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Effects of Crude Protein and Phytase in the Diet on Growth Performance and Excretion Contents of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Broiler Chicks (사료 내 단백질 및 Phytase가 육계 초생추의 생산성 및 분변 내 질소, 인 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Woo-Do Lee;Jiseon Son;Hyun-Soo Kim;Hee-Jin Kim;Yeon-Seo Yun;Hwan Ku Kang;Woncheoul Park;Han Ha Chai;Eui-Chul Hong
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to investigate the appropriate levels of crude protein (CP) and phytase in the diet of broiler chicks in order to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus contents in feces while maintaining performance of broilers. Six hundred forty-eight 1-day-old male broilers (41.9±0.91 g) had a total of 3 × 3 complex factor of 3 levels of CP (22%, 21%, 20%) and 3 levels of phytase (1,000, 800, 500 FTU/kg) in the diet. Divided into 9 treatments, 4 replications per treatment, 18 birds per replication, were completely randomly assigned and reared in a metabolic cage for 7 days. Seven-day-old body weight (BW) and body weight gain (BWG) of broilers were significantly lower at CP 20% treatment (P<0.05), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) was significantly lower at CP 21% and phytase 800 FTU/kg treatment (P<0.05). Nitrogen and phosphorus contents in chicken excreta were significantly lower in CP 20% and phytase 500 FTU/kg treatment, respectively (P<0.05). Interactions between CP and phytase in the feed were shown for nitrogen and phosphorus in feces (P<0.05). In conclusion, considering the broiler performance and excretion contents of nitrogen and phosphorus, it is thought that CP and phytase levels of broiler chicks diet can be reduced by 21% and 800 FTU/kg, respectively.

Embryonic and Larval Development of Slender Catfish, Silurus microdorsalis Mori, 1936, Endemic to Korea (한국 고유종 미유기(Silurus microdorsalis Mori, 1936)의 난 발생 및 자치어 형태발달)

  • Kang-Rae Kim;Yeong-Ho Kwak;Mu-Sung Sung;Heon Yang;Seong-Jang Cho;Bong Han Yun;In-Chul Bang
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2023
  • The early life history of Silurus microdorsalis living in Jahocheon Stream was studied by observing egg and morphological development. Live fish were captured in June 2018, then reared in a circulating filtration system under a 14L : 10D photoperiod with a water temperature of 18℃. To artificially induce spawning, females were injected with 0.5 mL of Ovaprim (Syndel, Nanaimo, BC, Canada) per kg of body weight, and males were injected with 10,000 IU/kg body weight of human chorionic gonadotropin. Approximately 15 h later, eggs were artificially inseminated by the dry method. Mature eggs were light pale yellow, which separated them from immature eggs. Fertilized eggs were 2.16±0.06 mm (n=8) in diameter and fully hatched at 181 h after fertilization. The fertilization rate was 63.1±2.2%, and 10.0±3.7% of the embryos were malformed at 18℃. The rates of development were 181 h at 18℃, 109 h at 21℃, and 76 h at 24℃. The larval size immediately after hatching was 4.64±0.22 mm (n=8), and the larvae displayed negative phototaxis at 1 day after hatching. The total larval length on 7 days after hatching was 12.47±0.53 mm, with 25~30 basal anal fin rays and 14~16 basal caudal fin rays observed. The total larval length was 14.13±0.51 mm on 9 days after hatching, and approximately 90% of the black endoplasmic reticulum was deposited on the head and body. The dorsal fin had formed, and a single basal body was observed. On 15 days after hatching, the total larval length was 16.69±0.31 mm; the number of basal caudal fin rays (18 poles) was an integer because 2 dorsal fin basal rays and 60~63 anal fin basal rays were observed. The total larval length was 28.96±1.10 mm on 50 days after hatching; the numbers of caudal fins (n=18), dorsal fins (n=3), pectoral fins (n=11), and anal fin basal rays (n=67~73) were integers.

