• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안정성 비

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Evaluation on Removal Efficiency of Methylene Blue Using Nano-ZnO/Laponite/PVA Photocatalyzed Adsorption Ball (Nano-ZnO/Laponite/PVA 광촉매 흡착볼의 메틸렌블루 제거효율 평가)

  • Oh, Ju Hyun;Ahn, Hosang;Jang, Dae Gyu;Ahn, Chang Hyuk;Lee, Saeromi;Joo, Jin Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.636-642
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    • 2013
  • In order to overcome drawbacks (i.e., filtration and recovery) of conventional powder type photocatalysts, nano-ZnO/Laponite/PVA (ZLP) photocatalyzed adsorption balls were developed by using in situ mixing of nanoscale ZnO as a photocatalyst, and Laponite as both adsorbent and supporting media in deionized water, followed by the poly vinyl alcohol polymerization with boric acid. The optimum mixing ratio of nano-ZnO:Laponite:PVA:deionized water was found to be 3:1:1:16 (by weight), and the mesh and film produced by PVA polymerization with boric acid might inhibit both swelling of Laponite and detachment of nanoscale ZnO from ZLP balls. Drying ZLP balls with microwave (600 watt) was found to produce ZLP balls with stable structure in water, and various sizes (55~500 ${\mu}m$) of pore were found to be distributed based on SEM and TEM results. In the initial period of reaction (i. e., 40 min), adsorption through ionic interaction between methylene blue and Laponite was the main removal mechanism. After the saturation of methylene blue to available adsorption sites for Laponite, the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue occurred. The effective removal of methylene blue was attributed to adsorption and photocatalytic degradation. Based on the results from this study, synthesized ZLP photocatalyzed adsorption balls were expected to remove recalcitrant organic compounds effectively through both adsorption and photocatalytic degradation, and the risks of environmental receptors caused by detachment of nanoscale photocatalysts can be reduced.

Preparation of Polymer Gel Electrolyte for EDLCs using P(VdF-co-HFP)/PVP (P(VdF-co-HFP)/PVP를 이용한 EDLC용 고분자 겔 전해질의 제조)

  • Jung, Hyun-Chul;Jang, In-Young;Kang, An-Soo
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.243-249
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    • 2006
  • Porous polymer gel electrolytes (PGEs) based on poly(vinylidenefluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (P(VdF-co-HFP)) as a polymer matrix and polyvinylpyrolidone (PVP) as a pore-forming agent were prepared and electrochemical properties were investigated for an electric double layer capacitor (EDLC) in order to increase a permeability of an electrolyte into the PGE. Propylene carbonate (PC) and ethylene carbonate (EC) as plasticizers, and tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate ($TEABF_4$) as a supporting salt for the PGE were used. EDLC unit cells were assembled with the PGE and electrode comprising BP-20 and MSP-20 as activated carbon powders, Super P as a conducting agent, and P(VdF-co-HFP)/PVP as a mixed binder. Ion conductivity of PGEs increased with an increased PVP content and was the best at 7 wt% PVP, whereas electrochemical characteristics such as AC-ESR of unit cell were better in 3 wt%. And electrochemical characteristics of the unit cell with PGE were the best at a 33 : 33 weight ratio of PC to EC. Specific capacitance of a mixed plasticizer system of PE and EC was higher than that of pure PC. Ion conductivity of PGEs with a film thickness of $20{\mu}m$ was higher, but electrochemical characteristics of unit cells were higher for a $50{\mu}m$ membrane thickness. Also, the unit cell has shown the highest capacitance of 31.41 F/g and more stable electrochemical performance when PGE and electrode were hot pressed. Consequently, the optimum composition ratio of PGE for EDLCs was 23 : 66 : 11 wt% such as P(VdF-co-HFP) : PVP = 20 : 3 wt% and PC : EC = 44 : 22 wt%. In this case, $3.17{\times}10^{-3}S/cm$ of ion conductivity was achieved at the $50{\mu}m$ thickness of PGE for EDLCs. And the electrochemical characteristics of unit cells were $2.69{\Omega}$ of DC-ESR, 28 F/g of specific capacitance, and 100% of coulombic efficiency.

