• Title/Summary/Keyword: 식재 구조

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Distribution and Characteristics of Native Conifers in Korea (국내 자생 구과식물의 분포 및 특성)

  • Jong Cheol Yang
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2020.08a
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    • pp.3-3
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    • 2020
  • 최근 지구온난화로 인한 기후변화로 인해 지리적 분포가 한정적인 한반도 구과식물들은 점점 서식지 내 생육에 위협을 받고 있다. 이러한 구과식물의 지속이용가능한 보전을 위해서는 각 종별 형질 특성 및 분포, 생육정보 등의 기초정보 구축이 필요할 것이다. 구과식물(Pinidae, Conifers)은 전 세계적으로 나자식물(Gymnosperms)의 3/5정도인 630여분류군이 분포하는 것으로 알려져 있다(Farjon, 2008). 은행나무나 소철나무류 등 다른 나자식물과 비교하여 여러 복잡한 구조로 이루어진 구과(웅성, 자성 구과)를 형성하고, 잎은 대부분 바늘형으로 단순하며, 상록성인 특징 등으로 구분된다. 우리나라에 분포 및 식재되고 있는 나자식물 중 은행나무와 소철나무를 제외한 모든 나자식물이 구과식물에 속한다. 구과식물이 전 세계적으로 넓은 분포역을 갖지만, 종별로는 제한적인 분포를 갖는 것들이 많이 나타난다. 우리나라에 자생하는 구과식물 대부분도 동북아시아에만 분포하는 종들이 대다수이다. 한반도 구과식물은 총 5과 12속 23종 5변종 총 28분류군으로 확인되었다. 소나무과는 5속 12분류군으로 구상나무와 분비나무의 형태적 중복형질이 확인되었으며, 측백나무과는 3속 9분류군으로 눈향나무를 변종에서 종 수준으로 적용하였고, 어청도에서 해변노간주의 분포를 확인하였다. 개비자나무과는 1속 3분류군으로 수형에 따라 큰개비자나무, 눈개비자나무, 개비자나무로 구분하였다. 주목과는 비자나무속을 포함하여 2속 3분류군으로 설악눈주목에 대한 세부적인 분류학적 재검토가 필요할 것으로 판단한다. 나한송과는 1속 1분류군으로 신안군 가거도에서 나한송의 자생지를 확인하였다. 구상나무와 분비나무의 형태적 구분형질이 모호함에 따라 집단별 유전정보 분석을 통한 계통지리학적 연구를 수행하였다. 분석을 통해 구상나무는 빙하기에 북부지역의 조상종이 남하하여 분화되고, 후빙기에 중부지역까지 분포확장이 이루어진 것으로 판단된다.

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Characteristics of Vegetation Structure of Burned Area in Mt. Geombong, Samcheok-si, Kangwon-do (강원도 삼척 검봉산 일대 산불피해복원지 식셍구조 특성)