Studies on the Maturation of the Follicular Oocytes by Xenoplastical Transplantation in the Anterior Chamber of the Eye (異種動物의 眼前房에 이식된 濾胞卵子의 成熟에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Wan Kyoo
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.68-74
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    • 1970
  • In the previous studies, the present author found that high proportion of the follicular oocytes from mouse and rabbit ovaries are able to resume their maturation division in the anterior chamber of the eye in which they have been incubated by auto- or homoplastic transplantation. Especially in the case of the homoplastic transplantation, it was known that no trouble has been detected in the process of resumption of the oval maturation in particular connection with the antigen-antibody reaction between donor and recipient. These findings provide a possibility that the follicular oocytes from various animals would be matured in the eye even after the xenoplastic transplantation. Under such an assumption, the present studies were performed to examine the behavior of the follicular oocytes in the eye chamber of the animals of different species. For the donor of the follicular oocytes, domestic rabbits, albino rats of Sprague-Dowley strain, and albino mice of A-strain bred in our laboratory were used. The oocytes obtained from the ovarian follicules were introduced to the anterior chamber of the eye of different species of animals, with an exception of rabbit in which only the female animals were used as a recipient. The procedures of collection of ova, introduction to the eye, harvest from the eye ball, fixation, and staining were the same as mentioned in the previous reports (Cho, 1967b; Cho and Kim, 1968). The conclusions obtained are summarized as below. 1. The rabbit follicular oocytes are able to mature in the eye chambers of both male mouse and rat, although the proportion of the maturation is lower than when they are incubated autoplastically in the eye. When the ova were incubated in the male mouse eye for 24 hours, 21 per cent of them showed chromosomes at metaphase I and II, whereas the rate was 32 per cent when they were incubated in the eye of the male rat. These are apparently low comparing to the rate of 52 per cent of autoplastic transplantation. 2. When rat follicular oocytes were transferred into the mouse eye chamber and recovered after 24 hours, 43 per cent of them produced the mataphase I and II chromosomes. This proportion was higher than the result of the homoplastic transplantation which yielded 23 per cent of the ova on maturation. 3. The most striking result was found in the experiment with mouse follicular oocytes. Seventy-six per cent of the oocytes resumed their maturation division within 24 hours after they were transferred into the male rat eye chamber, and this figure was significantly high compared to the result o 55 per cent obtained by the homoplastic transplantation. In the rat eye, the induction of the degenerative ova also was low (19%). On the other hand, the proportion of the oval maturation decreased to 45 per cent, while that of degeneration increased 33 per cent when they were incubated in the eye of the female rabbit. 4. It was apparent from the present experiments that the follicular oocytes can reveal their activation to maturation in the eye chamber which contains aqueous humor which is known to be composed of low protein content and of very little gamma-globulin which acts as an antibody(Oser, 1965), and that it shows higher osmolarity than blood serum(Levene, 1958). Taking these properities into consideration the humor may provide unfavourable environment to the cells and tissues incubated in. However, it could be noteworthy finding that only the follicular oocytes in the eye of the different species can grow in healthy condition although the maturation rates are varied with the animal species. The fact that the rabbit follicular oocytes show the lower proportion in maturation may be due to the greater amount of the yolk granules in the egg cytoplasm than those in the mouse and rat oocytes. That the mouse oocytes incubated in the eye of the rat mouse and rat oocytes. That the mouse oocytes incubated in the eye of the rat resumed their maturation process in greater proportion would e explained by the fact that the rat eye chamber particularly provides the better environment to the mouse oocytes than the eye chamber of mouse does.

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Biochemical Assessment of Deer Velvet Antler Extract and its Cytotoxic Effect including Acute Oral Toxicity using an ICR Mice Model (ICR 마우스 모델을 이용한 녹용 추출물의 생화학적 평가 및 급성 경구 독성을 포함한 세포 독성 효과)

  • Ramakrishna Chilakala;Hyeon Jeong Moon;Hwan Lee;Dong-Sung Lee;Sun Hee Cheong
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.430-441
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    • 2023
  • Velvet antler is widely used as a traditional medicine, and numerous studies have demonstrated its tremendous nutritional and medicinal values including immunity-enhancing effects. This study aimed to investigate different deer velvet extracts (Sample 1: raw extract, Sample 2: dried extract, and Sample 3: freeze-dried extract) for proximate composition, uronic acid, sulfated glycosaminoglycan, sialic acid, collagen levels, and chemical components using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-light mass spectrometry. In addition, we evaluated the cytotoxic effect of the deer velvet extracts on BV2 microglia, HT22 hippocampal cells, HaCaT keratinocytes, and RAW264.7 macrophages using the cell viability MTT assay. Furthermore, we evaluated acute toxicity of the deer velvet extracts at different doses (0, 500, 1000, and 2000 mg/kg) administered orally to both male and female ICR mice for 14 d (five mice per group). After treatment, we evaluated general toxicity, survival rate, body weight changes, mortality, clinical signs, and necropsy findings in the experimental mice based on OECD guidelines. The results suggested that in vitro treatment with the evaluated extracts had no cytotoxic effect in HaCaT keratinocytes cells, whereas Sample-2 had a cytotoxic effect at 500 and 1000 ㎍/mL on HT22 hippocampal cells and RAW264.7 macrophages. Sample 3 was also cytotoxic at concentrations of 500 and 1000 ㎍/mL to RAW264.7 and BV2 microglial cells. However, the mice treated in vivo with the velvet extracts at doses of 500-2000 mg/kg BW showed no clinical signs, mortality, or necropsy findings, indicating that the LD50 is higher than this dosage. These findings indicate that there were no toxicological abnormalities connected with the deer velvet extract treatment in mice. However, further human and animal studies are needed before sufficient safety information is available to justify its use in humans.

