• Title/Summary/Keyword: 압력변위

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Scaling Technique of Earthquake Record and its Application to Pile Load Test for Model Driven into Pressure Chamber (지진 기록의 확대(Scaling) 기법과 압력토오 말뚝모형실험에의 적용)

  • 최용규
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 1996
  • Based on Trifuilac's empirical model to transform earthquake acceleration time history in the time domain into Fourier amplitude spectrum in the frequency domail an earthquake scaling technique for simulating the earthquake record of certain magnitude as the required magnitude earthquake was suggested. Also, using the earthquake record of magni dude(M) 5.8, the simulated earthquake of magnitude(M) 8.0 was established and its application to dynamic testing system was proposed. The earthquake scaling technique could be considered by several terms : earthquake magnitude(M), earthquake intensity(MMI), epicentral distance, recording site conditions, component direction and confidence level required by the analysis. Albo, it had an application to the various earthquake records. The simulated earthquake in this study was established by two orthogonal horizontal components of earthquake acceleration-time history. The simulated earthquake shaking could be applied to the dynamic pile load test for the model tension pile and the model compressive open -ended piles driven into the pressure chamber. In the static pile load test, behavior of two piles was very different and after model tension pile experienced 2 or 3 successive slips of the pile relative to the soil, it was failed completely. During the simulated earthquake shaking, dynamic behavior and pile capacity degradation of two piles were very different.

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Start and Stop Characteristics of Single-Rod Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator (전동기 일체형 편로드 유압액추에이터의 기동 및 정지특성해석)

  • Jung, Gyu-Hong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.1483-1490
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    • 2011
  • Electro-hydrostatic actuators(EHAs), which are usually composed of a direct motor-driven hydraulic pump and a cylinder, have been widely adopted as aircraft actuation systems because of their benefits in terms of improved efficiency, weight savings and the fact that they use a standalone power source. Since the recent trend in construction vehicles has been focus on energy savings in their hydraulic systems, EHAs are expected to be potential substitutes for conventional power transmission, since they are capable of energy recovery as well as highly efficient pump control. In this paper, the start and stop characteristics of EHAs were investigated through cracking pressure analysis of the pilot-operated check valve(PCV), which enables the cylinder to standstill against an external load with no holding effort from the hydraulic pump. A mathematical model that includes the load dynamics and the EHA's internal hydraulic circuit was derived for simulation with the MATLAB Simulink package. This model verified the PCV's opening and closing sequence, which in turn affects the EHA's start and stop characteristics.

Pressure Drop and Vibration Characteristics of the Capsule with the Modification of Bottom Structures (캡슐 하단부 구조변경에 따른 압력강하 및 진동특성)

  • Choi, M.H.;Choo, K.N.;Cho, M.S.;Kim, B.G.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.15 no.12 s.105
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    • pp.1370-1377
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    • 2005
  • The bottom structure of an instrumented capsule is a part which is joined at the receptacle of the flow tube in the reactor in-core. A geometrical change of the bottom structure has an effect on the pressure drop and the vibration of the capsule. The out-pile test to evaluate the structural integrity of the material capsule called 04M-17U was performed by using a single channel and a half core test loop. From the pressure drop test, the optimized diameter of the cone shape's bottom structure which satisfies HANARO's flow requirement (19.6 kg/s) is 71 mm. The maximum displacement of the capsule measured at the half core test loop is lower than 1.0 mm. From the analysis results, it is found that the test hole will not be interfered with near the flow tubes because its displacement due to the cooling water is very small at 0.072 mm. The fundamental frequency of the capsule under water is 9.64 Hz. It is expected that the resonance between the capsule and the fluid flow due to the cooling water in HANARO's in-core will not occur. Also, the new bottom structure of a solid cone shape with 71 mm in diameter will be applicable to the material and special capsules in the future.

Elastic-plastic Fracture Mechanics Analyses for Burst Pressure Prediction of Through-wall Cracked Tubes (관통균열 세관의 파열압력 예측을 위한 탄소성 파괴역학 해석)

  • Chang Yoon-Suk;Moon Seong-In;Kim Young-Jin;Hwang Seong-Sik;Kim Joung-Soo;Kim Yun-Jae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.29 no.10 s.241
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    • pp.1361-1368
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    • 2005
  • The structural and leakage integrity of steam generator tubes should be sustained all postulated loads with appropriate margin even if a crack is present. During the past three decades, for effective integrity evaluation, several limit load solutions have been used world-widely. However, to predict accurately load carrying capacities of specific components under different conditions, the solutions have to be modified by using lots of experimental data. The purpose of this paper is to propose a new burst pressure estimation scheme based on fracture mechanics analyses for steam generator tube with an axial or circumferential through-wall crack. A series of three dimensional elastic-plastic finite element analyses were carried out and, then, closed-form estimation equations with respect to both J-integral and crack opening displacement were derived through reference stress method. The developed engineering equations were utilized for structural integrity evaluation and the resulting data were compared to the corresponding ones fiom experiments as well as limit load solutions. Thereafter, since the effectiveness was proven by promising results, it is believed that the proposed estimation scheme can be used as an efficient tool for integrity evaluation of cracked steam generator tubes.

