• Title/Summary/Keyword: 신전이

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Comparison of Nerve Growth Factor Induction and Anti-aging Activity Using Dried Gastrodia and Fermented Gastrodia Extracts (건천마와 발효천마 추출물의 항노화 활성과 신경성장인자 유도 효과 비교)

  • Choi, Jae-Hong;Kim, Jeung-Hoan;Jung, Jae-Youn;Suh, Sang-Gon
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.380-387
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed to examine the increasing biological activities of both nerve growth factor induction and anti-aging activity of gastrodia (Gastrodia elata) with fermentation process. Antioxidant activities, taken in the fermenting, were investigated to verify utility value of gastrodia for functional food and cosmetics. Fermented gastrodia extracts showed higher antioxidant activities than dried gastrodia extracts. During the routine check of all the practical use potential as functional food, inhibition effect of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and xanthine oxidase (XOase) was tested among water extracted dried gastrodia (WEDG), water extracted fermented gastrodia (WEFG), 70% ethanol extracted dried gastrodia (EEDG) and 70% ethanol extracted fermented gastrodia (EEFG). DPPH was shown as WEDG = $64.14{\pm}0.89%$, WEFG = $66.21{\pm}1.03%$, EEDG = $82.25{\pm}0.52%$, and EEFG = $82.36{\pm}2.37%$. ABTS was shown as WEDG = $54.15{\pm}1.37%$, WEFG = $60.24{\pm}2.25%$, EEDG = $59.18{\pm}1.86%$, and EEFG = $77.17{\pm}4.23%$. Therefore, ACE activity was dramatically inhibited by EERG while there was no difference of XOase inhibition between EEFG and EERG. Nerve growth factor (NGF) activity was measured and indicated about 40% increased neurite growth effect. To conclude, biologically active compounds of gastrodia were increased by fermentation process. It seems to be that ferment gastrodia enhance the use ranges from functional food to fuctional cosmetics, and to all processing industry.

Comparison of the Thigh Composition and its Functional Contractility in Obese and Nonobese Elderly Patients (일반노인과 비만노인의 대퇴부 근육량과 근력비교연구(Intermuscular fat을 중심으로))

  • Choi, Seung-Jun;Park, Sung-Mo;Kwak, Yi-Sub
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.1125-1131
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between quadriceps composition and its functional contractility in obese and nonobese elderly individuals. Thirty-four ($70{\pm}2yr$) individuals (obese, n=21; nonobese, n=13) participated in the study. The thigh composition was assessed with a CT scan, and its functional contractility was measured with an isotonic dynamometer. Variables were analyzed with a $2{\times}2$ two-way ANOVA and a contrast test (p<0.05). There were no between-group differences in the subjects' ages and heights, but individuals in the obese group were approximately 23% heavier and had 18% more fat than those in the nonobese group, regardless of gender. The total thigh volume of the obese elderly was greater (~29%) than that of the nonobese elderly, regardless of gender, and the fat volume (~39%) of the obese elderly was greater than that of the nonobese elderly, regardless of gender (p<0.05). Interestingly, the obese elderly tended to have a greater thigh muscle volume (~17% for males [p<0.05] and ~10% for females) than the nonobese. Despite the greater muscle volume, the peak knee extensor torque of the two groups was comparable or slightly greater in the obese individuals. However, when this was normalized by the total thigh volume, the nonobese males showed significantly greater peak torque (~26% for right and ~20% for left; p<0.05) compared to the obese males. The nonobese females also showed greater peak torque (~8% for both legs) than the obese females after normalization, but the result was not statistically significant. In conclusion, although the obese elderly individuals had greater quadriceps muscle mass than the nonobese, the normalized peak torque of the obese was significantly lower than that of the nonobese, implying a lower degree of muscle contractility.