A Study on the Radioprotection Effect of Selenium and Arginine Mixtures for Reducing Radiation Damage to Police SOU (경찰특공대 요원의 방사선손상 감소를 위한 셀레늄과 아르기닌 혼합물의 방호효과 연구)

  • Geun-Woo Jeong;Hae-Suk Kim;Jae-Hyeong Park;Sung-Hyun Joo;Jae-Gyeong Choi;Se-Im Cheon;Byung-In Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the radioprotection effect of mixtures of selenium and arginine for development of radioprotection agents that can minimize radiation damage to police special operation unit in the event of radioactive terrorism. In this study 72 male rats were classified into 4 groups: normal group(NC Group), selenium and arginine mixtures administration group(SeAr Group), radiation exposure group(IR Group), and selenium and arginine mixture administration group followed by radiation exposure(SeAr+IR Group). The 7Gy of X-ray was irradiated to whole body of SD rats. And selenium and arginine were dministered orally at 3mg/kg and 150mg/kg once a day for 14 days. And then hematological and histological analyzes were performed on days 1, 7, and 21 after radiation exposure. In hemotological analysis, significant radioprotection wes observed in lymphocytes(p<0.05) on day 1, platelet(p<0.01) on day 7, red blood cell(p<0.01) on day 21 of radiation exposure in SeAr+IR group compared to IR group. In histological analysis, it was observed that the border of small crypt cells in the small intestine was less collapsed and the length of small crypts was relatively recovered on day 7 and showed that the number of cells and cell wall thickness were better in the prostate on day 21 in SeAr+IR group compared to IR group. Therefore, it is judged that selenium and arginine mixtures have radioprotection effect on blood and tissues due to radiation exposure. it will be helpful for research on radioprotection agents to reduce radiation damage to police special operation unit.

Production of Feather-Sexing Korean Native Commercial Chickens (깃털 성감별 상업용 토종 실용닭 생산)

  • Sea Hwan Sohn;Eun Jung Cho;Seul Gy Lee;Junho Lee;Suyong Jang;Kwijoong Yong
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2024
  • The feather-sexing method is widely used commercially for chick sex identification. However, for feather-sexing to be industrially practical, the early-feathering (EF) and late-feathering (LF) genes must existed within the foundation stock, a suitable feather-sexing lines must be established, and the accuracy of sex identification by feather-sexing must be ensured. Therefore, this study introduces the method of constructing the Korean native chickens (KNC) feather-sexing lines using EF and LF genes and evaluates the effectiveness of feather sex determination on commercial chicks produced from the constructed KNC lines. The results showed that both EF and LF chickens existed within the foundation stock, with the frequency of LF genes ranging from 0 to 0.205. In feather-sexing line establishment, the paternal strain of the grandparent stock (GPS) was fixed as EF (kk) for both sexes, while the maternal strain was composed of males with LF homozygotes (ZKZK) and females with EF (ZkW). Thus, in the parent stock (PS), male breeder had EF (ZkZk) and female breeder had LF (ZKW), resulting in chicks produced from their crosses having LF (ZKZk) for males and EF (ZkW) for females, allowing sex determination based on feather development. Additionally, to evaluate the effectiveness of feather-sexing for the produced commercial chicks, a study was conducted on 1,000 samples of the produced chicks to investigate the concordance between vent-sexing and feather-sexing, showing a matching rate of 93.1%.

