The Yeongchun area is located at the central part of the Danyang Coalfield, where Precambrian granitoids, Cambro-Ordovician Choseon Supergroup, Carboniferous-early Triassic Pyeongan Supergroup, middle Triassic-Jurassic Bansong Group and extrusive tuffs are exposed. The rocks in the area underwent four phases of deformation, which are (a) $D_1$ : Movement of the Okdong Fault, (b) $D_2$ : Formation of NW-SE trending folds and stretching lineations, (c) $D_3$: Movement of the Gagdong Thrust Fault and associated structures of NNE-SSW trending folds, and (d) $D_4$ : E-W trending strike-slip faults and folds. During the $D_3$-event, flexural slip deformation intensively affected rocks in the area. Strain measurements show relatively low strain intensity in the area. The types of strain ellipsoid are prolate in the hangingwall area and those near to the footwall area range from plane strain to weak oblate. The oblate type is developed in the region far from the footwall area.
Kang Ji-Hoon;Kim Nam-Hoon;Song Yong-Sun;Park Kye-Hun
The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
This study clarifies the deformation history of Precambrian metamorphic rocks of Sobaegsan Massif (Wonnam Formation, Pyeonghae granite gneiss, Hada leucogranite gneiss) in Giseong-myeon area, Uljin-gun, Korea. It is based on the geometric and kinematic features and the developing sequence of multi-deformed rock structures. It also reviews the extension of Yecheon Shear Zone and the relative occurrence time of each deformation phase from previous researches. It suggests that the geological structure was formed at least through five phases of deformation after formation of their gneissosity or schistosity. (1) The first phase of deformation took placed under compression of ENE-WSW direction, forming NNW trending regional foliation and very tight isoclinal fold. The general trend of gneissosity or schistosity is inferred to be ENE before the first phase of deformation, being rearranged into NNW by the isoclinal folding. (2) The second phase of deformation formed ENE trending regional foliation and tight, isoclinal, rootless intrafolial folds under compression of NNW-SSE direction [occurrence time: after deposition (Permian age) of Dongsugok Formation, Pyeongan Croup, Janggunbong area]. (3) The third phase of deformation occurred by dextral ductile shearing on the regional foliation, forming stretching lineation of ENE trend and S-C mylonitic structure (after intrusion of Hesozoic homblende granite, Sangunmyeon area-before intrusion of Mesozoic Chunyang granite, Janggunbong area). (4) The fourth phase occurred under (E)NE-(W)SW compression, forming (N)NW trending open fold. (5) The fifth phase took place under N-S compression, forming NNE and NNW trending conjugate strike-slip faults, E-W trending thrust-slip faults, and drag folds related to these fault movements. The deformed structures of fourth and fifth phases result from tectonic movement associated with the developing of the Gyeongsang Basin in Cretaceous age, and it partially rearranged the general ENE trend of the regional foliation in the study area. It also suggests that the Yecheon Shear Zone of E-W trending extends into this area but the ductile shear deformation is weakly developed.
Kang Ji-Hoon;Kim Nam Hoon;Park Kye-Hun;Song Yong Sun;Ock Soo-Seok
The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
Precambrian metamorphic rocks of Yeongyang-Uljin area, which is located in the eastern part of Sobaegsan Massif, Korea, are composed of Pyeonghae, Giseong, Wonnam Formations and Hada leuco granite gneisses. These show a zonal distribution of WNW-ESE trend, and are intruded by Mesozoic igneous rocks and are unconformably overlain by Mesozoic sedimentary rocks. This study clarifies the deformation history of Precambrian metamorphic rocks after the formation of gneissosity or schistosity on the basis of the geometric and kinematic features and the forming sequence of multi-deformed rock structures, and suggests that the geological structures of this area experienced at least four phases of deformation i.e. ductile shear deformation, one deformation before that, at least two deformations after that. (1) The first phase of deformation formed regional foliations and WNW-trending isoclinal folds with subhorizontal axes and steep axial planes dipping to the north. (2) The second phase of deformation occurred by dextral ductile shear deformation of top-to-the east movement, forming stretching lineations of E-W trend, S-C mylonitic structure foliations, and Z-shaped asymmetric folds. (3) The third phase deformation formed I-W trending open- or kink-type recumbent folds with subhorizontal axes and gently dipping axial planes. (4) The fourth phase deformation took place under compression of NNW-SSE direction, forming ENE-WSW trending symmetric open upright folds and asymmetric conjugate kink folds with subhorizontal axes, and conjugate faults thrusting to the both NNW and SSE with drag folds related to it. These four phases of deformation are closely connected with the orientation of regional foliation in the Yeongyang-Uljin area. 1st deformation produced regional foliation striking WNW and steeply dipping to the north, 2nd deformation locally change the strike of regional foliation into N-S direction, and 3rd and 4th deformations locally change dip-angle and dip-direction of regional foliation.
