• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수평 유지

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A Study on the New Management Technology Model in Service Economy Era (서비스경제시대의 경영기술 연구)

  • Hyunsoo Kim
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.101-125
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to derive a management technology model based on the new management framework established in previous studies. The management technology sector, which occupies most of the existing business administration, is defined as a technical division in new management. In this study, the theory of management technology based on the service philosophy of the service economy era was presented. The structure of new business, which is the basis of new management technology, is presented first, the service philosophy of the service economy era where management is performed, and then the management technology model based on service philosophy is presented. The management technology model was derived on the basis of immutable axioms. After presenting new management axioms based on common human ideology and nature and human nature, a management technology model was presented based on axioms. On the basis of the axioms, a new dialectical development model was developed as a model for the dialectical development that maintains a tight balance and a fierce interaction between two opposing parties based on the structure and operation model of service philosophy. In addition to the overall organizational management model, a management function model and a management expansion model were presented. Each detailed technique is presented as a model for dialectical development of opposing confrontations. Management technology is a dynamic technology that is constantly changing, and is an overall technology that takes into account various situations and viewpoints. This study has significance as a basic study to overcome the limitations of the existing static management technology and develop dynamic management technology. Future research requires empirical analytical studies on new management technology models.

Full mouth rehabilitation in partially edentulous patient with an unstable mandibular position (불안정한 하악위를 가진 부분 무치악 환자에서 전악 수복 증례)

  • Donghwi Yook;Younghoo Lee;Seoung-Jin Hong;Ahran Pae;Kwantae Noh;Hyeong-Seob Kim;Kung-Rock Kwon;Janghyun Paek
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.308-315
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    • 2023
  • In the case of a patients who have lost the centric stop and have a staggered occlusion of the residual teeth, various movements occur when the denture is loaded. Implant placement is necessary to reinforce the retention, support, and stabilization elements to reduce denture movement. However, in this case, considering the patient's age, aversion to surgery, and bone loss, implants were not placed and restoration was performed with a removable partial denture. In this case, it is important to set the correct mandibular position for restoration because the patient has a habit of chewing with the remaining teeth. In this case, a stable mandibular position was established using a gothic arch tracing, and good results were obtained by restoring with partial dentures, so this is reported.

Occurrence and Variation of Oxygen Deficient Water Mass in the Namdae Stream Estuary, Yangyang, Korea (양양 남대천 하구의 빈산소 수괴 출현과 변동)

  • Kwon, Kee-Young;Lee, Yong-Hwa;Shim, Jeong-Min;Lee, Pil-Yong
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2010
  • The occurrence and variation of oxygen deficient water mass (ODW) in Namdae stream estuary, Yangyang were studied. Field observations for water properties and sediment environments were conducted at 5 stations of the estuary from April 2008 to November 2008. The coastal sandbar is developed at the estuary mouth, and there is a pool between the estuary mouth and about 2.3 km upstream of the estuary. The pool is relatively deep and narrow compared to riverbed of the estuary. The ODW was observed continuously in the pool from May to October. The ODW extends vertically up to 2 m depth in August, and maximum length of the ODW were about 2.3 km. Mean concentration of ignition loss (IL) and acid volatile sulfide (AVS) of sediment was 7.5~9.0%, $0.282{\sim}1.106\;mg/g{\cdot}dry$ wt, respectively. Ammonium concentration in the bottom layer during formation period of the halocline and the ODW was 4~23 times higher than that of surface layer. ODW was initiated by the introduction of seawater into bottom of the estuary pool to make a strong halocline, and then decomposition of organic matter within sediment accelerated the formation of the ODW.

Full mouth rehabilitation of skeletal class II patient with regaining occlusal vertical dimension: a case report (골격성 2급 부정교합 환자의 수직교합고경 회복을 동반한 전악 수복 증례)

  • Junghyun Park;Seoung-Jin Hong;Janghyun Paek;Kwantae Noh;Ahran Pae;Kung-Rock Kwon;Hyeong-Seob Kim
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.304-316
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    • 2024
  • Class II malocclusions present with a different occlusal pattern to patients with Class I malocclusions, characterized by a large overjet and overbite in the anterior region, resulting in habitual mandibular protrusion during speech or mastication. When rehabilitating Class II patients, it is important to consider lateral and anterior guidance, to ensure balanced posterior guidance during protrusive movements before anterior contact, and to establish freedom in the intercuspal position. In this case, digital tools were used for the full-mouth rehabilitation of a skeletal class II patient. A virtual patient was created using facial scan data, digital facebow transfer and jaw motion tracking. Provisional restorations were fabricated based on the virtual patient. After identifying occlusal interference during anterior movement with the first provisional, the virtual patient was updated and the occlusal design was refined. For the final restorations, the virtual patient was updated again to reflect the functionally and esthetically satisfactory provisional restorations and their adapted occlusion. This digital approach facilitated accurate replication of the dynamic occlusal relationships, resulting in functionally and esthetically successful outcomes.