  • Jung Won Sung;Chae Rim Lee;Se Min Byun;Won-Seok Kang
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2022.09a
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    • pp.38-38
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    • 2022
  • 동해안 지역에서 발생되는 대형 산불의 원인은 건조주의보, 영동지역에서 불어오는 강한 바람, 소나무의 단순림, 임도 유무와 상태 등을 들고 있다. 조사 대상지인 삼척 검봉산 일대는 기존 소나무가 우점하는 곳으로 2001년 복원을 위해 소나무, 곰솔, 굴참나무 등을 조림하였고, 일부는 자연복원을 하였다. 복원 이후 21년 지난 현재 삼척 검봉산 일대 산불피해 복원지역의 식생은 크게 굴참나무-소나무군락, 소나무신갈나무군락, 곰솔-소나무군락으로 나누어지는 것으로 나타났다. 산불피해지 식생 회복은 굴참나무, 소나무, 곰솔 등 조림으로 현재 식생은 산불 발생 이전의 임상으로 회복되고 있다. 특히, 산불의 유형 중 지표화 피해지역은 하층 식생의 피해가 크다. 기존의 소나무는 결실된 종자를 비산하여 치수를 발생시켜 자연복원의 속도를 높이고 굴참나무를 활용한 인공복원은 맹아를 발달시켜 본인의 영역을 확장하는 전략을 지니고 있다. 단, 입지적 환경이 동일하다는 전제 조건에서 숲에서 재생 기작이 진행되는 자연복원보다는 인공복원이 회복시간과 종다양성이 높은 측면에서는 효과적인 것으로 결론을 지을 수 있다. 식생군락을 분류한 결과 굴참나무-소나무군락, 소나무-신갈나무군락, 곰솔소나무군락으로 3개 군락으로 나누어졌다. 인공복원지에 식재한 굴참나무, 소나무, 곰솔은 복원 이후 지속적으로 해당지역의 식생이 우점종으로 자생하고 있는 것으로 나타났으나, 소나무-신갈나무군락의 경우 참나무과 식물인 신갈나무와 굴참나무, 졸참나무가 교목층과 아교목층에 자연유입되고 있어 향후 신갈나무가 우점하는 활엽수림으로 천이 될 것으로 예상된다. 군락의 종다양도지수는 낙엽활엽수가 우점하는 굴참나무-소나무군락이 가장 높게 나타났으며, 침엽수림인 곰솔소나무군락이 가장 낮게 나타났다. 산불피해지 식생은 조림수종에 영향을 크게 받으며, 21년이 지난 현재 산불 이전 임상으로 회복되는 경향을 나타내었다. 향후, 효과적인 복원을 위한 DB구축 및 모니터링자료 마련을 위해 산불피해지에 대한 지속적인 식생조사를 통한 자료구축이 필요하다.

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The Characteristics of Transitional Garden in The Early National Period in America - Focused on the analysis of Paca's Garden, Mount Vernon and Monticello - (미국 초기국가시대 전환기 정원의 특성 - 파커 정원, 마운트 버논, 몬티첼로 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Paek, Nan-Young;Lee, Jong-Sung;Kim, Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 2014
  • This study is the first stage to identify distinctive characteristics of American Romantic Garden compared to English Romantic Garden. The purpose of the study is to identify characteristics of transitional garden in the early period of America by analyzing of Paca garden, Mount Vernon and Monticello when English Naturalistic Garden was firstly imported. The analysis studied historical background, people who designed garden, formal garden and characteristics of natural garden through reference. Also based on data through reference and field research, spatial configuration and garden factors of each site were analyzed. In spatial configuration, straight line and curve line, formal terrace and natural slope, visible axis and invisible axis, symetric and asymmetric, and perspective and oblique perspectives were used as analyzing factors. As a result of analysis, each garden showed different type from that of formal gardens from colony period, which is natural garden of asymmetric garden(English natural garden) coexisted. Paca garden which planned formal garden and natural garden in each space showed characteristics of each space, but in formal garden residential axis and garden axis does not coincide which shows it is out of formal garden type. Such phenomena and the fact that naturalistic garden coexist in the same garden shows that the formal garden type from early days in US is starting to change in different types. Mount Vernon garden, similar to Paca garden, was designed to have two different types of gardens in harmony rather than divide the space into different space and design it. It adapted serpent walkway but shows symmetric by central axis and considered formalistic plan through same materials. However through terrace in hills and spatial plan of oblique perspective, one could observe that naturalistic type was beginning to settle in US gardens. Through Monticello analysis, space was designed with major characteristics of naturalistic garden which is serpent walkway, ornamental farm, winding flower bed grove and bush and oblique perspective, and it completely duplicates characteristics of naturalistic garden which could not be found in gardens imported from UK.

