• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안전대책

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A Study about the Direction and Responsibility of the National Intelligence Agency to the Cyber Security Issues (사이버 안보에 대한 국가정보기구의 책무와 방향성에 대한 고찰)

  • Han, Hee-Won
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.39
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    • pp.319-353
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    • 2014
  • Cyber-based technologies are now ubiquitous around the glob and are emerging as an "instrument of power" in societies, and are becoming more available to a country's opponents, who may use it to attack, degrade, and disrupt communications and the flow of information. The globe-spanning range of cyberspace and no national borders will challenge legal systems and complicate a nation's ability to deter threats and respond to contingencies. Through cyberspace, competitive powers will target industry, academia, government, as well as the military in the air, land, maritime, and space domains of our nations. Enemies in cyberspace will include both states and non-states and will range from the unsophisticated amateur to highly trained professional hackers. In much the same way that airpower transformed the battlefield of World War II, cyberspace has fractured the physical barriers that shield a nation from attacks on its commerce and communication. Cyberthreats to the infrastructure and other assets are a growing concern to policymakers. In 2013 Cyberwarfare was, for the first time, considered a larger threat than Al Qaeda or terrorism, by many U.S. intelligence officials. The new United States military strategy makes explicit that a cyberattack is casus belli just as a traditional act of war. The Economist describes cyberspace as "the fifth domain of warfare and writes that China, Russia, Israel and North Korea. Iran are boasting of having the world's second-largest cyber-army. Entities posing a significant threat to the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure assets include cyberterrorists, cyberspies, cyberthieves, cyberwarriors, and cyberhacktivists. These malefactors may access cyber-based technologies in order to deny service, steal or manipulate data, or use a device to launch an attack against itself or another piece of equipment. However because the Internet offers near-total anonymity, it is difficult to discern the identity, the motives, and the location of an intruder. The scope and enormity of the threats are not just focused to private industry but also to the country's heavily networked critical infrastructure. There are many ongoing efforts in government and industry that focus on making computers, the Internet, and related technologies more secure. As the national intelligence institution's effort, cyber counter-intelligence is measures to identify, penetrate, or neutralize foreign operations that use cyber means as the primary tradecraft methodology, as well as foreign intelligence service collection efforts that use traditional methods to gauge cyber capabilities and intentions. However one of the hardest issues in cyber counterintelligence is the problem of "Attribution". Unlike conventional warfare, figuring out who is behind an attack can be very difficult, even though the Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has claimed that the United States has the capability to trace attacks back to their sources and hold the attackers "accountable". Considering all these cyber security problems, this paper examines closely cyber security issues through the lessons from that of U.S experience. For that purpose I review the arising cyber security issues considering changing global security environments in the 21st century and their implications to the reshaping the government system. For that purpose this study mainly deals with and emphasis the cyber security issues as one of the growing national security threats. This article also reviews what our intelligence and security Agencies should do among the transforming cyber space. At any rate, despite of all hot debates about the various legality and human rights issues derived from the cyber space and intelligence service activity, the national security should be secured. Therefore, this paper suggests that one of the most important and immediate step is to understanding the legal ideology of national security and national intelligence.

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우리나라의 모자보건사업 (여성과 어린이 건강문제와 증진방안)