Ecological Characteristic between the Re-introduction Population and the Original Population (Jojong Stream, Sudong Stream) of Zacco koreanus in the Bongseonsa Stream, Korea (봉선사천의 참갈겨니(Zacco koreanus) 재도입 개체군과 원개체군(조종천, 수동천) 간 생태학적 특징)

  • Wang, Ju-Hyoun;Choi, Jun-Kil;Lee, Hyuk-Je;Lee, Hwang-Goo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.537-548
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the species composition and the aquatic environment of Jojong Stream and Sudong Stream, which were the original habitats of Zacco koreanus population and restored population re-introduced in Bongseonsa Stream. It also compared and analyzed the states of the growth and reproductive ability of Z. koreanus habiting in each of the three streams. The investigation was conducted in June 2016 which was known as the spawning season of Z. koreanus. The results of the physical aquatic environments showed the slight differences in altitude, width and depth of water among three streams, but the bottom structure was found to be quite different in the composition of the boulder, cobble, and pebble among the streams. The result of the physicochemical aquatic environment analysis showed that there were no significant differences in water temperature, pH, DO, BOD, and EC among the three stream. In the fish fauna investigation, 530 individuals of 11 species of 3 families were collected in Bongseonsa Stream, 293 individuals of 12 species of 4 families were collected in Jojong Stream, and 361 individuals of 11 species of 4 families were collected in Sudong Stream. All three streams were dominated by Z. koreanus and Z. platypus. Six Korean endemic species appeared in each of the three streams, showing the high occurrence rate of indigenous species of 50.0% or more. The aggregation index analysis revealed that the mean dominance index ranged from 0.63 (${\pm}0.05$, BS) to 0.72(${\pm}0.01$, JJ), mean diversity index from 1.55 (${\pm}0.06$, JJ) to 1.78 (${\pm}0.11$, BS), mean evenness index from 0.71 (${\pm}0.03$, JJ) to 0.76 (${\pm}0.02$, BS), and mean richness index from 1.61 (${\pm}0.33$, JJ) to 1.73 (${\pm}0.24$, SD). The result indicated that the observed differences between the stream community indices were statistically nonsignificant. The similarity analysis showed that 75.4% similarity was divided into two groups of A and B and that the fish fauna on each analyzed point was similar. The quantitative habitat evaluation index (QHEI) analysis showed that the average value of QHEI was 151.0 (${\pm}46.0$), which means that it was a suboptimal habitat environment. The result of length-weight analysis of Z. koreanus populations showed that the regression coefficient b of the restoration population and the original habitat population were at 3.0 or higher while the condition factor had a positive slope. Moreover, it was found that the slopes of the regression coefficient b and condition factor of the original habitat population were larger than the restored population. The analysis of the length frequency distribution of the Z. koreanus population revealed that all three streams maintained the stable life cycle although it was found that the growth rate of the original habitat population was faster than the restored population in the one-year-old class. The result of the gonadosomatic index (GSI) analysis showed that the GSI median value of the Z. koreanus population in the restored habitat Bongseonsa Stream was higher than the population in the original habitat Jojong Stream and Sudong Stream for both of males and females.

The Relationship Between the NF-${\kappa}B$ Activity and Anti-inflammatory Action of Surfactant in the Acute Lung Injury of Rats (백서의 급성폐손상에서 surfactant의 항염증작용과 호중구의 NK-${\kappa}B$ 활성과의 관계)

  • An, Chang-Hyeok;Cha, Young-Joo;Lee, Kyoung-Hee;Yoo, Chul-Gyu;Lee, Byoung-Jun;Jeong, Do-Young;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Shin, Jong-Wook;Kim, Jae-Yeol;Park, In-Won;Choi, Byoung-Whui
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.519-529
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    • 2002
  • Background : The therapeutic effects of surfactants on acute lung injury derive not only from their recruiting action on collapsed alveoli but also from their anti-inflammatory action in the alveolar sapce. This study evaluated the anti-inflammatory action of a surfactant in an acute lung injury model of rats by neutrophils were recollected from the BAL fluid and the NF-${\kappa}B$ activity of the neutrophilic nuclear protein was evaluated. Methods : Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing approximately 300 gram were divided into 3 groups, which consisted of 6 rats respectively. In the control group, normal saline(3ml/kg) was instilled into the trachea twice with 30 minute interval. In two other groups, acute lung injury was induced by the intra-tracheal instillation of LPS(5mg/kg). Thirty minutes later, either a surfactant(ST group; 30mg/kg) or normal saline(NT group: 3ml/kg) was instilled via the trachea. Twenty-four hours after the LPS instillation, the BAL fluid was retrieved to measure the WBC count and cytokine(IL-$1{\beta}$ and IL-6) levels. The neutrophils were isolated from the BAL fluid and the nuclear protein was extracted to evaluate the NF-${\kappa}B$ activity using a eletrophoretic mobility shift assay(EMSA). Results : The WBC count of the BAL fluid of the ST group($3,221{\pm}1,914{\times}10^3/{\mu}l$) was higher than that of the control group($356{\pm}275{\times}10^3/{\mu}l$)(p<0.05) and lower than that of the NT group($5,561{\pm}1,757{\times}10^3/{\mu}l$)(p<0.05)). The BAL fluid level of IL-$1{\beta}$ from the NT group($2,064{\pm}1,082pg/ml$) was higher than those of the ST group($360{\pm}234pg/ml$)(p<0.05) and the control group(0pg/ml)p<0.05) and control group($49{\pm}62pg/ml$)(p<0.05). The NF-${\kappa}B$ activity of the neutrophilic nuclear protein in the ST group and NT group was similar. Conclusion : The surfactant, attenuates the alveolar inflammation in the acute lung injury of rats model. However, its anti-inflammatory action does no't appear to be mediated by the inhibition of NF-${\kappa}B$ activity.

