• Title/Summary/Keyword: 스케일 영향

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Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Soils of Barton Peninsula, King George Island, South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica (서남극 사우스셰틀랜드 킹조지섬 바톤반도 육상 토양의 광물학적, 지화학적 특성)

  • Jung, Jaewoo;Koo, Taehee;Yang, Kiho;Kim, Jinwook
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2017
  • Surface soils on Barton Peninsula, King George Island, West Antarctica were investigated to acquire the mineralogical and geochemical data of soil in Antarctica. Multiline of techniques for example, X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM)-electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), and wet chemistry analysis were performed to measure the composition of clay minerals, Fe-oxidation states, cation exchange capacity, and total cation concentration. Various minerals in sediments such as smectite, illite, chlorite, kaolinite, quartz and plagioclase were identified by XRD. Fe-oxidation states of bulk soils showed 20-40% of Fe(II) which would be ascribed to the reduction of Fe in clays as well as Fe-bearing minerals. Moreover, redox states of Fe in smectite structure was a ~57% of Fe(III) consistent to the values for the bulk soils. The cation exchange capacity of bulk soils ranged from 100 to 300 meq/kg and differences were not significantly measured for the sampling locations. Total cations (Mg, K, Na, Al, Fe) of bulk soils varies, contrast to the heavy metals (Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mn). These results suggested that composition of bed rocks influenced the distribution of elements in soil environments and soils containing clay compositions may went through the bio/geochemical alteration.

Polygonal Grain-Based Distinct Element Modelling of Mechanical Characteristics and Transverse Isotropy of Rock (다각형 입자 기반 개별요소모델을 통한 암석의 역학적 특성과 횡등방성 모사)

  • Park, Jung-Wook;Park, Chan;Ryu, Dongwoo;Choi, Byung-Hee;Park, Eui-Seob
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.235-252
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    • 2016
  • This study presents a methodology to reproduce the mechanical behavior of isotropic or transversely isotropic rock using the polygonal grain-based distinct element model. A numerical technique to monitor the evolution of micro-cracks during the simulation was developed in the present study, which enabled us to examine the contribution of tensile cracking and shear cracking to the progressive process of the failure. The numerical results demonstrated good agreement with general observations from rock specimens in terms of the behavior and the evolution of micro-cracks, suggesting the capability of the model to represent the mechanical behavior of rock. We also carried out a parametric study as a fundamental work to examine the relationships between the microscopic properties of the constituents and the macroscopic behavior of the model. Depending on the micro-properties, the model exhibited a variety of responses to the external load in terms of the strength and deformation characteristics. In addition, a numerical technique to reproduce the transversely isotropic rock was suggested and applied to Asan gneiss from Korea. The behavior of the numerical model was in good agreement with the results obtained in the laboratory-scale experiments of the rock.

Analysis of Discharge and Water Quality change of Doam Reservoir by Climate Change (기후변화에 따른 도암댐유역의 유출 및 수질변화 분석)