Response of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) to Vegetation Structure in Wildlife Crossings (생태통로 내부 식생구조에 대한 지표성 딱정벌레류(딱정벌레목: 딱정벌레과)의 반응)

  • Jung, Jong-Kook;Park, Yujeong;Lee, Sun Kyung;Lee, Hyoseok;Park, Young-gyun;Lee, Joon-Ho;Choi, Tae Young;Woo, Donggul
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.185-198
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    • 2016
  • Korea has put in significant efforts to increase the number of wildlife crossings between fragmented habitats to prevent loss of biodiversity and to encourage the habitat connectivity in Korea. However, there is a lack of biological data on the effect of vegetation structure in these wildlife crossings and guidelines for design and management of wildlife crossing structures in Korea. Therefore, we selected ground beetle assemblages as model organisms to compare the effect of vegetation structure in wildlife crossings, i.e. bare ground- and shrub-type corridors, in agro-forested landscapes. For this study, 4,207 ground beetles belonging to 33 species were collected through pitfall trapping along the northern forest-corridor-southern forest transects from late April to early September in 2015. Dominant species, abundance, and species richness of ground beetles were significantly higher in the shrub-type corridors than the bare ground-type corridors. Also, the species composition of bare ground-type corridor was significantly different compared to the other habitats such as shrub-type corridor and forests. Similarly, environmental variables were also influenced by vegetation management regimes or trap locations. Collectively, our study clearly indicates that the movement of forest associated ground beetles between forest patches can increase as the vegetation in wildlife crossings becomes complex. Although further studies are needed to verify this, there are indications that the current wildlife crossings that comply with the guidelines may be unfriendly to the movement of ground dwelling arthropods as well as ground beetles. To enhance the ecological function of wildlife crossings, the guidelines need to be rectified as follows: 1) Shrubs or trees should be planted along the corridor verges to provide refuge or movement paths for small mammals and ground dwelling arthropods, and 2) Open spaces should be provided in the middle of the corridors to be used as a path for the movement of large mammals.

A Characteristics of 16 Scenes of Chilitan and Management of Chiltanjung, Milyang (밀양 칠탄정 경영과 칠리탄 16경의 경관특성)

  • Kim, Soo-jin;Jung, Hae-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.22-36
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    • 2019
  • This research identified landscape characteristics of Chilitan(칠리탄) area, which had been managed by Son Giyang(1559~1617, p. Ohhan), in order to understand the political viewpoint and ideal landscapes, sought after by Confucian scholars in the 16~17th century. As the research method for the interpretation of each scene's spatial strucutres and meanings, paintings and poems in Chiltanjungsipyukgyeongdo(the Paintings of the 16 Scenes of Chiltanjung Area) were analyzed, which were followed by the on-site survey. Son lived hermit life with the nature after he decided to retire into the country for the chaotic political environment in the 4th year of Gwanghaegun's reign. Admiring Eum Jareung(B.C. 39-41, p. Eumgwang)'s hermit life, he named a headstream to Chilitan, erected pavilion and made place for angling by the stream, as Eum did in the hermitage. However he worried the king and royal politics in spite of his hermit life, which showed his political viewpoint of Confucianism. In addition, every column of buildings in the garden was named in order to imply both thoughts of Neo-Confucianism and Idleness Naturalism, which highlight a moral training and being comfortable amid poverty and taking pleasure in and honest life style. The present landscape of wonlim could be back to 1936, where Unganru, Byeokripjae and Chiltanjung are surrounding Eupcheondang. Chines character, such as Jimamsuseok, Giam, Ohhansonsunseongjanggujiso and Jogi, are inscribed on the rocks in the landscape garden, from which placeness could be inferred. According to the record of the construction, pine, fir, paulownia, ginkgo, peach trees, bamboo and lotus were planted, and ginkgo, bamboo, crape myrtle, pine and chestnut tress are still living in the garden, which mean plants had been planted in the light of their practical values as well as symbolic meanings. The method for describing 16 scenes of Chiltanjung could be characterized to the structure of 「Place+Scene(a particural activity, event, or action), and these placeness could be analyzed by categorizing the scene to near, middle and far views. Each scene symbolically presents a hermit, noble man, Taoist ideology, homeland, or peacetime, which were adpoted to depict landscapes of Chiltanjung area as the Confucian utopia.

