• Title/Summary/Keyword: 역사영

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An exploration of alternative way of teaching the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus through a didactical analysis (미적분학의 기본정리의 교수학적 분석에 기반을 둔 지도방안의 탐색)

  • Kim, Sung-Ock;Chung, Soo-Young;Kwon, Oh-Nam
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.891-907
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzed the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus from the historical, mathematical, and instructional perspectives. Based on the in-depth analysis, this study suggested an alternative way of teaching the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

자랑스러운 안전인 - 소통을 기반으로 한 안전문화 조성 - 콜롬비안케미컬즈코리아(주) 김진호 환경기술팀 부장

  • Jeong, Tae-Yeong
    • The Safety technology
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    • no.179
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    • pp.18-19
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    • 2012
  • 기초가 되는 제품 하나하나는 모두가 높은 풍질을 갖추고 있어야 한다. 단 하나의 부품에서라도 불량이 생긴다면 완제품은 절대 좋은 제품이 될 수 없기 때문이다. 특히 수준 높은 기술력이 요구되는 석유화학제품에서는 더욱 그렇다. 이와 관련해 기초화학제품인 카본블랙을 전문적으로 생산하고 있는 콜롬비안케미컬즈코리아(주)는 업계에서 남다른 유명세를 떨치고 있다. 여수산업단지에 위치하고 있는 콜롬비안케미컬즈코리아는 인도계 다국적 회사인 벌락카본의 전세계 17개 공장 중 하나다. 이곳은 그동안 콜롬비안이라는 미국계 다국적 기업으로 있다가 재작년부터 인도계 회사를 모기업으로 두게됐다. 하지만 회사 명칭은 그대로 남게 됐다. 콜롬비안이라는 회사 자체가 100년이 넘는 역사를 가지고 있을 정도로, 카본블랙 생산 분야에서는 세계적으로 독보적인 위치에 있었기 때문이다. 콜롬비안케미컬즈의 제품이 얼마나 큰 신뢰를 받고 있는지 알 수 있는 부분이다. 그런 가운데 콜롬비안케미컬즈코리아는 최근 안전으로도 국내에서 큰 주목을 받고 있다. 각종 위험요소가 산재해 있음에도 불구하고 2004년 8월 이후 현재까지 무재해를 이어오고 있기 때문이다. 특히 지난 5월에는 무재해 8배수를 달성했고, 이제는 9배수 달성을 눈앞에 두고 있다. 이 같은 눈부신 성과를 낼 수 있었던 원동력은 환경기술팀 김진호 부장에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 넓고 깊은 안전지식을 바탕으로 사업장의 무재해를 이끌고 있는 김진호 부장을 만났다.

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Conservation of Vietnam war Homecoming box in National museum of Korean contemporary history (대한민국역사박물관에 소장된 베트남전 귀국상자의 보존처리)

  • Kim, Soo Chul;Jang, Eun Jeong;Ahn, Jooyoung
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.35
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2014
  • The Vietnam homecoming box that has been collected in National Museum of Korean The Vietnam homecoming box that has been collected in National Museum of Korean Contemporary History got severely damaged such as rot, attached foreign substance, fading, color, wood decay. In particular, the bottom of the box was unstable state that deteriorated by pests and the left strut was severely damaged by some deep cracks and pests. The metal bands were remained on the side and bottom of the box, and all the bands were seriously corroded. On the bottom-right of the lid, black foreign matter was adhered to the surface. In the process of conservation treatments, the cleaning, filling cracks, reinforcing the bottom of the box, attaching the metal bands were proceed in order after the investigation of the state.

