유입시키는 3차례의 실증실험 및 수리모형실험 등을 추진한다. 기존 연구들에서도 수문개방에 따른 해수유입 영향에 대해 모델링을 통해서 분석했지만 이는 검증이 이루어지지 않은 결과로 이번 용역에서는 실제 해수를 유입시키고 염분의 침투 및 각종 수생태 영향을 모니터링 한 후 그 결과를 반영하여 모델링을 고도화하고 있다. 최종적으로 고도화된 모델링 결과를 기반으로 기수생태계 조성 방안별로 염분, 수질, 수생태, 침퇴적 등 각종 분야에 대한 정확한 영향을 분석하고 이에 대한 대책을 포함하여 최종적으로 바람직한 기수생태계 복원 방안을 제시할 계획이다. 기수생태계 복원 방안이 계획에만 그치지 않고 실행으로 연결시키기 위해서 필요성에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 공감대를 형성해 나아가고 있으며 지역주민, 전문가, 관계기관 등 민(民)·관(官)·학(學) 다양한 의견을 수렴하여 하구지역내 수량-수질-수생태를 종합적으로 고려하여 복원 방안을 마련 후 사회적인 합의를 추진하여 확정할 예정이며, 하구의 안정적인 관리를 위해 AI 등 4차 산업혁명기술을 적극 적용하는 스마트한 하구물관리(Smart Estuary Watershed Management)"를 활용한 "하구통합물관리" (Estuary Integrated Watershed Management) 등 과학적인 관리를 추진할 계획이다.

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Elderly Sarcopenia and Vitamin B Deficiency: A Relationship? (비타민 B 결핍에 의한 노인성 근감소증)

  • Kisang Kwon;Hye-Jeong Jang;Sun-Nyoung Yu;Soon-Cheol Ahn;O-Yu Kwon
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.574-585
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    • 2023
  • Sarcopenia is a leading cause of increased medical and nursing care costs among the elderly. In Korea, preventive measures for sarcopenia are mostly targeted toward the general elderly population without specific diseases. However, it is also necessary to implement measures for elderly individuals living in nursing homes and hospitals, where the prevalence of sarcopenia is high. Currently, computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging are considered standard diagnostic tools. However, their complexity and time-consuming nature make them unsuitable for clinical use. The exact pathophysiological mechanisms of sarcopenia are unclear, as they involve various molecular biological pathways, including decreased exercise, protein and nutrient intake, changes in testosterone and growth hormone, and inflammation. Sarcopenia symptoms can lead to several diseases, such as osteoporosis, fractures, dementia, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Vitamin B deficiency is a significant factor in sarcopenia induction, with B vitamins being directly involved in energy and protein metabolism and nerve function. Vitamin B deficiency can lead to neuromuscular and neurogenic disorders, which often overlap with sarcopenia. Suboptimal intake of B vitamins, malabsorption, and anorexia are common among the elderly. This study aims to provide information on the role of water-soluble B vitamins in preventing and controlling muscle mass loss and deterioration among the elderly with sarcopenia. In addition, we discuss the potential of myokines from the B vitamin family in modulating sarcopenia.

Cheng Yichuan(程伊川)'s Concept of Quan(權) and the Changes of the Times (정이천의 권도(權道) 개념과 유학의 시대 적응)

  • 정종모
    • 유학연구
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    • v.43
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    • pp.141-164
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    • 2018
  • The Purpose of this paper is to explore the meaning of Quandao(權道) in Cheng Yichuan(程伊川)'s thought. Especially, through these discussions, we will look at how Confucian philosophy explains the changes of the times and the logic of adaptation to them. As we know, the concepts of Jing(經) and Quan(權) are important subjects from the philosophy of Confucius and Mencius. In general, the former means principle and the latter means flexibility. Cheng Yichuan did a very systematic and logical analysis of these concepts in his philosophy. I have divided the meaning of 'Quan' into three parts as follows. First, the concept refers to the ability to judge which is right in the context of a moral dilemma. Second, the concept means the ability to make the right choices at the right time. This ability includes to select traditional heritage and to choose to move forward and back in a political situation in which an individual is present. Third, the concept of 'Quan' refers to the flexibility and creativity of the Sage who adapt and respond to the transition of the civilization paradigm and the development of technology. Through the third dimension, we can not only see a new aspect of Cheng's concept of 'Quandao' but also understand Confucian scholar's strategy for adapting to the times.

