• Title/Summary/Keyword: 애드혹 네트워크

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Analysis on Scalability of Proactive Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Ad Hoc 네트워크에서 테이블 기반 라우팅 프로토콜의 확장성 분석)

  • Yun, Seok-Yeol;Oh, Hoon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.14C no.2
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2007
  • Network topology in ad hoc networks keeps changing because of node mobility and no limitation in number of nodes. Therefore, the scalability of routing protocol is of great importance, However, table driven protocols such as DSDV have been known to be suitable for relatively small number of nodes and low node mobility, Various protocols like FSR, OLSR, and PCDV have been proposed to resolve scalability problem but vet remain to be proven for their comparative superiority for scalability, In this paper, we compare and amine them by employing various network deployment scenarios as follows: network dimension increase's while keeping node density constant node density increases while keeping network dimension fixed, and the number of sessions increase with the network dimension and the number of nodes fixed. the DSDV protocol showed a low scalability despite that it imposes a low overhead because its convergence speed against topology change is slow, The FSR's performance decreased according to the increase of overhead corresponding to increasing number of nodes, The OLSR with the shortest convergence time among them shows a good scalability, but turned out to be less scalable than the PCDV that uses a clustering because of its relatively high overhead.

Traffic Load & Lifetime Deviation based Power-aware Routing Protocol for MANET (MANET에서 트래픽 부하와 노드 수명 편차에 기반한 power-aware 라우팅 프로토콜)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Ha, Rhan
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.395-406
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    • 2006
  • In ad hoc networks, the limited battery capacity of nodes affects a lifetime of network Recently, a large variety of power-aware routing protocols have been proposed to improve an energy efficiency of ad hoc networks. Existing power-aware routing protocols basically consider the residual battery capacity and transmission power of nodes in route discovery process. This paper proposes a new power-aware routing protocol, TDPR(Traffic load & lifetime Deviation based Power-aware Routing protocol), that does not only consider residual battery capacity and transmission power, but also the traffic load of nodes and deviation among the lifetimes of nodes. It helps to extend the entire lifetime of network and to achieve load balancing. Simulations using ns-2[14] show the performance of the proposed routing protocol in terms of the load balancing of the entire network, the consumed energy capacity of nodes, and an path's reliability TDPR has maximum 72% dead nodes less than AODV[4], and maximum 58% dead nodes less than PSR[9]. And TDPR consumes residual energy capacity maximum 29% less than AODV, maximum 15% less than PSR. Error messages are sent maximum 38% less than PSR, and maximum 41% less than AODV.

A Study on Hierarchical Overlay Multicast Architecture in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Mobile Ad Hoc 네트워크를 위한 계층적 오버레이 멀티캐스트 구조 연구)

  • Kim, Kap-Dong;Park, Jun-Hee;Lee, Kwang-Il;Kim, Hag-Young;Kim, Sang-Ha
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.13C no.5 s.108
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    • pp.627-634
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    • 2006
  • Overlay network eliminates the need to change the application-layer tree when the underlying network changes and enables the overlay network to survive in environments where nonmember nodes do not support multicast functionality. An overlay protocol monitors group dynamics, while underlying unicast protocols track network dynamics, resulting in more stable protocol operation and low control overhead even in a highly dynamic environment. But, if overlay multicast protocols does not know the location information of node, this makes it very difficult to build an efficient multicasting tree. So, we propose a Hierarchical Overlay Multicast Architecture (HOMA) with the location information. Because proposed architecture makes static region-based dynamic group by multicast members, it is 2-tired overlay multicasts of application layer that higher layer forms overlay multicast network between members that represent group, and support multicast between multicast members belonging to region at lower layer. This use GPS, take advantage of geographical region, and realizes a region-sensitive higher layer overlay multicast tree which is impervious to the movements of nodes. The simulation results show that our approach solves the efficiency problem effectively.

