• Title/Summary/Keyword: 심리-정서발달

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The Relationship Between Mental Health and Creativity in Youth: Focusing on The Mediating Effects of Frequency of Cultural Activity Participation and Cultural Activity Experience (청소년의 정신건강과 창의성의 관계: 문화활동참여 빈도와 문화예술활동 경험 매개효과 중심으로)

  • Sujeong Kim
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to propose implications for mental health and cultural arts education, in which certain factors can contribute to acquiring and improving creativity in adolescents to cultivate the creative human resources required in future society. The study used panel data from the Korean Education Longitudinal Study provided by the Korea Educational Development Institute. First, we analyzed the correlation between mental health and creativity and then examined mediation and serial mediation effects of the frequency of participation in cultural activities and the experience of them between two factors. The results showed that mental health was significantly positively correlated with creativity. Additionally, the frequency of participation in cultural activities and their experience were confirmed to have partial mediating effects. In other words, sound mental health factors such as comfort, enjoyment and happiness, cultural education, and cultural activities were found to have positive effects on creativity in adolescents. To develop creativity in adolescents, this study suggests the following challenges: (1) enhancing positive mental health, (2) increasing participation in cultural and artistic activities, (3) actively developing education programs for the cultural arts on community and educational sites, and (4) using and promoting local cultural and artistic education programs. These are expected to make an important contribution to fostering talented adolescents with creativity and convergence.


  • Eon, So-Yong;Song, Won-Woung;Oh, Kyung-Ja;Choi, Eui-Gyum;Shim, Eun-Ji;Shin, Yee-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2004
  • Objectives:This study was performed to introduce a psychoeducational family therapy model for the families of schizophrenic patient and to investigate the effect of this model on the changes in coping style and depressive symptoms of the family members, and in perception of emotional support by families and depressive symptoms of patients. Methods:Nine preschool children, 3-5 years old, experiencing physical injuries caused by attack from a psychotic patient at kindergarten, were evaluated for psychological assessments;Intelligence test, MSSB(MacArthur Story-Stem Battery), H-T-P test(House-Tree-Person test). And their parents completed rating scale, KPI-C(Korean Personality Inventory for Children about children’s psychological conditions). Results:With respects to the contents and emotional reactions of MSSB, 9 preschool children showed generally high levels of anxiety, depression, avoidance, aggression, probably related to the traumatic experiences. Even though children couldn't verbally report directly about their traumatic experiences, in both MSSB, structured play narrative assessment tool, and HPT, free drawing and association test, they demonstrated psychiatric problems through reenactment plays, regardless of clinical diagnoses. Conclusion:Present study allowed us the chance to see beyond the outer pathological behaviors of PTSD in preschool children, through deeper evaluations of their mental representation. These preliminary data suggest deep understanding of internal representation would be of help for thorough evaluations and treatment plan for preschool children, experiencing severe trauma.

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Musical Instrumental Playing Activity using Blues Music Structure for the Improvement of Self-Efficacy in Female Middle School Students who have Depressive Tendencies (우울성향 여중생의 블루스 음악형식을 활용한 자기효능감 증진 연주활동)

