• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안개등

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Image-based fire area segmentation method by removing the smoke area from the fire scene videos (화재 현장 영상에서 연기 영역을 제외한 이미지 기반 불의 영역 검출 기법)

    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose an algorithm that can accurately segment a fire even when it is surrounded by smoke of a similar color. Existing fire area segmentation algorithms have a problem in that they cannot separate fire and smoke from fire images. In this paper, the fire was successfully separated from the smoke by applying the color compensation method and the fog removal method as a preprocessing process before applying the fire area segmentation algorithm. In fact, it was confirmed that it segments fire more effectively than the existing methods in the image of the fire scene covered with smoke. In addition, we propose a method that can use the proposed fire segmentation algorithm for efficient fire detection in factories and homes.

Effects of Transmittance of Diffusive Blur on Visual Acuity and Contrast Sensitivity (확산적 흐림의 투과율이 시력과 대비감도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Seok-Jun;Choi, Eun Jung
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: To investigate the effects of the transmittance of diffusive blurson visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. Methods: Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity were measured by using Optec$^{(R)}$ 6500 in Healthy 30 subjects aged $22.83{\pm}0.50$ (male 13, female 17) who were recruited from university students. Cataract simulator was used as a tool for diffusive blur. Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity were measured with varying the transmittance of diffusive blur in order to simulate progression of cataract and concentration in fog. Results: Visual acuity was reduced proportionally with decreasing the transmittance of the diffusive blur as follows: $VA(T)=1.84{\times}10^{-2}T-0.645$. Contrast sensitivity was decreased in all spatial frequencies. Contrast sensitivity in a high spatial frequency band was a greater effect and was off the normal range of contrast sensitivity. The peak of contrast sensitivity was moved in the direction to low frequency. From an intersection point of contrast sensitivity function, we could calculated the transmittance of the diffusive blur being off the normal range and the shift to peak spatial frequency. The peak of contrast sensitivity function was observed to move from 6 to 3 cpd at transmittance of about 78.70%, the contrast sensitivities for all frequencies at transmittance of about 69.71% were deviated from the normal range. Conclusions: The transmittance of diffusive blur causes a reduction in visual acuity and contrast sensitivity, a deviation of normal range of contrast sensitivity, and a shift of peak contrast sensitivity. Therefore the more attention is required when suffering from cataracts or driving in fog.

Developing Road Hazard Estimation Algorithms Based on Dynamic and Static Data (동적·정적 자료 기반 도로위험도 산정 알고리즘 개발)

  • Yang, Choongheon;Kim, Jinguk
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2020
  • This study developed four algorithms and their associated indices that can quantify and qualify road hazards along roadways. Initially, relevant raw data can be collected from commercial vehicles by camera and DTG. Well-processed data, such as potholes, road freezing, and fog, can be generated from the Integrated management system. Road hazard algorithms combine these data with road inventory data in the Data Sharing Platform. Depending on well-processed data, four different road hazard algorithms and their associated indices were developed. To test the algorithms, an experimental plan based on passive DTG attached in probe vehicles was performed at two different test locations. Selection of the test routes was based on historical data. Although there were limitations using random data for commercial vehicles, hazardous roadways sections, such as fog, road freezing, and potholes, were generated based on actual historical data. As a result, no algorithm error was found in the entire test. Because this study provides road hazard information according to a section, not a point, it can be practically helpful to road users as well as road agencies.

Development of a Deep-Learning Model with Maritime Environment Simulation for Detection of Distress Ships from Drone Images (드론 영상 기반 조난 선박 탐지를 위한 해양 환경 시뮬레이션을 활용한 딥러닝 모델 개발)

