• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시대적개관

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The Influence Factors on the Numbers of Visitors and Reference Room Users of Public Libraries: Based on the National Libraries Statistical Data 2018 (공공도서관 방문자수 및 자료실이용자수에 미치는 영향요인 - 2018년 전국도서관통계를 바탕으로 -)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.105-125
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    • 2020
  • This study attempts to identify the influence factors on the numbers of visitors and reference room users of public libraries through log-log multiple regression models, using the Korean National Libraries Statistical Data 2018. The fact found is summarized as follows; Even though books collection and seating capacities might be the most important factors in attraction of visitors and reference room users to public libraries in the past when the storage and propagation of knowledge and information was the top function of public libraries, very various and compound factors such as cultural or lifetime education programs, library operation, and user activities have an effect on inducing people to visit and use public libraries at present. This means that these days, public libraries are being transformed into some kinds of comprehensive cultural center where software elements such as cultural programs, user education, events, budget, membership, opening days, building style and age, and group activities rather than hardware elements such as books, literature material, and facilities constitute their essential parts in connection with visitor and user induction.

A Study on the mechanism of Acquisition of Customer Knowledge through Web Site at Electronic Commerce Times (전자상거래(電子商去來) 시대(時代) 웹 사이트를 이용(利用)한 고객지식(顧客知識) 보호체계(確保體系)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Young-Tae;Jeong, Jong-Sik
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.93-111
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this paper is to study the mechanism of Acquisition of Customer Knowledge through Web Site at Global Electronic Commerce Times in Korea. The major findings of this paper is that the models of inter-business alliance network for EC based on contents, types of participating company, categories of business of participating company, modes of alliances, and concentrated industry or function are various and complex. Therefore all companies should know this result and reflect in their business strategy.

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A Study on the Transition of the Building of Daegu City Library During the Japanese Colonial Period (일제강점기 대구부립도서관 건물의 변천과정에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Yong-Wan;Kim, Jong-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.145-168
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    • 2020
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the transition of the building of Daegu City Library during the Japanese Colonial Period. To do this, the articles of newspaper and periodicals, books, official documents, official gazettes, statistics, publications of official history of Daegu City Library and research papers were widely collected and cross-checked with each others. As the result of this study, the precedent researches and official history publications related to Daegu City Library had some important errors including the date of the municipal ordinance for Daegu City Library, the first building of Daegu City Library and the date of the breaking-ground, completion and opening for the new building. It is assumed that these errors were generated from the shortage of bibliographic information and full-text databases at those time. At the end of this study, additional research about the history of Daegu City libraries during the Japanese Colonial Period were suggested.

Analysis of HYBE Insight's BTS Exhibition Content from the New Museology Perspective (뉴 뮤지올로지 관점의 하이브 인사이트 방탄소년단(BTS) 전시 콘텐츠 분석)

  • Kim, Su-Mi
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2021
  • HYBE Insight, opened in May 2021, is an exhibition space that visually displays and re-interprets the BTS Universe and its content. The space echoes the identity of BTS as an artist and the specificity of the cultural phenomenon they have generated. This study analyzes HYBE Insight's BTS exhibition by applying new museological theories and discourses. Based on a qualitative research methodology including literature review and observational method, the primary themes of the exhibition are follows: 1) a contextualized exhibition content presenting the identity of BTS and their music, 2) the role of the fandom Army's participation in (re) producing BTS content related to the characteristic of popular music museums, 3) the elements of convergence art and its contemporary implication, 4) and the illumination of cultural value in popular music museum management. As the pivotal theory of new museology suggests, investigating a specific exhibition based on each context it has created is significant. However, those studies, including exhibitions related to popular music/artists, were mostly developed in Western nations. In this respect, HYBE Insight's BTS exhibition provides considerable room to explore. In addition to the recent research on BTS, such as their convergent artistry, socio-cultural influence, the role of Army, and the characteristics of HYBE's content management, this article aims to contribute to the multifaceted research by scrutinizing the BTS exhibition content from the new museology perspective.

