• Title/Summary/Keyword: 실진법

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An Analysis on the Characteristic and Origin of the Exhaustion Method (실진법의 특성과 기원에 대한 분석)

  • Park, Sun-Yong
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.27-44
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    • 2019
  • This study analyses and discusses on the characteristic and the origin of the exhaustion method caused by the controversy over whether that method succeeded to the Antiphone's complete exhaustion idea and whether that method is similar to the method of limits. First, this study analyses 'principle of exhaustion method' which play an important role in that method in order to grasp the local characteristic of it. And this study speculates the origin of the exhaustion method by considering the time and situation of appearance and looking through the local characteristic of it. Also, this study takes a view of the overall characteristic of the exhaustion method by inquiring into the process of actual application of 'principle of exhaustion method' in a proof. As these results, this study reveals that the exhaustion method uprose not as a succession of Antiphone's idea but as a reaction to its idea, and that the exhaustion method has the recognized character of 'finitude' as distinct from the method of limits.

The Effects of Combination Patterns of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation and Ball Exercise on Pain and Balance in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients (고유수용성신경근촉진법의 결합패턴과 공 운동을 통한 요부안정화운동이 만성 요통 환자의 통증 및 정적 균형에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Chae-Woo;Kim, Jin-Seop;Lee, In-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2012
  • Purpose : This study aimed to compare the effect of two modes (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation combination patterns and ball exercise) of low back stability for chronic low back patients. Methods : The subjects were recruited fourty patients who had low back pain. All subjects were randomly assigned to PNF combination patterns group, ball exercise group. Measurements were performed fourtimes: pre test, 2weeks, 4weeks, and 6weeks. Main outcome measures comprised the visual analogue scale(VAS), balance performance monitor(BPM). Results : The results were as follows. In the comparison of VAS score, sway area, sway path, and sway velocity according treatment period, score was significantly reduced in both PNF combination pattern group and ball exercise group. In the comparison of the both VAS and sway area between groups, there were significant. PNF combination pattern group significantly more decrease than ball exercise group at 6 weeks. However, both sway path and sway max velocity between group, there were not significantly. Conclusion : These results of this study indicated that PNF combination pattern which performed for six weeks had a significant influence than ball exercise group on low back pain.

Suggestions of Improvement in Construction Supervision System followed by Post-sale System of the Apartment;focussing on Supervision price (주택건설공사 후분양 도입에 따른 감리제도 개선방안;감리대가에 대하여)

  • Jo, Young-Sil;Lee, Hyun-Soo;Park, Moon-Seo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.455-458
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    • 2007
  • With the government plan to introduce a post-sale system to the Korean real estate market quickly becoming a reality, reformation of the supervision policy under the current pre-sale system is expected. The current supervision policy, designed to enhance the quality of houses and to prevent improper construction, was reinforced through the 'residential construction promotion act' and has been further revised as the 'residential law'. At this current time, the introduction of a post-sale system is expected to affect all aspects of residential construction, from the planning stages to overall conditions regarding the actual construction. Therefore, this research will illustrate several changes in the supervision policy that are expected to arise from the introduction of the post-sale system, focusing on areas of the policy that are presumed to be the most affected. The research will highlight problems under the current system, analyze any domestic supervision restrictions that have been regulated for post-sales that are currently effective, and suggestion methods of improvement in construction supervision system through SWOT analysis.

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An Analysis of Descriptions about the History of Mathematics in the 2015 Mathematics Textbooks and Teacher Guides for Elementary School Level (2015 초등 수학 교과서 및 지도서의 수학사 기술내용 분석)

