• Title/Summary/Keyword: 신갈나무군집

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A Study on the Change of the Plant Community Structure for Five years in Puk′ansan National Park (북한산 국립공원 삼림군집구조의 5년간 변화 연구)

  • 최송현;이경재
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 1993
  • To compare ecological succession stage between 1987 and 1992, this study was executed in Mt. Puk'an. 26 sample plots of 500$m^2$ were set up. The results were summarized as follows; 1. To analysis plant community structure, the classification by TWINSPAN and CCA, DCA and RA ordination were applied to the study area. That of Mt. Puk'an was divided 4 groups by altitude. The dividing groups are Robinia pseudo-acacia-Quercus spp. community, mixed forest community, Q. serrata community, and Q. mongolica community. The successional trends of tree species over 500m seem to be from Pinus densiflora to Q. mongolica and below 500m in altitude seem to be from Robinia pseudo-acacia through Quercus acutissima, Q. mongolica, Prunus sargentii, Sorbus alnifolia to Q. serrata in the canopy layer. In the case of understory and shrub layer, the successional trends to be from Corylus sieboldiana, Zanthoxylum schinifolium through Rhus trichocarpa, Rhododendron mucronulatum, Rh. schlippenbachii to Acer pseudo-sieboldianum. 2. In comparing successional trends with 1987', the advanced data was not obtained in 1992. It was postulated that succession is not progressed by human disturbance and air pollution.

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Studies on the Structure of Forest Community at Nature Conservation Area in T$\v{o}$kyusan National Park (덕유산 국립공원 자연보존지구의 삼림군집구조에 관한 연구)

  • 김갑태;김준선;추갑철;엄태원
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.164-171
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    • 1994
  • To investigate the structure of natural forest at Nature Conservation Area in Tokyusan National Park, 29 plots (400$m^2$) set up with random sampling method. Four groups were classified by cluster analysis. High positive correlations was proved between Quernus mongolica and Fraxinus mandshurica, and Symplocos chinensis for. pilosa, and Lespedeza bicola, Acer tschonoskii var. rubripes and Taxus cuspidata, Magnolia sieboldii and Callicarpa japonica, Taxus cuspidata and Abies koreana, and high negative correlations was proved between Quercus mongolica and Acer tschonoskii var. rubripes, Taxus cuspidata, and Lonicera maackii. Species diversity(H') of investigated area was calculated 0.9969~1.2217.

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Forest Structure in Relation to Altitude and Part of Slope in a Valley Forest at T$\v{o}$kyusan Area (덕유산지역 계곡부의 해발고와 사면부위에 따른 삼림구조)

  • 박인협;문광선;최영철
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.181-186
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    • 1994
  • The Shindae resting place-Jibong valley forest in Tokyusan area was studied to investigate forest structure in relation to altitude and part of slope. Forty eight quadrats were set up in the valley forest along altitude of 750m to 1,247m and part of the slope. Density of trees in tree strata decreased as increasing elevation, and mean DBH of trees in tree strata increased as increasing elevation. With increasing elevation the importance values of Quercus mongolica, Acer mono, Fraxinus mandshurica increased, while those of Quercus serrate, Betula schmidtii decreased. As going from lower part to upper part of the slope, the importance values of Quercus mongolica and Symplocos chinensis for. pilosa increased while those of Cornus controversa and Fruxinus mandshurica decreased. The number of species, species diversity and evenness tended to decreased as increasing elevation. The range of similarity indices between elevation belts, and parts of the slope were 55.3~67.1% and 36.8~71.7%, respectively. According to importance value and cluster analysis, the studied valley forest was classified into four forest communities of Quercu serrata community of lower part of slope of low elevation belt, Quercus mongolica-Quercus serrata community of middle and upper part of slope of low elevation belt, Quercus mongolica-deciduous tree species community of middle and high elevation belt and Quercus mongolica-Rhododendron schzippinbachii community of the top area.

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The Classification of Forest by Cluster Analysis in the Natural Forest of the Southern Region of Baekdudaegan Mountains (Cluster 분석에 의한 백두대간 남부권역 천연림의 산림 분류)

  • Lee, Jeong-Min;Hwang, Kwang-Mo;Kim, Ji-Hong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.1
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    • pp.12-22
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    • 2014
  • This study was carried out to classify forest communities and to aggregate forest cover types for the complex and diversified natural forest areas of Hwangaksan, Bakseoksan, Deogyusan, and Jirisan in southern region of Baekdudaegan Mountains. The vegetation data were collected by point-centered quarter sampling method. Eight hundred fifty one sample points were subjected to cluster analysis to classify 18 forest communities, which were aggregated into 7 representative forest cover types on the basis of community similarity from composition of canopy species. They were mixed mesophytic forest cover type, the others deciduous forest cover type, Quercus variabilis-Quercus serrata cover type, Quercus mongolica cover type, Pinus densiflora cover type, Carpinus laxiflora cover type, and Abies koreana cover type. The Quercus mongolica cover type was most widely distributed in the study areas, and this cover type tended to occur in the place of higher altitude as latitude was getting lower. Mixed mesophytic forest and the others deciduous forest cover type were commonly distributed in the areas of valley, on the other hand, Quercus mongolica cover type and Pinus densiflora cover type tended to be distributed in the areas of ridge.