Study on Folklore Consciousness of Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals Shown in Folk Painting (민화에 나타난 십이지동물의 민속의식에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong kawn
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.347-359
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    • 2016
  • People are destined to live according to the time and fate after they are born. Man is connected with the idea that is called the Chinese zodiac sign related to one out of 12 animals, regardless of one's thought. This paper was written with the expectation that it will be a new turning point understanding the mutual influence and its changing process by catching the ethnic belief and emotion as well as its cultural background in the Asian Zone by investigating the meaning of the 12 Chinese zodiac shown in the folk painting from the viewpoint of folk lore including "Chinese zodiac sign" culture rooted in our daily lives. The animal 'Rat' has been lived well human beings accompanied by the fable or the nature, while the animal 'Ox' has been living together with human history. The 'Tiger' has been considered the 'Power retreating disease or a devil' to humans, which is the most frightening but near at hand. The 'Rabbit' in the fable is inculcating hope and ideals to humans. The imaginary 'Dragon' is rooted in the deep national belief, which is seated as 'Guardian god' of farming culture and mankind, while the 'Snake' is playing a role in protecting humans as the 'Sea God' in Tsushima and Jeju Island, and has been believed and followed in the deep mind of humans. The 'Horse' in the nomad culture has been adorned as the basic creature of nomadic society in the character of a psychic medium between the human and god or their 'Guardian god'. The ancient Japanese regarded 'Monkey' as holy, being connected with treasure. It infers a human's desire to borrow wisdom from 'Monkey'. 'Chicken' includes the meaning of a lucky sign connecting the sky and the human world by arranging together with humans. The 'Dog' is believed and followed as performing the function of a messenger connecting this world with the afterlife in the next world tale of shamanism. The 'Pig' also lives well with humans, being interpreted as fecundity. Although the meaning of the 12 Chinese Zodiac animals has ethnic differences, all of them have been shared with humans, rooted in the human mind, being believed, and followed in human lives.

Evaluation of reverse torque value of abutment screws on CAD/CAM custom-made implant abutments (CAD/CAM을 이용한 맞춤형 임플란트 지대주의 나사 풀림 토크 평가)

  • Lee, Chang-Jae;Yang, Sung-Eun;Kim, Seok-Gyu
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.128-134
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the screw joint stability between the CADCAM custom-made implant abutment and the prefabricated implant abutment by measuring the reverse torque value after cyclic loading. Materials and methods: Twelve screw type implants (Implantium, Dentium Co., Seoul, Korea) were embedded in aluminum cylinder with acrylic resin. The implant specimens were equally divided into 3 groups, and connected to the prefabricated titanium abutments (Implantium, Dentium Co., Seoul, Korea), CADCAM custom-made titanium abutments (Myplant, Raphabio Co., Seoul, Korea) and CADCAM custom-made zirconia abutments (Zirconia Myplant, Raphabio Co., Seoul, Korea). The CAD-CAM milled titanium crown (Raphabio Co., Seoul, Korea) was cemented on each implant abutment by resin cement. Before cyclic loading, each abutment screw was tightened to 30 Ncm and the reverse torque value was measured about 30 minutes later. After the crown specimen was subjected to the sinusoidal cyclic loading (30 to 120 N, 500,000 cycles, 2 Hz), postloading reverse torque value was measured and the reverse torque loss ratio was calculated. Kruskal-Wallis test was used for statistical analysis of the reverse torque loss ratio. Results: The CADCAM custom-made titanium abutments presented higher values in reverse torque loss ratio without statistically significant differences than the prefabricated titanium abutments ($P$>.05). Reverse torque loss ratio of the custom-made zirconia abutments was significantly higher compared to that of the prefabricated titanium abutments ($P$=.014). Conclusion: Within the limitation of the present $in-vitro$ study, it was concluded that there was no significant difference in screw joint stability between the CADCAM custom-made titanium abutments and the prefabricated titanium abutments. On the other hand, the CADCAM custom-made zirconia abutments showed lower screw joint stability than prefabricated titanium abutments.

