• Title/Summary/Keyword: 심부구조

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Geology of Athabasca Oil Sands in Canada (캐나다 아사바스카 오일샌드 지질특성)

  • Kwon, Yi-Kwon
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2008
  • As conventional oil and gas reservoirs become depleted, interests for oil sands has rapidly increased in the last decade. Oil sands are mixture of bitumen, water, and host sediments of sand and clay. Most oil sand is unconsolidated sand that is held together by bitumen. Bitumen has hydrocarbon in situ viscosity of >10,000 centipoises (cP) at reservoir condition and has API gravity between $8-14^{\circ}$. The largest oil sand deposits are in Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada. The reverves are approximated at 1.7 trillion barrels of initial oil-in-place and 173 billion barrels of remaining established reserves. Alberta has a number of oil sands deposits which are grouped into three oil sand development areas - the Athabasca, Cold Lake, and Peace River, with the largest current bitumen production from Athabasca. Principal oil sands deposits consist of the McMurray Fm and Wabiskaw Mbr in Athabasca area, the Gething and Bluesky formations in Peace River area, and relatively thin multi-reservoir deposits of McMurray, Clearwater, and Grand Rapid formations in Cold Lake area. The reservoir sediments were deposited in the foreland basin (Western Canada Sedimentary Basin) formed by collision between the Pacific and North America plates and the subsequent thrusting movements in the Mesozoic. The deposits are underlain by basement rocks of Paleozoic carbonates with highly variable topography. The oil sands deposits were formed during the Early Cretaceous transgression which occurred along the Cretaceous Interior Seaway in North America. The oil-sands-hosting McMurray and Wabiskaw deposits in the Athabasca area consist of the lower fluvial and the upper estuarine-offshore sediments, reflecting the broad and overall transgression. The deposits are characterized by facies heterogeneity of channelized reservoir sands and non-reservoir muds. Main reservoir bodies of the McMurray Formation are fluvial and estuarine channel-point bar complexes which are interbedded with fine-grained deposits formed in floodplain, tidal flat, and estuarine bay. The Wabiskaw deposits (basal member of the Clearwater Formation) commonly comprise sheet-shaped offshore muds and sands, but occasionally show deep-incision into the McMurray deposits, forming channelized reservoir sand bodies of oil sands. In Canada, bitumen of oil sands deposits is produced by surface mining or in-situ thermal recovery processes. Bitumen sands recovered by surface mining are changed into synthetic crude oil through extraction and upgrading processes. On the other hand, bitumen produced by in-situ thermal recovery is transported to refinery only through bitumen blending process. The in-situ thermal recovery technology is represented by Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage and Cyclic Steam Stimulation. These technologies are based on steam injection into bitumen sand reservoirs for increase in reservoir in-situ temperature and in bitumen mobility. In oil sands reservoirs, efficiency for steam propagation is controlled mainly by reservoir geology. Accordingly, understanding of geological factors and characteristics of oil sands reservoir deposits is prerequisite for well-designed development planning and effective bitumen production. As significant geological factors and characteristics in oil sands reservoir deposits, this study suggests (1) pay of bitumen sands and connectivity, (2) bitumen content and saturation, (3) geologic structure, (4) distribution of mud baffles and plugs, (5) thickness and lateral continuity of mud interbeds, (6) distribution of water-saturated sands, (7) distribution of gas-saturated sands, (8) direction of lateral accretion of point bar, (9) distribution of diagenetic layers and nodules, and (10) texture and fabric change within reservoir sand body.

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Analysis of the Thermal and Structural Stability for the CANDU Spent Fuel Disposal Canister (CANDU 처분용기의 열적-구조적 안정성 평가)

