• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수학교육의 질

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Developing a survey items for elementary school students on the quality of mathematics education (초등학생용 수학교육의 질 인식 설문 도구 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Rina
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.349-363
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    • 2024
  • The government and schools may take a responsibility to improve the quality of mathematics education. The quality of mathematics education might be evaluated by education experts and administrators. At the same tiem, it is also important to listen to the opinions of students who actually participate in mathematics learning. In this study, as a preliminary task to investigate the quality of mathematics education perceived by elementary school students, a survey items for the quality of mathematics education for elementary school students (grades 3 to 6) was developed. I synthesized domestic and international discussions to develop three aspects of the quality of mathematics education: mathematics classroom, mathematics teacher, and mathematics environment. A total of 27 items were confirmed by statistically analyzing the results of a validity verification with 20 experts and a reliability verification through three pilot tests targeting elementary school students in grades 3 to 6. The survey items developed in this study may provide implications not only for understanding the quality of mathematics education perceived by elementary school students in the future, but also for diversifying discussions related to the quality of mathematics education. Furthermore, it is expected to provide basic data for practically improving the quality of mathematics education.

Study on the quality of instruction of two beginning mathematics teachers: Toward the above criteria (두 초임 수학교사의 수업의 질에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Mimi;Kim, Yeon
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.179-198
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    • 2022
  • Teaching is delicate, complicated, and demanding work, and especially beginning teachers set forth their difficulties in preparing and implementing mathematics instruction. It is important to ensure the quality of beginning mathematics teachers' instruction above a consistent level because such affirmation justifies the national policy on teacher education as well as the individual efforts of preservice teachers in South Korea. The current study collected mathematics lessons of the two beginning teachers who graduated from the same teacher training institute and worked at the same high school. The findings reported what features their lessons have with regard to the learning environment, engaging students in learning, deepening student learning, and using representations of the edTPA in order to identify what can or cannot be expected in their mathematics instruction. The instruction of the one teacher was assessed middle or more than middle scores throughout the rubrics, but the other one had lower scores. Based on these findings, this study suggested the implications for teacher education in ways of improving the quality of instruction of beginning mathematics teachers.

초등학교 수학 학습지도와 관련된 교사의 지식에 관한 고찰

  • Nam, Seung-In
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.10
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    • pp.43-58
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    • 2000
  • 교육의 질은 교사의 질에 의하여 크게 영향을 받는다고 볼 때, 수학교육의 질적 개선을 성공적으로 이끌기 위해서는 전문가로써의 자질을 갖춘 유능한 교사의 역할이 뒷받침되어야 할 것이다. 일반적으로 교사들이 갖추어야 할 지식을 크게 3가지로 나눈다면 교과의 내용에 관한 지식, 교수 방법에 관한 지식, 학생에 관한 지식으로 나누고 있다. 본고에서는 초등학교 수학 학습지도와 관련된 교과 교육학 및 교과 내용학에 관한 지식과 교사의 전문성을 개발할 수 있는 방안에 대해 개괄적으로 살펴본다.

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A analysis of the elementary school and the middle school mathematics education as a curriculum quality-management (교육과정 질 관리를 위한 초·중학교 수학교육 실태 분석)

  • Kim, Sun Hee;Lee, Seung-mi
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.167-185
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual states of the elementary school and the middle school mathematics education as a curriculum quality-management. To this end, this study surveyed the input, process and output phase in the school curriculum to the teachers, students and parents. The results are like these: First, the achievement standards contents in the elementary school and the middle schools are relevant in the input phase. Second, the teachers in the elementary school have more concern on the teaching & learning methods than those in the middle school in the process phase. Third, students and parents' satisfaction on the cognitive and affective domain in the elementary school is higher than that in the middle school in the output phase. This study suggests that these result has to be affected to make ways to apply the new curriculum, and the curriculum revision system has to be established to revise the curriculum as an important method of quality management.

