• 제목/요약/키워드: 약효

검색결과 570건 처리시간 0.032초

Effects of Soil Organic Matter Content on Activity Change, Vertical Migration, and Persistence of Two Nematicides, Carbofuran and Ethoprophos, to Root-Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne incognita (토양중 유기물함량 차이에 따른 고구마뿌리혹선충(Meloidigyne incognita)에 대한 Carbofuran과 Ethoprophos의 효력변동, 수직이동성 및 잔효성조사)

  • Song, Cheol;Hwang, In-Taek;Jang, Kyoung-Soo;Cho, Kwang-Yun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 1999
  • Effects of organic matter content in soil on activity. vertical migration. and persistence of two nernaticides. carbofuran and ethoprophos. to root-knot nematode, Mrloitlog!~iei ~lcognita.w ere investigated. As the organic matter content increased. activity of the nernaticides tended to be reduced. Both nematicides exhibited control values of more than 80'k' to M. iix.o,yilit~iln 0-2 cm depth soil layer from the surface. regi~rdless of organic matter content in soil. In 2-4 cm depth soil layer. however. the control value of the neniaticides varied with the organic niatter content in soil. The control value of carbofuran in the soil layer was ranged from I0 to 30'2,. depending on the soil organic niatter content. In contrast. ethoprophos had no control value against M. i/ic.o,ytlitcr in the \oil layer, except that the nematicide had a control value of 30% when the organic matter content was 0.4%. Furthermore. ethoprophos had no effect on controlling M. i/ic.o,gtiitrr in soil layer of below 4cm. whereas control values of carbofuran were approximately from 5 to 20% in all test soils having different organic matter contents. These results indicate that carbofuran has more vertical migration effect than ethoprophos. Persistence of the two neniaticides was also decreased with increasing soil organic matter content. Half life of carbofuran was 2-3 weeks in soil containing 0.4% organic matter, whereas it was found to be I week in soils containning 0.8 ant1 1.6% of organic matter. On the other hand. activity of ethoprophos was reduced to half in 3-3 weeks and in 2-3 weeks in soil containing 0.4 and 0.8%, and 1.6%) of organic matter, respectively. However, no activity of the both nernaticides was found in soil containing 3.2% of organic matter.

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Controlled Release of Oxyfluorfen from the Variously Complexed Formulations III. Phytotoxicity and Efficacy of Selected Formulations as Affected by Application Rates (수종(數種)의 結合齊l型(結合齊l型)으로부터 Oxyfluorfen의 방출제어연구(放出制御硏究) III. 사용량(使用量)에 따른 선발제형(選拔劑型) Oxyfluorfen의 약해(藥害)·약효평가(藥效評價))

  • Guh, J.O.;Lim, W.H.;Chon, S.U.;Kwon, S.L.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 1991
  • Seven formulations of oxyfluorfen selected from the previous studies(4. 5) were tesed to evaluate crop injury and herbicidal efficacy on two rice cultivars and several annual and perennial weeds in a greenhouse. Each formulation at two different rates was applied to rice transplanted with 8-, 22- and 32-day old seedlings and to direct-seeded rice. Among the formulations, Elvan, Bentonite B. Chitosan and Coal Slag gave lower injury than a control formulation, Sand-coated oxyluorfen, and they did not have a problem with excessive release if active ingredient at once. Especially, the formulations of Elvan, Chitosan and Bentonite B controlled annual weeds (Echinochloa crus-galli, Monochoria vaginalis, Cyperus difformis., and Scirpus juncoides) and perennial weeds (Sagittaria pygmaea, and Cyperus serotinus). The surface structure of the formulations indicate the different possibilities of releasing of oxyfluorfen by different cracking and hole sizes, namely retention capacity.

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Physicochemical Characteristics and Efficacy of Controlled-release Insecticide Formulation (방출조절형(放出調節型) 살충성(殺蟲性) 농약제제(農藥製劑)의 특성(特性)과 약효(藥效)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Jin-Hwa;Oh, Byung-Youl;Oh, Kyeong-Seok;Kim, Sung-Kee;Kim, Mee-Hea;Kim, Young-Koo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.289-295
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    • 1995
  • This study was carried out to develop a controlled-release insecticide formulation for the control of rose aphid (Macrosiphum ibarae) in rose and cotton aphid (Myzus persicae) in chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum var. Meibung) in greenhouse. Imidacloprid[1-(6-chloro-3-pyridylmethyl)-N-nitroimidazolidin-2-ylideneamine] was chosen as a toxicant. Two synthetic polymers, low density polyethylene(LDPE) and ethylene vinyl acetate(EVA), were used as polymer matrices. The tested plastic sheet formulations were prepared by heat-aided extrusion procedures after mixing imidacloprid technical and the polymers of three different combinations, and physicochemical properties as well as efficacy of the formulations were investigated. The amounts of imidacloprid recovered and incorporated in the formulations were recorded over 90% and 80%, respectively. Release of the active ingredient from the formulations was remarkably affected by mixing rates of polymers. The active ingredient in the formulations was chemically unstable with over 10% degradation rates after 90 day storage at $50{\pm}2^{\circ}C$. The residual amounts of imidacloprid in the soil treated with the formulations were paralleled with the release pattern of the formulations. Efficacy of the formulations on rose and cotton aphid was maintained over 90% even 120days after treatment under greenhouse.