  • Lee, Jong-Youl;Cho, Dong-Geun;Kim, Seong-Gi;Choi, Heui-Joo;Lee, Yang
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2008
  • In deep geological disposal system, the integrity of a disposal canister having spent fuels is very important factor to assure the safety of the repository system. This disposal canister is one element of the engineered barriers to isolate and to delay the radioactivity release from human beings and the environment for a long time so that the toxicity does not affect the environment. The main requirement in designing the deep geological disposal system is to keep the buffer temperature below 100$^{\circ}C$ by the decay heat from the spent fuels in the canister in order to maintain the integrity of the buffer material. Also, the disposal canister can endure the hydraulic pressure in the depth of 500 m and the swelling pressure of the bentonite as a buffer. In this study, new concept of the disposal canister for the CANDU spent fuels which were considered to be disposed without any treatment was developed and the thermal stability and the structural integrity of the canister were analysed. The result of the thermal analysis showed that the temperature of the buffer was 88.9$^{\circ}C$ when 37 years have passed after emplacement of the canister and the spacings of the disposal tunnel and the deposition holes were 40 m and 3 m, respectively. In the case of structural analysis, the result showed that the safety factors of the normal and the extreme environment were 2.9 and 1.33, respectively. So, these results reveal that the canister meets the thermal and the structural requirements in the deep geological disposal system.

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The Effect of the Surfactant on the Migration and Distribution of Immiscible Fluids in Pore Network (계면활성제가 공극 구조 내 비혼성 유체의 거동과 분포에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Gyuryeong;Kim, Seon-Ok;Wang, Sookyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2021
  • The geological CO2 sequestration in underground geological formation such as deep saline aquifers and depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs is one of the most promising options for reducing the atmospheric CO2 emissions. The process in geological CO2 sequestration involves injection of supercritical CO2 (scCO2) into porous media saturated with pore water and initiates CO2 flooding with immiscible displacement. The CO2 migration and distribution, and, consequently, the displacement efficiency is governed by the interaction of fluids. Especially, the viscous force and capillary force are controlled by geological formation conditions and injection conditions. This study aimed to estimate the effects of surfactant on interfacial tension between the immiscible fluids, scCO2 and porewater, under high pressure and high temperature conditions by using a pair of proxy fluids under standard conditions through pendant drop method. It also aimed to observe migration and distribution patterns of the immiscible fluids and estimate the effects of surfactant concentrations on the displacement efficiency of scCO2. Micromodel experiments were conducted by applying n-hexane and deionized water as proxy fluids for scCO2 and porewater. In order to quantitatively analyze the immiscible displacement phenomena by n-hexane injection in pore network, the images of migration and distribution pattern of the two fluids are acquired through a imaging system. The experimental results revealed that the addition of surfactants sharply reduces the interfacial tension between hexane and deionized water at low concentrations and approaches a constant value as the concentration increases. Also it was found that, by directly affecting the flow path of the flooding fluid at the pore scale in the porous medium, the surfactant showed the identical effect on the displacement efficiency of n-hexane at equilibrium state. The experimental observation results could provide important fundamental information on immiscible displacement of fluids in porous media and suggest the potential to improve the displacement efficiency of scCO2 by using surfactants.

Feasibility of 3D Dipole-Dipole Electrical Resistivity Method to a Vein-Type Ore Deposit (국내 맥상광체조사를 위한 3차원 쌍극자-쌍극자 전기비저항 탐사의 적용성 분석)

  • Min, Dong-Joo;Jung, Hyun-Key;Lee, Hyo-Sun;Park, Sam-Gyu;Lee, Ho-Yong
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.268-277
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    • 2009
  • Recently as the interest in the development of domestic ore deposits has increased, we can easily find some studies on exploration geophysics-based ore deposit survey in literature. Geophysical surveys have been applied to the investigation of both metallic and non-metallic ore deposit. For metallic ore-deposit survey, the 2D electrical resistivity method has been popularly used, because metallic mineral deposits are generally more conductive than surrounding media. However, geological structures are 3D rather than 2D structures, which may lead to misinterpretation in 2D inversion section. In this study, 3D effects are examined for several 3D structures such as a width-varying dyke model and a wedge-shaped model. We also investigate the effects of the direction of survey line. Numerical results show that the width-varying dyke model yields some low resistivity zone in the deep part, which is independent of real ore-body location. For the wedge-shaped model, even though the survey line is located apart from the ore body, the 2D inversion section still shows low resistivity zone in the deep part. When the survey line is not perpendicular to the strike of the ore body, the low resistivity zone is slightly broader but shallower than that obtained along the survey line perpendicular to the strike. For the survey lines that have an angle smaller than $45^{\circ}$ with the strike of the ore body, the inversion results are totally distorted. From these results, we conclude that 2-D survey and interpretation can lead to misinterpretation of subsurface structures, which may be linked to economical loss. Eventually, we recommend to apply 3-D rather than 2-D electrical resistivity survey for ore-deposit survey.