Pressure Drop and Vibration Characteristics of the Capsule with the Modification of Bottom Structures (캡슐 하단부 구조변경에 따른 압력강하 및 진동특성)

  • Choi, M.H.;Choo, K.N.;Cho, M.S.;Lee, K.H.;Kim, B.G.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.782-787
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    • 2005
  • The bottom structure of an instrumented capsule is a part which is joined at the receptacle of the flow tube in the reactor in-core. A geometrical change or the bottom structure has an effect on the pressure drop and the vibration of the capsule. The out-pile test to evaluate the structural Integrity of the material capsule called 04M-l7U was performed by using a single channel and a half core test loop. From the pressure drop test, the optimized diameter of the cone shape's bottom structure which satisfies HANARO's flow requirement (19 6 kg/s) is 71 mm. The maximum displacement of the capsule measured at the half core test loop is lower than 1.0 mm. From the analysis results, it is found that the test hole will not be interfered with near the flow tubes because its displacement due to the cooling water is very small at 0.072 mm. The fundamental frequency of the capsule under water is 9.64 Hz. It is expected that the resonance between the capsule and the fluid flow due to the cooling water in HANARO's In-core will not occur. Also, the new bottom structure of a solid cone shape with 71 mm in diameter will be applicable to the material and special capsules in the future.

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Ground Ejection Tests to verify the Safe Separation of an Aircraft Mounted Store (항공기 장착 무장의 투하 안정성 검증을 위한 지상무장분리시험)

  • Lee, Jong-Hong;Choi, Seok-Min;Lee, Min-Hyoung;Lee, Chul;Jung, Jae-Won
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2018
  • The mounted store on an aircraft shall be subjected to an ground separation test to verify that a safe separation has been made before it is actually installed to the aircraft. In this study, ground ejection test was conducted with dummy missile to verify the stability of the drop on the land. Bomb rack unit essential to testing ground ejection test, operate at high pressure and produce a significant ejection force to push the missile away from any large orifice. Bomb rack unit modified their bombe pressure and orifice diameter to photograph the drop movement of dummy missile with high-speed camera and to analyze their drop displacement and speed. It is considered useful to provide the initial data for the ejection force analysis on aircraft with actual flight and to carry out the ground separation tests of aircraft with future developments.

Estimation of Shear Moduli Degradation Characteristics from Pressuremeter Tests (프레셔미터 시험을 이용한 전단탄성계수 감쇠 특성 평가)

  • Kwon, Hyung Min;Chung, Choong Ki
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.3C
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2009
  • Pressuremeter test estimates deformational properties of soil from the relationship between applied pressure and the displacement of cavity wall, and the results reflect the in-situ stress condition and the structure of soil particles. This study suggests the overall process of test and analysis for the evaluation of nonlinear degradation characteristics of shear moduli, based on the reloading curve of pressuremeter test. The method estimates the maximum shear modulus, taking into account the difference between the stress states around the probe in reloading and that of the in-situ state, and then combines the degradation characteristics of shear moduli taken from reloading curve. This procedure derives the shear moduli in overall strain range. Pressuremeter tests were carried out in various ground conditions using large calibration chamber, together with various reference tests. Shear moduli taken from pressuremeter tests were compared with bender element test and resonant column test results.

Vibration Analysis of Rotary Specimen Rack (RSR) in a Still Fluid and Stress Analysis of Clamp Part of RSR (정지 유체 내에 있는 회전시료조사대의 진동해석 및 지지부의 응력해석)

  • 김성균;이동규;이근우;정운수;박진호
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, in-air and in-water vibration characteristics of Rotary Specimen Rack (RSR) are estimated through 3D finite element modeling by using ANSYS software. Added mass is calculated by using Blevins' equation. To confirm the reasonability of the results presented in this study, obtained results are compared to those of using a theoretical equation. It is confirmed that in-water natural frequencies of the RSR are lower than in-air ones due to the added mass effect of the fluid. Also, to design clamp which needs to fix RSR, Von-Mises stress and displacement of RSR to clamp pressure are calculated.

Effect on the Compliance of Spindle -Bearing System by the Assembling Tolerance (축-베어링계의 컴플라이언스 특성에 미치는 조립공차의 영향)

  • 이강재;서장력;이선규
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.995-999
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    • 1995
  • In spindle-bearing system, the displacement characteristics of the bearing by the load applied on the spindle are affected greatly by the assembling tolerance between the spindle and housing assembled to support the bearing. Also in spindle system of rotational operation, the compliance characteristic of the bearing is expected to be varied frequently by the thermal deformation of the spindle and the housing. To predict the thermal deformation of the spindle including heat generation of the bearing, we need to examine the effect on the compliance of spindle-bearing system by the assembling tolerance. In this paper, we proposed the load-displacement relation expression considering the effect which the variation of contact pressure due to the radial directional assembling tolerance between the bearing and the housing influences on the axial and radial directional displacement characteristics of the bearing. Furthermore, for several assembling systems of bearings and housings having all different assembling tolerances, we proposed a method to predict exactly the variation of the bearing preload which is sensitive to the thermal deformation by showing the propriety with experimental results.

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Electrical Properties by Applied Electric Field of Polyimide Ultra Thin Films (Polyimide초박막의 전계인가에 따른 전기특성)

  • Choi, Y.I.;Chon, D.K.;Koo, H.B.;Kim, C.;Kyun, Y.S.;Lee, K.S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.73-76
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    • 1998
  • We give pressure stimulation into organic thin films and detect the induced displacement current. then manufacture a device under the accumulation condition that the state surface pressure is 15[mN/m]. In processing of a device manufacture. We can see the process is good from the change of a surface pressure for organic thin films and transfer ratio of area per molecule. The structure of manufactured device is Au/organic thin films(polyimide)/Au, the number of accumulated layers are 31,35, and 41. I-V characteristic of the device is measured from 0[V] to +5[V]. The maximum value of measured current is increased as the number of accumulated layers are decreased. The resistance for the number of accumulated layers, the energy density for an input voltage show desired results, and the insulation of a thin film is better as the interval between electrodes is larger.

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