• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시설소개

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Particle Analysis of Uranium Bearing Materials Using Ultra High-resolution Isotope Microscope System (초고분해능 동위원소현미경 시스템을 활용한 우라늄 핵종 입자 분석 기술)

  • Jeongmin Kim;Yuyoung Lee;Jung Youn Choi;Haneol Lee;Hyunju Kim
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.557-564
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    • 2023
  • Nuclear materials such as uranium are used as fuel for nuclear power generation, but there is a high possibility that they will be used for non-peaceful purposes, so international inspections and regulations are being conducted. Isotope analysis data of fine particulate obtained from nuclear facilities can provide important information on the origin and concentration method of nuclear material, so it is widely used in the field of nuclear safety and nuclear forensics. In this study we describe the analytical method that can directly identify nuclear particles and measure their isotopic ratios for fine samples using a large-geometry secondary ion mass spectrometer and introduce its preliminary results. Using the U-200 standard material, the location of fine particles was identified and the results consistent with the standard value were obtained through microbeam analysis.

Development and Breeding Direction of Potato Varieties for Diverse Usage in Korea (국내 용도별 감자 품종 개발과 육종 방향)

  • Jang Gyu Choi;Yong Ik Jin;Young Eun Park;Gun Ho Jung;Gyu Bin Lee;Do Hee Kwon;Jae Youn Yi;Ji Hong Cho
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2023.04a
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    • pp.5-5
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    • 2023
  • 감자(Solanum tuberosum L.)는 식물학적 분류상으로 가지과에 속하는 작물로, 재배기간이 짧고 단위면적당 생산량이 많아 세계적으로 벼, 밀, 옥수수에 이어 네 번째로 재배되고 있다. 감자의 원산지는 남아메리카 안데스 산맥의 고원지대로 유럽을 거쳐 여러 나라들로 퍼져나갔으며, 1824년경 우리나라로 감자가 들어왔다는 기록이 남아있다. 국내 감자 재배작형 비율을 살펴보면, 봄재배가 63%, 여름재배 16%, 가을감자 14%, 그리고 겨울시설재배가 7% 정도를 차지하고 있으며 소비자들에게 연중 햇감자를 공급하고 있다. 1960년대부터 국내에서 감자 교배육종을 시작하면서 육종기반을 구축하였으며 현재까지 40여 품종을 육성하였다. 과거에는 부족한 주식을 대체하기 위한 구황작물로 감자를 주로 소비하였기 때문에, 식용감자 품종 위주로 선발하기 위하여 조숙성과 수량성에 중점을 두어 '조풍', '추백' 등의 품종을 육성하여 보급하였다. 최근 국민 소득의 향상과 식습관 변화 등으로 식품 소비구조가 다양화되면서 감자를 식용뿐만 아니라 감자칩, 프렌치프라이 등 가공제품이나 더 나아가 화장품 원료로 이용되면서 육종 방향과 목표를 다양하게 설정하여 품종을 육성하고 있다. 그 결과로, 전분함량이 높고 칩가공성이 우수한 '다미', '골든볼', '은선' 등 칩가공용 품종, 감자모양이 길고 건물함량이 높아 가공적성이 우수하고 프렌치 프라이로 적합한 '골든에그'와 '얼리프라이', 기형, 열개 등 생리장해 발생이 적고 일반 부식용인 '수선', '추원' 등 다양한 용도를 가진 품종을 육성하여 보급하고 있다. 이와 같이 현재까지 육성된 감자 용도별 주요 품종들의 현황과 육종 방향에 대해서 소개하고자한다.

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A Study on the Establishment of Disaster Prevention Plans for Nuclear Facilities considering Complex Disasters (복합재난을 고려한 원자력시설 사고대비 방재계획 수립방안)

  • Jihoon Shin;Younwon Park;Seunghyeon Kim;Minho Cha;Minsang Ryu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2023
  • By the social advancement, radiological disaster prevention planning is getting important considering complex disasters as in the Fukushima radiological disaster occurred by a chain of natural disasters. However, it has yet to be suggested the specific prevention plans for the complex disasters in the field of national radiological disaster prevention. This study aims to analyze the types of complex disasters in order to select the ones that are relatively more likely to occur in the domestic environment. It is also to analyze the impact on the radiological disaster prevention by searching damage spread of the classified natural disasters. We provides the necessary criterial for establishing disaster prevention plans through the scenarios for radiological emergency responses based on complex disasters. it is thought that these criteria can help prepare for the worst case scenario and implement effective resident protection.