Identification of Quaternary Faults and shallow gas pockets through high-resolution reprocessing in the East Sea, Korea (탄성파 자료 고해상도 재처리를 통한 동해해역의 제4기 단층 및 천부 가스 인지)

  • Jeong, Mi Suk;Kim, Gi Yeong;Heo, Sik;Kim, Han Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 1999
  • High-resolution images are drawn from existing seismic data which were originally obtained by Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI) during 1994-1997 for deep seismic studies on the East Sea of Korea. These images are analyzed for mapping Quaternary faults and near-bottom gas pockets. First 12 channels are selected from shot gathers for reprocessing. The processing sequence adopted for high-resolution seismic images comprises data copy, trace editing, true amplitude recovery, common-midpoint sorting, initial muting, prestack deconvolution, bandpass filtering, stacking, highpass filtering, poststack deconvolution, f-x migration, and automatic gain control (AGC). Among these processing steps, predictive deconvolution, highpass filtering, and short window AGC are the most significant in enhancement of resolution. More than 200 Quaternanry faults are interpreted on the migrated sections in the shallow depths beneath the seafloor. Although numerous faults are found mostly at the western continental slope and boundaries of the Ulleung Basin, significant amount of the faults are also indicated within the basin. Many of these faults are believed to be formed with reactivation of basement, from geotectonic activities including volcanism, and often originated in Tertiary, indicating that the tectonic regime of the East Sea might be unstable. Existence of shallow gas pockets casts real hazardous warnings to deep-sea drillings and/or to underwater constructions such as inter-island cables and gas pipelines. On the other hand, discovery of these gas pockets heightens the interests in developing natural resources in the East Sea. Reprocessed seismic sections, however, show no typical seismic characteristics for gas hydrates such as bottom-simulating reflectors in the western continental slope and ocean floor.

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Evaluation of Hydrogeologic Seal Capacity of Mudstone in the Yeongil Group, Pohang Basin, Korea: Focusing on Mercury Intrusion Capillary Pressure Analysis (포항분지 영일층군 이암층의 수리지질학적 차폐능 평가: 수은 모세관 압입 시험의 결과 분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Seon-Ok;Wang, Sookyun;Lee, Minhee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2020
  • Geological CO2 sequestration is a global warming response technology to limit atmospheric emissions by injecting CO2 captured on a large scale into deep geological formations. The presented results concern mineralogical and hydrogeological investigations (FE-SEM, XRD, XRF, and MICP) of mudstone samples from drilling cores of the Pohang basin, which is the research area for the first demonstration-scale CO2 storage project in Korea. They aim to identify the mineral properties of the mudstone constituting the caprock and to quantitatively evaluate the hydrogeologic sealing capacity that directly affects the stability and reliability of geological CO2 storage. Mineralogical analysis showed that the mudstone samples are mainly composed of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase and a small amount of pyrite, calcite, clay minerals, etc. Mercury intrusion capillary pressure analysis also showed that the samples generally had uniform particle configurations and pore distribution and there was no distinct correlation between the estimated porosity and air permeability. The allowable CO2 column heights based on the estimated pore-entry pressures and breakthrough pressures were found to be significantly higher than the thickness of the targeting CO2 injection layer. These results showed that the mudstone layers in the Yeongil group, Pohang basin, Korea have sufficient sealing capacity to suppress the leakage of CO2 injected during the demonstration-scale CO2 storage project. It should be noticed, however, that the applicability of results and analyses in this study is limited by the lack of available samples. For rigorous assessment of the sealing efficiency for geological CO2 storage operations, significant efforts on collection and multi-aspect evaluation for core samples over entire caprock formations should be accompanied.

