• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수치지형모델

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Development of bias correction scheme for high resolution precipitation forecast (고해상도 강수량 수치예보에 대한 편의 보정 기법 개발)

  • Uranchimeg, Sumiya;Kim, Ji-Sung;Kim, Kyu-Ho;Kwon, Hyun-Han
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.7
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    • pp.575-584
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    • 2018
  • An increase in heavy rainfall and floods have been observed over South Korea due to recent abnormal weather. In this perspective, the high-resolution weather forecasts have been widely used to facilitate flood management. However, these models are known to be biased due to initial conditions and topographical conditions in the process of model building. Theretofore, a bias correction scheme is largely applied for the practical use of the prediction to flood management. This study introduces a new mean field bias correction (MFBC) approach for the high-resolution numerical rainfall products, which is based on a Bayesian Kriging model to combine an interpolation technique and MFBC approach for spatial representation of the error. The results showed that the proposed method can reliably estimate the bias correction factor over ungauged area with an improvement in the reduction of errors. Moreover, it can be seen that the bias corrected rainfall forecasts could be used up to 72 hours ahead with a relatively high accuracy.

AW3D30 and SRTM30 Digital Elevation Models -Comparison around coastal islands in Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea- (AW3D30 DEM과 SRTM30 DEM의 정확도 비교 -경상남도 연안도서를 중심으로-)

  • YANG, In-Tae;LEE, Dong-Ha;ACHARYA, Tri Dev;HAN, Dong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.34-43
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    • 2018
  • DEM(Digital Elevation Model) being fundamental data in geospatial domain is produced from different data and using various methods. As they are derived their precision varies and altering derivative in application. In this work, we compare two widely used DEMs namely(Advanced Land Observing Satellite World 3D 30m and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 30m) around coastal islands in Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea. First statistics of each DEM were calculated and later overlapped in Landsat image for visual comparison of areas below and above zero-meter elevation. As a result, it was found that DEMs were highly correlated with each other and had similar statistics. Besides having few high differences in hilly land area, they were able to represent the coastal lines. It has also been noted that they have many negative values and should carefully select study area covering full watershed in coastal regions to avoid negative elevation even after filling the sinks.

Evaluation of Tidal Stream Resources Near Uido Using an ADCIRC Model (ADCIRC 모델을 이용한 우이도 주변해역의 조류자원 평가)

  • Jeong, Haechang;Nguyen, Manh Hung;Kim, Bu-Gi;Kim, Jun-Ho;Yang, Changjo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.187-193
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    • 2017
  • This study evaluated tidal stream energy resources according to tidal flow properties around Uido off the west coast of, Jeollanam-do, South Korea. A feasibility study was first carried out through the collection of bathymetry data and tidal phase information. For this simulation, a depth-averaged 2D ADCIRC (Advanced Circulation) model for real sea situations was applied to a Finite Element Method (FEM) approach for tides given the variation of tidal current speed. Hydrodynamics were simulated with 4 major tidal constituents (M2, S2, K1, and O1) after setting up 4 observation points. From the real depth-averaged model simulation results, it was found that the spring tide Higher High Water (HHW) and tidal current speed values at the 4 observation points were about 2.2 m and 1.33 m/s, respectively. The ADCIRC model results were analyzed with reference to the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency's (KHOA) observed data for verification. Furthermore, using topographical characteristics via the Tidal Flux Method (TFM), tidal energy density distribution was calculated, indicating a maximum tidal energy density of about $1.75kW/m^2$ for the 5 assessment areas around Uido. The tidal energy density was evaluated with consideration given to topographical characteristics as well as tidal elevation and tidal current speed to determine an optimum tidal farm candidate.