Edge Detection and ROI-Based Concrete Crack Detection (Edge 분석과 ROI 기법을 활용한 콘크리트 균열 분석 - Edge와 ROI를 적용한 콘크리트 균열 분석 및 검사 -)

  • Park, Heewon;Lee, Dong-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 2024
  • This paper presents the application of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Region of Interest (ROI) techniques for concrete crack analysis. Surfaces of concrete structures, such as beams, etc., are exposed to fatigue stress and cyclic loads, typically resulting in the initiation of cracks at a microscopic level on the structure's surface. Early detection enables preventative measures to mitigate potential damage and failures. Conventional manual inspections often yield subpar results, especially for large-scale infrastructure where access is challenging and detecting cracks can be difficult. This paper presents data collection, edge segmentation and ROI techniques application, and analysis of concrete cracks using Convolutional Neural Networks. This paper aims to achieve the following objectives: Firstly, achieving improved accuracy in crack detection using image-based technology compared to traditional manual inspection methods. Secondly, developing an algorithm that utilizes enhanced Sobel edge segmentation and ROI techniques. The algorithm provides automated crack detection capabilities for non-destructive testing.

A Study of on the Method to Select Manufacturing Activities Sensitive to Regional Characteristics by Analyzing the Locational Hierarchy (입지계층분석을 활용한 산업단지 유치 업종 결정에 관한 연구)

  • So, Jin-Kwang;Lee, Hyeon-Joo;Kim, Sun-Woo
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.559-568
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    • 2011
  • This study aims at listing up those manufacturing activities sensitive to regional characteristics by analyzing locational hierarchy designed on the urban rank-size rule. This locational hierarchy by manufacturing activities is expected to provide a ground for the proper supply of an industrial complex. The analysis of the locational hierarchy by manufacturing activities can work as a method of observing the characteristics of the distribution of location for each economic activity by analyzing the trend in the change of manufacturing location. Consequently, it can be used to determine the appropriate manufacturing activities for the industrial complex of a particular region. Here, the locational hierarchy is analyzed depending on the base of the basic local government such as Gun(district level) and Si(city level), and manufacturing activities are categorized by Korea Standard Industry Code. Those activities demonstrating growth pattern are Manufacture of Electronic Equipment(KSIC 26), Manufacture of Medical Precision Optical Instruments Watch(KSIC 27), Manufacture of Motor Vehicles (KSIC 30, 31), etc. With proper infrastructures, these activities can be located everywhere. Those sectors on the decline pattern in the locational hierarchy can be summarized as Manufacture of Tobacco Products(KSIC 12), Manufacture of wearing apparel Fur Articles(KSIC 14), etc. Those sectors scattered widely in the locational hierarchy are Manufacture of Food Products(KSIC 10), Manufacture of Coke Petroleum Products(KSIC 19), Manufacture of Chemical Products(KSIC 20), Manufacture of Electronic Equipment(KSIC 26). These particular manufacturing activities can be operated in those regions in a sufficient supply of unskilled workers regardless of proper infrastructures. Those activities that have a tendency to reconcentrate on larger cities are Manufacture of Textiles(KSIC 13), Manufacture of Wearing Apparel Clothing Fur Articles(KSIC 14), Manufacture of Other Transport Equiptmen(KSIC 31). In most cases, these sectors tend to favor their existing agglomerated areas and concentrate around large cities. Therefore, it is inefficient to promote these sectors in small or medium-sized cities or underdeveloped regions. The establishment of developmental strategies of an industrial complex can gain greater competitiveness by observing such characteristics of the locational hierarchy.