A Study on the Characteristics of Humanistic Landscape in Pyongyang Castle through Pictorial Maps in the Late Joseon Dynasty (조선후기 회화식 고지도를 통해 본 평양성의 인문경관 특성)

  • Kim, Mi-Jung;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.14-30
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    • 2020
  • This study focuses on the fact that pictorial maps in the late Joseon Dynasty were conceptual diagrams with the place names perceived by the people at the time of their production. In this regard, targeting on five pictorial maps, the humanistic landscape characteristics of Pyongyang, which had cultural identities such as a historically old, commercial, and Pungnyu(appreciation for the arts) city, were derived as follows. First, the historic legitimacy of Pyongyang Castle was represented by ritual and religious facilities. They include 'Dangunjeon' and 'Gijagung' related to the nation founder, 'Munmujeong': the remains of Goguryeo, 'Sajikdan' & 'Pyongyanggangdan': the place of the national rites, Hyanggyo and Seowon: education & rite functions, Buddhism and Taoist facilities, 'Yongsindang', 'Sanshindang', and 'Jesindan': folk religion facilities. Gija-related facilities, which became symbols of Pyongyang due to the importance of Small-Sinocentrism and Gija dignity tendency, were distributed throughout Pyongyang Castle though, the facilities related to King Dongmyeong of Goguryeo and the spaces of religion praying for blessings are spread in Bukseong and on the riverside of Daedonggang each. Second, as a Pyongando Province's economic center, Pyongyang's commercial landscape was represented by logistics and transportation facilities. The Daedonggang River, which was in charge of transportation functions, had many decks such as 'Yangmyeongpo', 'Cheongryongpo' and 'Waeseongjin' and bridges, such as 'Yeongjegyo' and 'Gangdonggyo', which connected major transportation routes. The road network was created in Oeseong area to facilitate logistics transportation and management, and many warehouses named after the jurisdiction of Pyongyangbu were distributed near the roads and Provincial Offices of the main gates. In addition, it was characterized by the urban area systematically divided with hierarchical roads, 'Bukjangnim' of willow trees planted on the main entrance roads of Pyongyang Castle, a linear landscape created by 'Simnijangnim' consisting of mixed forests with elm trees. Third, Pungnyu City is realized by the distribution of amusement facilities. The riverside of Daedonggang adjacent to Naeseong exhibits characteristics of artificial landscape such as a canal leading to the inside of the castle, a docking facility with embankments, and a port with cargo ships anchored. However, Bukseong of the natural surroundings had numerous pavilions and platforms such as 'Bubyeongnu', 'Eulmildae', 'Choeseungdae', 'Jebyeokjeong' and engraved letters such as 'Cheongnyubyeok', 'Jangbangho'. 'Osunjeong', 'Byeogwolji', 'Banwolji' near 'Sachang', and 'Aeryeondang', built on the island of a square pond, created waterscape in Naeseong invisible from the Daedonggang, and for practical purposes, ponds and repeated willow vegetation landscape related to Gija were placed in the western rampart of Jungseong. In addition, 'Seonyeondong', a cemetery of Gisaeng, located near by Chilseongmun, was used as poem titles and themes by literary people, contributing to the creation of the Pungnyu image of Pyongyang.