  • Park Jeong-Han
    • 대한예방의학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.07b
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    • pp.3-17
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    • 2002
  • 국민건강은 국가발전의 기본조건이다. 국민건강은 건강한 어린이의 출산에서 비롯되고, 건강한 어린이의 출산을 위하여 여성이 건강해야 한다 따라서 여성과 어린이 건강보호와 증진을 위한 모자보건사업은 국가보건사업 중 최우선 사업으로 추진되어야 한다. 우리나라의 모자보건사업은 1960대부터 보건소를 통하여 가족계획, 산전관리, 안전분만유도, 예방접종을 중심으로 하였다. 1980년대에 들어와 전국민의료보험의 실현과 국민생활수준의 향상 등으로 산전관리 수진율과 시설분만율이 급격히 증가하여 1990년대 후반에는 거의 100%에 도달하였고, 가족계획실천율도 1991년에 79.4%까지 증가하여 합계출산율이 1.6으로 감소하였고, 어린이 기본예방접종률도 90%이상이 되어 전염병 발생률이 현저히 감소하였다. 전통적인 모자보건사업 관련 지표들이 이렇게 향상되자 일선 보건요원에서부터 중앙정부의 정책결정권자에 이러기까지 모자보건사업에 대한 관심도가 떨어져 중앙부처의 모자보건업무 담당 부서도 축소되고, 모자보건 사업도 쇠퇴하였다. 그러나 어린이와 여성의 건강실태를 자세히 들여다보면 심각한 문제들이 대두되고 있다. 시설 분만율의 증가에 따라 제왕절개분만율이 40%대까지 급증하였고, 모유수유률은 10%대로 떨어졌다. 어린이의 체격은 커지고 있으나 체력은 떨어지고, 비만한 어린이가 급증하여 당뇨병과 같은 성인병 유병률이 어린이들에게 증가하고, 사고에 의한 어린이 사망과 장애가 늘고 있다. 또한 청소년들의 흡연율과 음주률이 증가하고, 성적 성숙이 빨라지고 사회의 개방풍조로 성(性)활동 연령이 낮아지고 성활동이 증가하여 혼전임신과 성폭력이 증가하고 있다. 여성들은 일찍 단산하고, 폐경 연령은 높아지고, 평균수명은 길어져 중년기와 장년기 그리고 노년기가 길어져 각종 만성질환에 이환될 기회가 늘어났다. 이러한 시기의 중요 건강문제들은 뇌혈관질환, 폐암, 유방암, 골다공증, 뇨실금 등과 같이 해결하기 어려운 것들이다. 이렇게 어린이와 여성들에게 새로운 건강문제들이 대두되고 있으나 이에 대한 대응정책이 없었고, 따라서 새로운 모자보건사업이 개발되지 않았으며 일선 보건요원의 훈련도 없었다. 그리고 이러한 건강실태를 파악하여 대책을 마련하고, 보건사업을 평가할 수 있는 보건정보체계가 없는 실정이다. 1990년대 중반에 소수의 학자들이 어린이와 여성건강문제의 심각성을 제기하고, 모자보건사업 활성화의 필요성을 주장하여 보건복지부가 '모자보건선도보건사업'이라는 이름으로 1999년부터 2001년까지 3년간 23개 보건소에서 시범사업을 시행하였다. 이 시범사업에서는 한정된 자원으로 여성과 어린이 보건문제를 효과적으로 해결하기 위해 새로운 보건사업의 개발과 효율적으로 수행하는 방법의 개발에 역점을 두어 많은 성과를 거두었다. 시범사업의 경험을 바탕으로 2002년에는 전국의 45개 보건소로 확대해나가고 있다. 모자보건선도보건사업에서는 임산부가 대상이었던 기존의 모자보건사업과는 달리 신생아, 영유아, 학동기 어린이, 청소년, 그리고 신혼부부에서부터 장년기 여성에 이르기까지 사업대상을 확대하고 생애주기에 따라 지역사회 건강문제해결을 목표로 한 보건사업을 수행하도록 하였다. 사업수행 과정에서 보건소는 지역내 대학과 협력체계를 구축하여 기술적 지원을 받고, 보건요원의 교육 훈련을 통해 사업기획 능력과 전문지식과 기술을 향상시켰고, 보건교육에 필요한 시설과 장비를 구입하였고, 민간의료기관과 연계하여 보건서비스의 질을 향상시켰다. 모자보건 선도보건소에서 제공하는 서비스는 취약계층 중심의 보건교육, 상담 및 지도, 고위험대상자 조기발견 및 민간기관 의뢰 및 주구관리, 질병 조기발견을 위한 검진 의뢰, 지역 보건통계 생산과 관리, 그리고 지역내 가용자원 안내 등이며, 저소득층에 대해서는 민간의료기관에 의뢰 또는 검진비용을 지원하였다. 이와 같이 지역사회 민간기관과 협력체계를 구축함에 따라 대상자를 지속적으로 관리할 수 있는 정보를 공유하게 되었고, 건강증진 및 질병예방, 치료, 사후관리를 포함한 지속적이고 포괄적인 서비스를 제공할 수 있게 되었다. 특히 고위험 및 건강의심 대상, 임부와 장년기 여성에 대해서는 건강검진서비스를 과감히 민간기관에 의뢰, 위탁하친 보건소는 상담자, 정보관리자로서의 역할로 전환할 수 있었다. 그러나 사업관리자의 양적 평가에 대한 고정관념과 질적 평가에 대한 인식부족, 기본 생정통계와 정보체계의 미비로 인한 부정확한 통계생산, 사업요원의 전문지식과 기술 부족, 그리고 인력부족 등이 문제점으로 대두되었다. 효율적인 사업확산과 조기 정착을 위해 중앙정부의 일관성 있는 정책과 재정적 지원이 필수적이며, 보건정보체계확립, 그리고 공공보건기관과 민간의료기관간의 공식적인 협력체계확립이 필요하다. 사업추진 모니터링 및 평가, 조정을 위하여 중앙에 '모자보건 선도사업 기술지원단'을 구성하여 운영하고, 프로그램 운영이 잘되는 보건소를 특성화 보건소로 지원 육성하고, 사업요원의 업무 적정화를 위한 보건소 조직과 기존 보건사업체계의 평가와 재편이 필요하다. 보건사업요원의 자질 향상을 위한 지속적인 교육 훈련 시스템과 보건통계생산 관리를 위한 정보체계의 구축이 요구된다. 모자보건사업관련 보건교육자료를 수집하고 개발하여 전국 보건소에 공급하는 중앙 보건교육자료 및 정보센터가 필요하다.