Analysis of Kinematic on Ring jump in the Rhythmic Sport Gymnastics (리듬체조 Ring jump동작의 운동학적 분석)

  • Woo, Byung-Hoon;In, Hee-Kyo;Lee, Kae-San
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2002
  • The study has a goal that produces abundant documents that needed for athletes to teach and progress skills by analyzing 3-dimensional action analysis of C-difficulties Ring jump included in body original elements among techniques constructing Rhythmic Sport Gymnastics. 1. It was the longest applied time delay that E-3 indicates 0.409${\pm}$0.017sec in each event applied time delay. 2. It was the tallest height that E-3 indicates 88.5${\pm}$1.3% in displacement of body's center. 3. It was the fastest velocity in E-2 where the velocity of left foot is 732.4${\pm}$46.1cm/sec, the velocity of right foot is 1958.4${\pm}$25.1cm/sec. 4. the lowest angle was founded at 97.8 degree in the E-3 on the trunk extension angle. 5. The lowest angle of both sides were seen at 92.8${\pm}$14.9degree and 69.2${\pm}$5.7degree in the E-3 on the each displacement of knee joint. 6. The highest angle of both sides were seen at 171.3${\pm}$6.9degree and 167.9${\pm}$8.4degree in the E-3 on the each displacement of ankle joint As a result of these studies, by jumping with ankle joint extension to accomplish the Ring jump action, it is considered to have the time of flexiblity and staying in the air which we can see in a back.

Effect of Whole Body Vibration Training in Drop Landing Jump (전신진동운동이 드랍랜딩점프 동작에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Su-Yeon;Jang, Young-Kwan;Kim, Jin-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.423-429
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    • 2018
  • Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the effects of WBVE on biomechanical factor analysis of drop landing jumps before and after a four week training program. Methods: Participants were divided into two group: VEG (n=5, age: $25.7{\pm}2.3yrs$, height: $170{\pm}7.6cm$, weight: $69.3{\pm}8.3kg$) and OEG (n=5, age: $24.6{\pm}3.4yrs$, height: $164{\pm}4.9cm$, weight: $58.8{\pm}9.2kg$). Ten infrared cameras (Vicon, UK) with a sampling rate of 100 Hz were used in two GRF measurement systems (AMTI, USA). Results: The variability of the center of mass was largest at the falling phase, and there was a great risk of injury when landing after the jump. Second, the jumping heights of the VEG (vibration exercise group) were higher than those of the OEG (only exercise group), regardless of training period. Third, there were significant differences in the hip joint P1 (flexion) and knee joint P2 (extension) between the exercise groups after 4 weeks of training. However, there were no significant differences among training periods or phases. Conclusion: regardless of training periods, the VEG showed increased jump height compared with the OEG, but the consistency between the jump height and the lower joint power could not be determined.

Clinical Results of Treatment of Distal Biceps Rupture (이두박근 원위부 파열의 임상적 치료 결과)

  • Chung, Duke-Whan;Hwang, Jung-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: To report the clinical results of patients treated for a rupture of the distal tendon of biceps brachii Materials and Methods: Between February 1987 and March 2004, we treated 16 patients with a rupture of the distal tendon of biceps brachii. 9 of 16 patients underwent surgical treatment. All cases were male, median age was 26.3(range, 16-48) years. The mean interval between injury and surgery was 4.7 days (range, 1~36 days). Operative correction was performed anatomically, using the two-incision technique(3 cases) or one-incision technique(6 cases). Clinical outcomes were evaluated one year after operation by assessing the review about the physical examination finding and radiologic findings with surgical findings, range of motion, muscle strength, subjective satisfaction, activity and return to previous occupation. and via telephone interview in cases of conservative treatment. Results: In cases of surgical treatment, 85.8%, 86.3% of flexion-extension and supination-pronation motion than healthy side were measured respectively. 75% of flexion power than healthy side was measured. Eight of nine(89%) were very satisfied. Eightl of nine returned to original job. In cases of conservative treatment, 65% of flexion power than pre-injury state was reported. Four of seven were satisfied, two were dissatisfied, one was very dissatisfied. Three of seven returned to original job. Conclusion: Early anatomic reconstruction can restore more strength and endurance for supination and flexion range and power. Conservative management may be considered for partial injuries, but operative repair must be considered in complete rupture, athletes, patient with high activity.