Analyzing the Socio-Ecological System of Bees to Suggest Strategies for Green Space Planning to Promote Urban Beekeeping (꿀벌의 사회생태시스템 분석을 통한 도시 양봉 활성화 녹지 계획 전략 제시)

  • Choi, Hojun;Kim, Min;Chon, Jinhyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.46-58
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    • 2024
  • Pollinators are organisms that carry out the pollination process of plants and include Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, and Coleoptera. Among them, bees not only pollinate plants but also improve urban green spaces damaged by land use changes, providing a habitat and food for birds and insects. Today, however, the number of pollinating plants is decreasing due to issues such as early flowering due to climate change, fragmentation of green spaces due to urbanization, and pesticide use, which in turn leads to a decline in bee populations. The decline of bee populations directly translates into problems, such as reduced biodiversity in cities and decreased food production. Urban beekeeping has been proposed as a strategy to address the decline of bee populations. However, there is a problem asurban beekeeping strategies are proposed without considering the complex structure of the socio-ecological system consisting of bees foraging and pollination activities and are therefore unsustainable. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the socio-ecological system of honeybees, which are pollinators, structurally using system thinking and propose a green space planning strategy to revitalize urban beekeeping. For this study, previous studies that centered on the social and ecological system of bees in cities were collected and reviewed to establish the system area and derive the main variables for creating a causal loop diagram. Second, the ecological structure of bees' foraging and pollination activities and the structure of bees' ecological system in the city were analyzed, as was the social-ecological system structure of urban beekeeping by creating an individual causal loop diagram. Finally, the socio-ecological system structure of honey bees was analyzed from a holistic perspective through the creation of an integrated causal loop diagram. Citizen participation programs, local government investment, and the creation of urban parks and green spaces in idle spaces were suggestedas green space planning strategies to revitalize urban beekeeping. The results of this study differ from previous studies in that the ecological structure of bees and the social structure of urban beekeeping were analyzed from a holistic perspective using systems thinking to propose strategies, policy recommendations, and implications for introducing sustainable urban beekeeping.

Planting Managements for Improvement of Species Diversity in Recreational Forest - A Case Study of Chukryongsan Recreational Forest, Gyeonggi-do - (자연휴양림의 종다양성 증진을 위한 식생관리 방안 연구 - 경기도 축령산자연휴양림을 사례로 -)

  • Lee, Tae-Sun;Lee, Kyong-Jae;Choi, Byuong-Un;Park, Seok-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.351-362
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    • 2010
  • This study was supposed to offer vegetation plans for functional improvement of the recreational forest by researching Mt. Chukryong which is located at Oebang-li Sudong-Myon Namyangju Kyong-gi Province in Korea. In this study, artificial vegetation and natural vegetation near trails in recreational forest were researched through biodiversity analysis. From this analysis process, a typical management improvement of the biodiversity functions were examined by reviewing functions biotope condition, vegetation structure and wild bird community condition. Typical vegetation system was divided into four detail parts: Managed artificial Pinus koraiensis forest, Not managed artificial Pinus koraiensis forest, Natural deciduous forest and Not managed deciduous forest. As a result of the vegetation structure, the numerical value of the deciduous forest species diversity was higher than that of artificial Pinus koraiensis, and the numerical value of the managed condition was higher than that of not managed condition. As a result of a habitat structure analysis of the wild bird community, managed Pinus koraiensis forests were inadequate structure for wild birds to habit in there because the forests had weak structure layers, but unmanaged deciduous forest and unmanaged Pinus koraiensis that had diverse layers was proper places for birds to in habit. Thus, based on the functional analysis of biodiversity, management patterns of the target area were concluded in two manners: conserving management and restoring management. Deciduous forest protection target areas included natural deciduous forest area and managed deciduous forest area, ecological restoration target area included unmanaged artificial Pinus koraiensis area and restoring management target area includes managed artificial Pinus koraiensis.