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The Studies on Real Condition of Mycotoxin Contamination in the Fields before Harvest and by the Storage of Rice Straw using as Roughage in Korea (국내 조사료용 볏짚의 수확 전 작물포 및 수확 후 저장에 따른 곰팡이독소 오염 실태 연구)

  • Sung, Ha Guyn
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2013
  • The studies were conducted to investigate real condition of mycotoxin contamination in the fields before harvest and by the storages of rice straw used as roughage in Korea. It was found mycotoxin contamination before harvest of rice straw that the rice plants were detected deoxynivalenol at the initial growth, ochratoxin A and deoxynivalenol at the middle growth, and deoxynivalenol and zearalenone at the harvest periods in the fields. Also, the rice plants were contaminated by various fungi such as Fusarium sp., Fusarium proliferatum, Penicillium sp., Gibberella sp., Gibberella zeae, Mucor circinelloides and Aspergillus oryzae. The levels of fungal contamination were $10^{3-4}$ cfu/g at the initial growth, and $10^{4-5}$ cfu/g at the middle growth and harvest periods. All storage types of rice straw were contaminated with zearalenone, deoxynivalenol and ochratoxins A. The samples of rice straw contaminating mycotoxins were account for 3% in bundle rice straw, and 38% in both types of square rice straw and rice round bale silage, respectively. When 105 samples of rice bale silage were analyzed for mycotoxins depending on the regional area, mycotoxin contamination was found in 46% of total samples in Korea. Regional contaminations of mycotoxins were respectively 48, 33, 40, 50 and 57% of samples in Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Chungcheng, Yeongnam and Honam area. Rice round bale silage was contaminated by three kinds of mycotoxins (zearalenone, deoxynivalenol and ochratoxinsA) in the all of area without Chungcheong area where was contaminated zearalenone and deoxynivalenol. Ochratoxins A, deoxynivalenol and zearalenone were respectively determinated with the average levels of 2.6, 413 and $338{\mu}g/kg$ in rice round bale silage for the overall area, even if it was some difference depending on each regional area. Therefore, the above results clearly show that the rice straws were exposed to the contamination by mycotoxin and mycotoxigenic fungi before harvest in the fields, and mycotoxin contamination was not dependent on the regional area or the storage types such as bundle rice straw, square rice straw and rice round bale silage.