Analysis of Vegetational Community Structure and Phytosociological Changes During Eight Years of the Namsan Nature Park in Seoul (남산자연공원(南山自然公園)의 식물군집구조(植物群集構造) 및 8년간(年間)의 식생변화분석(植生變化分析))

  • Lee, Kyong-Jae;Park, In-Hyeop;Oh, Koo-Kyoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.76 no.3
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    • pp.206-217
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    • 1987
  • To investigate and analyze the vegetational structure, thirty sites were sampled with clumped sampling method and seventeen belt transects were sampled to analyze the vegetational change during 8 years(from 1978 to 1986)at the Namsan Nature Park in Seoul. Robinia pseudoacacia community of actual vegetation covered 29.39%, Quercus mongolica community 21.25% and Pinus densiflora community 17.58% of the Mt. Namsan forest. The degree of human disturbance of vegetation of 8, 7 and 6 area covered 43.2%, 7.8% and 30.8% respectively. The Quercus mongolica community at the northern slope and R. pseudoacacia community at the edge zone will keep their present structure. And P. densiflora community at the eastern and southern slope shall be succeeded to deciduous trees such as Q. mongolica. As to changes of plant community structure during 8 years, density of understory species, species diversity and Raunkiaer's frequency class A and E showed an increase and vegetation structure was developed to unification.

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Forest Structure in Relation to Slope Aspect and Altitude in valley Forests at Hambaeksan Area (함백산지역 계곡부의 사면방향과 해발고에 따른 산림구조)

  • 박인협;최윤호;이석면;최영철;유석봉
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.361-368
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    • 2002
  • The valley forests located at the east-facing slope and the west facing slope in Hambaeksan area were studied to investigate forest structure in relation to aspect and altitude of the slope. There was little difference in density. mean DBH and basal area of the tree layer between east-facing slope and west-facing slope. The importance percentages of Tilia amurensis and Betula costata in west-facing slope were higher than those in east-facing slope. However, the importance percentages of Quercus mongilica and Fraxinus rhynchophylla in the west facing slope were lower than those in east-facing slope. Species diversity of the west-facing slope was 1.415 and that of the east-facing slope was 1.328. Elevation trends were also found for forest structure. As elevation Increased basal area and mean height of the tree layer decreased in both of east-facing slope and west-facing slope. There was a tendency that number of species, species diversity and evenness decreased with increasing elevation. The importance percentage of Quercus mongolica increased with increasing elevation while those of Betula costata and Maackia amurensis decreased. The result of cluster analysis for the tree and subtree layer indicated that the studied forests were classified into the mixed forest community of broad-leaved tree species at west-facing slope and the low and middle elevation belts of east-facing slope and Quercus mongolica community at the high elevation belt of east-facing slope. Quercus mongolica was significantly and positively correlated with Symplocos chinensis for. pilosa, Acer tschonoskii var. rubripes and deutzia glabrata. Betula costata was significantly and negatively correlated with Quercus mongolica and Acer pseudo-sieboldianum.

The Vegetation Structure of Fraxinus mandshurica Community in Mt. Minjuji, Youngdong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do (충청북도 영동군 민주지산지역 들메나무군집 식생구조)

  • 최송현;송근준;이경재
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.166-176
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    • 1997
  • To investigate the vegetation structure of Fraxinus mandshurica communith, twenty plots were set up and surveyed in the valley of Mt. Minjuji area that rises 700~1,100m above the sea level. Each plot has 100m$^{2}$ in size. By using the TWINSPAN of classification technique, total plots was divided into six communities. In the species composition analysis, it was expected that F. mandshurica community would derive from Quercus mongolica community. The F. mondshurica community was composed together of Carpinus laxiflora, Acer mono and Cornus controversa. It was turned out that F. mandshurica community was edaphic climax because the competition species not appeared. In the DBH distribution analysis, F. mandshurica appeared through all layers, and species diversity showed lower index(Shannon's index 0.72~0.82) because the community was stable. The number of mean individuals and species was about 111.5 and 11.0 per 100m$^{2}$ respectively.