Evaluation of the Shear Strength and Stiffness of Frozen Soil with a Low Water Content (함수비가 낮은 동결토의 전단강도 및 강성 평가)

  • Kim, Sang Yeob;Lee, Jong-Sub;Kim, Young Seok;Byun, Yong-Hoon
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2015
  • The characteristics of frozen soils are one of most important factors for foundation design in cold region. The objective of this study is to evaluate the shear strength and stiffness of frozen soils according to the confining conditions during the freezing and shearing phase. A direct shear box is constructed for the frozen specimens and bender elements are mounted on the wall of the shear box to measure shear wave velocities. Specimens are prepared by mixing sand and silt with a silt fraction of 30% in weight and the degree of saturation of 10%, giving a relative density of 60% for all tests. The temperature of the specimens in the freezer is allowed to fall below -5℃, and then direct shear tests are performed. A series of vertical stresses are applied during the freezing and shearing phase. Shear stress, vertical displacement, and shear wave along the horizontal displacement are measured. Experimental results show that in all the tests, shear strength increases with increasing vertical stress applied during the freezing and shearing phases. The magnitude of the increase in shear strength with increasing vertical stress during shearing under fixed vertical stress in the frozen state is smaller than the magnitude of the increase in vertical stress during freezing and shearing. In addition, the change in shear wave velocities varies with the position of the bender elements. In the case of shear waves passing through the shear plane, the shear wave velocities decrease with increasing horizontal displacement. This study provides an evaluation of the properties of shear strength and stiffness of frozen soils under varied confining condition.


  • Kwon, Yeong-Ho;Jang, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Sang-Han
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.206-216
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    • 2000
  • Predictional study for lateral change between pre- and post-orthognathic surgery has been emphasized mainly on anterior area of lateral profile; upper lip, lower lip and chin et al. So interest for lateral profile change has been less in posterior area of lateral profile and literature analyzing gonial angle change is rare. The purpose of this study is to make prediction for gonial angle change possible and to offer somewhat treatment guidance for gonial angle to be improved by investigating overall gonial angle change between pre- and post-orthognathic surgery and inquiring into factors influencing on pattern of genial angle change. For this study 35 patients were selected retrospectively. Lateral cephalometric radiographs were taken in just pre-op time, pod 1 day, pod 1 year. They were analyzed and genial angles were measured. The results were as follows : 1. Gonial angle at pod 1 day was decreased about $9.3^{\circ}$ than pre-op and gonial angle at pod 1 year was increased about $4.0^{\circ}$ than pod 1 day. So genial angle at pod 1 year was decreased about $5.3^{\circ}$ than pre-op genial angle(p<0.01). 2. Mean pre-op gonial angle was $129.4^{\circ}$, showing significantly high value than normal and mean gonial angle at pod 1 year was $124.1^{\circ}$, showing value near to normal. 3. Mean gonial angle change between pre-op and pod 1 year was decreased about $5.4^{\circ}$ in female and $5.3^{\circ}$ in male. There was no statistically significant difference between male and female(p>0.05). 4. Principal factor influencing on decreased gonial angle in gonial angle change between pre-op and pod 1 year was amount of mandibular setback. 5. Principal factor influencing on increased gonial angle in gonial angle change between pod 1 day and pod 1 year was % horizontal relapse, and it was thought that resorption and bone remodelling on posterior area in mandibular distal segment also were related to increased gonial angle. 6. It is thought that sagittal split ramus osteotomy in mandibular prognathic patients with high value of gonial angle is effective to improvement of gonial angle, and In patients who have normal range of gonial angle and are required with excessive mandibular setback, short lingual cut method, additional resection of posterior margin of distal segment, Obwegeser II method will be considerd. 7. More prudent operation and careful post-op management will be responsible for maintenance of postoperative stable gonial angle.