Long-term monitoring of heavy metal contents in paddy soils (논토양 중금속 함량의 장기변동 모니터링)

  • Kim, W.I.;Kim, M.S.;Roh, K.A.;Lee, J.S.;Yun, S.G.;Park, B.J.;Jung, G.B.;Kang, C.S.;Cho, K.R.;Ahn, M.S.;Choi, S.C.;Kim, H.J.;Kim, Y.S.;Nam, Y.K.;Choi, M.T.;Moon, Y.H.;Ahn, B.K.;Kim, H.K.;Kim, H.W.;Seo, Y.J.;Kim, J.S.;Choi, Y.J.;Lee, Y.H.;Lee, S.C.;Hwang, J.J.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.190-198
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    • 2008
  • There is an increasing concern over heavy metal contamination of paddy soils and the subsequent translocation of heavy metals to rice. Objective is to monitor the status and long-term trend of heavy metal contamination in paddy soils, periodically. In 2007 survey, the average concentrations of As(arsenic), Cd(cadmium), Cu(copper), Ni(nickel), Pb(lead), and Zn(zinc) in 2,010 paddy soils nationwide were 0.87, 0.08, 3.33, 1.19, 4.95 and $4.67mg\;kg^{-1}$, respectively. Few sites, which were contaminated by As in 2003 and 2007 survey and by Ni in 1999 and 2007 survey, were over the threshold level for soil contamination designated by the Soil Environmental Conservation Act in Korea. Long-term change was shown that As, Ni, and Zn were gradually increased whereas Cd and Cu were decreased. In the distribution of extractable heavy metal contents, the modes of each heavy metal content were similar with the average contents of each heavy metals. Mean value of heavy metals except copper in paddy soils was higher than median value. It means that the downward distribution of heavy metal content in paddy rice was shown against normal distribution.

A Program of Water Quality Management for Agricultural Reservoirs by Trophic State (농업용 저수지의 부영양화와 수질관리방안)

  • Lee, Kwang-Sik;Yoon, Kyung-Sup;Kim, Ho-Il;Kim, Hyung-Joong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.166-171
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    • 2003
  • A total of 498 agricultural reservoirs ranging from $164{\times}10^3\;m^3$ to $253{\times}10^6\;m^3$ in storage volume were investigated from 1990 to 2001 with respect to Chl-${\alpha}$, COD concentration and pollutant loading of BOD, TN, and TP. The lakes and reservoirs could be classified to 4 types using the relationships between the ratio of storage volume per water surface area(ST/WS) and Chl-${\alpha}$ concentration. It is recommended that the improvement of polluted lakes should be performed in the order of integrated consolidation type ${\rightarrow}$ watershed consolidation type ${\rightarrow}$ in-lake consolidation type ${\rightarrow}$ Management type and reservoir should be constructed to be over $5{\sim}6\;m$ in depth(ST/WS ratio) for preventing the eutrophication of agricultural reservoirs. We propose that water quality criteria for agricultural water is changed from less than 8 mg/L to less than 6 mg/L for safety value, $6{\sim}10\;mg/L$ for concern value, and more than 10 mg/L for countermeasure value in COD concentration, respectively.

