• Title/Summary/Keyword: 역사도시구조

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Transformation of Urban Spatial Structure by Using Historical Geographic Information - Case Study of Shenyang in China - (역사지리정보를 활용한 도시공간구조 변화에 관한 형태학적 연구 - 근대 심양의 도시성장을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Kyung-Chan;Choi, Bong-Moon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2006
  • The final purpose of this study is to explore morphological change of Shenyang in the period of the rising Chung Dynasty. For that purpose we have tried to build the historical GIS DB of site and analysis of the structure and shape pattern of the city by using the functions of GIS. From the view of spatial structure and cultural context, main characteristics, which is derived from the analysis of ancient map of Shenyang, can be summarized into five things as follows ; transformation of open spatial structure into closed structure, combination of horizontal spatial structure with vertical structure, transformation of practical spatial structure into symbolic structure, transformation of natural spatial structure into institutional form of ancient Chinese capital city, conservation of traditional Manchurian culture.

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An Analysis on the Correlation between Types of Urban Railway Stations and Users' Travel Patterns (도시철도역사 유형과 통행패턴과의 상관관계 분석)

  • Kim, Hwang Bae;Oh, Dong Kyu;Lee, Sang Hwa;Jin, Sang Kyu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.1553-1558
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    • 2014
  • The travel demand, peak hour ratio and forms of platform of urban railway stations are very different each other, also the users' behavior is. So the types of urban railway stations have to be classified according to these characteristics. However, the current methods of classification are arbitrary on the purpose of each studies and the legal standards are very simple; categorized by normal station vs. whistle station, types of trains, forms of platforms and shapes of architecture. This study clarifies the standards for classifying the types of urban railway stations, results the complete enumeration survey on all the urban railway stations in Seoul Metropolitan Area and makes the database based on the surveyed data, purposing on helping for making strategies and researching. On this study, utilizing the database which is established for this study, the correlation between the physical and geographical characteristics and users' travel patterns of urban railway stations is clarified by the statistical analysis. In the future, the statistical results will be helpful for making strategies and researching.

A Composition and Role of Urban Water System in Connection with Historic City Structure - Focusing on Gyeongju, Gaegyeong, Hanyang, and Suwon Hwaseong - (역사도시구조와 연계한 도시수체계의 구성형태와 역할에 관한 연구 - 경주, 개경, 한양, 수원화성을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, In-Ae;Lee, Kyung-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.99-110
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    • 2021
  • This study intends to examine the characteristics of the construction method of the urban water system in the historical cities of Korea, focusing on Gyeongju, Gyeongju, Goryeo, Hanyang, and Suwon Hwaseong, which were created as new towns in the late Joseon Dynasty. It examines the meaning of waterways in connection with the urban skeletal structure, focusing on the location of cities, roads, and arrangement of urban facilities, and analyzes the compositional form of the water system. We tried to derive the relationship with the structure. In particular, it can be seen that water and natural water systems act as key factors in determining the location of a city, and have a close relationship with the urban structure, urban development process, and urban structure. In addition to the symbolic meaning of water in harmony with the geographical concept, realistic demands in terms of water level and water retention are an important background. In order to respond to various demands related to water space, various planning and technical elements for managing water space were introduced in the process of city formation and development. The planning elements of the urban water system in the process of urban formation and development are summarized as follows through the analysis of the research site. First, in the process of building the urban water system in Gyeongju, Goryeo, Goryeo, Hanyang, and Hwaseong, Suwon, which were selected as the research destinations, the water system in consideration of drainage and disaster is common, but the water system construction method and usability are common. shows the difference. Second, water and natural water systems act as symbolic elements to secure the legitimacy of the city location, and as a key factor in determining the location of the city in harmony with the geographical concept and determining the left direction of the city. Third, the natural water system prior to the formation of a city works as a basis for determining the compositional form of the urban water system constructed in the process of urban formation and development in harmony with the topographical conditions. Fourth, the urban water system built on the basis of natural water systems is constructed by linking natural waterways and planned artificial waterways. Fifth, the urban water system is being built in a planned manner in consideration of the utility in connection with the urban structure, such as securing of urban land, arrangement of urban facilities and areas, composition of functional areas, and land division, in addition to the perspective of drainage system and flood control in consideration of disasters.

