• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수평 유지

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Analysis of Structural Characteristics of the Discipline of Public Administration in Korea from the Viewpoint of Research Ecosystem: Focused on Co-author, Citation, and Keyword Network (연구 생태계 관점에서 본 국내 행정학 분야의 구조적 특성 분석 - 공저자, 인용, 키워드 네트워크 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Cho-Hee;Lee, Sung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.213-235
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the process of production, utilization and extinction of researches through academic activities to identify the structural characteristics of the field of discipline of administration in Korea from the viewpoint of research ecosystem. To this end, statistical and network analyses were conducted, focusing on bibliographies, references, and keyword for papers published in 29 domestic journals in the field of public administration for the past five years. The results of the analysis, researchers in the field of public administration in Korea maintain a rather horizontal connection and are connected organically rather than separately. In addition, the core academic journals and keyword were extracted to present the connection, and the speed of knowledge transfer and deterioration was measured to identify the phenomenon of decreasing value in literature.

Development of wall climbing robot using vacuum adsorption with legged type movement (진공 흡착과 보행형 이동에 의한 벽면이동 로봇의 개발)

  • Park, Soo-Hyun;Seo, Kyeong-Jun;Kim, Sung-Gaun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.344-349
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    • 2017
  • Wall-climbing robots have been developed for various purposes, such as cleaning skyscraper windows, maintaining large structures, and welding vessels. Conventional wall-climbing robots use movement systems based on wheels or legs. However, wheeled robots suffer from slipping effects, while legged systems require many actuators and control systems for the complex linkage structure, which also increases the weight of the robot. To overcome these disadvantages, we propose a new wall-climbing robot that walks based on gorilla locomotion. The proposed robot consists of a DC drive motor, a vacuum pump for adsorption, and a micro controller for controlling the system. The performance of the robot was experimentally verified on vertical and horizontal flat surfaces. The robot could be used for various functions in industrial sites or disaster areas.

Structure and Variation of the Keum River Plume in Summer (하계 금강 Plume의 구조와 변동)

  • 이상호;최현용
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 1995
  • CTD, light transmission and tidal current data obtained off the Keum estuary in August, 1991 and 1992 were analyzed to look into the plume movement and the vertical structure of the plume changing with tidal currents. When the river plume was developed by a localized torrential downpour, the initial plume showed a surface lens of low salinity in the section south of the Yeon-Do. The axis of surface lens moved with tidal currents which flows mainly northeastward and southwestward tn the study area and the excursion of the lens axis reached 7 km. The plume during the ebb period showed a symmetric lens structure of low salinity which extends vertically to 3 m below the surface. During the flood period the plume deepened to 6 m below the surface in its northen side forming a sharp salinity front, which results in an asymmetric lens. We suggest that the salinity front with deepened plume moved to the north repeatedly, resulting in temperature increase and salinity decrease in the northern region off the estuary. When the river discharged continuously the large volume over 20 days, the plume forming surface lens extended to the Sybidongpa-Do and deflected to the north.

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Total Precipitable Water Fields of Typhoons WALT(9407) & FAYE(9503) Derived from TOVS and SSM/I (TOVS 자료로 도출한 태풍(WALT(9407)과 FAYE(9503))에 동반된 총가강수량장)

  • 정효상
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.315-324
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    • 1998
  • The total precipitable water fields derived from HIRS(High Resolution Infrared Radiometer Sounder)and MSU(Microwave Sounding Unit) measurements of TOVS and brightness temperature of SSM/I were used to investigate the evolution of moisture fields for the Typhoon WALT(9407) which after landing in Japan it became tropical depression in Korea-Japan Strait, and FAYE(9503) which was the first tropical storm of 1995 to became a typhoon, respectively. The total precipitable water derived from TOVS observations is delineated according to the evolutions of WALT and FAYE movements because total precipitable water fields of TY WALT(9407) and FAYE9\(9503) were largely controlled by horizontal transport of water vapor over the Northwest Pacific Ocean which dominantly plays an important role in maintaining and accelerating their intensities toward Korea and Japan . These fields demonstrated that two major bands, which imply the rain bands, were locally well-organized and similar to the thick convective cloud features over Japan and the Korean peninsula while WALT and FAYE were approaching away and to. But the values of derived TOVS total precipitable water have shown the underestimate of those of SSM/I total comparatively for two typhoons.