Actual State of Structures and Environmental Control Facilities for Tomato Greenhouses in Chungnam Region (충남지역 토마토 재배온실의 구조와 환경조절설비 실태분석)

  • Nam, Sang-Woon;Kim, Young-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 2009
  • An investigation was conducted to get the basic data for establishing structural safety and environmental management of tomato greenhouses in Chungnam region. The contents of the investigation consisted of actual state of greenhouse structures and environmental control facilities. Most of greenhouses were arch type single-span plastic houses and they had too low height for growing tomatoes. Frameworks of multi-span greenhouses were suitable, but those of single-span were mostly insufficient. Every greenhouse had thermal curtain movable or covering fixed inside the greenhouse for energy saving, and heating facilities were mostly warm air heater. Irrigation facilities were mostly drip tube and controlled by manual operation or timer. Almost all of the greenhouses didn't install high level of environmental control facilities such as ventilator, air circulation fan, $CO_2$ fertilizer, insect screen, supplemental light, and cooling device.

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A Case study and Analysis on the Up-Lift Pressure Treatment Evaluation of Underground Installations for their Efficient Adoption (사례분석을 통한 효율적 상향수압(Up-Lift Pressure) 처리공법 적용방안에 관한연구 - ◯◯ 상업지역 현장사례 중심으로 -)

  • Ko, Ok-Yeol;Kwon, Oh-Chul;Shim, Jae-Kwang;Park, Tae-Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.119-129
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    • 2009
  • Building construction trends have been changed dramatically in terms of size and mass. With the need to maximize land usage, there has been an increase in the construction of high-rise buildings. This affects not only the entire construction duration and cost, but also subsequent construction activities, such as work to increase underground facilities and in reclamation land area construction. These types of site conditions require soft ground reinforcement and the proper uplift water pressure treatment. In general, two kinds of methods have been used for uplift water pressure treatment systems. However, there have been some problems arising as the result of a lack of research and analysis on underground construction techniques, and a reliance on experiments over actual survey and analysis of site conditions. This paper focused on the problems of conventional selection procedure, by analyzing drawings and proposing a kind of modeling for a reasonable procedure. The results were applied to OO project as a sample construction case to be verified in this research. The initial plan in the case project was the Rock Anchor System. However, as there were terrible miscalculations of basic site conditions that had an extraordinary influence on the underground water level, such as the site's proximity to the Han-river, it was necessary to change the plan to include apermanent drainage system. This achieved a direct construction cost reduction \ 406,702,000 and a maximum sayings of 4% of operational cost, based on the 50-year building Life Cycle Cost.

Laying the Siting of High-Level Radioactive Waste in Public Opinion (고준위 방폐장 입지 선정의 공론화 기초 연구)

  • Lee, Soo-Jang
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.105-134
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    • 2008
  • Local opposition and protest constitute single greatest hurdle to the siting of locally unwanted land uses(LULUs), especially siting of high-level radioactive disposal not only throughout Korea but also throughout the industrialized world. It can be attributed mainly to the NIMBYism, equity problem, and lack of participation. These problems are arisen from rational planning process which emphasizes instrumental rationality. But planning is a value-laden political activity, in which substantive rationality is central. To achieve this goals, we need a sound planning process for siting LULUs, which should improve the ability of citizens to influence the decisions that affects them. By a sound planning process, we mean one that is open to citizen input and contains accurate and complete information. In other word, the public is also part of the goal setting process and, as the information and analyses developed by the planners are evaluated by the public, strategies for solutions can be developed through consensus-building. This method is called as a co-operative siting process, and must be structured in order to arrive at publicly acceptable decisions. The followings are decided by consensus-building method. 1. Negotiation will be held? 2. What is the benefits and risks of negotiation? 3. What are solutions when collisions between national interests and local ones come into? 4. What are the agendas? 5. What is the community' role in site selection? 6. Are there incentives to negotiation. 7. Who are the parties to the negotiation? 8. Who will represent the community? 9. What groundwork of negotiation is set up? 10. How do we assure that the community access to information and expert? 11. What happens if negotiation is failed? 12. Is it necessary to trust each other in negotiations? 13. Is a mediator needed in negotiations?