  • Park, Mingu
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.171-199
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we review contents to supplement the descriptions of the history of mathematics in the 2015 mathematics textbooks and teacher guides for the elementary school level and offer our opinion on them. For this purpose, we conducted a literature review on 24 types of 2015 mathematics textbooks and teacher guides for the elementary school level. The results of this study are as follows: A total of 10 topics were found whose contents were supplemented with descriptions. They were the "Arithmetic of the Ancient Egyptians," the "A'h-mosè Papyrus in Mathematics Textbooks of the Ancient Egyptians," "The Old Akkadian Square Band in Mesopotamia," "The Relationship of the Old Babylonians in Mesopotamia with the Angle," "The Pi of the Ancient Egyptians and the Old Babylonians," "The Square Roots 2 of the Ancient Egyptians and the Old Babylonians," "The Relationship of the Islamites with the Decimal Fraction," "Two Arguments for the Roots of the Golden Ratio," "The Relationship of Archimedes with the Exhaustion Method," and "The Design of Flats." Then, their specific supplements were suggested. It is expected that this will overcome the perspective of the history of the Axial Age and acknowledge and accept the perspective evidencing the transfer of mathematical culture from Ancient Egypt and Old Babylonia to Ancient Greece and Hellenism, and then through Central Asia to Europe.

담배자판기, 신규설치 금지 및 철거 규제안 철회되다

  • 한국자동판매기공업협회
    • Vending industry
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    • v.2 no.5 s.6
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2002
  • 담배자판기의 신규설치를 금지하고 기존 설치된 자판기마저 전면철거하도록 하는 보건복지부의 초강력 규제안이 마침내 철회가 되게 되었다. 보건복지부는 올 들어 확대되는 금연정책에 편승, 기존 흡연 구역 내 담배자판기 신규설치를 금지하고, 기존 설치된 제품들마저 전면철거하는 규제를 담은 국민건강증진법 시행령 개정안을 지난 4월 공고하며 그 입법추진을 진행한 바 있다. 이 공고안은 그간 국무총리실 산하 규제개혁위원회 분과위원회에 상정되어 1,2차 심의를 진행해 오다 지난 9월 27일 본회의를 통해 '보건복지부의 흡연구역 내 담배자판기 신규설치 금지 및 기존 자판기 철거는 명백히 영업활동 자유 및 재산권 침해에 해당된다.'는 이유로 이를 철회토록 하는 결정을 진행했다. 이 결정을 담은 국민건강증진법 개정안은 조만간 법제처 심사 및 차관회의 등을 거쳐 최종 확정 되게 된다. 이같은 규제개혁위원회의 결정은 협회를 중심으로 한 산업의 적극적인 대응이 있었기에 가능했다. 성인인증장치 도입을 통해 청소년 흡연문제를 완전, 해결하겠다는 산업계의 적극적인 자율대책에도 불구하고 아예 담배자판기를 뿌리 채 뽑겠다는 보건복지부의 행정만능주의적인 발상은 도저히 수용하지 못할 부당한 처사라는 데 관련업계가 인식을 같이 했다. 따라서 이를 반대하는 산업계 입장을 분명히 하며 분명히 하며 적극적인 저지 대응을 최근까지 진행해 왔다. 협회에서는 1차적으로 보건복지부 건강증진과에 담배자판기 전면철거에 대한 산업계 반대 입장을 피력하는 소견서 제출하고 적극적인 산업계의 반대의지를 피력하는 작업을 진행했다. 또한 청소년보호위원회를 통해 청소년 흡연감소를 위한 성인인증 담배자판기 설치 활용방안 건의하며 담배자판기의 긍정적인 활용측면을 집중 부각시키기도 했다. 재정경제부를 통해서는 담배사업법 관련 담배자판기 설치기준에 대한 질의를 통해 현행 관련법 내에서의 설치기준을 명확히 하기도 했다. 이같은 대응에 있어서의 핵심 설득 논리는 담배자판기가 이제는 성인인증장치 부착을 통해 청소년 및 사회적 위해 요인을 극소화 할 수 있다는 점에 있었다. 과거와는 달리 담배자판기가 오히려 청소년의 담배 구입루트 차단이라는 긍정적 역할을 할 수 있는 시점에 있어 이를 전면규제하기보다는 합법적인 설치 환경을 확보하여 사회적으로 떳떳하게 존재가치를 평가받을 수 있게 해달라는게 산업계의 초지일관의 주장이었던 것. 협회는 이같은 주장이 결코 산업계의 이기만이 아니라 세계적인 추세라는 점, 또 담배자판기를 전면철거까지 하면서 과당규제를 할 명분이 부족하다는 점을 반대논리로 적극 내세웠다. 규제개혁위원회가 이번 공공 이용시설 중 흡연구역으로 지정된 장소 내에 담배자판기는 설치 금지 및 철거규제에 철회권고를 내리게 된 것은 이러한 산업계의 주장을 적극 수용함에 힘입은 바 크다. 규제개혁위원회는 이번 결정의 주된 이유로 우선 기설치된 자판기에 대한 철거는 재산권 침해로 위헌 소지가 있음을 들고 있다. 또한 흡연자를 위한 흡연구역내에서마저 자판기 설치를 금지하는 등의 규제는 과도하며 흡연자의 권익보호 역시도 필요함을 인정하고 있다. 따라서 전면적인 규제보다는 청소년 이용통제 가능한 흡연구역에 한하여 담배자판기를 설치토록한 현행규정의 실질적 관리를 강화하며, 전체적으로 흡연구역을 축소 제한하는 방향으로 추진함이 바람직하다는 의견을 제시했다. 규제개혁위원회의 이번 결정으로 흡연구역 내 담배자판기의 설치는 현행법의 적용을 받게 되며, 산업계의 자율대책대로 성인인증 장치를 부착한 담배자판기의 설치 확대가 크게 촉발될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 담배자판기가 적극적이고 능동적인 사회적 역할을 할 수 있을 때 자연 이를 반대할 수 있는 명분도 약해질 수 밖에 없다. 산업계는 보다 신뢰성 있게 청소년 이용을 차단할 수 있는 담배자판기 관련 기술 수준을 향상시켜야 할 것이며, 협회에서는 담배자판기의 공공성과 역할에 대한 지속적인 계몽 홍보를 통해 소비자 인식을 고양시켜 나갈 수 있게 해야 할 것이다. 비록 전면 규제 완화가 어렵고 힘든 길이기는 하지만 소비자에게 신뢰성을 부여하고 청소년의 담배 구입 루트 차단에 혁혁한 역할을 다할 수 있게 된다면 그 입지기반을 재평가 받을 수 있게 될 것이다. 담배자판기의 내일은 이제 암울함이 아닌 서서히 희망을 비치는 쪽으로 급선회되고 있다.