A Key Management Scheme for Ad hoc Sensor Networks (애드 혹 센서 네트워크를 위한 키 관리 방안)

  • Kim Seung-Hae;Chung Byung-Ho;Wang Gi-Cheol;Cho Gi-Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.43 no.7 s.349
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    • pp.32-40
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    • 2006
  • It is very important to establish a pairwise key securely in wireless sensor networks. Because sensor networks consist of devices with weak physical security, they are likely to be compromised by an attacker. However, some approaches using key pre-distribution and other approaches using one hop local keys are known to be very vulnerable to threats caused by compromised nodes, even a small number. This paper proposes a scheme where each node establishes three hop local keys and employs them for a later pairwise key establishment. When any two nodes agree a pairwise key, all nodes on the route between two nodes contribute to the agreement of the pairwise key. Here, the initial three hop local keys are employed for encrypting a secret key delivered from a node to other nodes. Therefore, the proposed scheme bothers attackers to compromise much more nodes than the scheme using one hop local keys only. The simulation results have proven that the proposed scheme provides better performance and higher security than the scheme using one hop local keys in terms of message exchange, the number of encryption and decryption, and pairwise key exposure rate.

Iterative Approximation of Carrier Sensing Radius in CSMA-based Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (CSMA 기반 무선 애드 혹 네트워크에서 반송파 감지 반경의 반복적 근사 기법)

  • Seol, Jae-Young;Kim, Seong-Lyun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.36 no.12A
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    • pp.1006-1014
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    • 2011
  • Recently, as CSMA technique has been increasingly adopted in various wireless networks, extensive researches to analyze the statistical characteristics of CSMA-based wireless networks have been done. Despite the ongoing efforts, there still remain many difficulties in the analysis because of unexpectable operational behavior of CSMA. Previous literature studying CSMA networks used the concept of the carrier sensing radius to reflect the carrier sensing function. However, since the carrier sensing radius based on the protocol model is not affected by the aggregate interference from other nodes, the derived statistical models cannot avoid approximation errors especially if the network is under high interference. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to derive the carrier sensing radius considering the physical model, where the carrier sensing radius reflecting the aggregate interference is found. For the purpose of this, we analyze the aggregate interference model and the behavior of CSMA function. Based on the analysis, we propose an iterative approximation algorithm for the physical carrier sensing radius. Extensive simulations and results show that the proposed algorithm can contribute to considerably reduce the statistical modeling error of a CSMA network under various channel conditions.

Vehicle-to-Vehicle Broadcast Protocols Based on Wireless Multi-hop Communication (무선 멀티 홉 통신 기반의 차량간 브로드캐스트 프로토콜)

  • Han, Yong-Hyun;Lee, Hyuk-Joon;Choi, Yong-Hoon;Chung, Young-Uk
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2009
  • Inter-vehicular communication that propagates information without infrastructures has drawn a lot of interest. However, it is difficult to apply conventional ad-hoc routing protocols directly in inter-vehicular communication due to frequent changes in the network topology caused by high mobility of the vehicles. MMFP(Multi-hop MAC Forwarding) is a unicast forwarding protocol that transport packets based on the reachability information instead of path selection or position information. However, delivering public safety messages informing road conditions such as collision, obstacles and fog through inter-vehicular communication requires broadcast rather than unicast since these messages contain information valuable to most drivers within a close proximity. Flooding is one of the simplest methods for multi-hop broadcast, but it suffers from reduced packet delivery-ratio and high transmission delay due to an excessive number of duplicated packets. This paper presents two multi-hop broadcast protocols for inter-vehicular communication that extend the MMFP. UMHB(Unreliable Multi-Hop Broadcast) mitigates the duplicated packets of MMFP by limiting the number of nodes to rebroadcast packets. UMHB, however, still suffers from low delivery ratio. RMHB(Reliable Multi-Hop Broadcast) uses acknowledgement and retransmission in order to improve the reliability of UMHB at the cost of increase in transmission delay, which we show through simulation is within an acceptable range for collision avoidance application.