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Nutrition Teachers (Dietitians)' Perceptions of Barriers to Implementation of HACCP System in School Foodservices in the Gyeongnam Area (경남지역 학교급식 HACCP 시스템 적용 장애요인에 대한 영양(교)사의 인지도 분석)

  • Hwang, Hye-Ok;Kim, Hyun-Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.10
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    • pp.1475-1485
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted in order to understand nutrition teachers (dietitians)' perceptions of barriers to implementation of HACCP system in school foodservices in Gyeongnam, Korea. Questionnaires were distributed to 350 nutrition teachers (dietitians) from November to December of 2009, and 214 were collected and analyzed. The results of this study were as follows. First, nutrition teachers (dietitians) recognized the following as barriers in implementing the HACCP system: 'the status of facilities and utilities'> 'monitoring'> 'work satisfaction'> 'foodservice employees'> 'cooperation of HACCP team'> 'cooperation of persons concerned besides foodservice employees'> 'understanding the HACCP system'. Second, total working experience was found to be the factor most affecting 'cooperation of HACCP team (p<0.01)', 'cooperation of persons concerned besides foodservice employees (p<0.01)', 'foodservice employees (p<0.05)', and 'work satisfaction (p<0.05)'. Further, 'the status of facilities and utilities' was significantly affected by 'construction/reconstruction of kitchen (p<0.01)', 'division of kitchen area (p<0.01)', 'existence of preliminary preparation room (p<0.01)', and 'existence of dishwashing room (p<0.01)'. Third, dietitians perceived the following concerning hindrance factors of the HACCP system according to CCP stage: 'CCP 1'> 'CCP 3'> 'CCP 2, 'CCP 6'> 'CCP 4'> 'CCP 8'> 'CCP 7'> 'CCP 5'. In conclusion, this study showed that nutrition teachers (dietitians) in the Gyeongnam area recognized 'the status of facilities and utilities' from HACCP areas and 'CCP 1 (menu planning)' from CCP stages as the greatest barriers to implementing the HACCP system in school foodservices. To implement the HACCP system successfully in school foodservices, facilities and utilities should be properly equipped, and menu planning training for nutrition teachers (dietitian) should be conducted.

Radon concentration measurement at general house in Pusan area (부산지역 일반주택에서의 라돈농도측정)

  • Im, In-Cheol
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.29-33
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    • 2004
  • Until early 1980s we have lived without thinking that radon ruins our health. But, scientists knew truth that radon radioactive danger is bedeviling on indoor that we live for a long time. Specially, interest about effect that get in danger and injury for Radon and human body is inactive in our country. Recently, with awareness for Radon contamination, We inform about importance and danger of Radon in some station of the Seoul subway, indoor air of school facilities and We had interest with measure and manages. Usually, Radon gas emitted in base of building enters into indoor through building floor split windage back among radon or indoor air of radon daughter nucleus contamination is increased. Therefore, indoor radon concentration rises as there are a lot of windages between number pipe of top and bottom and base that enter crack from estrangement of the done building floor, underground to indoor. Thus, Radon enters into indoor through architecture resources water as well as, kitchen natural gas for choice etc., but more than about 85% from earth's crust emit. Danger and injury of health by Radon and Radon daughter nucleus that is indicated for cause of lung cancer incerases content of uranium of soil rises specially from inside pit of High area and a mine, cave, hermetical space with house. Safe sub-officer of radon concentration can not know and danger always exists large or small during. So, Important thing reduces danger of lung cancer by lowering concentration of Radon within house and building. Therefore, is thought that need general house Radon concentration measurement, measured Radon concentration monthly using Sintillator radon monitor. Study finding appeared high all underground market 1 year than the ground, and the winter appeared high than the summer. Specially, month that pass over 4pCi in house that United States Environmental Protection Agency advises appeared in underground, and appeared and know Radon exposure gravity by 4 months during 12 months. Therefore, Thinking that establishment and regulation of norm and preparation of reduction countermeasure about Radon are pressing feels, and inform result that measure Radon concentration.

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