Effect of Dietary Energy, Protein on Growth and Blood Composition of Cross Bred Chicks (유색육용계의 성장과 혈액성상에 사료단백질 및 에너지가 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Y.D.;Ryu, K.S.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.291-302
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    • 2008
  • To acquire essentially necessary basic data to establish feeding system by verifying appropriate dietary energy and protein level for the growth of commercial slow growing broiler chicks within the country, two experiments were conducted for 5 weeks. One day old, 1,404 male and female broiler chicks were used for the experiments, and 26 chicks were placed at each pen. The energy level of feed was maintained about 3,000 or 3,100 kg/kcal for whole breeding period of 5 weeks, and protein content was adjusted about 20, 21, and 22% during the first two weeks and the content was adjusted to 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22% from the 3 to 5 weeks old of the experiment. The categories of body weight and feed intake amount were monitored to calculate the productivity and blood sampling was conducted for the analysis at the end of each experiment. Experiment 1:Although the productivity by the ME content difference during $0{\sim}2$ weeks did not have significant difference and the body weight increase by the difference of CP content and feed intake amount did not have much difference, the feed requirement rate was statistically improved in CP 21 and 22% treatment groups compared to the CP 20% group (P<0.05). The feed ME 3,100 kcal/kg treated group during $3{\sim}5$ weeks after starting the experiment revealed to show improved feed requirement rate (P<0.05). Within the period of experiment, the CP 22% treated group resulted to show significant body weight increase compared to the groups treated with low levels of CP (P<0.05) and the feed requirement rate was improved in high CP treated group compared to low CP treated groups, but the feed intake amount did not show significant difference between treated groups. During the experiment period, the body weight increase and feed requirement rate revealed to interact between ME and CP (P<0.05). During the whole experiment period of the 5 weeks, the feed requirement rate was improved in ME 3,100 kcal/kg treated group than the groups treated with ME 3,000 kcal/kg, and the CP (20) 18% treatment groups resulted to show higher values than other treatment groups (P<0.05). Body weight increase was high in CP (22) 22% treated groups than those of CP (21) 21% and (20) 18% treated groups, and the interaction between ME and CP was found at body weight increase and feed requirement rate (P<0.05). Although blood albumin and total cholesterol levels were elevated in ME 3,100 kcal/kg treated group than ME 3,000 kcal/kg treated group, but neutral fat content was reduced (P<0.05). On the other hand, the total cholesterol content was increased in CP (22) 21% treated group than CP (22) 20% and CP (20) 18% treated groups (P<0.05). Experiment 2: The body weight increase in 0-2 weeks was higher in ME 3,100 kcal/kg treated group than ME 3,000 kcal/kg treated group, and it was highly improved in CP 22% treated group than CP 20% treated group by showing the interaction between CP and ME (P<0.05). The significant improvement of feed requirement rate was observed in CP 21% and 22% treated groups compared to CP 20% treated group (P<0.05). The productivity between the growth period from 3 to 5 weeks of age and whole growth period resulted to show no significant difference. Although no difference was observed in blood composition between treated groups, the interaction of ME and CP on cholesterol content was accepted at the range of P<0.05). Therefore, it is considered that the appropriate dietary protein level within feed for the physiology of growing broiler chicks was 22% or more for the first two weeks and protein level of 21% or 20% from 3 to 5 weeks old for the maximization of productivity. Even if the energy level within feed had some partial effects on the productivity, but did not show consistency. So, further experiments needto be conducted by differentiating the energy level.