A Critical Analysis on Korea's Tidelands Policy : From a Sustainable Development Point of View (한국의 갯벌정책에 대한 비판적 소고: 지속가능한 발전의 관점에서)

  • Moon, Seogwoong
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.575-605
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    • 2007
  • Korea's tidelands policy IS examined and criticized in the paper. Korea's major tidelands in the west coast might disappear within a decade. The anachronistic development IS driven by the political interest group, forming coalition for reclamation and busily fulfilling its own profits under the facade of public good and regional development. But all regions of the world have been gradually scrapping the massive reclamation projects since the 1970's and active movements to reverse the reclamation and restore the nature are on the rise. In 1978, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to suspend the construction of the dam and to protect the snail darter despite that over 100 million dollars had been injected. This court ruling became famous and caused the American public to change their perception about the environment. In the Netherlands, following a prolonged discussion on pros and cons of reclamation, open type seawall was adopted to strike a balance among the available alternatives. Japan's Ministry of Environment was praised for forming the National Wetland Committee in order to designate 20 new Ramsar sites by 2008, with an objective to reach 33 designated Ramsar sites. Away from the large-scale reclamation projects, Korea has to move towards smaller-scale projects focusing on the knowledege intensive and circular economy society that are more in harmony with the environment.

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Trends and Issues of Garden City Municipal Projects in Korea (국내 정원도시 프로젝트 추진 동향과 쟁점)

  • Lee, Myeong-Jun;Oh, Ji-Young;Choy, Yeon-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.96-112
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    • 2024
  • Recently, local governments in Korea have increasingly adopted the 'Garden City' slogan and implemented green space policies. This trend combines the expansion of urban green spaces with strategies for community engagement and urban branding, such as hosting garden expos. This study critically examines the theoretical and practical issues in the promotion of these garden city municipal projects. It first reviews existing literature to provide a historical account and redefines the concept of a garden city, identifying key theoretical perspectives: 'formation of a civic community,' 'establishment of eco-friendly urban systems,' and 'construction of urban identity.' The subsequent section briefly reviews legal framework and policies related to garden cities, analyzing the reorganization of major local government units into three types: 'establishment of dedicated units,' 'renaming of existing units,' and 'consolidation of existing units.' It then identifies significant issues in the promotion of garden city projects through the lens of theoretical perspectives, including 'ensuring project distinctiveness reflecting local identity,' 'expanding the garden concept,' 'integrating green and urban infrastructures through garden urbanism,' 'promoting resident participation and community revitalization,' and 'establishing sustainable management through inter-local governments and administrative units cooperation.' Finally, it suggests that the professional identity of landscape architects should evolve into urbanists who manage various types of green spaces.