Importance Factor Analysis on Transfer Facilities by Considering Characteristics of Urban Railway Station (도시철도역사의 유형별 특성을 고려한 환승시설의 중요도 분석)

  • Kim, Hwang Bae;Ahn, Woo-Young;Lee, Sang Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.487-496
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    • 2014
  • Much research has been actively done so far on the inconvenience of each urban railway station; however, Research is on importance factor analysis on transfer facilities by considering characteristics of railway stations is relatively insufficient. In this study, a novel method of finding causality between transfer facilities(movement, information, comfortability, etc,) in terms of demands and platform types is provided by using SEM(Structural Equation Model). The results of SEM analysis show that a large demand transfer station if combined with island and segregate platform types, has a higher importance factor with respect to information facility, movement facility position and comfortability. In addition, a medium demand transfer station if combined with separate and separate platform types has a higher importance factor with respect to information facility, movement facility and comfortability.

Estimating Station Transfer Trips of Seoul Metropolitan Urban Railway Stations -Using Transportation Card Data - (수도권 도시철도 역사환승량 추정방안 -교통카드자료를 활용하여 -)

  • Lee, Mee-Young
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.693-701
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    • 2018
  • Transfer types at the Seoul Metropolitan Urban Railway Stations can be classified into transfer between lines and station transfer. Station transfer is defined as occurring when either 1) the operating line that operates the tag-in card-reader and that operating the first train boarded by the passenger are different; or 2) the line operating the final alighted train and that operating the tag-out card-reader are different. In existing research, transportation card data is used to estimate transfer volume between lines, but excludes station transfer volume which leads to underestimation of volume through transfer passages. This research applies transportation card data to a method for station transfer volume estimation. To achieve this, the passenger path choice model is made appropriate for station transfer estimation using a modified big-node based network construction and data structure method. Case study analysis is performed using about 8 million daily data inputs from the metropolitan urban railway.

The Nature of Historical Time and Place as Cultural Contents and Their Potential as Tourist Resources : Focused on the Case of Seoul (역사적 시간과 장소의 문화콘텐츠적 성격과 관광자원화 -서울을 사례로-)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Goon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.408-420
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    • 2006
  • The present study purposed to examine the possibility of developing historicity inherent in places into tourism resources from the view that the history and location of historical cities have the nature of cultural contents. Previous researches on tourism have been focused on tourist facilities, the development of tourist attractions, economic effects, cultural policies, etc. However, the present study makes a cultural approach to historical cities to explore the meaning of places formed through history and the historicity of places, assuming that the temporal and spatial characteristics of Hanseong-bu can be developed into tourism resources. Major places of Hanseong-bu are classified according to their functions and cultural meanings, and these factors are associated with the geographical structure of the area. By landform and cultural characteristics during the Chosun Dynasty, Hanseong-bu is divided into the central part, the boundary area, and the outskirts. In addition, different elements, which can be developed into tourism resources, are found according to the landscape of Hanseong-bu, the character as a dynastic city, the environs inside the wall, and differences among localities reflecting pre-modem lifestyle.

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An Analysis on Evacuation Scenario at Metro-stations using Pedestrian Movement-based Simulation Model (보행류 기반 도시철도역사 평가 시뮬레이터를 활용한 대피 시나리오 분석)

  • You, So-young;Jung, Rea-hyuck;Chung, Jin-hyuck
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.36-49
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    • 2016
  • A subway system is one of the major transportation modes at a metropolitan area. When it meets the other lines, the metro station, so-called transferring station, is usually threatened by severe pedestrian congestion and safety issue of transit users including the transportation vulnerable. Although transportation planners forecast travel demand at the beginning, it is not easy to predict pedestrian flows precisely for a long term if land use plans have dramatically changed. Due to expensive costs, structural extension of metro stations is limited. Therefore, it requires efficient and technical improvements as meeting the demand of pedestrian and physical characteristics. In this study, the core mechanism of pedestrian movement-based simulation model was introduced and evacuation scenarios were analyzed with the developed model. As a result, the multiple optimal routes for unexpected events at the solid space of the multiple stories are easily searched through the simulator and in the case of Sadang Station, travel time can be reduced by 60% when the evacuation information and intuitive design are provided.

The Effect of Historical and Cultural Content-based Urban Regeneration on Resident Participation and Life Satisfaction : Focusing on Incheon Open Port Cultural District (역사·문화콘텐츠를 활용한 도시재생이 주민참여와 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향 : 인천 개항장 문화지구 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Youngmi
    • Journal of Urban Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2022
  • This study, the meaning of historical and cultural content utilization in urban regeneration was examined and in the process, the causal relationship between each variable was verified through path analysis among physical, cultural, social, and economic factors. The purpose of this study is to find the main variables of historical and cultural content urban regeneration projects in which the moderating effect of economic factors and demographic characteristics, which are mediating effects, have a significant effect on resident participation and life satisfaction of local residents. Furthermore, by presenting a more integrated and effective urban regeneration policy plan, it is intended to ultimately contribute to the vitalization and direction of urban regeneration.