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Anterior Knee Pain Syndrome & Shin Splint (전방 슬관절 동통 증후군 및 경부목)

  • Kim, Yeung-Jin;Chun, Churl-Hong;Lee, Ji-Wan;Choo, Ji-Woong
    • Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2010
  • Anterior knee pain syndrome would best be defined as a painful condition that arises in or around the patellofemoral joint and is insidious in onset and bilateral, with an enigmatic entity with multiple causes. Although its etiology is uncertain, the cause is often considered to be abnormal lower limb biomechanics, pathology of extensor mechanism, disorder of patellofemoral joint, malalignment or lateral tracking of the patella, soft tissue tightness, muscle weakness. The measurement of patellar alignment has come to be accepted as an integral part of the examination of anterior knee pain syndrome. Various measurement techniques exist, both clinical and radiological, and these have been frequently used in the diagnosis and treatment of the condition.?Treatment depends on the underlying cause of anterior knee pain and should be directed to the cause rather than to the results. Most often, this involves non-surgical measures, such as anti-inflammatory medications, quadriceps exercises, and hamstring stretching. Shin splint, or medial tibial stress syndrome refers a syndrome of pain running along the inner distal 2/3 of tibia shaft. Shin splint is a common problem for athletes whose sport involves a repeated, jarring impact to the leg. A major factor determining the efficacy of the treatment is that correct diagnosis be made of the problem. The varied etiology has led to the development of several theories as to the cause, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of shin splint. The management is rest, ice massages, pain relief by medication, and muscle strengthening exercise. Proper rehabilitation and preventative measures can ensure that there is no further recurrence.

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An Anatomic Study of the Extensor Tendons of the Human Hand (수배부의 신전건에 대한 해부학적 연구)

  • Kang, Moon-Seok;Jung, Sung-Gyun;Nam, Seoung-Min;Shin, Ho-Seong;Kim, Yong-Bae
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.836-844
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Hands are the chief organs for physically manipulating the environment, using anywhere from the roughest motor skills to the finest, and since the fingertips contain some of the densest areas of nerve endings on the human body, they are continuously used organ with complex functions, and therefore, often gets injured. To prevent any functional loss, a detailed anatomical knowledge is required to have a perfect surgical treatment. Also it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of arrangements of the human extensor tendons and intertendinous connections when tenoplasty or tendon transfer is required. We performed a study of the arrangements of the human extensor tendons and the configuration of the intertendinous connections over the dorsum of the wrist and hand. Methods: A total of 58 hands from Korean cadavers were dissected. The arrangements of extensor indicis proprius, extensor digitorum communis, and extensor digiti minimi tendons and intertendinous connections were studied. Results: The most common distribution patterns of the extensor tendons of the fingers were as follows: a single extensor indicis proprius (EIP) tendon which inserted ulnar to the extensor digitorum-index (EDC-index); a single EDC-index; a single EDC-middle; a double EDC-ring; an absent EDC-little; a double extensor digiti minimi (EDM), a single EDC-index (98.3%), a single EDC-middle (62%), a double EDC-ring (50%), and an absent (65.5%) or a single (32.8%) EDC-little. A double (70.6%) EDM tendons were seen. Intertendinous connections were classified into 3 types: type 1 with thin filamentous type, type 2 with a thick filamentous type, and type 3 with a tendinous type subdivided to r shaped 3r type and y shaped 3y type. The most common patterns were type 1 in the 2nd intermetacarpal space, type 2 in the 3rd intermetacarpal space, and type 3r in the 4th intermetacarpal space. And in the present study, we observed one case of the extensor digitorum brevis manus (EDBM) on the boht side. Conclusion: A knowledge of both the usual and possible variations of the extensor tendon and the intertendinous connection is useful in the identification and repair of these structures.