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Stabilizing Soil Moisture and Indoor Air Quality Purification in a Wall-typed Botanical Biofiltration System Controlled by Humidifying Cycle (가습 주기에 따른 벽면형 식물바이오필터의 토양 수분 안정화 및 실내공기질 정화)

  • Lee, Chang Hee;Choi, Bom;Chun, Man Young
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.605-617
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    • 2015
  • The ultimate goal of this research is to develop a botanical biofiltration system that combines a green interior, biofiltering, and automatic irrigation to purify indoor air pollutants according to indoor space and the size of biofilter. This study was performed to compare the stability of air flow characteristics and removal efficiency (RE) of fine dust within a wall-typed (vertical) botanical biofilter depending on humidifying cycle and to investigate RE of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by the biofilter. The biofilter used in this experiment was designed as an integral form of water metering pump, water tank, blower, humidifier, and multi-level planting space in order to be suitable for indoor space utilization. As a result, relative humidity, air temperature, and soil moisture content (SMC) within the biofilter showed stable values regardless of three different humidifying cycles operated by the metering pump. In particular, SMCs were consistently maintained in the range of 27.1-29.7% during all humidifying cycles; moreover, a humidifying cycle of operating for 15 min and pausing for 45 min showed the best horizontal linear regression (y = 0.0008x + 29.09) on SMC ($29.0{\pm}0.2%$) during 120 hour. REs for number of fine dust (PM10) and ultra-fine dust (PM2.5) particles passed through the biofilter were in the range of 82.7-89.7% and 65.4-73.0%, respectively. RE for weight of PM10 passed through the biofilter was in the range of 58.1-78.9%, depending on humidifying cycle. REs of xylene, ethyl benzene, total VOCs (TVOCs), and toluene passed through the biofilter were in the range of 71.3-75.5%, while REs of benzene and formaldehyde (HCHO) passed through the biofilter were 39.7% and 44.9%, respectively. Hence, it was confirmed that the wall-typed botanical biofilter suitable for indoor plants was very effective for indoor air purification.


  • Kwak, Young-Sil;Richmond, Arthur D.;Ahn, Byung-Ho;Won, Young-In
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.147-174
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    • 2005
  • To understand the physical processes that control the high-latitude lower thermospheric dynamics, we quantify the forces that are mainly responsible for maintaining the high-latitude lower thermospheric wind system with the aid of the National Center for Atmospheric Research Thermosphere-Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (NCAR-TIEGCM). Momentum forcing is statistically analyzed in magnetic coordinates, and its behavior with respect to the magnitude and orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is further examined. By subtracting the values with zero IMF from those with non-zero IMF, we obtained the difference winds and forces in the high-latitude 1ower thermosphere(<180 km). They show a simple structure over the polar cap and auroral regions for positive($B_y$ > 0.8|$\overline{B}_z$ |) or negative($B_y$ < -0.8|$\overline{B}_z$|) IMF-$\overline{B}_y$ conditions, with maximum values appearing around -80$^{\circ}$ magnetic latitude. Difference winds and difference forces for negative and positive $\overline{B}_y$ have an opposite sign and similar strength each other. For positive($B_z$ > 0.3125|$\overline{B}_y$|) or negative($B_z$ < -0.3125|$\overline{B}_y$|) IMF-$\overline{B}_z$ conditions the difference winds and difference forces are noted to subauroral latitudes. Difference winds and difference forces for negative $\overline{B}_z$ have an opposite sign to positive $\overline{B}_z$ condition. Those for negative $\overline{B}_z$ are stronger than those for positive indicating that negative $\overline{B}_z$ has a stronger effect on the winds and momentum forces than does positive $\overline{B}_z$ At higher altitudes(>125 km) the primary forces that determine the variations of tile neutral winds are the pressure gradient, Coriolis and rotational Pedersen ion drag forces; however, at various locations and times significant contributions can be made by the horizontal advection force. On the other hand, at lower altitudes(108-125 km) the pressure gradient, Coriolis and non-rotational Hall ion drag forces determine the variations of the neutral winds. At lower altitudes(<108 km) it tends to generate a geostrophic motion with the balance between the pressure gradient and Coriolis forces. The northward component of IMF By-dependent average momentum forces act more significantly on the neutral motion except for the ion drag. At lower altitudes(108-425 km) for negative IMF-$\overline{B}_y$ condition the ion drag force tends to generate a warm clockwise circulation with downward vertical motion associated with the adiabatic compress heating in the polar cap region. For positive IMF-$\overline{B}_y$ condition it tends to generate a cold anticlockwise circulation with upward vertical motion associated with the adiabatic expansion cooling in the polar cap region. For negative IMF-$\overline{B}_z$ the ion drag force tends to generate a cold anticlockwise circulation with upward vertical motion in the dawn sector. For positive IMF-$\overline{B}_z$ it tends to generate a warm clockwise circulation with downward vertical motion in the dawn sector.

