Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy embraces characteristics of existential philosophy and philosophical anthropology. In his book "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", Nietzsche defined human beings as an existence with innate possibility for change, beings that stand at the borderline between "the last man" and "the ${\ddot{u}}bermensch$", raising a question over the meaning of human being's existential healthiness. The anthropological symptoms that Nietzsche's philosophy deals with trigger existential problems, and healing these anthropological symptoms is a precedent to healing an existence. In Nietzsche's philosophy, the ${\ddot{u}}bermensch$ is presented as a prototype of practical man with a healthy existence, born from endeavors to heal the last man prototype of a decadence that was prevalent throughout Europe at the time. Nietzsche found the root cause of nihilism found in Europe in philosophy, religion, metaphysics, and Christianity, and attempted a genealogical investigation on this aspect. In so doing, a philosophical problem surfaced whereby only one truth was used to force diverse existential styles into a uniform style. Nietzsche intensively criticized philosophy and philosophers that only studied truths from metaphysical-Christian-moral perspectives, as they overlooked the foundation of true existence and presented human beings of a feeble mind and will as a result. Nietzsche emphasized the practical role of philosophy that can contribute to the human being's ascent and growth based on realistic conditions of human existence described as the earth, that philosophy that can serve as a basis for existential transformation of human beings and their lives. The task of philosophers is to lay the groundwork for the possibility of changes for all human beings and their realization. This existential practical foundation of philosophy can be called the ${\ddot{u}}bermensch$, as it is healthy man, the "greatest reality" as Nietzsche desired.
This paper aims to search existential phenomena of today's anxiety and reveal philosophical grounds in the diagnosis and therapy of the anxiety. In special, this writer intends to look into the source of anxiety through a psychological dimension and a ethical dimension and lay an emphasis on the philosophical grounds as a psychological phenomenon. For this, the anxiety is revealed as 'between-mood(Zwischenstimmung)' accompanied by the moment between split and integration of existence as between-being(Zwischesein)' of possibility and reality. My attention on 'betweenness(Zwischeheit)' which existence contains as the ground of anxiety is described by $S{\ddot{o}}ren$ Kierkegaard in the concept of synthesis but his concept of synthesis as 'the relation between two things' has not been fully noted even owing to the term of synthesis. This writer catches more intensive conditions which the existence concept has through the illumination as to betweenness(Zwischenheit). So this writer takes note of the process of tension between both sides instead of the result of the synthesis of both divided sides. For this objective this writer intends to analyze Concept of Anxiety(Der Begriff Angst) of $S{\ddot{o}}ren$ Kierkegaard, Pioneer of existential philosophy.
Given that the goal of study lies in the pursuit of truth and that philosophy asks questions about the origin of being, dealing with existence rather than essence is distant from the original meanings of philosophy. In spite of this, people talk about existence because it is closely related to the academic goals of phenomenology. It is true that phenomenology is Wesenswissenschaft ("the science of essences") in that it tries to restore the original nature of philosophy and establish philosophy as a strict science, but it cannot be ignored in phenomenological research that essence starts from existence. The purpose of this study is to examine the issues that traditional philosophy has sought after and missed by focusing on the issue of "existence." Existence is man's participation in the world, thus being expressed as being-to-the-world. All that has been perceived is understood in total unity and accordingly cannot be restored to ideological essence. In the end, the issue of existence should make a new start at the root of perception. Man is a thinking being and, at the same time, acting being. Here, an attempt to determine the priority between thinking and acting will be meaningless, indeed, and make an issue where there is none. Human beings will not thus stay at Descartes cogito argument' and try to go out into the world through the door opened by cogito. With these reasons in mind, this study examines the issue of existence with a focus on a phenomenal field and body.