The Effectiveness of Spiral Computed Tomography as a Diagnostic Tool in Pulmonary Embolism(Comparison of Spiral CT with Ventilation-Perfusion Scan) (폐색전증 진단의 도구로서의 Spiral Computed Tomography의 유용성(폐환기관류주사와의 비교))

  • Koh, Jae-Hyun;Oh, Eun-Young;Park, Jung-Ho;Park, Sang-Joon;Yun, Jung-Hwan;Park, Jung-Woong;Suh, Gee-Young;Chung, Man-Pyo;Lee, Kyung-Soo;Kwon, O-Jung;Rhee, Chong-H.
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.564-573
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    • 1999
  • Background: With variable symptoms and nonspecific radiographic appearances, pulmonary embolism (PE) is a frequent and often undiagnosed cause of mortality and morbidity. The Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis (PIOPED) study suggested that the majority of patients undergoing ventilation-perfusion (V-Q) scan would require additional studies to establish or to exclude the diagnosis of PE. Pulmonary angiography has been regarded as gold standard for diagnosis of PE. However, it is an invasive procedure that may be associated with significant notable morbidity and mortality. Thus, availability of an accurate, noninvasive screening examination is highly desirable. Method: From October 1994 to February 1997, twenty patients (male 13, female 7, range 23-91 years, median 58 years) who were suspected as pulmonary embolism on the basis of clinical evidence and underwent the spiral volumetric computed tomography (spiral CT), were studied retrospectively to evaluate the effectiveness of spiral CT as a diagnostic tool in PE. Results: PE could be excluded with spiral CT in 4 patients ; diagnoses of these patients were lung cancer, pneumonia with lung abscess, bilateral pleural effusion due to congestive heart failure, nonspecific pulmonary abnormality retrospectively. One patient who disclosed high probability in V/Q scan, could be diagnosed as pneumonia with lung abscess and underlying emphysema with spiral CT. Among 4 patients who showed intermediate and low probability in V/Q scan, 3 patients could be confirmed as PE with spiral CT. Spiral CT was helpful in 3 patients, in whom V/Q scan could not be performed due to other reasons (e.g. night time, mechanical ventilation) to confirm the diagnosis of PE. Spiral CT could demonstrate embolus above lobar artery level in 11 patients, and up to segmental artery level in 5 patients. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that spiral CT could allow accurate demonstration of thrombotic clots in centrally localized embolism. Spiral CT could be effective, specific, noninvasive and useful diagnostic screening modality for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism.

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A Study of Three-dimensional Magnetization Vector Inversion (MVI) Modeling Using Bathymetry Data and Magnetic Data of TA (Tofua Arc) 12 Seamount in Tonga Arc, Southwestern Pacific (남서태평양 통가열도 TA (Tofua Arc) 12 해저산의 해저지형과 자력자료를 이용한 3차원 자화벡터역산 모델 연구)

  • Choi, Soon Young;Kim, Chang Hwan;Park, Chan Hong;Kim, Hyung Rae
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.22-37
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    • 2020
  • We analyze the comprehensive three-dimensional (3D) magnetic structure characteristics from the seafloor to the deep layer of the Tofua Arc (TA) 12 seamount in the Tonga Arc, Southwestern Pacific, using bathymetric and geomagnetic data, and magnetization vector inversion (MVI) results. The seafloor features surrounding TA 12 highlight a NW-SE-oriented elliptical caldera at the summit of the seamount, two small cones in the depressed area. A large-scale sea valley is present on the western flank of the seamount, extending from these caldera cones to the southwestern base of the seamount. TA 12 seamount exhibits a low magnetic anomaly in the caldera depression, whereas a high magnetic anomaly is observed surrounding the low magnetic anomaly across the caldera summit. It is therefore presumed that there may be a strong magnetic material distribution or magma intrusion in the caldera. The 3D MVI results show that the high anomaly zones are mainly present in the surrounding slopes of the seamount from the seafloor to the -3,000 m (below the seafloor) level, with the magnetic susceptibility intensity increasing as the seafloor level increases at the caldera depression. However, small high anomaly zones are present across the study area near the seafloor level. Therefore, we expect that the magma ascent in TA 12 seamount migrated from the flanks to the depression area. Furthermore, we assume that the complex magnetic distribution near the seafloor is due to the remnant magnetization.