  • Jeonghyo Oh;Juhee Lee;Euiik Jeon;Impyeong Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1451-1466
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    • 2023
  • In the context of maritime emergencies, the utilization of drones has rapidly increased, with a particular focus on their application in search and rescue operations. Deep learning models utilizing drone images for the rapid detection of distressed vessels and other maritime drift objects are gaining attention. However, effective training of such models necessitates a substantial amount of diverse training data that considers various weather conditions and vessel states. The lack of such data can lead to a degradation in the performance of trained models. This study aims to enhance the performance of deep learning models for distress ship detection by developing a maritime environment simulator to augment the dataset. The simulator allows for the configuration of various weather conditions, vessel states such as sinking or capsizing, and specifications and characteristics of drones and sensors. Training the deep learning model with the dataset generated through simulation resulted in improved detection performance, including accuracy and recall, when compared to models trained solely on actual drone image datasets. In particular, the accuracy of distress ship detection in adverse weather conditions, such as rain or fog, increased by approximately 2-5%, with a significant reduction in the rate of undetected instances. These results demonstrate the practical and effective contribution of the developed simulator in simulating diverse scenarios for model training. Furthermore, the distress ship detection deep learning model based on this approach is expected to be efficiently applied in maritime search and rescue operations.

Effects of Cutting Time, Auxin Treatment, and Cutting Position on Rooting of the Green-wood Cuttings and Growth Characteristics of Transplanted Cuttings in the Adult Prunus yedoensis (왕벚나무 성목 녹지삽목에서 삽목시기, 옥신처리 및 삽수부위가 발근에 미치는 영향과 이식 삽목묘의 생육특성)

  • Kim, Chang-Soo;Kim, Zin-Suh
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to develop an efficient mass propagation method for the mature $Prunus$ $yedoensis$ Matsumura (43 to 58 years old). Cutting was conducted depending on cutting time, auxin treatments (IBA and NAA treatments mixed with talc powder), and cuttings position on shoots in a plastic house equipped with a fog system without heating. Rooted cuttings were transplanted to a nursery bed, and their growth characteristics were investigated in order to check whether the cuttings are successful or not for roadside tree planting. The average rooting rate was highly significant ($P$ < 0.0001) in all treatments: cutting on June 1st (61.4%) was more than two times greater in rooting rate than that on August 1st (23.6%); IBA 1,000 $mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ (90.8%) and IBA 500 $mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ (89.2%) showed much greater rooting rates than those of the other treatments; upper part of the cuttings treated with IBA 1,000 $mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ showed the highest rooting rate, 96.7%. The interactions among treatments in the average rooting rate were also significant. There were significant differences ($P$ < 0.0001) among the auxin treatments in the survival rate of leafed cuttings transplanted to a nursery bed. The average survival rate was 46.5%, and IBA 1,000 $mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ treatment was the highest in leafed cuttings 79.2%, but most of leafless cuttings were dead. There were significant differences ($P$ < 0.0001) among the cuttings, grafts, and in the seedlings height, diameter at root collar, the number of roots, branches, and leaves, etc., and the cuttings was the best. We can expect a possibility of mass propagation of improved $P.$ $yedoensis$ Matsumura and a high planting survival rate through the transplanting of cuttings to a nursery bed in which the cuttings should be the following conditions: cutting in June to July, use of the upper part of cuttings, IBA treatment, and rooting in August in a cutting-greenhouse equipped with a fog system.

A Study on the Effect of Adverse Weather Conditions on Public Transportation Mode Choice (강우 상태에 따른 대중교통 이용패턴 특성연구 - 부산광역시 버스통행을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Kunyoung;Lee, Sibok
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.1D
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2012
  • Busan Metropolitan City government has been implementing the local Bus Quasi-Public Operating policy since 2007. As a result of the policy, financial burden to cover financial deficit has become a big social issue. For successful settlement of the policy, the government should be able to gradually cut off the financial support for the deficit by continuously increasing the bus demand, which can be accomplished by providing more convenient bus services. The weather conditions that affect the public transportation demand include rain, fog and snow. They affect the mode choice for public transportation use, which in turn results in decrease in bus demand. In short, the adverse weather conditions result in significant profit loss of bus transportation, and consequently it financially burdens the City of Busan. In this research, the pattern of travelers' use of transportation modes given various weather conditions was analyzed. In addition, the reasons why people transfer from one to other transportation modes were analyzed by conducting a field survey, and policy implications on desirable public transportation facilities and transfer system were discussed.