Numerical Models for Atmospheric Diffusion Phenomena by Pseudospectral Method(2) : Spectral Model for a Hilly Terrain of Real Scale (의사스펙트로법에 의한 대기확산현상의 수치모델(2): 실규모의 복잡지형에서의 스펙트로모델)

  • 김선태
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.242-246
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    • 1993
  • Theoretically, spectral method has the highest accuracy among present numerical methods, but it is generally difficult to apply to complex terrains because of complex boundary conditions. Recently, spectral-element method, basically divide the domain into a set of rectangular subdomain and solve the equation at each subdomain, has been introduced. However, boundary conditions become more complex and requires more computing time, thus spectral-element method is not powerful for all complex terrain problems. In this paper, potential flow theory was intorduced to solve the air flows and diffusion phenomenon in the presence of terrain obstacles. Using the velocity potential-stream line orthogonal coordinate space, the diffusion problems of hilly terrain by pseudospectral method were solved and compared those with no terrain real scale solutions.

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A Case Study of Collapse at Tunnel Portal adjacent to the Large Cut Slope (대절토사면과 인접한 터널갱구부의 붕괴사례연구)

  • Koo, Ho-Bon;Kim, Seung-Hee;Rhee, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Jin-Hwan
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.573-576
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    • 2008
  • 절토사면 및 천심도 터널의 경우 불연속면을 따른 블록의 미끄러짐 및 회전 등이 안정성에 큰 영향을 미친다. 국도나 지방도 등을 확장 공사함에 따라 산악이 많은 우리나라 지형의 특성상 절토사면이 많이 발생하게 되고, 경우에 따라서는 이러한 절토사면에 터널이 위치하게 된다. 이런 상황의 터널갱구부 및 인접한 절토사면부에서 붕괴 및 균열이 빈번하게 발생되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 대절토사면과 인접한 터널갱구부에 대하여 편토압이 균열의 주원인인지를 결정하기 위하여 변위 및 응력 패턴을 분석한 사례연구를 제시하였다. 조사대상지역은 울진군에 위치한 터널굴진 현장이고, 붕괴는 터널갱구부와 인접한 절토사면부에서 발생하였으며 터널갱구부 상단의 숏크리트 타설지역에서 다수의 균열이 관찰되었다. 언급한 터널갱구부의 변위 및 응력패턴을 모사하기 위하여 유한차분법에 근거한 플랙을 사용하였으며, 세밀한 수치해석을 위해 편재절리모델을 도입하였다. 마지막으로, 터널갱구부의 균열에 영향을 미친 주원인에 대한 고찰을 다루었다.

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3D Spatial Data Model Design and Application (3차원 공간 모형 데이터의 구축과 활용)

  • Lee Jun Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2005
  • 3D Spatial Data, namely 3D Urban CG model express the building, road, river in virtual world and accumulate, manage the data in the GIS system. It is important infrastructure which expected in many usages. Recently 3D CG urban model needs much manual effort, time and costs to build them. In this paper, we introduce the integration of GIS, CG and automatic production of the $\lceil$3D Spatial Data Infrastructure$\rfloor$. This system make filtering, divide the polygon, generate the outlines of the GIS building map, design the graphic and property information and finally make automatic 3D CG models.

Numerical Model Study for Structure and Distribution of the Keum River Plume (금강 풀룸의 구조와 분포에 대한 수치모델 연구)

  • 신은주;이상호;최현용
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 2002
  • To examine the structure and distribution of the Keum River plume produced by continuous river discharge we carried out three-dimensional numerical model experiments with or without Coriolis force and tide. When Coriolis force is included but tide is not the model plume forms the clockwise circulation north of southern channel in the developing stage. As the plume expansion progresses the center of circulation moves to the southwest, with fuming the discharging axis of low-salinity water to the southwest from the mouth of southern channel. These results are explained mainly in terms of barotropic geostrophy by surface slope maintained with accumulated low-salinity(buoyant) water in front of the estuary mouth due to of offshore strong salinity front. When the M$_2$ tide is included the model plume extends farther to the northwest, forming large tongue-like salinity distribution. The tidally averaged surface flows of the offshore plume are mainly in geostrophic balance. These changes in plume distribution are explained in terms of low-salinity water advection by tidal excursion and active tidal mixing; the former supplies low salinity water to the north off the estuary mouth and the later increases mean sea level along the plume and surface salinity in northern shallow coastal area. The main features of observed Keum River plume(Lee et al., 1999; Choi et al., 1999), which showed the northwestward deflection of the plume axis and northward deepening of the plume thickness from the estuary mouth region, are well reproduced by the model in which tide is included.