Estimation of Suspended Sediment Concentration using Acoustic Backscatter (초음파 산란도를 활용한 하천 부유사 농도 측정 기법 개발)

  • Seo, Kang Hyeon;Kim, DongSu;Kim, JongMin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.377-377
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    • 2015
  • 부유사 자료는 유사이송해석에 필수적인 요소로 하천의 흐름 변화 및 하상 변동을 발생시키고, 하천 구조물의 설계, 수자원 개발 및 관리를 위한 하천계획의 전반에 있어 매우 중요한 자료이다. 부유사 농도는 수자원의 이용뿐만 아니라 하천 생태계에까지 피해를 미친다는 점에서 하천의 유지 관리 및 보수와도 밀접한 관련이 있다. 부유사량을 산정하는 방법에는 수리량 및 하상토 특성 자료를 유사량 공식에 대입하여 계산하는 간접적인 방법과 유사량을 직접 측정하는 방법으로 나뉜다. 현재 국내에서는 유사량 채집기를 사용하여 실제 하천의 유사량을 채집하는 방식으로 많이 사용되고 있으나, 많은 인력과 시간이 소모되기 때문에 다지점 계측과 지속적인 계측이 힘들다는 한계점를 보이고 있다. 또한 국내 하천에서는 홍수기를 거치면서 하천의 수리학적 특성이 변화하는 경향을 보여주고 있어 유량-부유사 관계식을 자주 갱신해야 한다는 어려움이 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 현재 국내에서 사용하고 있는 직접적인 측정 방법의 한계점을 보완하고자 직접적인 측정 방법 중 초음파를 이용하여 횡단면 전체의 유사량 측정을 연속적으로 할 수 있는 수평초음파도플러유속계(H-ADCP)를 활용하여 유사량을 추정할 수 있는 기법을 개발하고자 한다. 본 연구의 연구는 건설기술연구원 하천실험센터의 직선수로에서 수행되었다. H-ADCP (SonTek SL3000, 셀 크기 4 cm)를 사용하여 자연상태 흐름조건 (유속 0.7 m/s)에서 초음파산란도(Backscatter, 혹은 신호대잡음비 SNR) 및 유속자료를 2분 간격으로 확보하였다. 그리고 부유사 농도(SSC)의 측정 정확도가 높다고 평가되고 있는 레이저부유사측정기(LISST-100)를 활용하여 부유사 농도를 실측하여 초음파산란도와 실측 SSC의 관계를 도출하고 그 경향을 분석하였다. 또한 초음파산란도의 흡수 등을 보정하고 실측 부유사자료와의 관계식을 기반으로 H-ADCP를 활용하여 실시간으로 부유사 농도를 산정할 수 있는 소프트웨어를 개발하였다.

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The Effects of Leadership on the Cockpit Culture in Commercial Airlines (리더십이 민간항공 조종실 문화에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Kil;Byeon, Soon-cheol
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.344-356
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    • 2021
  • In the field of civil aviation in Korea, inappropriate crew resources management(CRM) constantly occurs between captains and first officers during flight. Therefore, the active role of first officers is emphasized in pilot training for CRM, threat & error management(TEM), safety management system(SMS), fatigue risk management system(FRMS), and training in simulators. Thus, it is urgent for captains to change their transformational leadership to emotional leadership, advantages of which include horizontal interpersonal relationship, open-mindedness, leading by example, considerateness, mutual respect, and using informal language. For the direction to improve 'the cockpit culture' in civil aviation, the key idea of the current thesis paper is the influence of captains' transformational and emotional leadership on the emotions of first officers.