A Local Governments' Preferences in Selecting Modern Eight Scenic Landscapes (지자체가 선정한 현대팔경에 나타난 경관 선호 양상)

  • So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.92-102
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    • 2020
  • The followings are the landscape preference aspects from the 816 landscapes(景, Kyung), which comprise the 78 modern Palkyungs, presented by the 78 local governments in Korea. First, the natural environment elements selected as Kyung(景), which are topographical landscapes, mostly consist of mountain elements such as mountains, terrace(臺), rocks and stones and water elements classified as rivers, oceans, and lakes. Natural elements also include old-growth and giant trees such as pines, ginkgos, Japanese cornels and fringe trees, tree-lined streets and forests, and plant elements such as azaleas, rhododendrons, lotuses, reeds, and silver grasses which provide seasonal landscapes. Second, more than half of Kyung, selected as human environment elements, are historical and cultural heritages such as graveyards, mountain fortresses, town fortresses, traditional villages, pavilion in villas, and temples. And it is followed by leisure tourism facilities such as traditional markets, exhibition halls, theme parks, beaches, and food streets, green-based structures such as trails, plazas, parks, and botanical gardens, and industrial heritages such as ranches, abandoned coal mines, stations, ports and bridges. Third, modern Palkyungs include objects not related to the views such as local representative facilities, regional products, and festivals. Fourth, although most of the modern Palkyungs consist of eight, some include 20, 38, or 100 in order to increase the number of objects of public relations. Fifth, a certain local government makes two modern Palkyungs with different subjects by introducing traditional Palkyung and modern Palkyung altogether. In this case, it presents several modern Palkyungs like by selecting Palkyungs in a limited area. Furthermore, one Palkyung includes numerous place names at a time in some cases. Sixth, Sosangjeonhyeong(瀟湘典型)-style modern Palkyung uses 'NakAn(落雁)' as the name of Kyung. Sosangyusahyeong(瀟湘類似型)-style modern Palkyung expresses 'Hyojong(曉鐘)' and landscape of glow of the setting sun, sunset, night view, dawn, sunrise and depicts cloud, sunset, moon, and snow. There are many Myeongsocheheomhyeong(名所體驗型)-style Palkyungs exhibiting the behavior of tourism and Myeongseunghyeong(名勝型)-style Palkyungs raising the awareness only by the names of the places. Seventh, modern Palkyung's naming styles are diverse, such as using only four letters instead of specifying Kyungmul(景物) or Kyungsaek(景色) in combination with Chinese characters or adding modifiers specializing in places.

Improving Memorial Services for Sustainable Forest Burials (지속가능한 수목장림을 위한 추모 서비스 개선방안)

  • Lee, JeungSun;Cha, Seong-Soo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2024
  • Currently, social interest in post-cremation funerals is growing due to the establishment of cremation culture. In addition, as awareness of nature-friendly funeral methods spreads in modern times, the demand for tree burial grounds and tree groves, which are representative natural burial methods, is increasing. However, if the current method of relying on trees is used, the forest burial may damage the forest and turn it into another cemetery. The tree decoration is a funeral method that contains the temporal meaning of humans returning to the space of nature that we have, and the philosophical meaning that humans return in compliance with nature. Like this, there are quite a few concerns. Even though tree burials are not the traditional burial facilities we are familiar with, many of the facilities and operating systems adopt the standards of park cemeteries and have stricter standards and restrictions than natural burials under the law. This rigidity is intended to preserve the forest, but the reality is that it limits the expansion and operation of tree plantations. To this end, this study seeks to find specific improvement measures for sustainable tree plantation operation. To this end, we look at the types of natural fields in foreign countries and find directions for tree planting that can be effectively applied and established in accordance with the sentiments of the people. Specific improvement measures include an enshrinement method that does not rely on memorial trees, the operation of anonymous or anonymous tree planting, a change in the method of visiting and commemorating, and various mountaineering methods, thereby suggesting alternatives to sustainable tree planting in Korea. The place where tree planting is implemented is the forest, that is, the forest itself. I should be a place where the spirit of natural return, which is the essence of the deceased, can be celebrated through the forest, not a funeral facility. By doing so, it will be possible to provide the public value of the forest, that is, the social function of the forest, in the name of an eco-friendly funeral service.

