• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시스템준비수준

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A Study on Effect of B/L's Exemption Clauses Relating to the Governing Law of English Law (영국법의 준거법과 관련한 선하증권 면책약관의 효력에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Nak-Hyun;Jung, Jun-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2006
  • In the Bill of Lading of The Irbenskiy Proliv is not subject to the Hague-Visby Rules in accordance with paragraphs (A) and/or (E) of cl.1 or to the Hague Rules in accordance with paragraphs (B) and/or (D) of cl.1. The Irbenskiy Proliv is very rare case that is effective to exempt the carrier as literal words of Bill of Lading. The action concerns cargoes of perishable goods shipped from Brazil to Japan, under Bills of Lading each of which contained an extensive carrier's exemption clause. A preliminary issue was ordered to be determined on the question whether c1.4 is effective to exempt the ralliers from any potential liability for the claims in this case. The court held that there is no reason to reject c1.4 as part of each of the contracts contained in or evidenced by the bills of lading; and it protects the carrier where damage to the goods shipped results from such causes. It is therefore effective to exempt the carriers from any potential liability for those claims.

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An Evaluation of Vitek MS System for Rapid Identification of Bacterial Species in Positive Blood Culture (혈액배양 양성검체에서 패혈증 원인균 신속동정을 위한 Vitek MS 시스템의 유용성 평가)

  • Park, Kang-Gyun;Kim, Sang-Ha;Choi, Jong-Tae;Kim, Sunghyun;Kim, Young-Kwon;Yu, Young-Bin
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.407-412
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study was to shorten the time required for subculture and bacterial identification and obtain a simple and rapid identification method for new test methods for bloodstream infections. The following results were obtained using a mass spectrometer. In Vitek 2, 208 (81.8%) cases were well-identified and 45 isolates were not identified in blood cultures. Among 208 cases, 146 (57.5%) were Gram positive bacteria and 108 (42.5%) were Gram negative bacteria. In total, 233 were identified to the species level and 21 were identified to the genus level. The identification error was found to be Propionibacterium acnes as Clostridium bifermentans. The accuracy of Enterobacteriaceae, glucose non-fermentative bacilli (GNFB), and staphylococci were 81/83 (97.6%), 12/15 (80.0%), and 72/85 (84.7%), respectively. The concordance rate of Vitek 2 and Vitek MS by the direct method was 81.8% and 45 isolates were not identified. Most of the unidentified bacteria were Gram positive bacteria (N=37). The Gram positive bacteria were streptococci (14), coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) (11), enterococci (3), Staphylococcus aureus (2), Micrococcus spp. (2), Bacillus spp. (2) and Actinomyces odontolyticus, Finegoldia magna, and Peptostreptococcus spp. The results reporting time was reduced to 24~72 hours compared to the conventional method. The rate of identification of the aerobic and anaerobic cultures was similar, but the use of an anaerobic culture did not require a dissolution process, which could shorten the sample preparation time. These results suggest that the method of direct identification in blood cultures is very useful for the treatment of patients. In further studies, it might be necessary to further improve the method for identifying streptococci and CNS, which were lacking in accuracy in this study.

A Comparison of Health Behavior between Rural and Urban in Soonchun City (순천시 지역적 특성에 따른 건강 행태 비교)

  • Min, Hye-Young;Oh, Hyohn-Joo
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 1999
  • The objective of the study was to examine and compare health behavior between rural area and urban area in Soonchun city. Data were collected through personal interviews from 25, April to 30, May in 1998. Questions were asked to the rural area residents(n=399) and urban area residents(n=149) about their health behaviors, including such as self-recognition of health status, health related behaviors(smoking, drinking, eating habit, and exercising), status of disease and prevention, and utilization of hospital. As we examine the demographic characteristics, rural area residents were more aged(p<0.001) than urban area residents. And the urban residents had higher education(p<0.01), higher income(p<0.01) and higher health care cost(p<0.01) than rural residents. There were difference in health status existed between rural and urban residents. Rural residents had poorer health status(p<0.01) than urban residents, and however urban residents had more anxiety about their health(p<0.01) than rural residents. Comparison of the health related behavior between rural and urban area residents, rural residents were more likely to smoke(p<0.05), less intake of milk(p<0.01), do not exercise(p<0.01), and less try to lose their weight(p<0.01) than urban residents. Rural resident used to suffer from chronic diseases than urban residents(p<0.01). Consideration of health care need for rural residents are required due to the results shown as above. Therefore, the health care center, where most of the rural residents depend on for their treatment and prevention of disease, should make inquiries about resident's health care need and evaluate the important information sources for construction of a health care information system.

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  • Seo, Deog-Gyu;Yi, Young-Ah;Lee, Yoon;Roh, Byoung-Duck
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the marginal and internal gaps in CEREC3 CAD/CAM inlays of three different preparation designs. CEREC3 Inlays of three different preparation designs (n=10) were fabricated according to Group I-conventional functional cusp capping/shoulder preparation, Group II-horizontal reduction of cusps and Group III-complete reduction of cusps/shoulder preparation. After cementation of inlays. the bucco-lingual cross section was performed through the center of tooth. Cross section images of 20 magnifications were obtained through the stereomicroscope. The gaps were measured using the Leica application suite software at each reference point. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (${\alpha}<0.05$). The marginal gaps ranged from 80.0 to $97.8{\mu}m$ for Group I, 42.0 to $194.8{\mu}m$ for Group II, 51.0 to $80.2{\mu}m$ for Group III. The internal gaps ranged from 90.5 to $304.1{\mu}m$ for Group I, 80.0 to $274.8{\mu}m$ for Group II, 79.7 to $296.7{\mu}m$ for Group III. The gaps of each group were the smallest on the margin and the largest on the horizontal wall. For the CEREC3 CAD/CAM inlays, the simplified designs (groups II and III) did not demonstrate superior results compared to the traditional cusp capping design (group I).