Study on the Manufactures for the Korean Astronomical Instrument

  • Lee, Yong Sam
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.30.1-30.1
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    • 2018
  • 일제 강점기를 지난 후 광복을 맞았지만, 전란의 폐허 속에 개설된 대학의 천문학과의 관측 시설들은 전문한 상태였다. 필자가 학부 재학 중이던 6-70년대까지도 시 시공(時空)의 흐름은 필요한 것을 직접 만들어 사용할 수밖에 없는 시대로 몰아가고 있었다. 당시를 회고 하며 지금까지 걸어 온 "천문기기 제작 연구의 삶"을 회고하고자 한다. 대학 재학 시절 교수님의 도움으로 막스토브 망원경을 제작하고, 40cm 카세그레인 망원경 등 광학계의 원리와 특성연구를 통해 부품 조립을 수행할 수 있었다. 태양 흑점관측을 위한 10cm 굴절 망원경의 투영시설을 고안하여 6개월 동안 관측하였지만. 석사 논문을 위해 광전측광 관측시스템을 제작하여 식쌍성 관측을 수행하였다. 그 결과 한국의 시설로 UBV 광도곡선 완성하여 1975년 가을 천문학회에서 발표하였다. 1976년 2월 국립천문대 천문계산연구실에 발령 받고 역서편찬 업무를 담당하면서 소백산 60cm 망원경 최종 설치를 끝내고, 천문대(현 역삼동 과총회관 빌딩) 옥상에 2m 규모의 목재 돔을 설계 제작하고 일반인들을 위한 대중천문 활동을 시작하였다. 재직 중에 항상 한국의 열악한 천문시설의 상황을 실감하고 20대를 마감하면서 퇴직하여 "한국천문기기 연구소"라는 명칭으로 천체 돔을 설계하고, 돔 제작기계를 개발하였다. 망원경만 보관 중인 국내 4개 대학에 돔을 납품 한 후 연세대학교 천문대의 직경 6m 스텐레스 돔을 제작하였다. 아울러 연세대 천문대 60cm망원경을 설치하면서 이 곳에 입사하여 관측 장비개발 연구와 관측에 전념하게 되었다. 재직 기간 중 대학의 배려로 카나다 국립천문대(DAO) 방문연구원으로 1.8m 망원경으로 식쌍성들의 분광관측을 수행하여 시선속도곡선을 완성하였고, 체류 중에 스텝들과 국내에서 사용할 60cm용 첨단 분광기를 설계하였으나 대학에 재원이 없어 제작을 못한 아쉬움이 남는다. 1989년 2월 충북대학교 천문우주학과에 부임하면서 열악한 상황이지만 교육과 연구 장비로 20cm와 35cm 소형 망원경의 디지털 광전측광시스템으로 간이 천문대를 설치하여 운영하였다. 학과 설립 10 주년(1998년)을 맞아 40cm 망원경과 6m 돔을 설치하여 교내천문대가 완공되었다. 2000년이 되면서 대중 천문활동 을 위해 이동 천문대를 제작하여 4륜 자동차에 견인하여 여러 지역을 찾아 관측과 강연 활동 등 학과의 대중천문 활동의 특성을 살리는 계기를 만들게 되었다. 학과 설립 20주년(2008년)을 맞으면서 충북 진천에 16개 자동분할 개폐식 스릿의 9m 돔 안에 1m 망원경을 원격관측 시설을 완비하여 대학 본부의 기관으로 충북대학교천문대를 개관하고 관측시설을 완비하였다. 우리의 전통적인 세종시대 천문시설은 당대 최대의 시설이지만 당시 유물들이 모두 소실되어 현존하는 것이 하나도 없음은 실로 아쉬움이 큰 것이었다. 누군가는 그 구조, 형태, 원리, 기능, 사용방법 등을 밝히고 복원을 시도해야 할 시급함이 있었다. 문헌을 통해 1991년부터 학부졸업 논문으로 "고천문 의기(儀器) 복원연구" 분야의 발표를 시작하였다. 그 결과를 통해 세종탄신일에 영릉에서 숭모제 행사 후 그 곳에서 수년간 세종시대 고천문의기 한가지씩 작동모델을 복원하여 제막식을 거행하였다, 유물복원 회사 (주)옛기술과 문화 와 함께 팀을 이루어 매년 제작할 종목을 준비하게 되었다. 간의(簡儀)를 복원한 후에는 일성정시의, 소간의, 앙부일구, 정남일구, 석각천문도, 혼천의, 혼상, 각종 해시계 등 매년 지속적으로 복원되어 큰 규모의 야외 전시장이 완성되었다. 작동모델 설계연구팀의 자문과 제작팀과의 팀웍으로 이룬 성과인 것이다. 한번 시작품이 발표된 모델들은 국내 과학관과 박물관, 천문관에서 후속 모델을 설치하였다. 한국천문연구원과 부산 동래읍성 내에 장영실 과학 동산은 간의와 혼상을 비롯한 각종 해시계들을 설치한 큰 규모의 야외 전시장이다. 조선의 명망 높은 유학자들이 인격적인 하늘을 살펴보았던 혼천의와 일만원권에 그려 있는 국보 230호 자명종 혼천시계(일만원권의 그림)의 작동 모델을 제작하였다. 이와 같은 연구 결과들은 석사과정 박사과정을 통하여 더 심층적인 연구들이 발표되었고, 각종 조선(한국)의 천문의기(天文儀器) 연구 자료들은 연구팀들을 통해 중국과 일본 등 해외에서도 발표되었다. 지금까지 복원된 유물들이 완성되기까지는 참여한 많은 연구원들과 제작팀들이 합심하여 각자의 역할을 수행하여 최종 작동모델들이 하나 둘 완성되는 것이었다. 이것은 참으로 보람된 일이었고, 은퇴 후 지금은 재능기부자로서 즐거운 삶을 이어 갈수 있게 되었다.