A Study on Managing the Landscape in Dok-Rak-Dang Garden (독락당 원림 경관조영에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Yun-Young;Sung, Jong-Sang;Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.96-105
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzed literary works and references related to Dok-Rak-Dang(獨樂堂) and the attributes of managing the landscape in Dok-Rak-Dang Garden based on the assumption of position and the spatial structure revealed in the site. Hoe-Jae Lee Eon-Jeok(1491-1553), a distinguished scholar of Neo-Confusionism, built Dok-Rak-Dang and managed the surrounding areas during his retirement years. He called the mountains, stream, and rock along and near the Ja-Ge Stream Four Mountains and Five Platforms(四山五臺). Before he named these, they were not considered special. The Four Mountains which are Do-Duk in north, Mu-Hak in south, Hwa-Gae in east, and Ja-Ok in west enclose Dok-Rak-Dang and the surrounding areas. The Five Platforms, Se-Sim, Gwan-Eo, Yeong-Gue, Jing-Sim, and Tak-Yeong, in order from downstream, are places with beautiful scenery in Ja-Ge Stream. The attributes of managing the landscape in Dok-Rak-Dang Garden are the following: One is the spatial integration of what is natural and artificial as the attitude of aesthetic experience in accord with nature. Another is flexible territorialization as the way of organizing spaces in nature from the experiential aspect. The other is place making of personalized nature through a series of processes such as observing, choosing, and naming landscapes in nature. Four Mountains and Five Platforms function as landscape bases and elements to appreciate nature aesthetically. Those attributes are different from the attitude of constructing spaces. Rather, they originate from the traditional view on the appreciation of nature. Above all, place-making in nature was acquired from designed spatial structure and experiential aesthetic appreciation in the space through observing, choosing, and naming landscapes in nature reflecting creator's own ideological and aesthetic thoughts, and it might be explained as one of practical ways of Korean traditional gardening.

A Study on the Spread of Taoist Gwonseonseo in the 19th Century and the Ideological Nature of Jeoseungjeon (19세기 유교의 통속화와 「저승전」의 이념성 - 조선후기 권선서(勸善書)의 유행과 관련하여 -)

  • Kim, Jeong Suk
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.69
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    • pp.297-324
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    • 2017
  • Recognizing that the ideological nature of Taoist Gwonseonseo whose publication was concentrated during the reign of King Gojong was connected to that of Jeoseungjeon, a Hangul manuscript novel in the 19th century, this study set out to examine the periodic significance of Taoist Gwonseonseo in the 19th century and check the ideological nature of Jeoseungjeon. Taoist Gwonseonseo puts an emphasis on Confucian ethics including loyalty and filial piety in a didactic aspect and shows that the practice of Confucian ethics brings good fortune, which was prominent in many private Taoist books that were huge hits in the latter part of Joseon, when Chinese Taoist Gwonseonseo was introduced in Joseon, translated and circulated in Korean, and spread widely among the public. Those works offer very specific cases of individuals doing good or evil deeds in this world and suffering the consequences in the next world. Jeoseungjeon presents the Buddhist experiences with the next world as the foundation with the next world depicted around the Great Jade Emperor, who emphasizes Confucian ethics, and the hierarchy of Taoist gods under the ultimate the Great Jade Emperor, thus clearly demonstrating the combination pattern of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in the latter half of Joseon. The work describes the scenes of judgment and punishment in the next world according to the witness of the main character and thus gives specific ideas of daily goods, which is a feature found in the latter half of Joseon different from the previous pattern of next world experiences. It is Taoist Gwonseonseo widely spread among the people those days that connects the link.

Nutrient Solute Transport during the Course of Freezing and Thawing of Soils in Korea (동결(凍結)과 해빙(解氷) 기간(期間)중 토양내(土壤內) 양분(養分) 용질(溶質)의 이동(移動))

  • Ha, Sng-Keun;Jung, Yeong-Sang;Lim, Hyung-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 1995
  • Understanding on nutrient solute movement during the course of freezing and thawing was attempted through laboratory and field obsevations. Small sectioned tubes with 5cm inner diameter, 0.2cm thick and 1cm long were connected to 30cm long soil columns for laboratory study. The columns were filled with soil, and treated with 20mmol/kg $KNO_3$ for upper 5cm. The upper end was set in the freezing section, and the lower end was set in the refrigerating section of a refrigerator. Temperature was controlled at $-7({\pm}1)^{\circ}C$ and $1.5({\pm}1)^{\circ}C$, respectively. After top 5cm soil was frozen, the columns were sectioned, and analyzed for $NO_3^-$, $NH_4^+$ and $K^+$. For field study, the 20cm inner diameter and lm long soil columns were installed in Chuncheon and Daegwanryung, where the altitude was 74m and 840m, respectively. The soils used were silt loam and clay loam. The top 20cm soils were treated with 50mmol/kg as $KNO_3$. The soil columns were taken during winter freezing and after thawing. By laboratiry study, upward movement of $NO_3^-$ and $K^+$ during the course of freezing was confirmed. The upward movement of $K^+$ was, however, one fifth to one tenth of $NO_3^-$. The upward movement of inorganic nitrogen as well as laboratory during the course of freezing, but large amount of nitrogen was lost from the profile after thawing in early spring. Leached nitrogen from the upper 20cm to lower part was 17 to 24 percents. The maximum depth of leaching during the experiment was 50cm for all soils. The net loss of inorganic nitrogen from the whole profile ranged 8.7 to 39.5 percents. The net loss was greater in Daegwanryung where temperature was lower and snowfall was larger than Chuncheon, and the loss was greater from the silt loam soil than clay loam soil of which percolation rate was small. The results implied that reasons for nitrogen loss during the winter might include surface washing by snow melt as well as leaching and denitrification.