  • Koo, Sae Rom
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2007
  • Huge growth in developmental level, new accomplishment, and The period of adolescents is not only the transition stage but also improvement of academic level. In this level of stage, adolescents have difficulties in development, so they show psychological abnormality such as stress and depression. They could develop mental disorder such as depression or anxiety if they do not overcome the abnormality. According to the situation of the insufficiency of the decent program for adolescents' mental health in the current society, we are strongly requested to develop the psycho-therapeutic program for them. Therefore, in this study, we examined the effect of the musical activities as blues music structure on the improvement of the Self-Efficacy in the female middle school students who have depressive tendencies as well as what they experienced through the activities. The 3 participants were selected out of 70 students in the first year at the "D" middle school in Seoul by being tested with Child Depression Inventory(CDI) and Self-Efficacy Scale(SES). The musical activities were built with 3 steps. Of which, the first one was the introduction to each other, the formation of rapport, and induction of their interests to the musical activities through blues. The second one was letting participants learn the blues music structure by practice and play assigned music(including improvisation) during later 5 sessions with different difficulties at each session. The third one was giving them opportunities to play a music out of the acquired ones during the session or creative music by their own, which results in maximizing musical activities and an acquired experience. As a result, first of all, the scores of CDI test of 3 participants in 10 time sessions showed slight changes, suggesting the negative correlation between CDI and SES even though changes were not big differences. Secondly, the scores of SES test of 3 subjects in 10 time sessions were all changed and especially preference for tasking was significant. Thirdly, the scores of SES for musical playing test of 3 participants in 10 time sessions were all changed and especially preference for musical tasking was significant shown. Finally, according to answers of 3 participants in 10 time sessions for the after questionnaire on musical activities, participants experienced affirmative self-confidence and positive emotion. Taken together, it was suggested that musical activities using blues music structure could be promising therapeutic intervention method.

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  • Choi, Jee-Eun;Ahn, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.40-60
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    • 2004
  • Introduction:Research on attachment in view point of the developmental perspective which began in the 1940s progressed during several decades. Many investigators focused mother-child separation in early attachment studies, and moved to the relationship with childhood psychopathology. Recently attachment theory and research are moving forward along the intergenerational transmission of attachment patterns, and adolescents and adult mental disorders in the developmental perspectives. Methods:We surveyed the research papers through Medline search, attachment-related monographs, and review or original papers published in Korean journal. Results:Developmental attachment researches have demonstrated convincingly that insecure attachment in infancy is associated with attachment disorder; several childhood psychopatholgy, such as institutional care and adoption, aggression and behavioral problems, childhood anxiety disorders and depressive disorders, gender identity disorder and feeding disorder, and child abuse and maltreatment; peer relationship and social competency, and parental behaviors. Recently the methodological advances including the Adult Attachment Interview that systematically assesses the adults' recollections of the earlier parent-child relationship they experienced could move beyond attachment researcher's initial concern with infancy to consider attachment processes throughout the life span. We could find that the quality of attachment was associated with several mental disorders in adolescents and adults significantly. Conclusion:Attachment theory would have focused on more specific parent-child relationship than general parental behavior. Recent attachment theory underscores its evolutionary origins to promote development of infant and contribute to human survival in psychobiological bases. Advances in attachment research could unite interests in evolutional biology and developmental psychology in understanding early parent-child relationship, and apply to clinical issues concerning mental health throughout the life span.

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A Study on the Method of Christian Youth Education for the Improvement of Relationship (관계성 향상을 위한 기독 청년교육 방안 연구)

  • Park, Eunhye
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.71
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    • pp.121-154
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    • 2022
  • This study is to summarize the relationship between youth in terms of developmental psychology, university education, faith, and spirituality in order to form and improve relationships, which are major developmental tasks of youth, and to suggest Christian youth education by the elements of education. Relationships are formed when you are connected to another person and community, feel interested in each other, feel a sense of bond and belonging, and maintain a stable and satisfactory relationship. This is not skill or technology, but is related to life attitude and value, and continuous learning and training are required. Various developmental tasks in youth have something in common with relationships. Relationships positively affect the lives of young people, such as satisfaction with college life in the early stages of youth, adaptation to college life, personality, and career decision. Relationships are also very important in faith because human existence and faith are defined and formed through relationships. The relationship between the community and others plays an important role in spiritual development for the meaning of life and inner growth. In the aspects of learners and educational environment, it was suggested to understand learners with desire for relationships, the generation they live in, and the educational environment in which the relationship between young people occurs. In terms of teachers, teachers have to try to change their roles such as facilitators, guides, managers, and mentors. For the educational purpose and content, it was suggested that relationships should be the ultimate purpose and the educational content for this was presented in three different types of relationships and each main contents to be dealt with. In terms of educational method, it was proposed to select a learner-centered group learning method that induces communication and active participation of learners to cause interaction by considering other elements of education according to the content of the relationship in the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions. In the aspects of educational results and evaluation, it was proposed to confirm that what was considered during the educational planning stage was effectively carried out in actual education, to evaluate various evaluation methods, various aspects, and to summarize the evaluation results for the specific application.