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Aspects and Significance of Musa basjoo, a Landscaping Plant - Focused on Analysis of Old Paintings of Chosun Dynasty - (조경식물 파초(Musa basjoo) 식재 양상과 그 의미 - 조선시대 옛 그림 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Young-Suk;Goh, Yeo-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to infer the aspects and significance of Musa basjoo of latter part of Chosun Dynasty by analyzing the planting tendency and planting location of Musa basjoos drawn in total 77 old paintings and the characteristics of the paintings where Musa basjoos appeared, while trying to understand symbolic meanings of floral languages as well as the images and significance of Musa basjoos which appeared in the prose and poetry of Chosun Dynasty, and the results are as follows; With its floral languages of 'waiting', 'parting' and 'beauty', Musa basjoo represented the wealth and resuscitation and it aroused the elegance of hermits in its Taoistic sense. And it also represented 'the unworldliness to get out of transient human affairs' in its Buddhistic sense. Musa basjoos which appeared in 'Garden Custom Painting(庭園雅集圖)', 'Gosa Figure Painting(故事人物圖)' and 'Gyehoe Painting(契會圖)' is considered a device to increase the unworldly atmosphere of gardens and to dignify the elegant meetings of scholars, reflected by the high appearance frequencies of cranes and deer. And it seems that the meaning of Musa basjoo in certain paintings like 'Life-time Paintings(平生圖)', 'Castle City Painting(盛市圖), and 'Cultivating and Weaving Painting(耕織圖)' is an aspiration for wealth and prosperity, and the Musa basjoos planted in temples are considered to have symbolic meanings of aspiration for 'Salvation through Belief' as well as a unworldly meaning which reminds the transiency of human affairs. In addition, the expected effect of experiencing 'the sound of rain falling on the leaves of Musa basjoo' has been pursued, which can be confirmed by the fact that Firmiana simlex with wide leaves similar to Musa basjoo can be frequently spotted near the houses. Meanwhile, Musa basjoos seem to have been planted mainly in front garden or side garden around detached house and Musa basjoos inside the houses seem to have been planted mainly in right side when viewed from the entrance, in relation with the location of bedrooms where it is easier to hear the sounds from the right side of the environment. And the paintings where Musa basjoos appear with strange rocks and bizarre stones among other things have greater part of all the paintings, which is considered a kind of intentional landscaping and a product of mixed materials for elegant appreciation. And the major characters of the painting were involved in the activities of scholars such as arts, and the activities of minor characters were greatly related to their everyday lives. Musa basjoo of Chosun Dynasty in $17^{th}$ and $18^{th}$ century was one of the symbols necessary for description of gardens. And it provided the images of rainy scenes together with scholar culture which had a meaning of self-discipline, and it is assumed that the planting of Musa basjoo with the spirit of cease lessen deavor of a new leaf pushing up the tree and the spirit of resuscitation had the same trace of wheels in the city space of our country as the decline of scholar culture of Chosun Dynasty.

