• Title/Summary/Keyword: 업사이클링

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A Structural Relationship among Consumers' Consumption Values, Purchase Attitudes, and Purchase Intentions toward Upcycled Food Products (업사이클링 푸드의 소비가치가 소비자의 구매태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Geum-Yeong Hwang;Ji-Bum Um
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.139-152
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to examine the structural relationship among consumers' consumption values, purchase attitudes, and purchase intentions toward upcycled food products. Survey data were collected from 400 consumers aged 20 and older between June 11 and June 20, 2024. The results revealed that functional value, ethical value, exploratory value, and situational value positively influenced purchase attitude, while social value, ethical value, exploratory value, and purchase attitude significantly influenced purchase intention. Purchase attitude, driven by ethical and exploratory values, was identified as a key factor explaining purchase intention. Based on these findings, the study suggests that developing innovative and original products is essential to attract consumer attention and stimulate the consumption of upcycled food. Additionally, marketing strategies that emphasize ethical responsibility and environmental benefits should be implemented. Furthermore, strengthening ESG management through sustainable business models, such as eco-friendly packaging and transparent information, can enhance positive consumer attitudes and lead to increased product purchases.

Fashion and Sustainable Development in the Educational Aspects (교육적인 측면에서의 패션과 지속가능발전)

  • Do, Wol-Hee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.681-690
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    • 2015
  • Sustainability has been a important issue in fashion industry that reflects the modern phase of the time. More education institutions than ever before are beginning to offer specialized courses, certificates and degrees related to sustainability in fashion, and many fashion institutions are working to embed sustainability issues into the educational contents. In this study, I investigate how sustainability is being integrated into the curriculum of leading fashion institutions, corporate management activity across the world and overview the world leading educational programmes related to sustainable fashion, pulling out the unique expertise and areas of specialization for each institution. In conclusion, the sustainable fashion were still not widely promoted domestical fashion institutions compare with other foreign leading fashion institutions. This happens in fashion business as well. Korean fashion institutions have to make educational program and certificates and degrees related to sustainability because the educational program can transform domestic fashion industry to sustainable fashion leading country level.

3D Printer Technology for Eco-Friendly Upcycling using Waste Plastic (폐 플라스틱의 친환경 업사이클링을 위한 3D프린터 기술개발)

  • Lee, IL-hyung;Chung, Ho-seok;Cho, Seong-jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technology Innovation Society Conference
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.369-386
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    • 2017
  • 현재 3D프린터의 원료는 대부분 필라멘트를 사용하고 있는데 가격이 고가인 점과 제작 시간의 문제점으로 3D프린팅 하는데 많은 제약이 따르고 있다. 또한, 원료를 재생 및 재활용하는 3D프린터는 현재까지는 없다. 특히 대형 출력물은 많은 원료가 투입되어야 하기 때문에 제조단가가 상승하고, 그에 따른 3D프린터의 보급과 서비스 확장에도 한계가 있다. 본 연구에서는 현재 재활용되고 있는 플라스틱 소재를 재활용할 수 있는 3D프린터 시스템의 기술개발과 응용서비스를 분석하였다.

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The 31th Korean Package Design Award (제31회 대한민국패키지디자인대전)

  • (사)한국포장협회
    • The monthly packaging world
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    • s.358
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2023
  • (사)한국패키지디자인협회(회장 강부연)가 '2022 제31회 대한민국패키지디자인대전'의 수상작을 발표했다. 이 공모전은 국내 유일의 포장디자인 공모전으로 대학생부문과 일반부문으로 나뉘어 독창성, 상품의 외관, 기능, 소재, 경제성 등을 심사하여 선정했다. 이번 공모전은 포장디자인 분야 디자이너들의 많은 관심과 호응으로 대학생부문은 10개 대학 177점, 일반부문은 30개 업체 71점이 우수 포장디자인 제품으로 선정되어 포장 디자인의 중요성을 통해 위상을 다시 한 번 드높였다. 출품작들의 주목할 점으로는 친환경 트렌드를 반영한 다수의 제품들이 출품되었다는 것이다. 특히, 코로나19 장기화로 인한 소비패턴과 생활의 변화에 따른 트렌드를 반영한 포장디자인 제품이 대거 출품되어 이목을 끌었다. 올해 '대상'은 서울우유협동조합 골든저지밀크 제품이 선정되었으며, 이외 은상으로 업사이클링에 포커스를 맞춘, (주)신원인팩/페어플레이파머스 농업회사법인 사과 부산물을 활용한 친환경 사과트레이 [업사이클링 : APPLE CLAM(애플클램), 화이트와 메탈릭 컬러 매치를 통한 고급화 이미지를 극대화시킨 디자인 (주)아워홈 AMORIS Charcutrie 등 우수 포장디자인으로 선정되었다. 본지에서는 공모전 일반부문 본상 수상작들을 통해 패키지디자인의 최신 동향을 살펴보도록 한다.