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Design and Analysis of Ubiquitous Social Network Management Service Model: u-Recruiting Service Model (유비쿼터스 사회연결망관리 서비스 모델 설계 및 분석: u-구인 구직 서비스 모델을 중심으로)

  • Oh, Jae-Suhp;Lee, Kyoung-Jun;Kim, Jae-Kyeong
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.33-59
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    • 2011
  • Although online social network services widely used in human networking and recruiting industries, it is showing off its limitations in followings-it's hard to reach the status of seamless connection between offline and online; the incompletion and low credibility of the information came from non-face-to-face profile exchange; and the restraint of user autonomy due to centralized control. This paper defines the ubiquitous social network management which enables the seamless real-time face-to-face social interactions of the users based on WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network) who share the same interest in real word and deduces a ubiquitous social network management framework based on it. As an instance of ubiquitous social network management, u-Recruiting service model will be designed and analyzed. The Analysis using the business model will be followed by the possible scenario of service model. The role, value proposition and potential benefits of the each participants in this service model and will be given as well. In order to evaluate relative advantages of the model suggested by this study, 6 cases will be compared.

A Secure and Privacy-Aware Route Tracing and Revocation Mechanism in VANET-based Clouds (VANET 기반 클라우드 환경에서 안전과 프라이버시를 고려한 경로추적 및 철회 기법)

  • Hussain, Rasheed;Oh, Heekuck
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.795-807
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    • 2014
  • Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) has gone through a rich amount of research and currently is making its way towards the deployment. However, surprisingly it evolved to rather more applications and services-rich breed referred to as VANET-based clouds due to the advancements in the automobile and communication technologies. Security and privacy have always been the challenges for the think tanks to deploy this technology on mass scale. It is even worse that some security issues are orthogonally related to each other such as privacy, revocation and route tracing. In this paper, we aim at a specific VANET-based clouds framework proposed by Hussain et al. namely VANET using Clouds (VuC) where VANET and cloud infrastructure cooperate with each other in order to provide VANET users (more precisely subscribers) with services. We specifically target the aforementioned conflicted privacy, route tracing, and revocation problem in VANET-based clouds environment. We propose a multiple pseudonymous approach for privacy reasons and leverage the beacons stored in the cloud infrastructure for both route tracing and revocation. In the proposed scheme, revocation authorities after colluding, can trace the path taken by the target node for a specified timespan and can also revoke the identity if needed. Our proposed scheme is secure, conditional privacy preserved, and is computationally less expensive than the previously proposed schemes.

Cluster-based Geocasting Protocol in Ad-hoc Networks (애드 혹 네트워크에서 클러스터 기반 지오캐스팅 프로토콜)

  • Lee Jung-Hwan;Yoo Sang-Jo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.5A
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    • pp.407-416
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    • 2005
  • This paper suggests a new geocasting protocol which is used to transfer the geographic packets to the specific region in MANET. Geocasting protocol is basically different from the conventional multicasting protocol that needs group addition and maintenance. A geocasting protocol using the mobile node's position information is the new area of multicasting protocols. The existing geocasting protocols have the following problems; it may be impossible to transfer data to some mobile hosts even if there are alternate routes and they have low adaptability and efficiency when the number of mobile hosts increases. The proposed CBG (Cluster-Based Geocasting) uses the proactive routing strategy and clustering technique with mobile host's location information. The CBG achieves high successful data transmission ratio and low data delivery cost to mobile hosts at specific region.

A Carrier Preference-based Routing Scheme(CPR) for Multi-Layered Maritime Data Communications Networks (다층 해상데이터통신망을 위한 캐리어선호도기반 경로배정방식)

  • Son, Joo-Young
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.1098-1104
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    • 2011
  • Data communications networks at sea can be modelled by multi-layered networks with traditional carriers (RF, satellites), and BWA (wireless LAN, WiBro, LTE), which partially makes it possible the high speed communication services (WWW, VoIP) at sea. In this paper, a novel routing scheme (CPR) is proposed which selects an optimal carrier for each hop in routes based on carrier preferences (CP). The carrier preferences are measured proactively depending on the feasibility of transmission characteristics (transmission rate, cost, and latency time) of the carriers for each application. Performance was compared with that of the OMH-MW (Optimal Medium per Hop based on Max-Win) routing scheme.