Die Gegenwart steht den Tatsachen der Gewalt gegenüber. Wesentlich destruktive Techniken können den kollektiven Tod des Menschen als Gattung produzieren. Die Destruktivität dieser Techniken ist durch Skeptizismus geistesgeschichtlich gerechtfertigt. Ebelings Fundamentalpragmatik ist Reflexionstheorie der widerstandsfähigen Vernunft, welche einer Sozialisierung derjenigen Gewalt widersteht, die in einer gegenwärtigen Aussicht auf universale Selbstdestruktion des Menschen Tod produziert. Selbstbewußtsein (Apperzeption) ist bei Kant Selbstbewußtsein in Gegenstandsbewußtsein. Mit kritischer Auslegung von Kant zeigt Heidegger endlich, daß der Tod der Selbstbeziehung des konkreten Daseins als des In-der-Welt-seins gehört. Aber seine existenziale Analytik berücksichtigt nur individuelles Dasein zum Tode und vernachlässigt die Allgemeinheit des menschlichen Todes bzw. die dem allgemeinen Untergang widerstehende Vernunft. Apel kritisiert ein solipsistisches Erbe von Kants Bewußtseinsphilosophie und präsentiert ein Argument der Letztbegründung zur Überwindung des Skeptizismus. Aber seine Transzendentalpragmatik vernachlässigt die Endlichkeit des menschen und zeigt ein Defizit der fundamentalpragmatischen Vereinigung der Vernunft und des Todes. Aufgrund des gegenwärtigen Todesbewußtseins, das Heideggers Todesdeutung transformiert, rekonstruiert Ebelings Existentialpragmatik Heideggers Dasein zu Existenzsubjekt. Seine Fundamentalpragmatik vollzieht diejenige Erstbegründung, die zwischen der existentialpragmatischen Endbegründung des Todes und der transzendentalpragmatischen Letztbegründung vermittelt, und damit bestimmt sie Vernunft als Widerstandsbewußtsein (das bewußte Sein) gegen den Tod. Also ist sie neue transzendentalphilosophische Bewußtseinsphilosophie, die mit der neuen Selbstbestimmung der Vernunft entwickelt wird.
According to the result of 2017 youth statistics, the first rank of the death cause of Korean youth is suicide for nine years. The recent study on factors affecting juvenile suicide presents: family factors; character and psychological factors; mental disease factors; suicide-triggering factors; school factors; and protection factors; and so on. What is required to the youth who are vulnerable to the confusion of identity and the adjustment of emotion or impulse is not only drug treatment or mental therapy but also the support of family or society where adolescents are encouraged to be introspective and form their identity in a healthy approach in the diverse humanistic philosophical dimension. This study is going to pay attention to the aesthetic existence of Kierkegaard who provided the foundation of human existential identity centered on three stages of existence. For this purpose, we attempt to search for the philosophical basis for the understanding of juvenile identity centered on the analysis of Kierkegaard's Either / Or Volume I (Entweder - Oder Teil I). Especially, we are going to attempt the understanding of aesthetics of youth through the analysis of three stages of desire (Begierde) suggested in Chapter 2 of this book. Herewith he suggests aesthetic existence through 'desire', and aesthetic existence as the desire again through three stages of 'dreaming ($tr{\ddot{a}}umend$)' desire, 'searching (suchend)' desire, and 'desiring (begehrend)' desire. Based on this analysis of three stages, we plan to graft the roots of sociological factors presented as the cause of youth's suicide onto the analysis of existential philosophy. Through this, we attempt to grope for the diagnostic and healing discourse which Kierkegaard's existential analysis can present in the formation and recognition of youth identity and disclose a factor of the emotion or the disorder of impulse adjustment as well as depression suggested as the main contributing factor of youth's suicide and search for philosophical discourse for the prevention of juvenile suicide.
This Thesis is the study on the corresponding relations between Kierkegaard's existential stages and the forms of despair. the subjects of Kierkegaard's philosophical psychology are despair and anxiety. He studies the forms of despair in Sickness Unto Death, and anxiety in The Concept of Anxiety. He seeks to elucidate the human existence by way of the psychological inquiry on despair and anxiety. I will primarily study Kierkegaard's concept of despair in order to make out his understanding of human existence and, then, inquire into his concept of anxiety supplementarily. Until now, many studies on Kierkegaard's concept of despair have been carried out mainly focusing on his Sickness Unto Death. Of course, those studies focusing on his Sickness Unto Death are meaningful in a sense, but have a limit of abstract understanding, since Kierkegaard argues many forms of despair abstractly through the ontological form of the self which is constituted by the opposing constituents such as necessity and possibility. In order to understand his abstract explanation about despair, I think, we have to compare various modes of existence and the forms of despair which are portrayed in Either/Or and Fear and Trembling. Therefore, I will enquire into his seemingly unrelated works synthetically and elucidate his understanding on the relation of the forms of despair and the stages of existence.