  • Lee, Soo-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.12-25
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    • 2003
  • Objectives:As increasing number of new antidepressants have been being introduced in clinical practice, pharmacological understanding has been broadened. These changes mandate new information and theories to be incorporated into the treatment process of children with depressive disorders. In light of newly coming knowledge, this review intended to recapitulate the characteristics of new antidepressants and to consider the pivotal issues to develope guidelines for the treatment of depression in childhood and adolescence. Methods:Searching the Pub-Med online database for the articles with the key words of 'new', 'antidepressants' and 'children' ninety-seven headings of review articles were obtained. The author selected the articles of pertinent subjects in terms of either treatment guideline or psychopharmacology of new antidepressants. When required, articles about the clinical effectiveness of individual antidepressants were separatedly searched. In addition, the safety information of new antidepressants was acquired by browsing the official sites of the United States Food and Drugs Administration and Department of Health and Human Services. Results:1) For the clinical course, treatment phase, and treatment outcome, the reviews or treatment guidelines adopted the information from adult treatment guidelines. 2) Systematic and critical reviews unambiguously concluded that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs) excelled tricyclic antidepressants( TCAs) for both efficacy and side effect profiles, and were recommend for the first-line choice for the treatment of children with depressive disorders. 3) New antidepressants generally lacked treatment experiences and randomized controlled clinical trials. 4) SSRIs and other new antidepressants, when used together, might result in pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacodynamic drug-to-drug interaction. 5) The difference of the clinical effectiveness of antidepressants between children and adults should be addressed from developmental aspects, which required further evidence. Conclusion:Treatment guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of childhood and adolescence depression could be constructed on the basis of clinical trial findings and practical experiences. Treatment guidelines are to best serve as the frame of reference for a clinician to make reasonable decisions for a particular therapeutic situation. In order to fulfill this role, guidelines should be updated as soon as new research data become available.

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Emotional State and Personality Characteristics in Patients with Vitiligo (백반증 환자의 정서상태와 성격특성)

  • Lee, Kyung-Kyu;Lee, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Hyun-Woo;Paik, Ki-Chung;Kim, You-Chan
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2000
  • Objectives : This study was aimed to investigate the emotional state and personality factors of patients with vitiligo, and the impacts of clinical characteristics. Methods : Twenty one patients with vitiligo and 20 normal controls were studied. Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), Spielberg's State and Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI) and Cattell's 16 Personality Factors Questionnaire(16-PF) were used for assessment. Statistically, t-test, Oneway ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U test and Pearson's correlation test were used. Results : The Results were as follows. 1) The comparison of total score of BDI, state anxiety and trait anxiety between the patients with vitiligo and normal controls were not significantly different. 2) In first-stratum source traits of 16-PF, normal control group was significantly higher than the patients with vitiligo in H-factor(Boldness) and I-factor(Tender-mindedness). In second-stratum source traits of 16-PF, there was no significant difference between the patients with vitiligo and normal control in all factors. 3) According to sex, the comparison of total scores of BDI, STAI between male and female patients with vitiligo were not significantly different. In the comparison of 16-PF, female patients were higher than male patients in I-factor only. 4) As according to age(under and over 30 years of age), the comparison of total scores of BDI, STAI between patients over 30 years of age and under 30 years of age were not significantly different. In the comparison of 16-PF, patients over 30 years of age were higher than patients under 30 years of age in E-, G-, L-, M-, Q2-, Q3-, IND-, SUP-, and CRE-factor. 5) As according to the presence of progression of vitiligo and the presence of visible lesion, the comparison of total scores of BDI, STAI and 16-PF were not significantly different. 6) There were no significant correlation between the duration of the vitiligo and BDI, STAI-S, STAI-T, and 16-PF. Conclusions : There were no significant difference between patients with vitiligo and normal controls on the emotional state and personality characteristics. But patients with vitiligo were more bolder and tender-minded than normal controls on 16-PF. The author propose that methods of treatment to resolve problems of the interpersonal relations will be helpful.