Studies on In situ and In vitro Degadabilities, Microbial Growth and Gas Production of Rice, Barley and Corn (쌀, 보리, 옥수수의 반추위내 In situ 및 In vitro 분해율, 미생물 성장과 Gas 발생량에 대한 연구)

  • 이상민;강태원;이신자;옥지운;문여황;이성실
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.699-708
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    • 2006
  • Ground rice, barley and corn were fed separately to the ruminally cannulated Hanwoo (Korean native cattle) for comparing their in situ and in vitro degradabilities, microbial growth, pH and gas production. It has been found that nearly all the dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) in barley and rice disappeared during 24 hr suspension in the rumen, but those in corn were only reduced by around 67%. Water soluble DM and OM fractions(‘a’), ranked from highest to lowest was corn, then rice and finally barley, but the order was reversed for content ‘b’, degradable fraction during time ‘t’. Judging by the degradation parameter of ‘b’ fraction, degradation rates per hour of DM and OM for barley were 38.3% and 37.2% respectively, significantly higher than those for rice (7.7% and 5.6%) and corn (4.1% and 1.3%). In general, results obtained from in vitro degradability of DM and OM were lower than those from in situ trials, but the ranking order of degradability was in agreement between both trials. In particular, ground rice has relatively lower in vitro microbial growth than corn or barley, but exhibited higher gas production. In addition, in vitro microbial growth of ground rice increased with up to 12 hr of incubation period, thereafter experienced a decrease with extended incubation time. pH of in vitro solution of rice decreased following 9 hr of incubation but gas production increased rapidly during the same period. From the results of DM and OM degradabilities and pH changes of in vitro solution with incubation time, it is concluded that rice represents a good source of energy for stability of rumen fermentation.

Meridic Diets for Rearing of Spodoptera frugiperda Larvae (열대거세미나방 유충 사육을 위한 반합성 인공사료)

  • Jung, Jin Kyo;Kim, Eun Young;Kim, I Hyeon;Ahn, Jeong Joon;Lee, Gwan-Seok;Seo, Bo Yoon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2020
  • Two meridic diets, N4 and N6, containing pinto bean, wheat germ, soybean, whole milk and sucrose as main nutrients were developed for rearing Spodoptera frugiperda (Noctuidae) larvae. Six larval instars were observed when neonate larvae were individually raised on these diets in small petri-dishes (ø 50 × 10 mm, 19.6 ㎤) at 25℃ and 15:9 h (light:dark) photoperiod. The average pupation rate of 97.8% on the N4 diet was significantly higher than the rate of 85.6% on N6 diet. The emergence rates were 92.0% on N4 diet and 93.5% on N6 diet, with a non-significant difference. The larval periods were 17.9 and 17.7 days for females, and 18.7 and 18.5 days for males, for N4 and N6 diets, respectively, with non-significant differences between diets and sexes. The pupal periods on both diets were identical (11.1 days for females and 12.8 days for males), despite differences between sexes. The pupal weights of both sexes on N4 diet were identical with a value of 257 mg, whereas those on N6 diet were 256 and 263 mg for females and males, respectively, with a non-significant difference. The longevity of female adults that emerged on N6 diet was 13.8 days and longer than 8.6 days on N4 diet. The pre-oviposition periods were 5.0 and 4.2 days on the N4 and N6 diets, respectively, with a non-significant difference, however, the oviposition period of 6.5 days on N6 diet was longer than the period of 3.9 days on N4 diet. The effective fecundity on N6 diet was 1,392 eggs (maximum 1,776) and was higher than that of 942 eggs (maximum 1,694) on N4 diet, with a non-significant difference. The egg hatching rates on N4 and N6 diets were 79.2 and 79.8%, and egg periods were 3.0 and 2.9 days, respectively, with non-significant differences.

High Resolution Gravity Mapping and Its Interpretation from both Shipborne and Satellite Gravity Data in the Ulleung Basin (울릉분지에서의 선상중력과 위성중력 통합에 의한 중력 해상도 향상 및 해석)