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An Analysis of Vegetation-Environment Relationships of Pinus densiflora for. erecta and Chunyang-type of Pinus densiflora Communities by TWINSPAN and DCCA (TWINSPAN과 DCCA에 의한 금강(金剛)소나무 및 춘양목(春陽木)소나무 군집(群集)과 환경(環境)의 상관관계(相關關係) 분석(分析))

  • Song, Ho Kyung;Kim, Seong Deog;Jang, Kyu Kwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.84 no.2
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    • pp.266-274
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    • 1995
  • Vegetational data from 62 quadrats of Pinus densiflora for. erecta and Chunyang-type of Pines densiflora forests were analyzed by using two multivariate methods : TWo-way INdicator Species ANalysis(TWINSPAN) for classification and Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis(DCCA) for ordination. The dominant tree species of Pinus densiflora for. erecta communities were found in the order of Pines densiflora for. erecta, Quercus mongolica, Quercus variabilis, Lindera obtusiloba, Fraxinus rhynchophylla, and Rhus trichocapa. The dominant tree species of Chunyang -type of Pinus densiflora communities were Quercue variabilis. Quercue mongolica, Fraxiraus sieboldiana, Styrax obassia, and Quercus serrata. The forest vegetation of Pinus densiflora was classified into Quercars variabilis-Styrax obassia. Quercus variabilis Quercus variabilis-Quercus mongolica, and Quercue mongolica communities according to TWINSPAN. Pinus densiflora for. erecta community was distributed in the good nutrition area of total nitrogen. organic matter, $K^+$, $Ca^{{+}+}$, $Mg^{{+}+}$, and canon exchange capacity, while Chunyang type of Pinus densiflora community in the good nutrition area of $P_2O_5$. The relationship between the distribution of dominant communities for forest vegetation and soil condition in Pinus densiflora communities was investigated by analysing the elevation and soil nutrition gradients. Quercus mongolica community was distributed in the high elevation and good nutrition area of total nitrogen, organic matter, and ration exchange capacity, while Quercus variabilis community was distributed in the low elevation and poor nutrition area of total nitrogen, organic matter, and ration exchange capacity. Quercus variabilis Styrax obassia and Quercus variabilis-Quercus mongolica community was distributed en the medium elevation and medium nutrition area.

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Plant Community Structure of Daetjae(hill)~Baekbongryung(ridge), the Baekdudaegan Mountains (백두대간 댓재에서 백봉령구간 마루금의 식물군집구조 특성)

  • Lee, Soo-Dong;Hong, Suk-Hwan;Kim, Ji-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.719-729
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    • 2012
  • Baekdudan has 670km long within South Korea, so the study for detail vegetation characteristics is needed. In this study, we surveyed the plant community structure from Daetjae to Baekbongryung for the next restoration and management plan. We designated 40 quadrats ($10m{\times}10m(100m^2)$ for this study. As a result of TWINSPAN, plant community separated 8 different communities such as Abies koreana comm., Pinus densiflora comm., Quercus mongolica comm. and Larix kaempferi comm. etc. Abies koreana comm. and Pinus densiflora comm. which is mainly located in the mountain ridge and near rocks are needed avoidance from the competition with Quercus mongolica comm. The possibility of atrophy of these communities is to be high, the protection is needed. Species diversity index was between 0.8046~1.1283. Most communities have multi-layer structure and have the ecological value of protection.

Effect of Yearly Changes in Growing Degree Days on the Potential Distribution and Growth of Quercus mongolica in Korea (연도별 생장도일의 변화가 신갈나무의 잠재분포와 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Jong Hwan;Park, Ko Eun;Shin, Man Yong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to analyze the effect of yearly changes in growing degree days (GDD) on the potential distribution and growth of Quercus mongolica in Korea. Annual tree-ring growth data of Quercus mongolica collected by the $5^{th}$ National Forest Inventory were first organized to identify the range of current distribution for the species. Yearly GDD was calculated based on daily mean temperature data from 1951 to 2010 for counties with current distribution of Q. monglica. When tree-ring growth data were analyzed through cluster analysis based on similarity of climatic conditions, seven clusters were identified. Yearly GDD based on daily mean temperature data of each county were calculated for each of the cluster to predict the change of potential distribution. Temperature effect indices were estimated to predict the effect of GDD on the growth patterns. In addition, RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 of climate change scenarios were adopted to estimate yearly GDD and temperature effect indices from 2011 to 2100. The results indicate that the areas with low latitude and elevation exceed the upper threshold of GDD for the species due to the increase of mean temperature with climate change. It was also predicted that the steep increase of temperature will have negative influences on tree-ring growth, and will move the potential distribution of the species to areas with higher latitude or higher elevation, especially after the year of 2050. The results of this study are expected to provide valuable information necessary for estimating local growth characteristics and for predicting changes in the potential distribution of Q. mongolica caused by climate change.