• Title/Summary/Keyword: 신호처리(signal processing)

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Development of Deterioration Diagnosis System for Aged ACSR-OC Conductors in HV Overhead Distribution Lines (고압 가공배전선의 노화된 ACSR-OC 도체에 대한 열화진단시스템 개발)

  • 김성덕;이승호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2000
  • Design and experiments of a nondestructive testing system with a solenoid eddy current sensor to inspect deterioration of ASCR-OC (ACSR Outdoor Cross-linked Polyethylene Insulated Wires) usually used in HV overhead distribution lines in domestic areas in presented in this paper. Through corrosion mechanisms and deterioration results for ACSR-OC conductors are examined, it is shown that corrosion may lead to the reduction of the effective cross section area of conductors is proposed. The measurement system consisting of a constant current source with a RF frequency, a signal processing unit and a motor driver/ controller is designed and implemented. This instrument has such capabilities as detecting the sensor output and estimating diameter change of the testing conductors, continuously. As a result, it was verified that such corrosion detector system with an eddy current sensor can be shown good effectiveness for estimating the serious faults due to deterioration in overhead distribution lines and giving an early warming before severe aged conductor may lead to fail.

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Estimation of Structural Dynamic Properties Using Signal Processing Techniques (신호처리기법을 이용한 구조물의 동특성치 추정)

  • Tae-Young,Chung;Yang-Han,Kim
    • Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 1990
  • Conventional methods to estimate natural frequencies and damping ratios of structures from measured response time series obtained during impact tests are reviewed. Maximum Entropy Method and Least Square Prony Method are introduced to alleviate the inherent limitation of the conventional methods. The performance of the methods are explored through computer simulation. As an example of application, they are applied to the time series obtained from an anchor drop-and-snup test of a container ship and the result is compared to that of conventional FFT method. As a result of the computer simulation, it is found that Maximum Entropy Method is very efficient to estimate natural frequencies of structures when two neighboring natural frequencies are close enough and short data records are only available, but it is not a reliable estimator for damping ratios. And it is also found that Least Square Prony Method is efficient to estimate the natural frequencies and damping ratios of highly damped structural system, but the estimation efficiency of damping ratios is significantly deteriorated in the presence of significant additive noise.

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Study on the Effective Compensation of Quantization Error for Machine Learning in an Embedded System (임베디드 시스템에서의 양자화 기계학습을 위한 효율적인 양자화 오차보상에 관한 연구)

  • Seok, Jinwuk
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2020
  • In this paper. we propose an effective compensation scheme to the quantization error arisen from quantized learning in a machine learning on an embedded system. In the machine learning based on a gradient descent or nonlinear signal processing, the quantization error generates early vanishing of a gradient and occurs the degradation of learning performance. To compensate such quantization error, we derive an orthogonal compensation vector with respect to a maximum component of the gradient vector. Moreover, instead of the conventional constant learning rate, we propose the adaptive learning rate algorithm without any inner loop to select the step size, based on a nonlinear optimization technique. The simulation results show that the optimization solver based on the proposed quantized method represents sufficient learning performance.

Similar Movie Contents Retrieval Using Peak Features from Audio (오디오의 Peak 특징을 이용한 동일 영화 콘텐츠 검색)

  • Chung, Myoung-Bum;Sung, Bo-Kyung;Ko, Il-Ju
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.1572-1580
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    • 2009
  • Combing through entire video files for the purpose of recognizing and retrieving matching movies requires much time and memory space. Instead, most current similar movie-matching methods choose to analyze only a part of each movie's video-image information. Yet, these methods still share a critical problem of erroneously recognizing as being different matching videos that have been altered only in resolution or converted merely with a different codecs. This paper proposes an audio-information-based search algorithm by which similar movies can be identified. The proposed method prepares and searches through a database of movie's spectral peak information that remains relatively steady even with changes in the bit-rate, codecs, or sample-rate. The method showed a 92.1% search success rate, given a set of 1,000 video files whose audio-bit-rate had been altered or were purposefully written in a different codec.

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Ultrasonic Rangefinder Spike Rejection Method Using Wavelet Packet Transform (웨이블릿 패킷 변환을 이용한 초음파 거리계 스파이크 제거 기법)

  • Kim, Sung-Hoon;Hong, Gyo-Young
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.298-304
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, a wavelet packet transform method is proposed for improving the altitude control performance of quadrotor UAV using an ultrasonic rangefinder. A ground tests are conducted using an ultrasonic rangefinder that is much used for vertical takeoff and landing. An ultrasonic rangefinder suffers from signal's spike due to specular reflectance and acoustic noise. The occurred spikes in short time span need to be analyzed at both sides time and frequency domain. The analyzed spikes of the ultrasonic rangefinder using a wavelet packet transform. Compared with the discrete wavelet transform, the wavelet packet decomposition can obtain more abundant time-frequency localization information, so it is more suitable for analyzing and processing ultrasonic signals spike. Experimental results show that it can effectively remove the spikes of the ultrasonic rangefinder.

