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척수에서의 통각전달체계 연구

  • 오우택;최윤정
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 1992.05a
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    • pp.29-29
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    • 1992
  • 척수에서의 통각전달은 말초에서 전달되는 통각정보가 척수내의 척수세포에 전달되면서 시작된다. 척수에 전달된 유해자극 정보는 척수내의 이차감각세포를 통하여 시상으로 전달되고 이로 인해 통증을 느끼게 된다. 이러한 척수내의 세포는 연수등의 여러 부위에 존재하는 신경 세포에 의하여 억제를 받으며 이와 같은 하향성 억제는 뇌에 존재하는 내재진 통계를 설명하는 중요한 인자가 되고 있다. 본 실험은 하부연수에 위치하는 신경핵인 Lateral reticular nucleus가 이러한 하향성 억제를 가졌는가를 알아 보고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 고양이를 마취시키고 척수궁을 절제하여 척수를 노출시키고 미세전극을 꽂아 척수세포의 활성을 기록하였다. 여덟마리의 고양이에서 31개의 척수세포를 기록하였다. 이 세포들 중 WDR세포가 14 (45%), HT가 9 (29%), LT 및 Deep세포가 각각 4 (13%)가 되었다. 이 척수세포에 북외측하부 연수인 lateral reticualr nucleus 주위를 건기자극하면 21개 (68%)의 세포가활성의 억제를 받았고 9개의 (29%) 세포는 아무런 변화가 없었고 1개의 (3%) 세포는 흥분되었다. 전기의 자극은 강도 100$\mu$A이며 자극길이는 100$\mu$S 그리고 100Hz의 주파수를 가진 펄스파였다. 이와같은 북외측하부연수의 전기자국은 신경세포의 자발활성뿐 아니라 수용장 자극에 의한 반응도 억제하였다.

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In silico Analysis of Downstream Target Genes of Transcription Factors (생명정보학을 이용한 전사인자의 하위표적유전자 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Sang-Joon;Chun, Sang-Young;Lee, Kyung-Ah
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2006
  • Objective: In the previous study, we complied the differentially expressed genes during early folliculogenesis. Objective of the present study was to identify downstream target genes of transcription factors (TFs) using bioinformatics for selecting the target TFs among the gene lists for further functional analysis. Materials & Methods: By using bioinformatics tools, constituent domains were identified from database searches using Gene Ontology, MGI, and Entrez Gene. Downstream target proteins/genes of each TF were identified from database searches using TF database ($TRANSFAC^{(R)}$ 6.0) and eukaryotic promoter database (EPD). Results: DNA binding and trans-activation domains of all TFs listed previously were identified, and the list of downstream target proteins/genes was obtained from searches of TF database and promoter database. Based on the known function of identified downstream genes and the domains, 3 (HNF4, PPARg, and TBX2) out of 26 TFs were selected for further functional analysis. The genes of wee1-like protein kinase and p21WAF1 (cdk inhibitor) were identified as potential downstream target genes of HNF4 and TBX2, respectively. PPARg, through protein-protein interaction with other protein partners, acts as a transcription regulator of genes of EGFR, p21WAF1, cycD1, p53, and VEGF. Among the selected 3 TFs, further study is in progress for HNF4 and TBX2, since wee1-like protein kinase and cdk inhibitor may involved in regulating maturation promoting factor (MPF) activity during early folliculogenesis. Conclusions: Approach used in the present study, in silico analysis of downstream target genes, was useful for analyzing list of TFs obtained from high-throughput cDNA microarray study. To verify its binding and functions of the selected TFs in early folliculogenesis, EMSA and further relevant characterizations are under investigation.

Czochralski crystal growth by the accelerated crystal rotation technique (결정봉 회전 가속화 기법에 의한 초크랄스키 결정 성장)

  • 김승태;최정일;성형진
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.18-28
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    • 1998
  • A laboratory experiment was made of a control of temperature oscillation in Czochralski convection. Numerical computation was also made to delineate the control of temperature oscillation. The suppression of temperature oscillation was achieved by varying the rotation rate of crystal rod ($\Omega=\Omega_0(1+A sin 2{\pi}ft/t_p)$), where A denotes the amplitude of rotation rate and f the frequency factor. Based on the inherent dimesionless time period of temperature oscillation ($t_p$), the suppression rate of temperature oscillation was characterized by the mixed convection parameter ($0.217{\leq}Ra/PrRe^2{\leq}1.658$). The optimal values of A and f were also scrutinized. To understand the suppression mechanism of temperature oscillation, the controls of isotherm($\theta$) and equi-vorticity($\omega$) were investigated.