Nietzsche stellt in seiner Philosophie den "${\ddot{U}}bermensch$" als existenziales Ideal des Menschen sowie als Menschentyp der Zukunft und "die ${\ddot{u}}bermenschliche$ Zukunft" als Zukunft des gesunden Menschen vor. Der ${\ddot{U}}bermensch$ und die ${\ddot{u}}bermenschliche$ Zukunft beinhalten in Nietzsches Philosophie den Sinn des gesunden Menschen und seiner gesunden Zukunft. Nach Nietzsche kann dieses gesunde Ideal durch die aktive Praxis des Menschen endlich verwirklicht werden. Nietzsche unterscheidet das aktive und das passive Verhalten des Menschen und leitet daraus die zwei $gegens{\ddot{a}}tzlichen$ Menschentypen her, also den aktiven Menschen (Herr der Moral des Lebens - geistig Starker) und den passiven Menschen (Sklave der Moral des Lebens - geistig Schwacher). Aber die Typologie dieser anthropologischen Differenz zielt nicht auf die Dualisierung der absoluten Differenz, sondern auf seine relativistisch-relationale ${\ddot{U}}berwindung$. Auf diese Weise setzt die philosophische Anthropologie Nietzsches im Grunde seine eigene praktische Philosophie voraus. Ferner bestimmt Nietzsche den Menschen als Zwischenwesen, das $hei{\ss}t$, dass der Mensch in Also sprach Zarathustra an der existenzialen Grenze zwischen Tier und ${\ddot{U}}bermensch$ und in seiner anthropologischen ${\ddot{A}}sthetik$ an der ${\ddot{a}}sthetischen$ Grenze zwischen $Versch{\ddot{o}}nerung$ und $Verh{\ddot{a}}sslichung$ des Lebens steht, sowie als $M{\ddot{o}}glichkeitswesen$, das an dieser Grenze durch die existenziale $Selbst{\ddot{u}}berwindung$ und die ${\ddot{a}}sthetische$ Selbstgestaltung in jedem Moment seine $Ver{\ddot{a}}nderungsm{\ddot{o}}glichkeit$$sch{\ddot{o}}pferisch$ verwirklichen kann. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, aufgrund Nietzsches anthropologischen $Verst{\ddot{a}}ndnisses$ die anthropologische Methodologie zu $er{\ddot{o}}rtern$, die er $f{\ddot{u}}r$ die Verwirklichung der immanenten $Ver{\ddot{a}}nderungsm{\ddot{o}}glichkeit$ des Menschen in seiner Philosophie vorstellt.
철학을 하든 시를 쓰든, 뜻대로 이루어지든 그렇지 못하든간에, 나는 그동안의 미약한 경험과 독서와 새색을 바탕으로 정말 나의 목소리를 찾아보고자 애써 보겠다. 나의 지적, 실존적, 삶을 정리해보고 싶은 것이다. 내 자신에 정말 정직해 보겠다는 내면적 요청이 절실히 느껴진다.
This article has the purpose of clarifying that Rollo May's existential psychotherapy is based on Kierkegaard's concept of anxiety in philosophical aspects. May makes use of Kierkegaard's concept of anxiety to establish his own existential psychotherapy. May points out that Freud's concept of anxiety is too technical in comparison with Kierkegaard's concept of anxiety. Freudian theory accepting anxiety as the cause of repression overlooks the importance of human relationship which brings about repression. May mentions the presence or absence of object to distinguish fear and anxiety. Kierkegaard and Freud also mention that the presence of object is called fear and the absence of object is anxiety. May interprets anxiety ontologically. Succeeding Kierkegaard's comment on nothing/non-being, May insists that anxiety is the experience of Being affirming itself against Nonbeing. May interprets Kierkegaard's concept of freedom as the possibility or potentiality in terms of similar meaning. May argues that Anxiety is the situation when faced with the problem which human being will achieve his potentiality. Kierkegaard's concept of freedom is also associated with sin at the same time as the freedom associated with anxiety. Succeeding this, May discusses the relation of guilt feeling and anxiety is the flipside of the coin. He understands that guilt feeling is not a pathological symptom but an evidence of the human being's possibility. Kierkegaard's The Concept of Anxiety has a sub-title which is 'a simple psychologically orienting deliberation on the dogmatic issue of hereditary sin'. This shows that he understood the relationship between anxiety and guilt as dilemma that can not be separated. Through this study, I want to clarify that May's concept of anxiety which is the most important concept in his existential psychotherapy, is derived from Kierkegaard's concept of anxiety.
This study conducted a review of the existential and psychological perspective about the risks and safe. The risk was identified as existential task through the existential philosophy and psychology discussed were the safety regulations as existential need. As existential anxiety that is caused by unmet and insufficiency of the existential needs and the existential task that was presented to identify the subjective risk. Subjective risk as existential anxiety, and suggested that serves as a compass to advance to the completion and the facing the existential. In addition, existential anxiety as a subjective function as a signal that can identify the problem conditions that expressed phenomena. Problematic aspect of a subjective risk was suggested that it can be adjusted through a method for supplying information that can be recognized by an experienced and symmetrical state with the direction of the expressed symptoms. The attempt to determine the existence of and psychological point of view, it gave provided the underlying psychological spokesman for the analysis of human society, including the Sewol ferry of Korea-type disaster. There are also presented some implications that can be applied effectively to give more psychological approach to future risk reduction and safety enhancement. In addition, this study through the various views presented by a comprehensive existential subject of several ways to adjust the status Theme conditioning method (Theme Condition Adjustment Theory: TCAT) to establish a theoretical basis for expecting it to be that.
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② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.