  • Kim, Jung-Min;Kim, Young-Do;Kang, Boo-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.908-908
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    • 2012
  • 국내 기후 특성상 하절기에 집중되는 강우로 인해 댐의 건설을 홍수조절, 용수확보 및 전력생산 등의 목적에 있어서 불가피하다. 이와 같은 저수지와 하류하천은 댐 수문 개폐에 따라 흐름변화로 인하여 수체의 거동 및 수질 변화가 발생하며, 일반적인 하천과는 다른 특성을 지니게 된다. 또한 수심이 깊은 저수지의 경우에는 흐름방향과 더불어 수심 방향의 특성도 중요하며, 수리 및 수질 모형의 연계를 통한 3차원적인 해석을 필요로 한다. 유역 내 지상 또는 대기에서 발생한 모든 오염물질은 강우에 의해 하천과 호수와 같은 수체로 유입되며, 강우가 발생했을 때 유역의 토지피복 상태와 수리, 지형, 강우강도, 토양의 특성에 의해 하천으로 유입되는 오염물질의 농도와 부하특성이 달라진다. 비점오염물질의 축적이 가능한 호수나 저수지에서는 비점오염원의 유입이 더 큰 문제가 되며, 유량이 극히 미미한 하천의 경우에는 강우초기에 일시에 집중적으로 유입되는 초기 오염 부하량이 문제가 된다. 강우유출수의 하천 유입은 강우 현상과 밀접한 관계를 맺고 있으므로 그 제어가 쉽지 않다. 이러므로 이를 총괄하는 유역통합관리기술이 필요로 하며, 기존의 유역통합관리기술은 댐 상류유역을 중심으로 개발되고 있으며, 댐 상류유역과 저수지, 하류하천으로 구분되어 연구되어 왔다. 또한 각각의 모형이 개별적으로 적용되어 통합적인 평가시스템이 표준화되지 않은 관계로 댐 상하류 모니터링 자료가 연계된 실무 적용이 이루어지지 않고 있다. 따라서 하천 수리 수문학적 역학구조를 이해하고 그 특성에 적합하게 평가할 수 있는 표준화된 시스템이 구축되어야 한다. 또한 효과적인 유역통합관리를 위해서는 하천의 현재 뿐만 아니라 장래에 대한 예측부분도 포함되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 댐 유역에서의 유출과 수질 변화를 모의하고 이를 이용하여 저수지 내에서의 오염물질 거동에 대해서 해석하였다. 또한 기후변화에 따른 유역, 저수지 및 하천에 미치는 영향을 고려하기 위하여 고해상도 지역기후전망 모의자료를 이용하여 수문학적 스케일로 통계적 상세화한 후 지역별 상세수문시나리오를 생산하여 미래 예측에 활용하였다. 기후변화 시나리오의 상세화를 통한 상세지역의 기후를 예측하고, 예측된 기상자료를 이용하여 유역모델을 모의하여 미래의 유출 및 수질 변화를 파악할 수 있는 기술 개발로 인해 저수지의 운영에 도움을 주고, 주수지의 치수증대 사업 등 유출의 변화에 따른 하류하천 변화를 파악할 수 있고, 기후변화에 따른 하류하천에 대한 홍수기 때 치수, 이수 및 방재에 대하여 기초자료를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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Surface Milling for the Study of Pore Structure in Shale Reservoirs (셰일 저류층 내 공극 구조 연구를 위한 표면 밀링)

  • Park, Sun Young;Choi, Jiyoung;Lee, Hyun Suk
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.419-426
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    • 2020
  • Understanding the pore structure including pore shape and connectivity in unconventional reservoirs is essential to increase the recovery rate of unconventional energy resources such as shale gas and oil. In this study, we found analysis condition to probe the nanoscale pore structure in shale reservoirs using Focused Ion Beam (FIB) and Ion Milling System (IMS). A-068 core samples from Liard Basin are used to probe the pore structure in shale reservoirs. The pore structure is analyzed with different pretreatment methods and analysis condition because each sample has different characteristics. The results show that surface milling by FIB is effective to obtain pore images of several micrometers local area while milling a large-area by IMS is efficient to observe various pore structure in a short time. Especially, it was confirmed that the pore structure of rocks with high content of carbonate minerals and high strength can be observed with milling by IMS. In this study, the analysis condition and process for observing the pore structure in the shale reservoirs is established. Further studies are needed to perform for probing the effect of pore size and shape on the enhancement of shale gas recovery.

Statistical Analyses of Soil Moisture Data from Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer and In-situ (Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer 와 In-situ를 이용한 토양수분 자료의 통계분석)

  • Jang, Sun Woo;Jeon, Myeon Ho;Choi, Minha;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.5B
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    • pp.487-495
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    • 2010
  • Soil moisture is a crucial factor in hydrological system which influences runoff, energy balance, evaporation, and atmosphere. United States National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) and Department of Agriculture (USDA) have established Soil Moisture Experiment (SMEX) since 2002 for the global observations. SMEX provides useful data for the hydrological science including soil moisture and hydrometeorological variables. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between remotely sensed soil moisture data from aircraft and satellite and ground based experiment. C-band of Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer (PSR) that observed the brightness temperature provides soil moisture data using a retrieval algorithm. It was compared with the In-situ data for 2-30 cm depth at four sites. The most significant depth is 2-10 cm from the correlation analysis. Most of the sites, two data are similar to the mean of data at 10 cm and the median at 7 cm and 10 cm at the 10% significant level using the Rank Sum test and t-test. In general, soil moisture data using the C-band of the PSR was established to fit the Normal, Log-normal and Gumbel distribution. Soil moisture data using the aircraft and satellites will be used in hydrological science as fundamental data. Especially, the C-band of PSR will be used to prove soil moisture at 7-10 cm depths.