A Study on the Domestic Small Package Express Service′s Competitive Power Improvement Plan at EC Times (전자상거래 시대 국내 택배업의 경쟁력 향상 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 박영태;정종식
    • Proceedings of the Korean DIstribution Association Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.31-59
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    • 2002
  • Recently there are many changes of logistics environment Such as integrated logistics information system, the rapid growth of the domestic and international small package express service and third party logistics with Electronic Commerce. At this time it is very important to deliver to customers the goods sold through EC speedy, accurately and safely. That is to say, the role of small package express service is very important at EC times. The bottlenecks of small package express service in the circumstances of EC are the weakness of EC operating company and small package express service provider the shortage of distribution centre and cargo terminal, the shortage of skilled man with related small package express service etc. So, I suggested that for activation of EC it is necessary to strengthen the strategic alliances, introduce GPS and use the third party logistics positively in the side of small package express service provider. And it is necessary to prepare for the settlements of traffic problems, support the introduction of integrated logistics service, logistics information system, deregulate restriction such as weight limit of vehicles in the side of the government. And to government support throughout extending nation's SOC, deregulation, support to small package express service terminal, permit to stopping & parking in downtown, abolishing a no passing zone, permit to being employed foreigner. Also this service involves ensuring that the product will arrive when wanted, and in an undamaged condition.

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Types and Site Characteristics of Rocks with Sinsun Relevant Place Name Morpheme ('신선(神仙)'을 지명소(地名素)로 하는 바위명의 유형과 입지특성)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Park, Joo-Sung;Sim, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.61-77
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    • 2011
  • This study focused on relevant rock names related to Sinsun(神仙) which had been settled as Taoist traces were combined with places. While interpreting major features of Sundoism relevant rocks, it also discussed types and places of rocks reflected in their names by considering distinct characteristics of landscape characters that ancestors viewed through the rocks or on the rocks. Conclusion of this study is summarized as follows. 1. Among the rock names related to Sinsun, the most frequently discovered one was Sinsunbawi(52) and followed by Sinsunbong(神仙峰: 38), Sinsundae(神仙臺: 31). Other than these, there were Gangsundae(降仙臺: 12), Sunyoodae (仙遊臺: 10) and Sasundae(四仙臺: 5). 2. In the name of Sinsundae, 'Dae(臺)' ascertains that it was located in greatly superb place in the aspects of viewpoint and appreciation where landscape superiority and overlook scenery were fair and outstanding. 3. Sinsunbong was named for a peak of mountain. At the same time, it implied a notion of worship with images of 'merging with sky' or 'looking up.' Most of time, Sinsunbong indicated the tallest rock in the mountain chain. 4. A significant number of Sinsunbong had names where legends of Sinsun's Go game or descent were originated from. It shows that 'Sinsun(仙) and Go game' used to be very important motives for folk etymology of Sinsun related rocks. Along with the Sinsundae, a number of Sinsunbawi were also turned out to exist in land and ocean with excellent marine view. 5. According to analysis of their altitudes and heights of the peaks where the rocks belong to, Sinsunbong, Sinsundae and Sinsunbawi were in order. It might indicate that the rocks were located on top of mountain or that Sinsunbong represented the mountain itself. Compared to this, Sinsundae was located in where distant panoramic views were overlooked. It was not necessarily to be in peak but in where with a great view like Taoist world. On the other hand, Sinsunbawi was located in where has fine scenery and great valley not so far from villages, which proved its name had been influenced by place feature not altitude. 6. Feature of rock with Sinsun related name is to comprise visual stability of worship object with close linkage to attitude of worshiper. Considering its deep connection with communicative method of worship object and worshiper, seemingly it was main factor to lead folk etymology of rocks with Sinsun related names. 7. Rock is an object with the greatest implication of Sinsun imagination and Sinsun rocks show most clearly the fact that Taoism, which used to be considered as inaccessible, had been actualized in a visual and realistic manner with the change of time.