An Exact Stochastic Analysis Method for Priority-driven Real-time Systems (우선순위 스케줄링을 사용하는 실시간 시스템을 위한 정확한 확률적 분석 방법)

  • 김강희
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.31 no.3_4
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    • pp.170-186
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    • 2004
  • Recently, for real-time applications such as multimedia and signal processing, it becomes increasingly important to provide a probabilistic guarantee that each task in the application meets its deadline with a given probability. To provide the probabilistic guarantee, an analysis method is needed that can accurately predict the deadline miss probability for each task in a given system. This paper proposes a stochastic analysis method for real-time systems that use priority-driven scheduling, such as Rate Monotonic and Earliest Deadline First, in order to accurately compute the deadline miss probability of each task in the system. The proposed method accurately computes the response time distributions for tasks with arbitrary execution time distributions, and thus makes it possible to determine the deadline miss probability of individual tasks. In the paper. through experiments, we show that the proposed method is highly accurate and outperforms exisiting methods proposed in the literature.

Performance Improvement Technique of Three-Dimensional Guidance Law Suitable for Ammunition (포발사 탄약에 적합한 3차원 유도법칙의 성능개선 기법)

  • Shin, Seung-Je;Kim, Whan-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.46 no.8
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    • pp.631-638
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a method to improve the performance by guidance technique and applying it to the precision guided ammunition. The proposed method is a technique designed to reduce the target error of ammunition by reducing the projectile error without analyzing the motion characteristics of the shot. This technique is applied to the moving average filter technique which is widely used as signal processing technique to reduce the fluctuation of the output of the inboard mounting inertial sensor caused by the rotation and the coning motion of the ammunition. In order to compare the performance of the applied technique including the simple 3D guided control technique and the proposed improvement technique. It is confirmed that the application of this technique improves the accuracy of impact of the cannon - launched ammunition with severe environmental conditions and irregular motion characteristics unlike the missile.

Development of Magnetoimpedance Sensor Utilizing Soft Magnetic Amorphous Ribbon with Exchange Coupling and Application to Nondestructive Testing (교환결합을 가진 연자성 비정질 리본을 이용한 자기 임피던스 센서 개발과 비파괴검사 응용)

  • Yoon, Seok-Soo;Kim, Gun-Woo;Lee, Sang-Hun;Kim, Cheol-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.401-406
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    • 2008
  • Recently, portable magnetic sensors with high sensitivity are strongly required for various applications such as biosensor, nondestructive testing and directional sensor. A novel magnetic sensor system was developed by utilizing giant magnetoimpedance(MI) effect of soft magnetic ribbons. The sensor system consists of sensing head of $Co_{66}Fe_{4}Si_{15}B_{15}$ ribbon having asymmetric MI characteristics through exchange coupling produced by field-annealing in open air and circuit for signal processing. The sensor system showed almost linear characteristics in dynamic range of $-1\;Oe\;{\sim}\;1\;Oe$ and sensitivity of 10.5 V/Oe. The sensor was applicable to nondestructive testing system to detect defects in wire ropes.

Design of A 10MHz Bandpass Filter Using Grounding and Floating CDTA Active Inductors (그라운딩과 폴로팅 CDTA 능동인덕터를 사용한 10MHz 대역통과필터 설계)

  • Bang, Junho;Ryu, In-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.6804-6809
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a bandpass filter using a current differencing transconductance amplifier (CDTA)s for application to low-voltage and low-power analog signal processing systems. The presented filter employs grounding and floating active inductors, which are composed of two or three CDTAs, and is capable of realizing all the standard functions of the filter without requiring any component matching criteria or extra active components. The HSPICE simulation result of the designed active bandpass filter showed that it had a 10MHz center frequency with -2.5dB attenuated bandwidth from 9.5 MHz to 10.5 MHz, and -50dB from 8 MHz to 17 MHz.

Signal Processing for Stabilizing Output of Fine Dust Sensor (미세먼지 센서 출력의 안정화를 위한 신호처리)

  • Jung, Sang-Wook;Park, Jun-Hyeon;Kim, Ju-An;Kim, Jae-Wook;Cheon, Bong-Won;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.344-346
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    • 2018
  • Air pollution has become a social issue. Particularly, interest in fine dust is increasing. Various kinds of sensors are being used to measure fine dust. The most commonly used infrared detection dust sensors operate by sensing the diffraction of light through an infrared receiver and sensing the light reflected by the dust in the air. However, this method has a drawback in which accurate data analysis is difficult due to deviation caused by the noise during measurement. In order to overcome such drawbacks, in this thesis, a low pass filter algorithm of FIR(Finite Impulse Response) filter was designed and implemented.

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