Characteristics of Vegetation Structure on the Ridge of the Naknam-Jeongmaek (낙남정맥 마루금 일대의 식생구조 특성)

  • Oh, Koo-Kyoon;Kang, Hyun-Mi;Park, Seok-Gon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.725-740
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    • 2014
  • To figure out the vegetation situation in the ridge of the Naknam-Jeongmaek, six intensive survey sites were selected considering environmental factors and human interferences, 132 quadrats (area $100m^2$) were installed to survey appearing species of trees and major environmental factors, and the characteristics of vegetation structures were analyzed. The surveyed plots were divided into six groups according to the analysis of classification by TWINSPAN; Quercus mongolica-Q. variabilis community, Pinus densiflora-Q. dentata community, Chamaecyparis obtusa community, Q. mongolica-P. densiflora community, P. densiflora-P. thunbergii community, P. koraiensis community, Rhododendron spp.-Lespedeza cyrtobotrya community. P. densiflora-Q. dentata community, Q. mongolica-P. densiflora community, and P. densiflora-P. thunbergii community are expected to be succeeded by deciduous oaks because the power of deciduous oaks is strong in their lower layer. C. obtusa community, P. densiflora community, and Rhododendron spp.-L.cyrtobotrya community are artificial forests that were artificially formed and are expected to be maintained in the current state for some time because the dominance value of planted species of trees is high. Most vegetations in Naknam-Jeongmaek were secondary forests or artificial forests formed for forest tree production and forestation for erosion control. In particular the top regions and hilly sections of the mountain were mostly dominated by deciduous oaks such as Q. mongolica, Q. variabilis showed some P. densiflora community competing with deciduous oaks. On the other hand, low sections and regions adjacent to the city showed severe artificial interference since exotic species such as P. thunbergiil, C. obtusa, P. koraiensis, and Rhododendron spp. were planted.

Vegetation Structure of Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest at the Beomeosa(Temple) Valley in Kumjungsan, Busan (부산 금정산 범어사계곡 낙엽활엽수림의 식생구조)

  • Kim, Jeong-Ho;Choi, Song-Hyun;Choi, In-Tae;Yang, Soon-Ja;Lee, Sang-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.581-589
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the structure of vegetation dominated by deciduous broad-leaved trees at the Beomeosa(Temple) Valley of Mt. Kumjungsan in Busan. To this end, 28 plots were set up and surveyed. The result analyzed by TWINSPAN, one of the classification technique, showed that the communities were divided into six groups which are Carpinus tschonoskii-Deciduous broad-leaved forest community(I), Quercus serrata-C. tschonoskii community(II), C. tschonoskii-Q.s serrata-Pinus densiflora community(III), C. tschonoskii-Quercus serrata-Q. mongolica communtiy(IV), Q. serrata-Deciduous broadleaved forest community(V) and Chamaecyparis obtusa-C. tschonoskii community (VI). Species diversity ranged from 0.3832 to 0.0450. The lowest diversity was Chamaecyparis obtusa community(VI) but the highest was Carpinus tschonoskii-Deciduous broad-leaved forest community(I) and Q. serrata-Deciduous broadleaved forest community(V). The average number of species was 6.8${\pm}$3.2 in the unit area(100$m^2$). Carpinus tschonoskii community at the Beomeosa Valley of Mt. Geumjeongsan was a climatic climax forest having a value to preserve, so a continuous management will be needed.

A Study on the Landscape Design Strategies for Regeneration of Post-Industrial Sites of the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Region in China (중국 경진당(京津唐) 지역 산업 이전적지(移轉跡地) 재생 전략 연구)

  • Zhang, Xin-Yu;Choi, Jung-Mean
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to discover the implications through the analysis of the characteristics and design strategies of the regeneration of the post-industrial sites in the metropolitan the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region. This study provides a basis for future research and theoretical strengths for post-industrial site regeneration practices. The results of the study are as follows. First, post-industrial site regeneration projects pursue diverse goals such as industrial heritage preservation, cultural creativity, and neighborhood revitalization in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region. Second, in the design process, the characteristics and spatial levels of the space are enhanced by utilizing the original industrial space, incorporating transitional space, and using industrial facilities of varying heights. Third, old and new landscape elements are harmoniously integrated through the rational use of industrial relics and the appropriate addition of new elements. Fourth, the design emphasizes ecological soil restoration and the use of native and adaptable plants that have the capacity to remediate polluted soil. Fifth, the design combines modern artistic elements, such as sculpture and graffiti art to enrich the site and promote the revival of the post-industrial site. Sixth, urban events and public activities are actively programmed to vitalize the regenerated site.