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A study on the up-cycling characteristics of the marquage paintings in contemporary fashion (현대패션에 나타난 마카쥬 기법의 업 사이클링 표현 특성)

  • Han, Yeon-Hee;Kim, Jung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2019
  • This study intends to present the directions for effective up-cycling design using Marquage painting through analysis of trends and the formative characteristics of fashion products. Research was conducted through a literature review (published papers, books and web site contents). Cases were analyzed by examining the contents of web sites of global luxury brands, representative workshops, and social network sites (SNS). The results of the study are categorized as follows, First, Marquage paintings are continuously used by global luxury brands and have developed as an expression of self-ownership and the personalization of one's identity. Second, fashion brands use Marquage painting as a customized service for sales. On the other hand, Marquage paintings are used as a kind of up-cycling to present old goods as brand new ones. Third, the patterns used in Marquage painting were classified into five types: geometric patterns, logo patterns, character patterns, lettering patterns, and art patterns. Moreover, formalization by Marquage patterns is represented by identification, customization, and up-cycling. Finally, to up-cycle the expressive features of Marquage- sustainability, scarcity, storytelling, and originality based on factors of up-cycling need to be reflected.

Development of Hands-on Online Lesson for Adults of Making Drink Bags by Upcycling Old Umbrella Fabrics (성인 대상 폐우산 업사이클링 드링크백 만들기 온라인 실습 수업 개발)

  • Kang, Bo Kyung;Lee, Yhe-Young
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2023
  • The goal of this study was to improve environmental awareness by systematically developing a hands-on online lesson for adults on making drink bags by upcycling discarded umbrella cloth. The lesson was developed using an ADDIE model. During the analysis stage, the instructional design direction was established based on the findings of previous studies. In the design stage, the operation of practical classes in the online environment was specifically planned. The contents of education and the training time were also determined. The materials developed during the development stage included a kit and theoretical information containing images to raise awareness of environmental pollution and the significance of upcycling, as well as videos and photos. During the implementation stage, two sessions were held three months apart. A total of 36 adults participated, with 18 participants in each session. In the evaluation stage, the first session participants provided feedback on class satisfaction, which led to improvements. Positive feedbacks were received from the second session participants, who expressed satisfaction with the smooth communication and easy approaches to the learning materials. In both instances, the surveys on environmental consciousness and attitudes yielded an overall average score of 4.27, indicating a generally positive evaluation.

Instructional Development of Making Upcycle Clothing Accessories for the Middle School Home Economics Classes Applying the Design Thinking Technique (디자인씽킹 기법을 활용한 중학교 가정교과 의류 업사이클링 소품제작 수업개발)

  • Yu, Myoung Suk;Lee, Yhe Young
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.173-187
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this research was to develop instructions for making upcycled clothing accessories related to the 'clothing management and recycling' unit of middle school home economics applying the design thinking technique. Teaching and learning process plans were developed according to the ADDIE model which includes the following process: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The design thinking process includes understanding the related knowledge, sympathizing, problem identification(sharing perspectives) and idea development, making prototypes, testing, and making the actual product. Thirteen home economics teachers served as critics. Student feedbacks were collected to evaluate whether the course objectives were attained after the implementation. As a result, teaching and learning process plans, course materials, and evaluation rubrics for ten class sessions were developed. Student feedbacks confirmed the attainment of following five course objectives: improvement of ethical responsibilities through the exploration of various clothing recycling techniques, practice of creative and eco-friendly clothing culture, acquisition of the skills to use sewing tools safely, improvement of abilities to think, sympathize, and communicate, and exploration of aesthetic activities and fashion careers.