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A Study on the Lime of Government Constructions Based on the Analysis of Construction Reports in the Late of Joseon Dynasty(17~19c) - Emphasized on the production, provision, and application of lime - (산릉(山陵).영건의궤(營建儀軌) 분석을 통한 조선후기 관영 건축공사의 석회에 관한 연구 - 석회의 생산.조달.적용을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kweon-Yeong
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.23-46
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    • 2009
  • The history to have used lime in building construction was much long without distinction of the East or the West. The ancient nations of korean peninsula had used lime as construction material. The witness was discovered in the kings' tombs of fifth century. In the Joseon dynasty(15~19c), what applied several developed lime compounds to the kings' tombs have been recorded in 'Sanleong-Uigwe(山陵儀軌)' & 'Yeonggeon-Uigwe(營建儀軌)' of those days documents. Therefore, this paper is to examine the whole procedures from the product and provision of lime to its application through those days documents. Following conclusions have been reached through the study. Three lime compounds to be developed for the kings' tombs was extendedly applied to residential government buildings step by step within the current of time. These compounds to be used in the kings' tombs of the Joseon dynasty had been correlated to those of the ancient nations, which were nations of korean peninsula in narrow range, chinese and orient nations in broad range. These compounds have possibilities of development as the environmental-friendly building material. And these compounds should provide a standard specification for conservation & restoration of the traditional and cultural properties. I could confirm that the whole procedures had not been developed within limited space-time of the specified nation & period, but within interactions of the nations & periods. In the periods which disturb its interaction, the expansion of productivity in building construction was interfered.

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A Study on the Materials and Technique of Lime Plaster Work in Government Constructions in the Late of Joseon Dynasty(17~19c) - Focused on the Lime Plaster Materials in 'Yeonggeon-Uigwe'(Construction Reports) - (조선후기 관영건축공사의 회(灰)미장재와 공법에 관한 연구 - 영건의궤(營建儀軌)의 유회(油灰), 수회(水灰), 양상도회(樑上塗灰)를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Kweon-Yeong
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.63-79
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    • 2009
  • Since the 1970's, UNESCO and ICOMOS have adopted or emphasized on the principles of historic preservation. One of them is what to require a repair have not to be repaired beyond the limits of the features and techniques to have been born in those days of establishment. On the premise, this paper is to examine the materials and technique of lime plaster work in order for roof ridge, and for bond paste of stones and bricks in government constructions in the late of Joseon dynasty(17~19c). The result of this examination will come up with a basic conformity in the case of repairing the building established in the late of Joseon dynasty. This paper is carried out for the proper repair and restoration of architectural cultural properties. Construction reports and other documents in those days are examined for the study. Following conclusions have been reached through the study. The components of old plaster mixtures which agglutinate stones each other were quicklime, perilla oil, and paper fiber. The components of old plaster mixtures which point joint of black bricks consisted of slaked lime, perilla oil, paper fiber, and cereal starch. These components were the same as coat surface of roof ridges. In the case of times, one of the following sand, white clay, sap of boiled elm bark was added to these components for the purpose of high efficiency. These materials and techniques which applied to plaster work of those buildings had developed in the process of making royal tombs. But these materials and techniques were quite different from the present.

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A Cognitive Aspect of Optional Subjecthood in English (영어의 수의적 주어 현상의 인지적 양상)

  • Sohng, Hong-Ki;Moon, Seung-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.35-56
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    • 2007
  • The English language has developed from a language with optional subjecthood Into a language with obligatory subjecthood due to a general reduction of inflections. Two types of subject omission, pro-drop and conjunction reduction, have been reported in the history of English. Old English with rich inflections had both referential pro-drop and conjunction reduction. Middle English with much lesser inflections still witnessed pro-drop and conjunction reduction, but in such a decreasing way that modern English with a loss of inflections developed from Middle English hardly has either pro-drop or conjunction reduction. This paper explores both the phenomena relating to optional subjecthood in Old, Middle, and Modern English in light of the cognitive processes of the universal, hierarchical constraints that are assumed to be inherent in English speakers' cognitive fatuity. It is found that optional subjecthood in Old, Middle, and Modern English is correctly raptured in terms of the distinct rankings of the proposed constraints, and that it is closely related to whether each of Old, Middle, and Modern English has rich inflections.