This study was taken to examine the light microscopic and ultrastructural changes of gill and kidney of female tilapia{Oreochromis niloticus) adapted in 0%o, 10%o, 20%o, and 30%o salt concentrations, respectively, by light, scanning and transmission electron microscope. The results obtained in these experiments were summarized as follows: Gill chloride cell hyperplasia, gill lamellar epithelial separation, kidney glomerular shrinkage, blood congestion in kidneys and deposition of hyalin droplets in kidney glomeruli, tubules were the histological alterations in Oreochromis niloticus. Incidence and severity of gill chloride cell hyperplasia rapidly increased together with increase of salinity, and the number of chloride cells in gill lamellae rapidly increased in response to high external NaCl concentrations. The ultrastructure by scanning electron microscope(SEM) indicated that the gill secondary lamella of tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to seawater, were characterized by rough convoluted surfaces during the adaptation. Transmission electron microscopy(TEM) indicated that mitochondria in chloride cells exposed to seawater, were both large and elongate and contained well-developed cristae. TEM also showed the increased chloride cells exposed to seawater. The presence of two mitochondria-rich cell types is discussed with regard to their possible role in the hypoosmoregulatory changes which occur during seawater-adaptation. Most Oreochromis niloticus adapted in seawater had an occasional glomerulus completely filling Bowman's capsule in kidney, and glomerular shrinkage was occurred higher in kidney tissues of individuals living in 10%o, 20%o, 30%o of seawater than in those living in 0%o of freshwater, and blood congestion was occurred severer in kidney tissues of individuals living 20%o, 30%o of seawater than in those living in 10%o of seawater. There were decreases in the glomerular area and the nuclear area in the main segments of the nephron, and that the nuclear areas of the nephron cells in seawater-adapted tilapia were of smaller size than those from freshwater-adapted fish. Our findings demonstrated that Oreochromis niloticus tolerated moderately saline environment and the increased body weight living in 30%o was relatively higher than that living in 10%o in spite of histopathological changes.
KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
This paper intends to develop mechanical analysis models that are able to predict complete nonlinear behavior in the bolted connector subjected to cyclic loads. In addition, experimental data which were obtained from loading tests performed on the T-stub connections are utilized to validate the accuracy of analytical prediction and the adequacy of numerical modeling. The behavior of connection components including tension bolt uplift, bending of the T-stub flange, stem elongation, relative slip deformation, and bolt bearing are simulated by the multi-linear stiffness models obtained from the observation of their individual force-deformation mechanisms in the connection. The component springs, which involve the stiffness properties, are implemented into the simplified joint element in order to numerically generate the behavior of full-scale connections with considerable accuracy. The analytical model predictions are evaluated against the experimental tests in terms of stiffness, strength, and deformation. Finally, it can be concluded that the mechanical models proposed in this study have the satisfactory potential to estimate stiffness response and strength capacity at failure.
When a saturated clay is sampled in an undisturbed manner from a bore hole, the sample extends vertically and shrinks horizontally under undrained conditions due to stress release. The conventional consolidation test specimen is trimmed from the expanded sample so that its diameter is equal to the inner diameter of the consolidation test ring, and this test procedure does not reproduce the actual consolidation behavior. The measurement of sample extension was conducted by means of overcoring method showed that the extension strains were 1 to 2%. To simulate the in-situ consolidation behavior, we proposed the consolidation test method that uses a specimen with a slightly smaller diameter than the inside diameter of consolidometer so that the specimen expands laterally to the inside of the ring.
The development of mathematical problem solving ability and the making(transforming) mathematical problems are consistently emphasized in the mathematics curriculum. However, research on the problem making methods or the analysis of the characteristics of problem making methods itself is not yet active in mathematics education in Korea. In this study, we concretize the method of deductive problem making(DPM) in a different direction from the what-if-not method proposed by Brown & Walter, and present the characteristics and phases of this method. Since in DPM the components of the problem solving process of the initial problem are changed and problems are made by going backwards from the phases of problem solving procedure, so the problem solving process precedes the formulating problem. The DPM is related to the verifying and expanding the results of problem solving in the reflection phase of problem solving. And when a teacher wants to transform or expand an initial problem for practice problems or tests, etc., DPM can be used.