Elementary School Students' Perception of Mathematics Classroom Quality (수학 수업의 질에 대한 초등학교 학생들의 인식)

  • Park, Sungsun
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of teacher's mathematical belief and student's mathematical performance, sex on the perception of mathematics classroom quality. And this study also detailed the relation between self-directed learning attitude and perception of mathematics classroom quality. For this purpose, this study used 'Students Perception of Mathematics Classroom Quality(SPOCQ)' as an instrument. This instrument focuses on appeal, challenge, choice, meaningfulness, self-efficacy. The 430 5th and 6th grade elementary school students were included in sample. The results obtained in this research are as follows; First, there was a significant difference in the perception of mathematics classroom quality between positive mathematical belief teacher's group and negative mathematical belief teacher's group. So, teacher's mathematical belief influence on the students' perception of mathematics classroom quality. Second, there was a significant difference according to the student's mathematical performance and sex. The students of high mathematical performance usually had positive perception of mathematics classroom quality and the male students also had higher mean than female students. Third, there was positive correlation between self-directed learning attitude and perception of mathematics classroom quality.

Relationship of mathematical knowledge for teaching and mathematical quality in instruction: Focus on high schools (수업을 위한 수학적 지식과 수업의 수학적 질 사이의 관계: 고등학교를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yeon
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.237-254
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    • 2020
  • The current study investigated the relationships between mathematical knowledge for teaching and the mathematical quality in instruction in order to gain insight about teacher education for secondary teachers in South Korea. We collected and analyzed twelve high school teachers' scores of the multiple-choice assessment for mathematical knowledge for teaching developed by the Measures of Effective Teaching project. Their instruction was video recorded and analyzed with the mathematical quality in instruction developed by the Learning Mathematics for Teaching project. We also interviewed the teachers about how they planned and assessed their instruction by themselves in order to gain information about their intention and interpretation about instruction. There was a statistically significant and positive association between the levels of mathematical knowledge for teaching and the mathematical quality in instruction. Among three dimensions of the mathematical quality in instruction, mathematical richness seemed most relevant to mathematical knowledge for teaching because subject matter knowledge plays an important role in mathematical knowledge for teaching. Furthermore, working with students and mathematics as well as students participation were critical to decide the quality of instruction. Based on these findings, the current study discussed offering opportunities to learn mathematical knowledge for teaching and philosophy about how teachers need to consider students in high schools particularly in terms of constructivism.

예비 수학교사의 수학과 교수-학습에 대한 신념 조사

  • Jo, Jeong-Su
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.14
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    • pp.371-394
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    • 2001
  • 교사 교육기관에서 교육을 받고 있는 예비 수학교사들의 교수-학습에 대한 신념은 주로 초, 중, 고등학교를 다니면서 수학 교사와의 상호작용과 긍정적 혹은 부정적인 경험에 의해서 형성되어져 있다. 이러한 신념은 결국 사범대학에서의 교육을 받으면서 지식의 습득 과정에 영향을 미치게 된다. 따라서 예비수학교사들이 가지고 있는 수학의 교수-학습에 대한 신념을 조사하는 것은 이들이 기존에 가지고 있는 신념에 대한 반성의 기회를 제공하게 되어 바람직한 신념형성 및 장차 교사가 되었을 때 수학교실에서의 교수-학습의 새로운 전환에 도움이 될 것이다. 그리고 이들의 신념을 조사, 연구하는 것은 현재 수학과 교사 교육기관에서 이루어지고 있는 교수와 학습에 대한 질을 개선하는데 도움이 될 것이다.

