• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시.공간적 분포

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Spatial Diffusion Process of Private Passenger Cars in Korea (우리나라 자가용 승용차의 공간적 확산과정)

  • 李種起;韓柱成
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.52-65
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    • 2001
  • Between 1985 and 1997 the diffusion of private passenger cars first occurred in major cities such as Seoul, Busan, Daegu and the satellite cities of the capital city that enjoyed high incomes and advanced service industries and then it gradually expanded to industrial and major provincial cities while posting a downturn in the major cities. Factor contrbuting to this phenomenon most significantly was the rate of employment in the financial insurance, real estate, and business service sectors in 1985 and 1990. The most ingluential factor in 1997 was the rate of employment in agriculture, hunting, forestry, and fishery. When measured against 1991 as a yardstick, the spatiotemporal ditribution rate of private passenger cars was highly between 1985 and 1990 in Seoul's satellite cities and major regional cities, showing a large inter-regional gap in terms of diffusion rate. The period from 1991 to 1997 showed a high rate of diffusion in cities within the capital region as well as in major regional cities, but inter-regional diffusion rate became similar. Key factors responsible for regional types of the diffusion were {1}the rate of employment in the service industrier and income in the major citier, and (2)the geogtaphic distamce between counties and Seoul plus the size of population in the county regions.

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Observation of Vertical Profiles of Ozone in Northern-part of Seoul Metropolitan area (서울시 북부지역의 오존 연직분포 측정)

  • 이종범;장명도;남창진;김민영;이민환;여인학
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.160-161
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    • 2000
  • 오존농도는 낮동안 일출이 시작되면서 광화학반응을 통하여 생성되고 일몰 후 점차 감소되어 야간에는 오존농도가 점차 파괴된다. 역전층 상부의 오존농도는 오존의 저수지 역할을 하여 연직적인 오존농도 분포에 영향을 미친다. 따라서 서울시 오존의 생성 및 소멸에 관련된 정확한 원인을 밝히는 데에는 혼합층고도 및 역전층의 발달과정에 따른 오존농도의 연직분포를 고찰하여 오존농도의 거동을 시ㆍ공간적으로 파악할 필요가 있다. 특히 서울시에서 방학동 주변지역의 오존 농도는 해마다 높게 측정되고 있는데, 이 지역에 대한 자세한 연구가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 오존농도 연직분포와 기상측정을 하였다. (중략)

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Species Composition and Distribution of Native Korean Conifers (한반도에 자생하는 침엽수의 종 구성과 분포)

  • Kong Woo-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.528-543
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    • 2004
  • The biogeographical approach on the species composition, distributional range, and life form of native Korean conifers suggests that the Korean Peninsula harbors 4 families 10 genera 30 species. Early-evolved conifers maintain high species diversity and broad distribution. During the glacial periods, the ranges of cold-tolerant conifers expanded, on the other hand, those of warmth-tolerant ones reduced. Presence of endemic subalpine conifers might be the result of long-term isolation of conifers on high mountains. Horizontal and vertical ranges of native Korean conifers are classified into alpine, subalpine, montane, coastal, insular and disjunctive types, and then subdivided into twelve sub-types. Typical life form of native Korean conifers is evergreen tree, blooms in spring, and fruits ripe in autumn or following autumn. Oval and elliptical seeds with wing might be beneficial for their dispersal. Further works on the migration, dispersal, genetics, ecology of native Korean conifers are required for the better understanding of the biogeography of conifers.

The Spatial Pattern and Structure of Industrial Agglomerations in Korea : Towards a Regional Innovation System (우리나라 산업집적의 공간적 패턴과 구조 분석 -한국형 지역혁신체제 구축의 시사점 -)

  • Jeong Jun-Ho;Kim Sun-Bae
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2005
  • This study has attempted to analyze the spatial structure of industrial agglomerations with elaborated spatial econometric techniques. First of all, spatial patterns and structures of industrial agglomerations in Korea show a multi-polar spatial pattern of industrial agglomeration, Major industries from industrial agglomerations in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, part of the Chungcheong Area and Dongnam Area. Second, as some industrial agglomerations show an agglomerative pattern beyond a regionally based-administrative jurisdiction, the effects of agglomeration seem to be produced across regionally based-administrative jurisdictions. Finally, it can be considered that industrial agglomerations have generally been produced by spatial divisions of labor in which the functions of conception and execution are separated from each other. According to this results, in designing regional innovation systems, their spatial coverage should draw upon an extended region with a few adjacent provinces, and there is a need to form networked clusters in order to sufficiently capitalize upon the spatial spillovers of agglomerations.