Digital Image based Real-time Sea Fog Removal Technique using GPU (GPU를 이용한 영상기반 고속 해무제거 기술)

  • Choi, Woon-sik;Lee, Yoon-hyuk;Seo, Young-ho;Choi, Hyun-jun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.2355-2362
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    • 2016
  • Seg fog removal is an important issue concerned by both computer vision and image processing. Sea fog or haze removal is widely used in lots of fields, such as automatic control system, CCTV, and image recognition. Color image dehazing techniques have been extensively studied, and expecially the dark channel prior(DCP) technique has been widely used. This paper propose a fast and efficient image prior - dark channel prior to remove seg-fog from a single digital image based on the GPU. We implement the basic parallel program and then optimize it to obtain performance acceleration with more than 250 times. While paralleling and the optimizing the algorithm, we improve some parts of the original serial program or basic parallel program according to the characteristics of several steps. The proposed GPU programming algorithm and implementation results may be used with advantages as pre-processing in many systems, such as safe navigation for ship, topographical survey, intelligent vehicles, etc.

Development for Estimation Model of Runway Visual Range using Deep Neural Network (심층신경망을 활용한 활주로 가시거리 예측 모델 개발)

  • Ku, SungKwan;Hong, SeokMin
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.435-442
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    • 2017
  • The runway visual range affected by fog and so on is one of the important indicators to determine whether aircraft can take off and land at the airport or not. In the case of airports where transportation airplanes are operated, major weather forecasts including the runway visual range for local area have been released and provided to aviation workers for recognizing that. This paper proposes a runway visual range estimation model with a deep neural network applied recently to various fields such as image processing, speech recognition, natural language processing, etc. It is developed and implemented for estimating a runway visual range of local airport with a deep neural network. It utilizes the past actual weather observation data of the applied airfield for constituting the learning of the neural network. It can show comparatively the accurate estimation result when it compares the results with the existing observation data. The proposed model can be used to generate weather information on the airfield for which no other forecasting function is available.

Recognition of Natural Disasters in the Unified Shilla Dynasty - Focusing on the Natural Thoughts - (통일 신라 왕조의 자연재해 인식-자연사상을 중심으로)

  • KANG, Chul-Sung
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed and examined the entries of natural disasters recorded in Samguk-sagi in relation to the natural thoughts. In the ancient Korean view of nature thought the Unified Shilla dynasty surveyed their view on nature in terms of terrestrial upheavals. In the first place, I came to know that the important natural disasters such as droughts, floods, hails, locusts, earthquakes, thunderstroke, storms uprooting trees, tornado etc. recorded in Samguk-sagi have something in common with the entries of natural disasters in the ancient Chinese histories. Accordingly, they interpreted natural disasters in terms of good omens and heavenly punishments. The king refrained from luxurious food and drink, released prisoners or reduced their sentence as a sign of his benevolence. They thought that natural disasters were caused by the heavenly instruction due to lack of virtue on the part of the king. I think that these were acts of ritual on the part of the king as a ruler to fulfill his responsibility for a benevolent administration.

The study on the military utilization of weather modification techniques and inducing their research priority (기상조절기술의 군사적 활용방안과 연구 우선순위 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Seung Jo;Shin, Jin
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2018
  • The purposes of this paper are to research the military utilization of weather modification techniques and to induce their research priority when considering the Korean Peninsular environment and technical level. To achieve these goals, the advantages and disadvantages of weather modification technologies have been discussed, and the evaluation index evaluation was derived through the Delphi method, and the weight of the evaluation index and the final research priority were induced through analytic hierarchical process. Analysis shows that the ionospheric modulation technology has the highest priority in terms of effectiveness as a weapon system and compatibility in the Korean Peninsula environment. It is expected that Korean ionosphere modification can disturb C4ISR function of the enemy and guarantee ours reliably when operating PGM, military satellite, surveillance & reconnaissance equipments, etc. Other weather modification technologies except for ionosphere modification should be developed gradually in that potential threat can be expanded to neighboring countries after the Unification of the Korea.

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