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생쥐 배아의 전사와 발생에서 DNA/RNA 메틸화의 역할

  • 김종월
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Developmental Biology Conference
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    • 1998.07a
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    • pp.32-33
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    • 1998
  • 생물체에서 유전외적 변형의 하나인 DNA 메틸화는 cis-acting factor의 조성변화를 통하여 세포특이 유전자의 발현과 virus latency, genomic imprinting, mutagenesis등과 같은 생물학적 효과를 나타내는 것으로 알려져 있다.(reviewed by Olle Heby, 1995). 5-azaCR, 5-azaCdR 그리고 6-azaCR의 처리결과는 배아자체의 DNA 메틸화의 유지가 정상발생에 필수적임을 알 수 있으며, 메틸화에 의한 배아발생 조절기작이 존재함을 암시하고 있다. 이러한 과정에서 5-azaCR과 5-azaCdR은 서로다른 경로를 통하여 배아발생에 관여함을 보여주었다. 즉, 5-azaCdR은 주로 DNA에 incorporation되어 작용하는 것으로 여겨지며, 5-azaCR은 DNA 보다는 RNA에 incorporation되어 작용하는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고, 비록 소수의 유전자만이 조사되었지만, 5-azaCdR의 incorporation에 의한 cis-acting factor의 변화는 전사인자인 c-myc proto-oncogene과 fluid 수송에 관여하는 $Na^{+}$, $K^{+}$-ATPase 유전자의 전사를 억제하지 않았다. 반면, 5-azaCR의 RNA로의 incorporation은 전사인자인 c-myc proto-oncogene의 전사를 억제하였으며, 연이어 fluid 수송에 관련되어있는 $Na^{+}$, $K^{+}$-ATPase 유전자의 전사를 억제하였다. 이것은 아마도 RNA로 incorporation된 5-azaCR은 RNA의 post-transcriptional processing에 영향을 주어 trans-acting factor의 조성을 변화, 전사적 repression을 유발한 것으로 사료된다. 생쥐 착상전 초기배아에서 DNA 메틸화는 short-term하게는 cis-acting factor로써 전사적 수준에서 유전자발현 조절하며, 그리고 유전자발현을 통하여 long-term하게는 배아발생에 관여 할 것이라고 사료된다.

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A study on the corrosion characteristics of carbon steel pipes by phosphate corrosion inhibitor (인산염계 부식억제제에 의한 탄소강관의 부식특성 연구)

  • Woo, Dal-Sik;Hwang, Byung-Gi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.493-499
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to estimate the water quality parameters on corrosion such as pH, turbidity, Fe released concentration, corrosion rate by using batch reactor for corrosion control of phosphate corrosion inhibitor in carbon steel pipes. The pH, conductivity, alkalinity, and Ca hardness showed a slight change for dosing the phosphate corrosion inhibitor with carbon steel pipe in batch reactor. The turbidity was about ten times lower with 5 mg $P_2O_5/L$ of the corrosion inhibitor than that without. The Fe released concentration and corrosion rate was decreased by about 12.2, 24 times with 5 mg $P_2O_5/L$ of the corrosion inhibitor than that without. In conclusion, the optimum concentration of the phosphate corrosion inhibitor was found to be 5 mg $P_2O_5/L$. The effect of the corrosion inhibitor was significant for the carbon steel plate samples tested in this study. The corrosion inhibitor can be an effective cure for corrosion and red water problem preventing the service pipe from further corrosion.

Orostachys japonicus Hexane Fraction Attenuates Pro-inflammatory Cytokines in LPS-activated Macrophage Cells by Suppression of AP-1 and IRF3 Transcription Factors (LPS로 유도된 대식세포에 대한 와송 핵산추출물의 AP-1과 IRF3 전사인자의 억제에 의한 전염증성 사이토카인의 감소 효과)

  • Lee, Hyeong-Seon
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.310-315
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    • 2020
  • Orostachys japonicus (O. japonicus) is known as a medicinal plant for the treatment of various symptoms. This study investigated the anti-inflammatory effect of the hexane fraction from O. japonicus (OJH) on the LPS-stimulated response in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells. This study was conducted to confirm the effect of cell cytotoxicity and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in OJH-treated macrophage cells. Additionally, pro-inflammatory cytokines and transcription factors were determined using RT-PCR and western blotting assay. OJH showed no change in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels and exhibited reduced ROS levels in LPS-induced inflammatory cells. Moreover, OJH significantly suppressed the mRNA levels of proinflammatory cytokines, including IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, TNF-α, and IP-10. Furthermore, OJH effectively inhibited the protein levels of AP-1 (p-c-Jun and p-c-Fos) and p-IRF3 in a dose-dependent manner. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that OJH exhibits strong anti-inflammatory activities via regulation of inflammatory factors.

Characterization of a cysteine proteinase from adult worms of Paragonimus westermani (폐흡충(Parnonimr westemani)성충에서 정제한 cysteine proteinase의 특성)

  • 송철용;김동수
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 1994
  • Pnragonimus westermnni, the lung fluke, is known to migrate to the pulmonary tissue of mammalian hosts and causes pathological changes in the lungs. An acidic thiol-dependent proteinase with a molecular weight of approximately 20,000 daltons was purified to homogeneity using ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. On SDS-PAGE, the molecular weight of the enzyme was 17,500 daltons. Isoelectric point was 6.45. The enzyme was similar to the acidic cysteine proteinase of vertebrates in the properties of pH optimum, substrate specificity and inhibitor sensitivity. Enzymatic activity was stable at pH 5.5 for at least two days when stored at 4℃. The cysteine proteinase was capable of degrading collagen and hemoglobin. Sera of patients with paragonimiasis and mice infected with R westermani reacted in immunoblots with the partially purified proteinase. This result suggested that the cysteine proteinase of P. westermnni may play a role in migration in tissues, and in acquisition of nutrients by parasites from the host. It is also potentially an antigen for the serodiagnosis of paragonimiasis.

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