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Analysis of Soil Moisture Monitoring at a Hillslope in Forested Watershed (산림유역 사면에서의 토양수분 시계열 관측 분석)

  • Jang, Eunse;Gwak, Yong Seok;Lee, Jung Hun;Lee, Yeun Gil;Jung, Sung Won;Kim, Sang Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.490-490
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    • 2015
  • 산림 사면에서의 토양층 수문반응은 물순환을 이해하는데 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 토양수분자료를 이용하여 토양수분의 계절적, 공간적 변화를 분석하였다. 연구대상지역은 경기도 파주시 적성면 설마리의 설마천 유역 내에 위치한 범륜사사면과 충청북도 음성군의 청미천 유역내의 수레의산사면이다. 정밀측량을 통해 획득한 수치고도모형(Digital Elevation Model, DEM)을 이용하여 관측지점들을 각각 선정하였다. 대상사면에 토양층별 토양수분의 분포변화를 분석하기 위해 각 지점별 10, 30, 60cm에서 토양수분량 측정시스템(Time Domain Reflectometry, TDR)방식의 토양수분측정장비(miniTRASE)를 설치하여 2시간 간격으로 2014년 3월부터 12월까지 토양수분을 측정하였다. 각 지점별 사면에서 획득된 토양수분 시계열자료는 토양수분의 시공간적 분포특성을 파악하기 위해 지점별 토양수분량의 통계분석(평균, 표준편차, 변동계수)를 수행하였다. 설마천유역의 범륜사사면에서는 2014년도에 특히 강우량이 적어 토양수분의 평균과 표준편차의 월별 변화에서는 기저토양수분 값을 주로 유지하고 강우에 대한 변동성이 크지 않은 것으로 나타났고, 청미천유역의 수레의산 사면에서는 시간적 토양수분변화는 계절적 강우분포 패턴에 따라 반응이 나타났다. 청미천유역의 토양수분자료를 이용하여 토양수분의 계절적, 공간적 변화를 분석한 결과 지표근처 토양층(10, 30cm)와 저층(60cm)에서의 공간적 변화특성이 다르게 나타났다. 이는 저층(60cm)에서의 지표하 흐름, 기반암 존재의 영향차이에 의한 것으로 판단되고, 사면의 위치에 따라 토양수분의 안정화 정도가 다른 것을 확인할 수 있다.

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Development of Spatial River Recreation Index (SRRI) Using Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Method and Hydrodynamic Model (퍼지합성법과 동수역학 모형을 이용한 공간적 하천친수지수 (SRRI)의 개발)

  • Siyoon Kwon;Il Won Seo;Byunguk Kim
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.501-501
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    • 2023
  • 하천에서의 여가활동에 대한 수요가 증가함에 따라 각종 친수활동에 대한 안전도 평가가 사고예방을 위해 중요해지고 있다. 친수 활동의 안전은 수리 및 수질 인자에 크게 영향을 받지만 기존 친수지수는 수질 인자에만 집중되어 개발되어왔다. 하지만, 세일링, 패들링, 저동력보트 등 입수형 친수활동의 경우, 다양한 수리 현상에 큰 영향을 받기 때문에 유속, 흐름 방향, 수심 및 수면 폭 등의 수리인자를 친수지수에 반영할 필요가 있다. 또한, 친수활동에 위험이 되는 수리적 조건은 유량 조건과 하천의 평면적 공간에 따라 상이하게 발생하기에 이를 공간적으로 평가하는 것 역시 필요한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 수리학적 요소를 기반으로 하천 친수 활동에 대한 안전도를 평가하기 위해 공간적으로 친수활동의 안정성을 평가할 수 있는 SRRI (Spatial River Recreation Index)를 제안하였다. SRRI의 개발을 위해 1단계에서는 다양한 유량 조건에서 EFDC 동수역학모형을 이용하여 수리 인자들의 공간적 분포를 재현한 후, 2단계에서는 퍼지합성법 (FSE)를 적용하여 수리인자의 모든 소속도와 가중치를 종합하여 하천 지점별 하천친수지수를 산정하였다. 개발한 SRRI를 낙동강-금호강 합류부에 적용한 결과, 유량 및 지형 조건에 따라 각 수리인자가 친수활동 안전성에 미치는 영향이 공간적으로 매우 상이하게 나타났다. 유향(흐름 방향)은 합류지점 부근에서 친수활동의 위험성을 크게 증가시키는 반면, 사행구간에서는 수심이 중요한 요인으로 나타났다. 고유량 조건에서는 유속이 세일링 및 패들링에서 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 요소로 작용하였다. 특히 세일링은 유량 변화에 민감하여 고유량시에는 주흐름부와 합류부 부근을 제외하고 일부 공간에서만 안전하게 이용이 가능한 것으로 나타났다. 반면 무동력 및 저동력보트는 유량 변화에 덜 민감하여 고유량 조건에서도 부분적으로 허용될 수 있었지만 사행구간의 고수심부에서는 위험 등급으로 권고되었다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 SRRI는 다양한 수리학적 조건을 기반으로 공간적 안전정보를 제공함으로써 많은 이용자들이 하천에서 보다 안전한 친수활동을 즐기는 데에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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Grid-typed GIS Representation of Distributed Evapotranspiration Estimation Results (분포 증발산량 산정 결과의 격자형 GIS 표현)

  • Park, Jin-Hyeog;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Lee, Geun-Sang;Chae, Hyo-Sok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2004
  • A Grid-based distributed evaporation prediction model which calculates temporal and spatial evaporation with a heat balance method was developed. And, the model was considered as the integration with distributed hydrological model in near future. 'This model was programmed by fortran language and used ASCII formatted map data of DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and land cover map extracted by remote sensing data. Also, temporal variations and spatial distributions of evaporation are presented by using GIS. To verify the applicability of the model, it was applied to the Shonai river basin ($532km^2$) which has sufficient meteorological and hydrological data, Japan. The result shows that the estimated mean annual evaporation was 825.4mm, and this value is estimated as suitable things in considering rainfall and discharge data in study area.