  • Park, Chan Hong;Kim, Jeong U;Heo, Sik;Won, Jung Seon;Seok, Bong Chul;Yu, Hae Su
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 1999
  • The errors between track segments or at the cross-over points of shipborne gravity were successfully reduced by applying a cross-over error adjustment technique using satellite gravity. The integration of shipborne and satellite altimeter-implied free-air gravity anomalies after the cross-over error adjustment resulted in a high resolution gravity map which contains both short and long wavelength components. The successful adjustment of the cross-over errors in the shipborne gravity using the satellite gravity suggests that the shipborne gravity can be combined with the satellite anomalies characterized by a stable and long wavelength component. The resulting free-air anomaly map is evenly harmonized with both short and long wavelength anomalies. Thus the corrected anomaly map can be better used for the geological interpretation. Free-air anomalies with more than 140 mGal in total variations generally correspond to the seafloor topographic changes in their regional patterns. A series of gravity highs are aligned from the Korea Plateau to the Oki Island, which are interpreted to be caused by seamounts or volcanic topographies. The gravity minima along the western and southern shelf edge are associated not only with the local basement morphology and thick sediment fill at the continental margin, but also possibly with the crustal edge effect known for passive continental margins. Series of NE-trending linear anomalies are possibly caused by a swarm of volcanic intrusions followed the initial opening of the Ulleung Basin. The linear high anomalies in the Ulleung Plateau are terminated by the straightly NNW-trending anomalies with a sharp gradient in its western boundary which indicates a fault-line scarp. The opposite side adjoined with the fault-line scarp shows no correlation with the fault-line scarp in geometry indicating that the block might be horizontally slided from the north. A gravity high in contrast to the deepening in seafloor toward the northeastern central Ulleung Basin is probably responsible for the thin crust and shallow seated mantle. The gravity minima along the western and southern shelf edge are associated not only with the local basement morphology and thick sediment fill at the continental margin, but also possibly with the crustal edge effect known for passive continental margins. Series of NE-trending linear anomalies are possibly caused by a swarm of volcanic intrusions followed the initial opening of the Ulleung Basin. The linear high anomalies in the Ulleung Plateau are terminated by the straightly NNW-trending anomalies with a sharp gradient in its western boundary which indicates a fault-line scarp. The opposite side adjoined with the fault-line scarp shows no correlation with the fault-line scarp in geometry indicating that the block might be horizontally slided from the north. A gravity high in contrast to the deepening in seafloor toward the northeastern central Ulleung Basin is probably suggestive of a thin crust and shallow seated mantle.

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A Study on Applicability of Stabilizing Pile to Foundation Soil of Slope with Various Strength Parameters (사면하부지반의 강도정수에 따른 억지말뚝 적용성 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Hyun;Jang, In-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.331-337
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    • 2016
  • Several foundation soil conditions below a homogeneous sand slope were assumed and slope stability analyses were conducted to determine the soil condition, in which a stabilizing pile can be used to increase the factor of safety against sliding. The assumed heights of the sand slope were 5m and 10m. For a 5m slope height, a stabilizing pile can be used in the foundation soil with a $15^{\circ}$ internal friction angle and a cohesion of 10kPa. For a 10m slope height, a stabilizing pile can be used in the foundation soil with a $20^{\circ}$ internal friction angle and a cohesion of 10kPa and a stabilizing pile can be used in the foundation soil with a $0^{\circ}$ internal friction angle and 40kPa, 45kPa and 50kPa of cohesion. According to the analysis results of stabilizing pile-reinforced foundation soil, the length of the stabilizing pile and magnitude of the maximum bending moment were strongly affected by the internal friction angle of the foundation soil. The lengths of stabilizing pile, for an internal friction angle of $0^{\circ}$ were 4.6, 8.0 times greater than those with an internal friction angle of $5^{\circ}$. The magnitude of the maximum bending moment of the stabilizing pile for an internal friction angle of $0^{\circ}$ was 24.6 times greater than that for an internal friction angle of $5^{\circ}$. Practically, a stabilizing pile cannot be used for foundation soil with an internal friction angle of $0^{\circ}$. Considering the results derived from this study, the effects of a stabilizing pile can be maximized for soft foundation soil that is embanked with a slow construction speed.

Distribution Characteristics, Population Structure and Dynamics of the Endangered Plant, Viola websteri Hemsl. (멸종위기야생식물인 왕제비꽃(Viola websteri Hemsl.)의 분포특성과 개체군 구조 및 동태)