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Washington on a New Watershed in Denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula: Rethinking Its Strategies toward North Korea's Nuclear Development (한반도 비핵화의 분수령에 선 미국 : 미 대북핵 정책에 대한 재고(再考))

  • Lim, Jiyoung
    • Strategy21
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    • s.43
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    • pp.273-302
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    • 2018
  • 1980년대 북 핵개발을 처음 발견 이후, 미국은 북한의 비핵화라는 정책목적달성을 위해 다양한 정책을 사용해 왔지만 현재까지 실패하였다. 미국의 대북 정책 실패의 결과는 북핵 문제의 고착화 속에서, 평양의 핵무기 개발 가속화 야기로 한반도 및 미국을 핵위협 속에 놓이게 하였다. 특히, 지난 해, 북미간의 가열된 공격적 수사와 행동에 의한 한반도 위기설은 절정에 달하였다. 해결의 실마리가 보이지 않던 한반도의 갈등 및 위기는, 지난 4월에 열린 남북 정상회담을 통해 25년간의 핵위협의 굴레를 벗어날 기회를 다시 한번 맞이하게 되었다. 남북 정상회담 이후 이어질 북미 정상회담 등 향후 미국의 정책은 한반도 비핵화를 위한 중요한 분수령에 다시 한번 서있다. 하지만, 과거의 25년간의 역사는 다시 맞이한 '한반도의 봄'에 대한 낙관적 희망만을 주지 않는다. 과거, 양자적, 다자적 협상을 이룸에도 불구하고, 북핵 문제는 다시 위기에 접어드는 반복된 패턴과 사이클 속에 악화 되어 왔기 때문이다. 비핵화의 분수령에 있는 미 정부는 다시 한번 과거의 정책을 뒤돌아 보고, 남북 정상회담을 통해 어렵게 맞이한 기회를 결실로 이룰 수 있도록 어느 때 보다 신중한 노력이 필요하다. 최근 몇 달간 북핵 문제는 경이로운 속도로 진전을 보였지만, 한순간의 정책의 실패는 최근 보여진 진전의 속도 이상의 속도로 문제를 악화 시킬 수 있으며, 그 결과는 작년 여름과 겨울의 위기보다 더욱 심각 할 수 있음을 명심해야 한다. 이러한 점에서 이 보고서는 과거의 역사 및 이론적 분석을 통해 과거 미국의 북핵정책 실패 원인을 분석하고 정책을 제언하는데 그 목적이 있다. 과거 미 북핵 실패의 원인은 크게 3가지로 보인다. 먼저, 포괄적인 그리고 북한 정권의 특성에서 비롯된 북핵 개발의 모티브를 정확히 이해하는데 실패하여, 북한의 정책적 계산을 변화 시키는데 실패 하였다. 둘째, 북한 문제를 둘러싼 외부적 복잡성이 미북핵 정책실패를 야기하였다. 한반도 문제는 과거부터 다양한 국가들의 이해관계에 둘러 싸여 왔다. 북핵 문제도 남북 및 미국을 비롯 중국 등 주변국의 복잡성이 불확실성을 가중시켜 문제를 더욱 복잡하게 하였으며, 미국의 대북 협상의 영향력을 약화 시켰다. 셋째, 과거 누적된 두 국가간의 불신은 협상 이후 상대의 신뢰 있는 이행에 대한 불신을 야기하여 미국의 정책의 효과성을 저해하였다. 미국은 북핵 개발 모티브에 대한 포괄적 이해와 한국 및 중국과의 다자외교로 과거의 실패를 극복하고 25년간의 북핵문제의 고리를 끊어야 할 것이다.