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Research on the Spatio-temporal Distribution Pattern of Temperature Using GIS in Korea Peninsular (GIS를 이용한 한반도 기온의 시·공간적 분포패턴에 관한 연구)

  • KIM, Nam-Shin
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2008
  • This study is to construe spatio-temporal characteristics of temperature in cities and changes of climatical regions in analyzing a change of Korea Peninsular climate. We used daily mean air temperature data which was collected in South and North Korea for the past 34 years from 1974 to 2007. We created temperature map of 500m resolution using Inverse Distance Weight in application with adiabatic lapse rate per month in linear relation with height and temperature. In the urbanization area, the data analyzed population in comparison with temperature changes by the year. An annual rising rate of temperature was calculated $0.0056^{\circ}C$, and the temperature was increased $2.14^{\circ}C$ from 1974 to 2107. The south climate region in Korea by the Warmth index was expanded to the middle climate region by the latitude after 1990s. A rise of urban area in mean temperature was $0.5-1.2^{\circ}C$, Seoul, metropolitan and cities which were high density of urbanization and industrialization with the population increase between 1980s and 1990s. In case of North Korea, Cities were Pyeongyang, Anju, Gaecheon, Hesan. A rise in cities areas in mean temperature has influence on vegetation, especially secondary growth such as winter buds of pine trees appears built-up area and outskirts in late Autumn. Finally, nowaday we confront diverse natural events over climatical changes, We need a long-term research to survey and analyze an index on the climatical changes to present a systematic approach and solution in the future.

Environmental Equity Analysis of Fine Dust in Daegu Using MGWR and KT Sensor Data (다중 스케일 지리가중회귀 모형과 KT 측정기 자료를 활용한 대구시 미세먼지에 대한 환경적 형평성 분석)

  • Euna CHO;Byong-Woon JUN
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.218-236
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    • 2023
  • This study attempted to analyze the environmental equity of fine dust(PM10) in Daegu using MGWR(Multi-scale Geographically Weighted Regression) and KT(Korea Telecom Corporation) sensor data. Existing national monitoring network data for measuring fine dust are collected at a small number of ground-based stations that are sparsely distributed in a large area. To complement these drawbacks, KT sensor data with a large number of IoT(Internet of Things) stations densely distributed were used in this study. The MGWR model was used to deal with spatial heterogeneity and multi-scale contextual effects in the spatial relationships between fine dust concentration and socioeconomic variables. Results indicate that there existed an environmental inequity by land value and foreigner ratio in the spatial distribution of fine dust in Daegu metropolitan city. Also, the MGWR model showed better the explanatory power than Ordinary Least Square(OLS) and Geographically Weighted Regression(GWR) models in explaining the spatial relationships between the concentration of fine dust and socioeconomic variables. This study demonstrated the potential of KT sensor data as a supplement to the existing national monitoring network data for measuring fine dust.

Growth Pattern and Spatial Distribution of One-person Households by Socio-Economic Demographic Characteristicsc (1인 가구의 인구.경제.사회학적 특성에 따른 성장패턴과 공간분포)

  • Lee, Hee-Yeon;Noh, Seung-Chul;Choi, Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.480-500
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    • 2011
  • This paper aims to describe the rapid growth of the one-person households in terms of the socio-economic demographic perspectives during the period of 1995-2005 and to analyze the spatial distribution patterns based on different characteristics of one-person households. The increase in the divorce ratio in the middle-aged, the growth of unmarried people the young generation, and the increase of life expectancy in the old generation are explanatory factors for the rise and diversification of one-person households in Korea. The rapid increase of one-person households is accompanied by a diversification in their age, gender, marital status, education level. Uneven distribution of one-person households depends on their age, level of education and dwelling type. Highly educated young adults residing in their own apartment are generally concentrated in major cities, whereas senior citizen with their own single house who lives alone are mostly in rural area. One-person households of the highly educated young adults are significantly polarized in the light of their the living standards. In particular, metropolitan area or big cities are mixed with those who have their own apartment and are financially capacity and with those who rent in a detached single house. As such, one-person households have considerably heterogeneous characteristics. Therefore, each local government will face different economic and social problems based on which group of one-person households are increasing and where they are concentrated in. To this extent, the local government should have differentiated welfare policy according to its own respect.