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Maegamdo(梅龕圖), Symbol of Chinese and Korean Scholary Comespondence in the 19th Century (19세기 한중(韓中) 묵연(墨緣)의 상징, 매감도(梅龕圖))

  • Kim, Hyun Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.16-33
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    • 2012
  • Maehwa blossom(梅花) has been favoured in literary and artistic works in the East Asia as one of representing symbols of virtuous men's character. Maehwaseookdo(梅花書屋圖) is one of major forms of painting. This paper starts from the birth of Maehwaseookdo since it aims to examine the following points: its structural origin of the Gurimaehwachonsado(九里梅花村舍圖) style; how this style was distributed in Korea; process and features of Maegamdo(梅龕圖). The current academic world admits Maehwaseookdo is originated from an ancient story of Lim Po(林逋). Even though Maehwaseookdo and Lim Po story can be linked to a meaning of schoarly hermitage, ways to structure works are hard to compare paintings based on Lim Po story. While paintings related to Limpo story such as Banghakdo(放鶴圖) and Gwanmaedo(觀梅圖) depict a scholar(s) and a few Maehwa trees with cranes, Maehwaseookdo presents scholarly hermitage with a lot of Maehwa trees which encircle a house building. As other paintings related to Maehwa blossom were widely painted since the nationwide popularity of the theme of Maehwa, Maehwaseookdo was not drown throughout the whole period of time. Since Goryeo, Maehwa paintings including Sehansamu(歲寒三友), ordinary Maehwado as one of the Four Gentlemen's plants, and Tammaedo(探梅圖) which was based on ancient anecdote of Maeng Hoyeon. Maehwaseookdo, however, was created exclusively in the 19th century. In China a similar feature took place much earlier period which was in the 17th century. Accordingly we can assume that these patterns which paintings in particular styles were generated by particular cultural phenomena. The reason why Joseon's Maehwaseookdo works were painted exclusively in the 19th century was that Kim Jeonghee's party and Sin wi had acquaintanceship with Jang Sim(張深) who got work orders for Oh Sungyang(吳嵩梁). In these corresponding activities, two types of Maehwa paintings were exchanged. In China, scholars usually drew paintings in the type of Gurimaehwachonsado(九里梅花村舍圖) depicting scenic views of Guriju(九里洲) which was riverside area under the Mt. Buchun(富春山). This place surrounded by thousands and hundreds of Maehwa trees was where Oh Sungyang(吳嵩梁) was about to retire to hermitage in. In this repect, Joseon scholars painted Maegamdo(梅龕圖) depicting a scene of a shrine with Oh Sungyang(吳嵩梁)'s poetry books surrounded by Maehwa trees for paying tribute to the wall of Maehwa trees(Maebyeok(梅癖)). This seems to adapt the format of 'Manmae(萬梅)' which appeared in the type of Gurimaehwachonsado. One of the representing works of this, is painted or supervised by Sinwi. Paintings in two types with respective meanings were combined by which was estimated to be painted by Sin Wi, then it became a structural base of by Jang Sim(張深) This type of Maegamdo brought the popularity of Maewhoseookdo which once had another name of 'Manmaeseookdo(萬梅書屋圖)' by a group of scholars such as Jo Heeyong, in the 19th century. All things considered, this paper can be a sort of precedent phrase to find out the birth of Manmaeseookdo which was very popular in the late 19th century.