Importance and Influence in Factors of Selecting Dental Clinics in Some Regions (일부지역의 치과병·의원 선택요인의 중요도와 영향)

  • Chun, Ae-Jong;Lee, Ka-Yean
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to offer the importance on factors of selecting dental institution according to general characteristics targeting general dental patients, and the information of having important influence upon choosing dental clinic and dental hospital. The survey was carried out from August 2009 to September. As a result of analyzing SAS(ver 9.1), the following conclusions were obtained. In the importance on factors of selecting dental institution according to general characteristics, it was thought to be important in convenience of movement or mobility such as distance, transportation, and parking convenience according to age level. According to final academic background, the importance in a factor of rumor in dental clinic was high(p < 0.05). According to job, the significant difference was shown in rumor of dentistry and parking convenience(p < 0.05). According to income, the factor in the appearance of training a medical specialist was indicated to be statistically higher in the group with over 5 million won than the group with under 2 million won(p < 0.05). Given seeing the distribution of opinion about dental hospitals (comparison with dental clinics), the excellence in the medical staff's ability was indicated to be the highest in all of the factor of influencing the use satisfaction(${\beta}=0.18$), the factor of influencing the recommendation level(${\beta}=0.21$), and the factor of influencing the re-use intention(OR=2.09).

Designing and Realizing the Ground Station Receiver Low Noise Amplifier of the Next-Generation Aeronautical Surveillance System (차세대 항공 감시시스템(ADS-BES) 지상국 수신기 저잡음 증폭기 설계 및 구현)

  • Cho, Ju-Yong;Yoon, Jun-Chul;Park, Chan-Sub;Park, Hyo-Dal;Kang, Suk-Youb
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.2273-2280
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    • 2013
  • This article introduces the next-generation air surveillance system and investigates how to design of front-end low noise amplifier of the ground station receiver. In consideration of the international standard documentation and the performance of existing products, the study conducts the link budget on the entire system so that it can be competitive in terms of receive sensitivity or reliability. To obtain a proper low noise amplifier, standards of design are decided so that such factors as gain, gain flatness, and reflective loss can be optimal. In its design, the bias circuit appropriate for the characteristics of low power, low noise, or high gain was built, and according to the results of the simulation conducted after the optimal design, its gain was 16.24dB, noise factor was 0.36dB, input-output reflective loss was -18dB and -28dB each, and frequency stability was 1.11. According to the results measured after the design, its gain was 17dB, noise factor was 0.51dB, gain flatness was 0.23dB, and input-output reflective loss was -18.28dB and -24.50dB each, so the results gained were suitable for building the overall system.

Seismic Performance Evaluation of the Underground Utility Tunnel by Response Displacement Method and Response History Analysis (응답변위법과 응답이력해석법을 이용한 지중 공동구의 내진성능 평가)

  • Kwon, Ki-Yong;Lee, Jin-Sun;Kim, Yong-Kyu;Youn, Jun-Ung;Jeong, Soon-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.119-133
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    • 2020
  • Underground utility tunnel, the most representative cut and cover structure, is subjected to seismic force by displacement of the surrounding soil. In 2020, Korea Infrastructure Safety Corporation has published "Seismic Performance Evaluation Guideline for Existing Utility Tunnel." This paper introduces two seismic evaluation methods, RDM (Response Displacement Method) and RHA (Response History Analysis) adopted in the guide and compares the methods for an example of an existing utility tunnel. The test tunnel had been constructed in 1988 and seismic design was not considered. RDM is performed by single and double cosine methods based on the velocity response spectrum at the base rock. RHA is performed by finite difference analysis that is able to consider nonlinear behavior of soil and structure together in two-dimensional plane strain condition. The utility tunnel shows elastic behavior for RDM, but shows plastic hinge for RHA under the collapse prevention level earthquake.