A study on the Framed Structure with Triple Beam In the Korean Wooden Architecture (한국 목조건축의 삼중량(三重樑) 가구(架構)에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Jae-Young
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.61-80
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to discover the characteristics and the change of the framed structure with triple beam. 61 existing buildings with the triple beam structure were selected and analyzed extensively. The result of this study could be described in detail like below. The triple beam structure is used in the highly graded and symbolized building like the Buddhist sanctum and the Confucian sanctum. And the triple beam structure was chiefly used in $1600{\sim}1800's$. Generally, 1 Koju-type with Toikan(退間) is applied to the triple beam structure. Despite of the sameness of framed structure, there is a tendency that the rear Toikan(後退間) is used in the Buddhist sanctum and the front Toikan(前退間) is used in the Confucian sanctum. This different application of the Toikan(退間) resulted from the different spatial characteristics which reflect function and grade of the building. The application of Sangjungdori(上中道里, upper purlin) and two Danyeon(短椽, short rafter) is a necessary consequence, because Jungbo(중보, middle beam) is located between Daebo(대보, beam) and Jongbo(종보, small and high located beam) as an additional member of frame. And these are essential characteristics of the framed structure with triple beam. The triple beam structure is formed in a transitional period, as the result from eliminating the inner high-column from the 2 Koju and double beam structure. Though the Daebo is longer, the structure is more stable. But the rate of application of the triple beam structure is low, because it does not exceed the double beam structure in merits. Some of buildings with the triple beam structure has the asymmetrical characteristic in design, which is appeared in the latter period of Joseon Dynasty.

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A Historical Trends of Doctoral Nursing Education in Korea (한국 간호학박사교육의 역사적 흐름)

  • Oh, Kasil;Park, Young Sook;Lee, Ja Hyung;Oh, Kyong-Ok;Ahn, Yang Heui;Lim, Jiyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.93-107
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify historical backdrop leading to the introduction of the doctorate degree of nursing in Korea, and to explore trends of doctoral nursing education program. Methods: The research design was a descriptive study adopting a historical approach. Documentation data were collected through web sites and mail survey. The semi-structured interviews were conducted with 6 professors who were involved in the introduction of the doctorate degree of nursing. The outcomes of doctoral nursing education program were evaluated with a total of 1,153 dissertations' titles published from 1982 to 2007. Results: First introduced in Korea in 1978, doctoral nursing education program had steadily increased totaling 21 doctoral program in 2007. This resulted in a rapid increase in the number of doctoral students, but the number of faculty and the quality were not as satisfactory as expected. Many doctoral program had the missions or goals that fostered nursing scholars, theorists, and researchers, a trend that seems set to continue. The majority of dissertations utilized the experimental design (39.9%), others were qualitative design (21.6%), and survey design (19.0%). Conclusion: Doctoral education that is the hallmark of nursing scholarship is further elaborated in terms of academic tradition of nursing school in Korea.

A Study on the Eaves Structure of Korean Jusimpo-type Architecture (한국 주심포식건축의 처마구조에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Jae-Young
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to classify types of the eaves structure of buildings with the Jusimpo-type structure and to analyze the characteristics of each eaves structure. For this objective, forty buildings were selected and investigated. The results of analysis are summarized as follows. First, the main members of framework which handle a load burden on the long-rafter(長椽) are classified as the Jusim-dori(柱心道里) and the Oemok-dori(外目道里). Based on the method of handling a load, the eaves structure is classified into three types; the Jusim-processing-type(柱心中心形), the Oemok-processing-type(外目中 心形), and the Oemok-processing-variant-type(外目中心變異形). The Jusim-processing-type is the set where the internal length of a long-rafter is longer than the length of the eaves on the basis of the center of a column. The Oemok-processing-type is the set where the external length of a long-rafter is longer than the internal length of it. And the Oemok-processing-variant-type is the set where the internal length of a long-rafter is longer than the external length of it, but it is shorter than the length of the eaves which includes the extruded length of a Buyeon(浮椽). Second, the Jusim-processing-type had been generally adopted in the Jusimpo-type structure of the Goryeo Dynasty. But since the 17th century, the Oemok-processing-type had the highest application rate. Third, the change from the Jusimdori-processing-structure to the Oemokdori-processing-structure means that the long-rafter is moved to the direction of outside of the building, and thus the Jung-dori(中道里) is gradually moved to the column center. And, the change of the eaves with the Jusimpo-type structure was not a process for increasing the length of the eaves but a process for adopting the advantages of the Dapo-type structure by changing the arrangement of purlin. Fourth, the change from the Jusimpo-type structure to the Dapo-type structure could be understood as a process for moving the main point for handling a load from the Jusim-dori to the Oemok-dori.