The Study on the Radiation-Proof Video Camera system Remote Module of the Tube type (촬상관타입의 원격모듈화 내방사선 카메라시스템 연구)

  • Baek, Dong-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.793-799
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    • 2018
  • The CCD camera is easily deteriorated by radiation, and an integrated camera using an image pickup tube is used in a high radiation area. We implemented a radiation camera system which is divided into a camera head using radiation-resistant electronic components and a remote control using weak radiation-resistant electronic components such as TR, IC, etc. According to the experimental results, the first damage of the electronic parts was IC for horizontal and vertical sync generation, and it was confirmed that if the radiation of $2{\times}10^5{\sim}10^6rad$ is accumulated, the normal function is lost. In addition, the signal transmission cable for remoteization has added an input/output buffer circuit and reduced the closed loop area of the shield and the cable to eliminate signal loss correction and noise. Therefore, it is expected that the maintenance cost will be greatly reduced and practical because only the camera head part can be used instead of replacing the entire system.

Design of a CPW-fed Double-Dipole Quasi-Yagi Antenna (CPW 급전 이중 다이폴 준-야기 안테나 설계)

  • Yeo, Junho;Lee, Jong-Ig
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.1518-1523
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    • 2018
  • A method for designing a DDQYA fed by a CPW is proposed in this paper. The proposed CPW-fed DDQYA consists of two series-connected strip dipoles, a ground reflector, and a strip-pair director. Instead of the conventional microstrip feed line in which the signal line is located on the substrate opposite to the antenna, a CPW is used because CPW is located on the same side with the antenna, and so the fabrication is easy. The strip-pair director is composed of two horizontally-separated strips, and it is added above the second dipole to enhance the gain in the high frequency region. A prototype of the proposed CPW-fed DDQYA is fabricated on an FR4 substrate. The fabricated antenna has a frequency band of 1.66-3.38 GHz(68.3%) for a voltage standing wave ratio < 2, and measured gain ranges 5.0-7.3 dBi over a frequency band of 1.60-2.90 GHz.

A robust data association gate method of non-linear target tracking in dense cluttered environment (고밀도 클러터 환경에서 비선형 표적추적에 강인한 자료결합 게이트 기법)

  • Kim, Seong-Weon;Kwon, Taek-Ik;Cho, Hyeon-Deok
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2021
  • This paper proposes the H∞ norm based data association gate method to apply robustly the data association gate of passive sonar automatic target tracking which is on non-linear targets in dense cluttered environment. For target tracking, data association method selects the measurements within validated gate, which means validated measuring extent, as candidates for the data association. If the extent of the validated gate in the data association is not proper or the data association executes under dense cluttered environment, it is difficult to maintain the robustness of target tracking due to interference of clutter measurements. To resolve this problem, this paper proposes a novel gating method which applies H∞ norm based bisection algorithm combined with 3-σ gate method under Gaussian distribution assumption and tracking error covariance. The proposed method leads to alleviate the interference of clutters and to track the non-linear maneuvering target robustly. Through analytic method and simulation to utilize simulated data of horizontal and vertical bearing measurements, improvement of data association robustness is confirmed contrary to the conventional method.

Architectural Design Related to the Growth Principles of Tree (나무의 성장원리를 응용한 건축 디자인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tai Young
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2021
  • This study is to find ways to self-produce energy even in buildings through the system of trees that grow by themselves focused on literatures and case studies. It is divided into the structure, circulation and reaction system of tree. 1) In the structural system, the tree is divided into the shoot and root system, and maintains rigidity with the cell membranes. The wind resistance caused by the trunk and crown can be applied to the seismic structure principle of building, and the role of platelike buttresses of lateral roots can be applied to the horizontal truss and suspension bridge. 2) In the circulation system, the transpiration action through the fine stomata of the leaves can be a very effective cooling means because a large amount of heat is released and this method can be directly introduced into the cooling of buildings. 3) In the responsive system, the response system according to environmental changes that can be read from the leaves and flowers of trees can be applied to the roof and exterior design of buildings through the use of new sensing technologies and materials.