Comparative study of laminar and turbulent models for three-dimensional simulation of dam-break flow interacting with multiarray block obstacles (다층 블록 장애물과 상호작용하는 3차원 댐붕괴흐름 모의를 위한 층류 및 난류 모델 비교 연구)

  • Chrysanti, Asrini;Song, Yangheon;Son, Sangyoung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.spc1
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    • pp.1059-1069
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    • 2023
  • Dam-break flow occurs when an elevated dam suddenly collapses, resulting in the catastrophic release of rapid and uncontrolled impounded water. This study compares laminar and turbulent closure models for simulating three-dimensional dam-break flows using OpenFOAM. The Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model, specifically the k-ε model, is employed to capture turbulent dissipation. Two scenarios are evaluated based on a laboratory experiment and a modified multi-layered block obstacle scenario. Both models effectively represent dam-break flows, with the turbulent closure model reducing oscillations. However, excessive dissipation in turbulent models can underestimate water surface profiles. Improving numerical schemes and grid resolution enhances flow recreation, particularly near structures and during turbulence. Model stability is more significantly influenced by numerical schemes and grid refinement than the use of turbulence closure. The k-ε model's reliance on time-averaging processes poses challenges in representing dam-break profiles with pronounced discontinuities and unsteadiness. While simulating turbulence models requires extensive computational efforts, the performance improvement compared to laminar models is marginal. To achieve better representation, more advanced turbulence models like Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) are recommended, necessitating small spatial and time scales. This research provides insights into the applicability of different modeling approaches for simulating dam-break flows, emphasizing the importance of accurate representation near structures and during turbulence.

The Effect of Entrained Air Contents on the Properties of Freeze-thaw Deterioration and Chloride Migration in Marine Concrete (연행 공기량이 해양콘크리트의 동결융해 및 염화물 확산특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Sang-Joon
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2008
  • The freeze-thaw deterioration and chloride attack, which are the typical degradation factors for durability of marine concrete, are significantly affected by pore structures in terms of penetration and diffusion. These pore structures of concrete are closely related to the types and amount of AE agent, used to guarantee the resistance of freeze-thaw deterioration, and the elapsed time before concrete pouring. This paper evaluates the durability of concrete based on the results of tests on cylinder specimens and core specimens from mock-up members with different air content of 4~6% and 8~10%, respectively. According to the test results, the air content of hardened concrete is 2.5~5.2% at 7 days and 2.4~5.1% at 28 days. These air contents are about half of the initial values just after the concrete mixing. Judging from the amount of scale after the freeze-thaw test completed, air content of 8~10% is slightly more beneficial against the deterioration of concrete than air content of 4~6%. Meanwhile, the core specimens from mock-up members exhibit somewhat unfavorable freeze-thaw deterioration and chloride migration characteristic compared with the cylinder specimens tested in the laboratory under the same mixing condition, as to show 106% in freeze-thaw test and 160% in chloride diffusion coefficient test, respectively.

Research Trends on the Structure and System of Nickel Catalysts for Low-Temperature Processes in Highly Efficient Carbon Dioxide Methanation Reactions (고효율 이산화탄소 메탄화 반응을 위한 저온 공정용 니켈 촉매 구조 및 시스템 연구 동향)

  • Jaewon Jang;Jungpil Kim
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.312-326
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    • 2024
  • This review comprehensively reviews the latest research trends in nickel catalysts for low-temperature CO2 methanation reactions, with special emphasis on catalyst synthesis and reactor design for low-temperature CO2 methanation reactions. In addition to the previously reported catalyst synthesis method of impregnation, the effects of structural and chemical properties of catalysts synthesized by solvothermal synthesis and electrospinning on CO2 methanation reactions were analyzed. We also discuss the potential for process cost reduction and scale-up based on 3D catalyst structures and catalyst stacked reactor designs to improve reaction efficiency. It is found that the efficiency of the CO2 methanation reaction can be maximized by controlling the oxygen vacancies and crystal structure of the catalyst through an innovative catalyst synthesis method, and by increasing the active area of nickel through the 3D structure of the catalyst and the reactor design. It is expected that this review will serve as the basis for the field of converting natural gas into CH4, which can be used as a substitute for natural gas while reducing CO2, a major greenhouse gas.