The main geological structure of the Ogcheon belt in the Buunnyeong area, Mungyeong, which consists of three stratigraphic sequences, Joseon and Pyeongan Supergroups and Daedong Group, is characterized by the development of ESE-vergence structural unit (Dangok unit) and WNW-vergence structural units (Samsil and Bugongni units) onto an autochthonous unit (Buunnyeong unit). Three phases of deformation are recognized in this area. The lent phase of deformation coourred under the WNW-ESE compression, forming an upright-open fold (Buunnyeong-I fold) with NNE axial trend in the Buunnyeong unit. The second phase of deformation also under the WNW-ESE compression formed the Dangok, Samsil and Bugongni units, resulting in the further closing of the Buunnyeong-I open fold, the elongation of pebbles in the conglomerate rocks of a basal sequence of the Daedong Group, recumbent folds (Buunnyeong-II fold) and drag folds (Dangok fold) with NNE axial trend in the Buunnyeong and Dangok units, respectively. The third phase of deformation formed kink folds with its axis p1unging subvertically. The first and second phases of deformation took place before and after the deposition of the Daedong Group of the Upper Triassic -Lower Jurassic, respectively. These first two deformation events, which occurred under the same WNW-ESE compressional field, produced the regional NNE trend of geological structure in the Joseon and Pyeongan Supergroups of this area.
The geochemical high-grade uranium anormal zone has been reported in the Shinbo mine and its eastern areas, Jinan-gun, Jeollabuk-do located in the southwestern part of Ogcheon metamorphic zone, Korea. In this paper is reported the time-relationship between deformation and growth of metamorphic minerals in the eastern area of Shinbo mine, which consists of the Precambrian metasedimentary rocks (quartzite, metapelite, metapsammite) and the age-unknown pegmatite and Cretaceous porphyry which intrude them, and is considered the relative mineralization time on the basis of the previous research's result. The D1 deformation formed the straight-type Si internal foliation which is defined mainly as the arrangement of elongate quartz, biotite, opaque mineral in andalusite porphyroblast. The D2 deformation, which is defined by the microfolding of Si foliation, formed S2 crenulation cleavage. It can be divided into two sub-phases, early crenulation and late crenulation. The former occurs as the curvetype Si foliation in the mantle part of andalusite. The latter occurs as S1-2 composite foliation which warps around the andalusite. The andalusite porphyroblast began to grow under non-deformation condition after the formation of S1 foliation which corresponds to the straight-type Si foliation. It continued to grow before the late crenulation phase. The age-unknown pegmatite intruded after the D2 deformation and grew the fibrous sillimanite which random masks the S1-2 composite foliation. The D3 deformation formed F3 fold which folded the S1-2 composite foliation, D2 crenulation, fibrous sillimanite. It means that the intrusion of pegmatite related to the growth of the fibrous sillimanite took place during the inter-tectonic phase of D2 and D3 deformations. The retrograde metamorphism is recognized by the chloritization of biotite and two-way cleavage lamellae which is parallel to the S1-2 composite foliation and the F3 fold axial surface in the andalusite porphyroblast. It occurred during the D2 late crenulation phase and D3 deformation. In considering of the previous research's result inferring the most likely candidate for the uranium source rock as pegamatite, it indicates that the age-unknown pegmatite intruded during the inter-tectonic phase of D2 and D3 deformations, i.e. during the retrograde metamorphism related to the uplifting of crust, and formed the uranium ore zone around the Shinbo mine.
Forces needed for orthodontic tooth movement are obtained from various appliances such as orthodontic wires or elastic rubber. Orthodontic elastic rubber is widely used clinically, but permanent deformation and force decay may occur from the environmental changes, time of clinical use and the extent of the stretch, making the Prediction of force being applied difficult. The Present study examined and compared the changes in residual force between three brands of elastomeric chains (Ormco Generation II Power Chains ; brand A, RMO : Energy-Chain ; brand B, Unitek : AlastiK ; brand C) under various environmental conditions, amount of initial force, types of elastomer and the rate of extension. The characteristic physical properies of the elastomeric chains were as follows. 1. In all three brands, the residual force ratio was largest when the chains were stored in air, with no difference between water and saliva. 2. In all three brands, after 24 hours, there was no statistical difference in residual force ratio according to the initial force level. 3. In Brand A and B, the presence of filament had no correlation with the residual force ratio. In Brand C force decay was more severe when the chain contained filament. 4. In each brand, rate of extension had no effect on residual force ratio. 5. Brand B showed relatively higher residual force ratio compared to other brands.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.