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Exploring Effects of Elementary Teachers' Mathematics Instruction, Mathematics Teaching Efficacy, and Student Mathematical Interest on Mathematics Achievement : An Application of Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (초등교사의 수학수업의 질, 수학 교수효능감, 학생의 수학흥미가 수학성취도에 미치는 영향 분석: 다층구조방정식의 적용)

  • Hwang, Sunghwan;Son, Taekwon
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.175-189
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of the present study was to investigate the structural relationships between elementary teachers' mathematics instruction, teachers' mathematics teaching efficacy, students' mathematical interest, and mathematics achievement. To achieve this goal, we used TIMSS 2015 Korean data and implemented multilevel structural equation modeling given that student data were nested within the school data. The findings reveled that at the student level, the instructional quality rated by students positively affected student mathematical interest. Additionally, student mathematical interest positively affected student mathematics achievement. Although the direct effect of instructional quality on student mathematics achievement was insignificant, the total was significant. At the school level, there were positive direct effects of instructional quality and teacher's mathematics teaching efficacy on student mathematical interest. The direct effects of instructional quality, teachers' mathematics teaching efficacy, and student mathematical interest on mathematics achievement were not significant. However, the total effects of instructional quality and teachers' mathematics teaching efficacy on mathematics achievement were significant. Based on the results, we discussed the implications of the study.

How to Make National Assessment of Educational Achievement Better for Managing National Mathematics Curriculum (수학과 교육과정의 질 관리 측면에서 "국가수준 학업성취도 평가 연구" 내실화 방안 탐색)

  • Cho, Young-Mi
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.199-220
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    • 2006
  • One of the main objectives of National Assessment of Educational Achievement (NAEA), which is implemented by Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation(KICE), is to manage the qualities of National Curriculum. Thus we considered NAEA as the research for educational program assessment and tried to find out how to make NAEA better for achieving that objective. For the purpose of this paper we analyzed the present conditions of NAEA into four perspectives. And then according to each perspective we explored schemes for improving NAEA. In conclusion, we proposed the following; Firstly, in relation to assessing students' understanding of the mathematics contents, the meanings of Achievement Levels have to become much more clear and concrete. in relation to assessing for comparing student' understanding according to mathermatics content areas, the number of items has to be increased for elevating validities of NAEA. Thirdly, in relation to gathering the information about properties which are shown by the students in particular Achievement, it is necessary to think about how to produce items for the purpose in the step of developing items in NAEA. Finally in relation to collecting the data which can be useful for relevance of mathematics contents, it is necessary to make a special group of items for identifying relevance of mathematics contents, and to apply performance assessments on part of the students, not whole students.

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학교 현장에서의 수학과 수행평가에 관한 고찰

  • Go, Sang-Suk;Jeon, Yeong-Ju
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.15
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2003
  • 수학과의 평가는 수학의 학습 내용에 대한 학생들의 성취도를 다양한 유형의 평가기법을 이용하여 파악하고, 이를 통해 수학교육의 질을 관리하는데 그 목적이 있다. 그러나 지금까지의 대부분의 평가는 수학교육의 본질이라 할 수 있는 학습자의 수학적 사고력을 제대로 측정하지 못하고 단편적인 수학적 지식을 결과 위주로 평가하는 데 만족해 왔다. 한편으로는 지극히 교과서적이고 인위적인, 단지 문제를 위한 수학 문제는 수학 무용론을 부추기기도 하였다(박경미, 1998). 이와 같은 수학과의 위기를 탈출하기 위해서는 결과만을 고려하는 선다형의 문제가 아닌 과정을 중시하는 서술형 주관식 문제, 기능 위주의 고립된 수학적 지식을 측정한 학업성취 결과보다는 수학 학습에 대한 태도나 노력, 관심, 탐구적 활동 그리고 성향 등 정의적 영역의 평가가 절실히 요구된다. 따라서 기존의 지필 검사를 뛰어넘는 다양한 평가의 틀이 요구된다 하겠다. 이런 점에서 1999학년도부터 시행되고 있는 고등학교에서의 수행평가는 변화하는 교육기조의 교수 ${\cdot}$ 학습에 대한 적절한 평가의 한 방법이라 생각된다. 이에 본 연구는 다양한 평가의 틀 가운데 수학과 수행평가에 관한 고찰을 통해서 현장에서의 수행평가활용 방법을 찾는데 있다.

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