An Anatomical Study of the Posterior Tympanum (한국인 중이강후벽에 관한 형태해부학적 고찰)

  • 양오규;윤강묵;심상열;김영명
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1982.05a
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    • pp.17.2-19
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    • 1982
  • The sinus tympani is subject to great variability in the size, shape and posterior extent. A heavy compact bony zone, especially in the posterior portion and the narrow space between the facial nerve and posterior semicircular canal are the limitation of surgical approach. The facial recess should be opened, creating a wide connection between the mesotympanum and mastoid in the Intact canal wall tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy. The surgically created limits of the facial recess are the facial nerve medially, the chorda tympani laterally and the bone adjacent to the incus superiorly. Using adult Korean's thirty-five temporal bones, the authors measured the osteologic reslationship in the posterior tympanum, especially sinus tympani and facial recess. The result was as followed. 1. The average distance from the anterior end of the pyramidal eminence. 1) to the edge of the sinus tympani directly posterior was 2.54(1.05-5.40)mm. 2) to the maximum posterior extent was 3.22(1.25-7.45)mm. 3) to the maximum cephaled extent was 0.67 (0.40-1.75)mm. 2. The boundary of the sinus tympani was 82.9% from the lower margin oval window to the upper margin round window niche. 3. The deepest part of the sinus tympani was 62.9% in the mid portion, between the ponticulus and subiculum. 4. The oblique dimension from the fossa incudis above to the hypotympanum below was 8.13(7.90-9.55)mm. 5. The transverse dimensions midway between the oval window above and round window below was 3.00(2.85-3.45)mm. 6. The transverse dimension at the level of the fossa incudis was 1.81(1.40-2.15)mm. 7. The facial nerve dehiscence was 14.3%. 8. Anterior-posterior diameter of the footplate was 2.98(2.85-3.05) mm. 9. The average distance from the footplate. 1) to the cochleariform process was 1.42(1.35-1.55) mm. 2) to the round window niche was 1.85(1.45-2.10) mm.

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Three-dimensional magnetotelluric surveys for geothermal development in Pohang, Korea (포항지역 지열 개발을 위한 3 차원 자기지전류 탐사)

  • Lee, Tae-Jong;Song, Yoon-Ho;Uchida, Toshihiro
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2007
  • A three-dimensional (3D) magnetotelluric (MT) survey has been carried out to delineate subsurface structures and possible fractures, for development of low-temperature geothermal resources in Pohang, Korea. Quite good quality MT data could be obtained throughout the survey region by locating the remote reference in Kyushu, Japan, which is ${\sim}480\;km$ from the centre of the field site. 3D modelling and inversion are performed taking into account the sea effect in MT measurements near the seashore. The nearby sea in the Pohang area affects MT data at frequencies below $1\;Hz{\sim}0.2\;Hz$, depending on the distance from the seashore. The most severe sea effects were observed in the south-east parts of the survey area, closer to Youngil Bay. 3D inversion with and without the seawater constraint showed very similar results at shallow depths, roughly down to 2 km. At greater depths, however, a strong sea effect seems to form a fictitious conductive structure in ordinary 3D inversion, especially in the south-eastern part of the survey region. Comparison between drilling results and the resistivity profiles from inversions showed that five layered structures can be distinguished the subsurface beneath the target area. They are: (a) semi-consolidated mudstones with resistivity less than $10\;{\Omega}m$, which are ${\sim}300\;m$ thick in the northern part and ${\sim}600\;m$ thick in the southern part of the survey area; (b) occasional occurrence of trachybasalt and lapilli tuff within the mudstone layer has resistivity of a few tens of${\Omega}m$, (c) intrusive rhyolite ${\sim}400\;m$ thick has resistivity of several hundreds of ${\Omega}m$, (d) alternating sandstone and mudstone down to 1.5 km depth shows resistivity of ${\sim}100\;{\Omega}m$, (e) a conductive structure was found at a depth of ${\sim}3\;km$, but more geological and geophysical study should be carried out to identify this structure.