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Enhancement of Physical Properties and Efficacy of Pesticide Spray Solution by Addition of Adjuvants (Adjuvant에 의한 농약살포액의 물리성 개선 및 약효증진 효과)

  • Jin, Yong-Duk;Lee, Hee-Dong;You, Oh-Jong;Kim, Jin-Bae;Kwon, Oh-Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.421-428
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to elucidate the effects of adjuvants on physicochemical properties and pest control efficacy of pesticide spray solution. Spray droplet sizes of pesticide solution decreased by addition of adjuvants even though its effect varied according to the pesticides. The adhesive effect of pesticides sprayed on target crops by addition of adjuvants varied according to the properties, the application methods, and the spray volume of pesticides. Wash-off of the deposited amount of active ingredients of the solution of tricyclazole WP and fenobucarb EC by simulated rainfall after spraying on rice plants dramatically reduced by adding adjuvants. The retained amount of active ingredients of the pesticides were $1.5{\sim}4.1$ times higher than those without adjuvants when subjected to simulated rainfall 6 hours after spraying. Addition of adjuvants to the propanil EC spray solution enhanced the control efficacy in barnyard grass, Echinocloa crus-galli Beauv. by $8{\sim}30%$, which showed a potential to reduce pesticide use.

Optimal Duration of Determining the Insecticidal Effect of Carbofuran on Nilaparvata lugens Using Different Application Methods (카보퓨란 처리 방법 별 벼멸구에 대한 살충 효과 판별 최적 시기)

  • Lee, Siwoo;Jung, Jin Kyo;Seo, Bo Yoon;Park, Chang-Gyu
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • 제56권4호
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    • pp.351-356
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    • 2017
  • For determining the insecticidal effect of Carbofuran on the Brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, sucking toxicity by drenching application, sucking and contact toxicity by leaf dipping application, and contact toxicity by topical application were examined. Drenching caused two types of mortality patterns. One was logarithmic curve at a relatively high concentration (8~30 ppm) with over 40% mortality in 24 h, and the other was an S-shaped curve at low concentrations (1~4 ppm) with over 60% mortality on the fifth day after Carbofuran treatment. Leaf dipping application caused a rapid increase in mortality in a day, and this effect decreased steadily with time. Topical application showed steep increase in mortality in a day, and hardly increased thereafter. The best mortality evaluation time for the drenching application was the second day (42 h), and that for the leaf dipping and topical applications was the first or second day after Carbofuran application. When the insecticide has systemic effects, drench application provides the best efficacy and its insecticidal effects persist for a longer time than any other application method.

Studies on Active Principles of Leonurus sibiricus (익모초의 약효 성분에 관한 연구(I))

  • Shin, Soon-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.104-107
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    • 1984
  • The essential oil fraction of Leonurus sibiricus was analyzed by TLC and gas chromatography. By utilizing silica gel column, a ketone compound, m.w. 167, was isolated from the essential oil. The essential oil showed considerably the diuretic action, but the water extract exhibited weak action. This diuretic action of the water extract was potentiated by combined administration of essential oil. On the isolated rabbit's uterus the essential oil decreased spontanous movement and showed relaxation.

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농약의 안전사용기준

  • 한국농약공업협회
    • The Bimonthly Magazine for Agrochemicals and Plant Protection
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    • 제2권8호
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 1981
  • 농약을 보다 안전하게 사용하여 농약으로 인한 부작용을 미연에 막는일은 앞으로 농약사용에 있어 중요한 일이며 사용과정에서 잔류량이 허용치를 넘지 않도록 지키는 것 또한 중요하다. 농약의 잔류량은 농약의 종류와 제제형태, 사용시기, 살포농도, 살포회수, 종류와 품종, 재배방법 또는 살포한 후 수확이나 식용할때까지의 기간등에 따라 달라지며 사용방법등에 따라 크게 좌우된다. 농약의 약효를 의심하기전에, 농약을 범인시하여 불신하기전에 이 기준을 제대로 지켜 합리적으로 사용하는 지혜가 필요하다.

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'예방은 치료보다 낫다'

  • 한국농약공업협회
    • The Bimonthly Magazine for Agrochemicals and Plant Protection
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    • 제10권4호통권91호
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 1989
  • 농약은 농업용으로 사용되기 이전에 안전성과 약효등 일련의 시험을 거친, 생물학적으로 활성이 있는 화학물질이다. 만약 잘못 사용하게 되면 인체에는 물론 가축이나 환경에도 위해(危害)를 끼칠 수가 있다. 따라서 사용자는 위해를 방지하기 위해서 반드시 포장지의 표기내용을 완전히 이해한후 사용법을 꼭 지켜 사용해야 한다. 농약을 안전하고 효과적으로 사용하기 위해서는 제조회사가 추천한대로 취급하고 사용해야 한다. 여기에 소개되는 내용은 GIFAP(세계농약공업연맹)이 발간한 ''농약중독시 응급조치 요령과 응급 조치후 치료법에 대한 지침''을 번역한 것이다.

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Pharmaco-Constituents of Crataegus pinnatifida var. psilosa Leaves(I) - The Constituents from Ether Fraction - (좁은산사나무엽의 약효성분 (I))

  • 오인세;김일혁
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    • 제37권5호
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    • pp.476-482
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    • 1993
  • For the investigation of medicinal resources in Crataegus species, the present study was carried out to evaluate the pharmaco-constituents in the leaves of Crataegus Pinnatifida var. psilosa (Rosaceae). Fruits has folk medicine in Korea. From the $Et_{2}$O fraction of MeOH extract, a new compound, apigenin-8-C-(6"-acetyl)-$\beta$-D-glucopyranoside, named psilosin and three known compounds, ursolic acid, phytosterol complex and (-)-epicatechin were isolated and identified on the basis of their physico-chemical properties and spectroscopic evidences (UN, IR, NMR and mass etc.) in comparison with authentics, respectively.

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