  • Chae, Hyun-Hee;Kim, Young-Chul;Kwak, Myoung-Hai;Nam, Gi-Heum
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.48-67
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    • 2021
  • Plant species exhibit current characteristics as a result of interactions with environmental conditions. The plants of Viola sp. have selected chasmogamous flowers with vigorous vegetative propagation or development of cleistogamous flowers as an adaptation strategy. Viola websteri is distributed on the Korean peninsula and the eastern part of Jilin Province, China. The center and edge of the distribution are expected to exhibit different population-dynamics. It is necessary to investigate the cause of its current limited distribution even though V. websteri has a mixed-mating strategy. Firstly, We examined the vegetation environment of habitats and evaluated its characteristics. Growth characteristics were examined through plant phenology. We then evaluated the population structure, characteristics of chasmogamous flowers, and productivity of cleistogamous flowers. Moreover, we compared population sizes between 2014 and 2018. Most habitats were located in deciduous broadleaf mixed forests adjacent to valleys. V. websteri produced chasmogamous flowers with self-incompatibility in April-May and cleistogamous flowers in June-September. The cleistogamous flower production is a strategy ensuring seed production under uncertain environmental fluctuations; these were approximately twice as numerous as chasmogamous flowers. The population structure was distinguished into stable and very unstable regions. There were sites where the population experienced a sharp decline in the 2018 compared to that of 2014. This large decline was found in the edge populations. The habitats had different microsites depending on the natural disturbances of drought and the matrix constituting the habitat, thus supporting various plants. Ensuring the production of seeds through cleistogamous flowers, it was determined that rapid seedling re-establishment and population replenishment were possible when the natural disturbance factor was removed. Environmental factors did not equally affect all populations or individuals. Therefore, it was expected that it would be able to persisted in a long time, despite the rapid decrease in the number of individuals in the population regionally. Local extinction and re-establishment are likely to repeat according to environmental change. We propose the additional population investigation based on this works are required. We also suggest a need to assess the long-term population dynamics and the genetic characteristics of chasmogamous flowers and cleistogamous flowers to establish and implement effective conservation strategies.

Fish Fauna and Community Structure in the Deogyusan National Park, Korea (덕유산국립공원의 어류상과 군집구조)

  • Yun, Seung Woon;Park, Jong Young
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.126-141
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    • 2021
  • Fauna of freshwater fish and community structure were investigated at 13 sites in the Deogyusan National Park, Korea from 2014 to 2018. During the period, a total of 8 families, 21 species, and 8,716 individuals of fishes were collected. The number of fish collected over the past five years from 2014 to 2018, were 17 species and 2,280 individuals, 17 species and 1,579 individuals, 17 species 1,905 individuals, 17 species and 1,384 individuals, and 15 species and 1,568 individuals, respectively. There were 13 Korean endemic species including Iksookimia koreensis and Coreoleuciscus splendidus, etc. Only in Wondangcheon Stream, two endangered species were identified, and Hemibarbus mylodon was collected continuously except in 2015, and Pseudopungtungia nigra was observed every year. And two exotic species such as Oncorhynchus masou masou and Oncorhynchus mykiss occurred in Gucheongdongcheon Stream sites. The dominant species was Rhynchocypris oxycephalus and the sub-dominant species was Zacco koreanus and there was no difference by year. The fish community structure of Deogyusan National Park was varied depending on the sites and the year. Most of the survey sites located upper stream where the river structure is Aa river type showed poor community analysis results. On the other hand, the upper-mid stream sites including the Bb type showed better results. As a result, the Wondangcheon Stream sites had the most diverse and stable community structure. Similarity dendrogram was divided into 4 groups, mainly reflecting the characteristics of the habitat. The flagship species of the Deogyusan National Park, Rhynchocypris kumgangensis, was constantly observed during the investigation period. Compared to the previous survey, the number of species increased from 2004 (12 species) and decreased from 2009 (22 species).

Assessment of Bone Metastasis using Nuclear Medicine Imaging in Breast Cancer : Comparison between PET/CT and Bone Scan (유방암 환자에서 골전이에 대한 핵의학적 평가)