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Overview of four subgroups in Soeum(Lessor Yin) Constitution, Which are classified based on 'Chang(=Viscera) and Fu(=Bowels) meridian theory' (소음인(小陰人)의 장부경락론적(臟腑經絡論的) 고찰(考察))

  • Yom, Tae-hwan
    • Journal of Sasang Constitutional Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.10-23
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    • 2000
  • Four-constitutional theory proposed by Dr. Lee, Je-ma has been evolve for last 100years by his followers. One of the major progresses was the emergence of constitutional acupuncture proposed by Dr. Kwan Doh-won. Constitutional acupuncture included the new pulse diagnostic method to determine the body type, pulse diagrams and corresponding acupuncture method called five element acupuncture in which five-element points in 12 meridian channels are used. Dr. Sa-ahm proposed five-element acupuncture three and a half hundred years age. Conjunction of Dr Lee's theory to Dr. Kwan proposed eight constitutions with eight pulse diagrams. He also adopted eight acupuncture prescriptions out of twenty-four Sa-ahm's acupuncture prescriptions. The author, Dr. Yom Tae-hwa, proposed more inclusive theory of 24 constitutions with 24 diagnostic pulse diagrams in Las Vegas International Acupuncture Convention in 1986. This article reviews history of constitutional medicine briefly. Each step of theoretical evolution from four-constitutional theory to twenty-four-constitutional theory is explained. By understanding the theoretical connection between twelve meridian channels based on five-element theory and four-constitutional theory in the article, one will easily accept the emergence of twelve of twenty four constitutional theory. Next, the article is focused on four subcategories under Sao-Yin constitution, which are one-sixth of 24 constitution. in this section classification, pulse diagnostic method, pulse diagram acupuncture prescriptions and herbal prescriptions are explained in detail. Then, clinical trial reports of acupuncture treatment and/or herbal formulas for such constitutions are attached for the rest part of the article. the purpose of this paper is to present the new hypothesis with the result of preliminary clinical trial hoping that additional clinical reports from other practitioners in this field triggers well-designed clinical study in future.

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