The Effect on Air Transport Sector by Korea-China FTA and Aviation Policy Direction of Korea (한·중 FTA가 항공운송 부문에 미치는 영향과 우리나라 항공정책의 방향)

  • Lee, Kang-Bin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.83-138
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    • 2017
  • Korea-China FTA entered into force on the 20th of December 2015, and one year elapsed after its effectuation as the FTA with China, our country's largest trading partner. Therefore, this study looks at the trends of air transport trade between Korea and China, and examines the contents of concessions to the air transport services sector in Korea-China FTA, and analyzes the impact on the air transport sector by Korea-China FTA, and proposes our country's aviation policy direction in order to respond to such impact. In 2016 the trends of air transport trade between Korea and China are as follows : The export amount of air transport trade to China was 40.03 billion dollars, down by 9.3% from the last year, and occupied 32.2% of the total export amount to China. The import amount of air transport trade from China was 24.26 billion dollars, down by 9.1% from the last year, and occupied 27.7% of the total import amount from China. The contents of concessions to the air transport services sector in Korea-China FTA are as follows : China made concessions to the aircraft repair and maintenance services and the computer reservation system services with limitations on market access and national treatment in the air transport services sector of the China Schedule of Specific Commitments of Korea-China FTA Chapter 8 Annex. Korea made concessions to the computer reservation system services, selling and marketing of air transport services, and aircraft repair and maintenance without limitations on market access and national treatment in the air transport services sector of the Korea Schedule of Specific Commitments of Korea-China FTA Chapter 8 Annex. The impact on the air transport sector by Korea-China FTA are as follows : As for the impact on the air passenger market, in 2016 the arrival passengers of the international flight from China were 9.96 million, up by 20.6% from the last year, and the departure passengers to China were 9.90 million, up by 34.8% from the last year. As for the impact on the air cargo market, in 2016 the exported goods volumes of air cargo to China were 105,220.2 tons, up by 6.6% from the last year, and imported goods volumes from China were 133,750.9 tons, up by 12.3% from the last year. Among the major items of exported air cargo to China, the exported goods volumes of benefited items in the Tariff Schedule of China of Korea-China FTA were increased, and among the major items of imported air cargo from China, the imported goods volumes of benefited items in the Tariff Schedule of Korea of Korea-China FTA were increased. As for the impact on the logistics market, in 2016 the handling performance of exported air cargo to China by domestic forwarders were 119,618 tons, down by 2.1% from the last year, and the handling performance of imported air cargo from China were 79,430 tons, down by 4.4% from the last year. In 2016 the e-commerce export amount to China were 109.16 million dollars, up by 27.7% from the last year, and the e-commerce import amount from China were 89.43 million dollars, up by 72% from the last year. The author proposes the aviation policy direction of Korea according to Korea-China FTA as follows : First, the open skies between Korea and China shall be pushed ahead. In June 2006 Korea and China concluded the open skies agreement within the scope of the third freedom and fourth freedom of the air for passenger and cargo in Sandong Province and Hainan Province of China, and agreed the full open skies of flights between the two countries from the summer season in 2010. However, China protested against the interpretation of the draft of the memorandum of understanding to the air services agreement, therefore the further open skies did not take place. Through the separate aviation talks with China from Korea-China FTA, the gradual and selective open skies of air passenger market and air cargo market shall be pushed ahead. Second, the competitiveness of air transport industry and airport shall be secured. As for the strengthening methods of the competitiveness of Korea's air transport industry, the support system for the strengthening of national air carriers' competitiveness shall be prepared, and the new basis for competition of national air carriers shall be made, and the strategic network based on national interest shall be built. As for the strengthening methods of the competitiveness of Korea's airports, particularly Incheon Airport, the competitiveness of the network for aviation demand creation shall be strengthened, and the airport facilities and safety infrastructure shall be expanded, and the new added value through the airport shall be created, and the world's No.1 level of services shall be maintained. Third, the competitiveness of aviation logistics enterprises shall be strengthened. As for the strengthening methods of the competitiveness of Korea's aviation logistics enterprises, as the upbringing strategy of higher added value in response to the industry trends changes, the new logistics market shall be developed, and the logistics infrastructure shall be expanded, and the logistics professionals shall be trained. Additionally, as the expanding strategy of global logistics market, the support system for overseas investment of logistics enterprises shall be built, and according to expanding the global transport network, the international cooperation shall be strengthened, and the network infrastructure shall be secured. As for the strengthening methods of aviation logistics competitiveness of Incheon Airport, the enterprises' demand of moving in the logistics complex shall be responded, and the comparative advantage in the field of new growth cargo shall be preoccupied, and the logistics hub's capability shall be strengthened, and the competitiveness of cargo processing speed in the airport shall be advanced. Forth, in the subsequent negotiation of Korea-China FTA, the further opening of air transport services sector shall be secured. In the subsequent negotiation being initiated within two years after entry into force of Korea-China FTA, it is necessary to ask for the further opening of the concessions of computer reservation system services, and aircraft repair and maintenance services in which the concessions level of air transport services sector by China is insufficient compared to the concessions level in the existing FTA concluded by China. In conclusion, in order to respond to the impact on Korea's air passenger market, air cargo market and aviation logistics market by Korea-China FTA, the following policy tasks shall be pushed ahead : Taking into consideration of national air carriers' competitiveness and nation's benefits, the gradual and selective open skies shall be pushed ahead, and the support system to strengthen the competitiveness of air transport industry and airport shall be built, and entry into aviation logistics market by logistics enterprises shall be expanded, and the preparations to ask for the further opening of air transport services sector, low in the concessions level by China shall be made.

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