A Study on the Interpretation of Modern Urban Structure and Urban Landscape of Iri(Iksan) in Connection with Railway (철도시설과 연계한 이리 도시구조와 도시경관의 근대성 해석)

  • Lee, Kyung-Chan
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2012
  • Modern railway construction by Japanese had a great influence on the urbanization, transformation of urban structure and landscape during the Japanese imperialism and compressive increasing period in Iri(Iksan). This paper aims to find out the effect of railway on the modern urban structure and urban landscape in Iri(Iksan). Railways in Iri, Honam railway, Kunsan railway, Jeonla railway have been constructed progressively during 1911 and 1915 with Iri and old Iri(east-Iri) station. From the analysis of land registration maps and street plans, old photographies and historical records, some significant features underling railway construction can be followed in view of modern urbanization process in Iri. Firstly railways cut off the possibility of developing urban structure based on traditional spatial structure of Iksan. Secondly railways made dual spatial structure in Iri. Japanese and Korean life zone were divided into separate district around urbanization area and market place. Thirdly traditional space cognition system based on four cardinal directions were changed to front and rear space of railway station. Fourthly railways and stations caused neo-baroque spatial order and imperialistic urban landscape of Iri with axis, vista and gridiron plan. Fifthly break points and fringe belts garbling modern urbanization process are created. Sixthly modern cultural and consumptive urban spaces were taken their seats in relation with daily urban life.

지역건축탐방(7) - 수원

  • Yun, In-Seok
    • Korean Architects
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    • no.8 s.352
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    • pp.57-57
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    • 1998
  • 오늘날의 수원은 도청소재지로서, 서울의 인접도시로서, 수도권의 주요도시로서 다양한 가치를 가지고 존재하고 있다. 이 땅의 어느 곳에나 먼 옛날부터 여러가지 사연들을 가지고 사람들이 살아왔겠지만, 수원은 200년전 어떠한 사연으로 여기에 사람들이 모여 살게 되었고, 도시의 구조는 어떻게 구성되었으며, 오늘까지 어떻게 지내왔는가 하는 것이 다른 도시보다 정확하게 기록되어 있는 드문 도시로서 그 탄생과 성장의 역사를 후손들이 들추어 볼 수 있어, 많은 사람들의 관심을 끌어 왔다. 더구나 1997년에는 유네스코 인류문화유산으로 수원의 화성이 등록되면서 다시 성곽이라는 물리적 요소와 200년이라는 세월 속에 이루어진 공간과 역사는 이 도시의 존재가치와 앞으로 걸어가야 할 길을 진지하게 모색하도록 하였다. 조선조말에 접어들면서 이 땅에서 우리 나름대로 근대의 싹이 돋아 나오던 시절, 새로운 바람이 지식인들과 통치자들 사이에 일어, 수원에 계획도시를 건설하였다. 새로운 사회와 체제를 시도하고 이에 대한 도전을 찬찬히 진행하면서 이 도시의 형상을 갖추어 갔다. 중앙으로부터 시작된 개혁과 변화는 큰 힘을 얻지 못하였고 정조 이후의 수원은 서울과 지방을 잇는 통과도시로서만 역할을 하였다. 근대화하는 과정에서는 농업기술개발의 중심지로서, 산업화 과정에서는 섬유ㆍ전자산업의 본산으로서 도시의 세를 넓혀 나갔다. 최근 들어 우리들의 삶이 문화에 눈을 돌릴 정도로 성숙해져서 이 고장의 정체성에 대해 논하고 많은 사람들이 찾아내려는 노력을 하고 있다. 일상생활과 상관없던 시민들이 생각하고, 새로 맞는 또한 세기에는 화성과 맞먹는 이 시대의 수원다움을 만들어 나가야 하는 것이 이 시대를 사는 사람들의 과제일 것이다. 숱한 과제가 건축사들에게 주어져 있지만 언제나 힘겨운 것이었고 시원한 답을 만들지 못하였다. 그만큼 우리는 눈을 늦게 떴고, 그러는 사이에 도시는 풀어내기 어려운 상태로 변화되어 갔다. '건축사'의 기획 시리즈 수원편을 통하여 지나온 과거를 정리하고 현재의 모습을 살펴보고, 이제부터 우리가 해야 할 일들에 대하여 생각해 보았다.

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