A Survey on the Visual Characteristics and Preference of Road Landscape of Traditional Gardens in Suzhou, China based on Rockery Ratio - With a Comparison of Consciousness between Korean and Chinese - (중국 전통원림의 치석피도(置石被度)에 따른 원로경관의 시지각적 특성 분석 - 한국인과 중국인 시지각 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Chan;Park, Yool-Jin;Song, Mei-Jie
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.70-77
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    • 2011
  • This study takes road landscape of traditional Chinese Kangnam gardens in Suzhou as the object. It compares the relations and differences between preferences of Korean and Chinese on road landscapes with different rockery ratios, and studies the differences between Korean and Chinese's adjective visual characteristics of road landscape of traditional gardens and impacts of visual characteristics on preference. The following is the research process: Firstly, the theoretical survey of road landscape of traditional Chinese Kangnam gardens is conducted, pictures of the road landscape of gardens in Suzhou are taken, and 15 pictures are selected based on rockery ratio. Secondly, in order to grasp the visual preference and landscape characteristics of road landscape of garden in Suzhou, 15 pictures and 21 pairs of adjectives are adopted for the questionnaire survey. Thirdly, in order to grasp the differences between preferences of Korean and Chinese on road landscape of traditional Chinese Kangnam gardens, thet-test analysis is conducted. In order to grasp the impacts of rockery ratio on preference, and after the classification of landscape pictures based on rockery occupancy, the average analysis, factor analysis of results of questionnaire survey for Korean and Chinese are conducted respectively. In order to grasp the differences of incentives of landscape preference, the incentive analysis of results of questionnaire survey for Korean and Chinese is carried out. In order to grasp the impacts of various factors on the preference, The results are as follows: The results of analysis of differences between Korean and Chinese's preference on road landscape of traditional Chinese Kangnam gardens show that the overall preference of Chinese is higher than that of Korean. The results of the landscape preference analysis show that the ranking order of average value of Korean and Chinese's preference on rockery ratio categories is: medium ratio, very small ratio, small ratio, large ratio, very large ratio. The results of analysis of relations between rockery ratio of traditional Chinese Kangnam gardens and preference show that the preference increases as the rockery ratio decreases, and the rockery ratio variation causes greater impacts on Korean. Results of the analysis of visual characteristics, factors of visual characteristics of Koreans are "aesthetic factor", "comfort factor", "neat(orderly) factor", and "fun factor". The visual characteristics of Chinese has three factors, namely "psychological factor", "comfort factor", and "neat factor".

Development of Landscape Urbanism in Practice (랜드스케이프 어바니즘의 실천적 전개 양상)

  • Kim, Youngmin;Jeong, Wookju
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2014
  • The Practice of Landscape Urbanism has been criticized on two aspects; Landscape Urbanism does not yet provide differentiated forms of planning and design neither able to fill the gap between theory and practice. In response to these criticisms, Landscape Urbanists have tried to provide additional cases that can exemplify achievements of Landscape Urbanism in practice. There has been another type of effort to suggest distinct planning and design strategies of Landscape Urbanism from theoretical texts. However, these approaches overlooked the fact that professional practice actually gave huge influence on the theoretical framework of Landscape Urbanism. Based on this observation, the study examined the development process of Landscape Urbanism by verifying the correlation between its practice and theory. Through an extensive literature review, the study suggested horizontality, infrastructure, process, ecology, media, hybrid, site, and scale as eight major concepts of Landscape Urbanism. Afterwards, the study classified 51 projects cited in major essays and articles of Landscape Urbanism into four categories: Archetypal projects, precedent projects, exemplary projects, and progressive projects. The correlation between strategies of the selected projects and main theoretical concepts was analyzed. The study found out that the early stage of the theory was focused on defining and explaining the new design and planning approaches of contemporary design projects related with landscape. However, these days, Landscape Urbanism became a more productive in providing diverse types of practice sharing the direction and vision proposed by the theory. Various projects influenced in constructing theoretical structure of Landscape Urbanism as well as proved that the suggestions of Landscape Urbanism could be effective to reorganize contemporary cites in the form of design and planning strategies. The observation of this study can contribute to provide proper answers to the criticism on practice of Landscape Urbanism and be helpful in understanding the limits and unrealized potentials of Landscape Urbanism as a practical theory.