Changes of Flexibility and Plasma Catecholamine by Myofascial Release Approach (근막이완기법에 의한 유연성 및 혈장 카테콜라민의 변화)

  • Kim, Jong-Soon;Moon, Dong-Chul;Chang, Kyung-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.214-221
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    • 2012
  • In recent years, some researchers reported that myofascia was innervated by the autonomic nervous system. However, there is no neurophysiological explanation and evidence for the effects of myofascial release(MFR). Thus, the aim of this study was to determine whether the excitability of the autonomic nervous system is modulated by MFR. In this study, thirty healthy subjects in their 20s were randomly assigned to a myofascial release group(MG) and a placebo control group(PCG); each group had 15 subjects. The MG conducted 5 minutes of cranial base release in supine position, and the PCG performed sham cranial base release. Muscle flexibility was measured with the neck range of motion and the changes of the autonomic nervous system excitability was measured by heart rate, blood pressure, and concentration of plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine. The results were as follows: 1. The percentage changes in the cervical range of motion for extension and side flexion were significantly increased in the MG, signifying that more muscle relaxation. 2. There was no significant percentage changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and concentration plasma epinephrine between MG and PCG. 3. The percentage change in concentration plasma norepinephrine was significantly different between MG and PCG. The result of this study suggests that there is no evidence that MFR can modulate the autonomic nervous system excitability.

The Effects of Changes In Body Composition Through High Intensity Circuit Training On Spine Curvature And Low Back Pain Among Middle-Aged Men With Abdominal Obesity (고강도서키트트레이닝에 의한 신체조성의 변화가 복부비만 중년남성의 척추만곡도와 요부통증에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Chae-Won;Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.346-356
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    • 2018
  • Overweight and abdominal obesity caused by sedentary lifestyle may induce deconditioned and atrophied extensor musculature of the lumbar spine and be a potential risk factor for low back pain (LBP). Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the validity of high intensity circuit training (HICT) on weight loss and subsequent alleviation of spine curvature (SC) and visual analog scale (VAS) among middle aged men with abdominal obesity. The training program (1 exercise session for 30 minutes, three times a week for 12 weeks) consisted of 12 different functional exercises based on core strengthening multiple joint circuit training. Portions of the obesity index related to body composition were positively changed, which improved the angles of thoracic kyposis and lumbar lordosis, which appeared to effectively reduce lower back pain. Taken together, HICT specifically designed for LBP effectively decreased obesity related body composition and was superior to other treatments for decreasing aggravation of the spine curvature and LBP caused by abdominal obesity; however, weight loss should be the primary treatment target for LBP patients.

The effect of flavonoids on the TREK-1 channel (TREK-1 채널에 대한 플라보노이드의 효과)

  • Kim, Yang-Mi;Kim, Kyung-Ah
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.2660-2667
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    • 2011
  • TREK-1 channel is a member of the two-pore domain potassium (K2P) channel family that is regulated by intracellular pH, membrane stretch, polyunsaturated fatty acids, temperature, and some neuroprotectant agents. TREK-1 channel can influence neuronal excitability by regulating leakage of potassium ions and resting membrane potential. TREK-1 channel has been shown to be overexpressed in prostate cancer cells. Although the importance of these properties, relatively little is known about flavonoid effects in the regulations of TREK-1 channel. The purpose of the study was to screening of flavonoids as the TREK-1 channel modulator using one of electrophysiological techniques such as excised inside-out patch configuration. We demonstrated blocking effect on TREK-1 channel by flavonoids such as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), curcumin and quercetin in CHO cells transiently expressing TREK-1 channel. The inhibition of TREK-1 channel by quercetin and curcumin was reversible, whereas EGCG was little reversible. Quercetin, EGCG and curcumin decreased the relative channel activity to 73%, 91% and 94%, respectively. The half-inhibitory concentration (IC50) of curcumin, quercetin and EGCG was $1.04{\pm}0.19\;{\mu}M$, $1.13{\pm}0.26\;{\mu}M$ and $13.5{\pm}2.20\;{\mu}M$ in CHO cells expressing TREK-1 channel, respectively. These results indicate that flavonoids might regulate TREK-1 and this regulation might be one of the pharmacological actions of flavonoid in nervous systems and cancer cells.