Studies on the Breeding of Cold Hardiness and Technique of Overwintering Cultivation in Citrus (감귤(柑橘)의 내한성(耐寒性) 품종육성(品種育成) 및 내한(耐寒) 재배기술(栽培技術)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Chi-moon;Song, Ho-kyung;Kim, Chung-suk
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.126-140
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    • 1977
  • Present studies were carried out for breeding cold resistant clones of Citrus, improving overwintering techniques of Citrus in Jeju island as well as other southern region, Result obtained were as follows 1. In the vinyl house covered with two sheets of straw mat, 12 indivuals were found as non-injury and 15 were slightly injured by leaf freeging test at $-9^{\circ}C$ for 2 hours treatment. 2. In the condition of vinyl house covered with straw mat and viny film mulching and heat-in by sun-light, the inside temperature of vinyl house were not lowered below $-3^{\circ}C$ and the ground temperatura in vinyl house keeps above $0^{\circ}C$ during winter though outdoor temperature were lower by $-15^{\circ}C$(Daejeon area). 3. The vinyl tunnel inside the vinyl house and vinyl film mulching on ground position showed greater effectiveness for preventing heat loss from house but there were no significant difference between the color of vinyl film covered the tunnel. 4. In the vertical distribution of maximum temperature in vinyl house, the upper space was slightly higher than the lower position at high temperature condition, while minimum temperature was distributed as higher as the middle position, ground surface and upper position in order at low temperature condition 5. In the horizontal distribution of temperature in vinyl house, ground and surface-temperature of north side was lower than the other sides, and citrus planted within 30cm from north side wall died by cold injury and in the other side near wall appeared slight symptom of cold injury. 6. The insulating trench ($30{\times}30{\times}30cm$) packed with straw bundle installed under north wall might be effective to prevent heat loss of ground temperature. 7. In cloudy and snowy day, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor were less, and the indoor temperature were maintained highly during night due to the effect of prevention of heat loss. 8. The highest temperature in a day was observed at about P.M. 3 both inside and outside of vinyl house and the lowest temperature was observed at about A.M. 6. The difference between the highest and lowest temperature of indoor in a sunny day was $19^{\circ}C$, compared with $9^{\circ}C$ on a cloudy or snowy day in late November. Especially, lowering of temperature in a snowy day was so less that the curve of temperature change was comparatively constant, 9. If the effective methods of citrus cultivation in vinyl house with improved clone such as hardiness. semi-dwarf and spur type are applied, it might be possible to cultivate the citrus tree safely in Jeju island as well as other southern rejion and to magnity the cultivation of citrus tree.

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  • Hwang, Chung-Ju;Kyung, Seung-Hyun
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.27 no.6 s.65
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    • pp.963-978
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    • 1997
  • Orthodontic patients are individuals that grow and develop ;therefore selection of the proper time for orthodontic treatment Is considered to be one of the most difficult and yet difficult factor.Since the development of cephalometric X-ray, amount and pattern of craniofacial growth change with aging could be predicted and became useful in the process of orthodontic treatment. The relationship between the mean values of cephalometric measurements and body height and weight was studied among the groups(boys and girls) of Korean children from the ages of 3-years to 12-years. 126 boys and 90 girls with no abnormality in growth and development and no history of orthodontic treatment from the ages of 3 years to 12 years were chosen as subjects: Cephalometric X-ray were taken for 2 years and hard tissue analysis based on Burstone's COGS, which was divided into measurements of 6 parts (Cranial base, Maxillar and Mandible, Vertical measurements, Horizontal measurements, Basal bone relationship, Dental measurements). The relationship between craniofacial growth and body height & weight was studied. The following conclusions were obtained : 1. The maximum growth in the measurements of cranial base, N-Ar(FH), N-Ba(FH) corresponded with the age with the maximum increasein body height & weight in both boys and girls. 2. Genial angle gradually decreased with aging in both boys and girls. 3. N-ANS(L) showed greater amount of growth than ANS-Me(L), and this had greater influence on facial profile. 4. $N-A-Pog^{\circ}$ decreased with aging, and mandibular growth exceeded maxillary growth in amount and rate. 5. Length of Y-axis increased, but Y-axis to FH plane remained constant. This show that mandible grows at a constant angulation to cranial base. 6. As Permanent teeth erupt, interincisal angle deceased.

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