  • Cho, Dae-Hyoun;Ahn, Byeong-Cheol;Kang, Sung-Min;Seo, Ji-Hyoung;Bae, Jin-Ho;Lee, Sang-Woo;Jeong, Jin-Hyang;Yoo, Jeong-Soo;Park, Ho-Young;Lee, Jae-Tae
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.30-41
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Bone metastasis in breast cancer patients are usually assessed by conventional Tc-99m methylene diphosphonate whole-body bone scan, which has a high sensitivity but a poor specificity. However, positron emission tomography with $^{18}F-2-deoxyglucose$ (FDG-PET) can offer superior spatial resolution and improved specificity. FDG-PET/CT can offer more information to assess bone metastasis than PET alone, by giving a anatomical information of non-enhanced CT image. We attempted to evaluate the usefulness of FDG-PET/CT for detecting bone metastasis in breast cancer and to compare FDG-PET/CT results with bone scan findings. Materials and Methods: The study group comprised 157 women patients (range: $28{\sim}78$ years old, $mean{\pm}SD=49.5{\pm}8.5$) with biopsy-proven breast cancer who underwent bone scan and FDG-PET/CT within 1 week interval. The final diagnosis of bone metastasis was established by histopathological findings, radiological correlation, or clinical follow-up. Bone scan was acquired over 4 hours after administration of 740 MBq Tc-99m MDP. Bone scan image was interpreted as normal, low, intermediate or high probability for osseous metastasis. FDG PET/CT was performed after 6 hours fasting. 370 MBq F-18 FDG was administered intravenously 1 hour before imaging. PET data was obtained by 3D mode and CT data, used as transmission correction database, was acquired during shallow respiration. PET images were evaluated by visual interpretation, and quantification of FDG accumulation in bone lesion was performed by maximal SUV(SUVmax) and relative SUV(SUVrel). Results: Six patients(4.4%) showed metastatic bone lesions. Four(66.6%) of 6 patients with osseous metastasis was detected by bone scan and all 6 patients(100%) were detected by PET/CT. A total of 135 bone lesions found on either FDG-PET or bone scan were consist of 108 osseous metastatic lesion and 27 benign bone lesions. Osseous metastatic lesion had higher SUVmax and SUVrel compared to benign bone lesion($4.79{\pm}3.32$ vs $1.45{\pm}0.44$, p=0.000, $3.08{\pm}2.85$ vs $0.30{\pm}0.43$, p=0.000). Among 108 osseous metastatic lesions, 76 lesions showed as abnormal uptake on bone scan, and 76 lesions also showed as increased FDG uptake on PET/CT scan. There was good agreement between FDG uptake and abnormal bone scan finding (Kendall tau-b : 0.689, p=0.000). Lesion showed increased bone tracer uptake had higher SUVmax and SUVrel compared to lesion showed no abnormal bone scan finding ($6.03{\pm}3.12$ vs $1.09{\pm}1.49$, p=0.000, $4.76{\pm}3.31$ vs $1.29{\pm}0.92$, p=0.000). The order of frequency of osseous metastatic site was vertebra, pelvis, rib, skull, sternum, scapula, femur, clavicle, and humerus. Metastatic lesion on skull had highest SUVmax and metastatic lesion on rib had highest SUVrel. Osteosclerotic metastatic lesion had lowest SUVmax and SUVrel. Conclusion: These results suggest that FDG-PET/CT is more sensitive to detect breast cancer patients with osseous metastasis. CT scan must be reviewed cautiously skeleton with bone window, because osteosclerotic metastatic lesion did not showed abnormal FDG accumulation frequently.

Effect of Extraction Process on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Seed Oil of Camellia sinensis (추출 공정에 따른 Camellia sinensis 오일의 물리화학적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Youn-Soon;Kim, Ran;Na, Myung-Soon;Choi, DuBok
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.148-153
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of extraction methods on the physicochemical characteristics using seed oil of wild green tea (Camellia sinensis). When the solvent extraction method after grinding and steam treatment (SGS) was used for oil extraction, the yield was highest. The specific gravity was a range of $0.91{\sim}0.94g/cm^{3}$ irrespective of extraction methods of oil. However, the light in the solvent extraction method after grinding (SG), the red in the pressure extraction method after grinding and roasting treatment (PGR), and the yellow in SG method were highest. Among various fatty acids, the concentrations of C16 : 0, C18 : 1 and C18 : 2 were highest, irrespective of extraction methods. Especially, the C16 : 0 concentration was in the order of SG (34.78%), SGS (23.04%), and PRGS method (23.01%), the C18 : 1 concentration was in the order of PGR (43.35%), SGS (42.7%), SG method (39.0%), and in the case of C18 : 2, it was in order of PGR (23.15%), SGS (23.03%), and SG method (15.01%). The saturated fatty acid concentration was in the order of SG (40.59%), PGR (31.61%), and SGS method (30.1%). On the other hand, in the case of the unsaturated fatty acid, it was in the order of SGS (69.9%), PGR (68.39%), and SG method (59.41%). The acid values in the SGS and SG method after 10 days of storage were in the range of 6~8 mgKOH/g. However, in the case of PGR method, it was increased with the increase of storage time and was 49.3 mgKOH/g after 60 days. The peroxide values in the SGS and SG method were in the range of 60~100 mEq/g from 10 to 60 days of storage. On the other hand, when the storage time was increased from 10 to 30 days, it was sharply increased from 60 to 240 mEq/g. The rancidity was in the order of $Fe^{2+}$, $Cu^{2+}$, $Cr^{2+}$, $Zn^{2+}$ and $Ni^{2+}$, irrespective of extraction methods. Especially, when butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) was added into oil containing 1.0 ppm of <$Fe^{2+}$, the peroxide value was decreased from 539.4 to 216.6%. These results show that seed oil of Camellia sinensis grown in Iksan can be applied as sources for cosmetics, detergents, food, and pharmaceuticals.