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An Evolutionary Concept Analysis of Helicopter Parenting (헬리콥터 양육에 대한 진화론적 개념분석)

  • Lee, Yong-Wha;Kim, Ji-Hyun;Yim, So-Youn;Chae, Myung-Ock;Lee, Hye-Rim;Oh, Jina
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.237-246
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: Helicopter parenting is an emerging concept as a way of rearing adolescents and adult children. However, helicopter parenting from a nursing perspective has not been elucidated. Therefore, we undertook a concept analysis to understand the attributes, antecedents and consequences of helicopter parenting in the context of nursing. Methods: Using Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis, we analyzed literature on helicopter parenting to discover critical attributes, antecedents, and consequences of this phenomenon. Data were collected from seven electronic search engines. Twelve studies matching inclusion criteria were reviewed. Results: Three core attributes of helicopter parenting were hovering, highly deep involvement, and proxy decision making. The antecedents and consequences were retrieved from three important domains including social, parent, and child aspects. Surrogate terms were black hawk, hummingbird, and hovercraft parenting, and related terms were stealth fighter and Kamikaze parenting. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, helicopter parenting has both positive and negative effects on both children and parents. To enhance the positive effects, measurement tools for helicopter parenting and nursing interventions on parenting need to be developed.


  • Cho Sun-Mi;Choi Ji-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : Present study compared the characteristics in Rorschach responses and Sandplay between ADHD and normal children group. Method : ADHD (excluded inattention type & emotional problem) group and normal group was composed of 10 children respectively. All of them were controlled by Intelligence Quotation. Rorschach responses were scored by Exner system and compared by t-test. For sandplay work, the time was measured and photo was taken. Results : 1) ADHD group showed that the reaction time in Rorschach was significantly fast and they easily failed to recall the responses. The statical significances are 3r+ (2)/R, X-%, Xu%, (2), AG, Afr, SCZI, Wsum 6, FD, Zd, Blends, a. 2) ADHD group showed that the reaction time in Sandplay was significantly fast, they used low materials (total numbers of toy, vehicles) and the work was less coordinated. Conclusion : This results suggest that ADHD children are apt to react, think and coordinate impulsively. Also, Sandplay could be used fur diagnostic method as Rorschach test.

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The Relationship of between Anxiety Tendency and Recurrent Abdominal Pain in Elementary School Children (학동기 소아에서 반복성 재발성 복통과 불안 성향과의 관련성)

  • Moon, Ji-Young;Moon, Kyung-Rye
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: It has been reported that children with chronic pain have higher levels of anxiety than age-matched controls. Therefore, this study was designed to determine the relationship between anxiety and recurrent abdominal pain in elementary school children. Methods: In 2005, we surveyed 1,254 elementary school children (592 boys and 662 girls) whose ages ranged from 7 to 12 years. The degree of trait and state anxiety was compared between agroup suffering from intermittent abdominal pain, a group suffering from recurrent abdominal pain and a normal control group following the Korean version of Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory YZ form (STAI-YZ). Results: 709 (56.5%) and 69 (5.5%) of the patients reported intermittent abdominal pain and and recurrent abdominal pain, respectively, during the 12 month period before this study was conducted, and trait and state anxiety values for each of these groups was 116 (9.3%) and 63 (5.0%), respectively. In addition, the State-Trait Anxiety score was significantly higher in the group with intermittent abdominal pain and RAP than the anxiety score of the normal control group. Additionally, the STAI-YZ score increased in proportion to the severity of abdominal pain, but was not correlated with the duration, frequency, onset time or location of abdominal pain. Furthermore, the proportion of the group with abdominal pain in the group that had trait or state anxiety was significantly higher than the proportion of the group that did not have trait and state anxiety. Conclusion: Recurrent abdominal pain during childhood is correlated with state and trait anxiety, therefore, psychological factors, such as anxiety duringtreatment, must also be considered when determining the cause of recurrent abdominal pain.

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