Comparison of physical materials using the 3D Clothing Simulation Z-weave program and its feasibility in the sustainable fashion industry (3D 의류 시뮬레이션 Z-weave 프로그램을 이용한 실물 소재 비교와 지속 가능한 패션 산업에서의 실현성)

  • Heeju Chae;Doeun Kim;Yoonji Shin
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.80-89
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    • 2024
  • This study aims not only to address environmental issues caused by indiscriminate fashion consumption, specifically in the context of Fast Fashion but also to find an alternative and a sustainable solution that is 'Upcycling' using the 3D clothing simulation program Z-weave. Upcycling products have limitations in that it is difficult to produce samples since finished products must be produced directly with limited materials and resources like waste clothes. To overcome these limitations, a 3D clothing simulation program is introduced to effectively utilize the limited resources of waste clothing. The purpose of this study is to confirm the similarity between a virtual fabric created through Z-weave and a real fabric, through this, to evaluate the possibility of application in the actual fashion industry. As a research method, surveys and interviews were conducted with related majors on virtual clothing created as similar as possible to actual clothing by adjusting the physical properties within the Z-weave program. This study attempted to describe the impact of digital technology on the fashion industry and how 3D clothing simulation programs can be used in sustainable fashion production.

TTA와 함께한 ICT표준자문서비스 - 브로드웨이브, IoT 국제 표준으로 스마트폰 업사이클링

  • TTA 표준화본부 표준확산부
    • TTA Journal
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    • s.167
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    • pp.124-127
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    • 2016
  • Smart Connectivity를 위한 IoT, 네트워킹, 보안 솔루션을 제공하는 (주)브로드웨이브는 자사만의 경쟁력을 통해 벤처기업 인증, 이노비즈기업 인증, 기업부설연구소 설립 등 내실있는 기업으로 발돋움하고 있다. 특히, 개방과 공유로써 성공적인 IoT 비즈니스를 만들기 위해 국제 표준 기반의 개방형 IoT 서비스 개발에 주력하고 있다. 이의 일환으로, 사용하지 않는 중고 스마트폰을 활용하여 IoT 표준화를 통해 다른 스마트폰이나 PC, 노트북 간의 게이트웨이로서 기능케 하는 기술을 개발 중이다. 이를 위해서는 많은 전문가로부터 다양한 관점을 전달받는 것이 중요했고, 고민 끝에 TIA의 중소 중견기업을 위한 표준 자문서비스의 도움을 청하게 되었다.

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Development of up-cycling cultural products using Hangul calligraphy (한글 캘리그래피를 활용한 업 사이클링 문화상품 개발)

  • Han, Yeon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.153-163
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    • 2019
  • This study is designed to present a direction for the development of an up-cycling design applied with Hangeul calligraphy on outdated clothing materials, and recreating them as eco-friendly high value-added cultural products. The results of this study are as follows. First, Hangeul calligraphy enhances creativity and scarcity by expressing an unformatted analog sensibility in the digital era and further emphasizes the differentiated high value-added aspect of the products. Second, the characteristics of the up-cycling design products represent eco-friendliness, handcrafting, non-fabrication, originality, scarcity, storytelling, and customization. Third, the author made 11 up-cycling cultural products using Hangeul calligraphy, applying it to discarded jeans and pieces of cloth. Fourth, the phases of making cultural products are divided into planning and production. In the planning phase, items and materials are decided upon, design sketches are made, and in the production phase the items go through partial dismantlement, separation, reconstruction, collaboration, and the application of calligraphy printing. Along with the beautiful and lyrical sensibility of Hangul, it was shown that up-cycling using Hangeul calligraphy, which has excellent originality and practicality of design, can be expanded to a variety of cultural products.