A Numerical Study on the Characteristics of Flows and Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Distributions in an Urban Area Using a Multi-scale Model: Part I - Analysis of Detailed Flows (다중규모 모델을 이용한 도시 지역 흐름과 초미세먼지(PM2.5) 분포 특성 연구: Part I - 상세 흐름 분석)

  • Park, Soo-Jin;Choi, Wonsik;Kim, Jae-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_3
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    • pp.1643-1652
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    • 2020
  • To investigate the characteristics of detailed flows in a building-congested district, we coupled a computation fluid dynamics (CFD) model to the local data assimilation and prediction system (LDAPS), a current operational numerical weather prediction model of the Korea Meteorological Administration. For realistic numerical simulations, we used the meteorological variables such as wind speeds and directions and potential temperatures predicted by LDAPS as the initial and boundary conditions of the CFD model. We trilinearly interpolated the horizontal wind components of LDAPS to provide the initial and boudnary wind velocities to the CFD model. The trilinearly interpolated potential temperatures of LDAPS is converted to temperatures at each grid point of the CFD model. We linearly interpolated the horizontal wind components of LDAPS to provide the initial and boundary wind velocities to the CFD model. The linearly interpolated potential temperatures of LDAPS are converted to temperatures at each grid point of the CFD model. We validated the simulated wind speeds and directions against those measured at the PKNU-SONIC station. The LDAPS-CFD model reproduced similar wind directions and wind speeds measured at the PKNU-SONIC station. At 07 LST on 22 June 2020, the inflow was east-north-easterly. Flow distortion by buildings resulted in the east-south-easterly at the PKNU-SONIC station, which was the similar wind direction to the measured one. At 19 LST when the inflow was southeasterly, the LDAPS-CFD model simulated southeasterly (similar to the measured wind direction) at the PKNU-SONIC station.

Analysis of Characteristics for a Dividing Flow in Open Channels (개수로 분류흐름에서의 특성분석)

  • Park, Seong-Soo;Lee, Jin-Woo;Cho, Yong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.53-57
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    • 2009
  • The dividing flow in an open channel has a number of distinctive characteristics. One of these is that the separation zone interacts with a secondary motion along the inner wall of a branch channel, generating sediment accumulation. To investigate this phenomenon, a two-dimensional numerical model based on the shallow-water equations, RMA2, which calculates water surface elevations and horizontal-velocity components, was used to analyze the dividing flow. The obtained numerical results fully coincide with the laboratory measurements reported by Hsu et al.(2002). For the analysis of the numerical results, a separation zone-discharge rate relationship was proposed. To reduce the size of a separation zone, the topographies of diagonal and curved edges were proposed, smoothly connecting the upstream corner to branch channel.

수치모형실험을 활용한 조류발전단지의 후류 특성에 관한 연구

  • Jeong, Hae-Chang;Kim, Bu-Gi;Kim, Jun-Ho;Yang, Chang-Jo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.193-194
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    • 2018
  • 최근 정부의 RPS(신재생에너지 의무할당제, Renewable Energy Portplio Standard) 확대 시행과 신재생 3020 정책에 맞물려 정부뿐만 아니라 기업체의 신재생에너지 발전설비용량과 발전량의 확대가 요구되는 시점이다. 특히 조류에너지는 환경친화적이며 지속가능한 에너지원으로서 그 관심이 더욱 커지고 있다. 그러나 조류발전 후보지는 유속이 매우 빠르고, 설치가 어려워 그에 따른 제반사항들이 다른 에너지원에 비해 상대적으로 많다는 단점이 있어, 조류발전단지 구축 시에는 후보지를 선정하고 타당성 조사를 수행하는 과정이 매우 중요하다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 최대의 조류에너지를 얻을 수 있는 해역을 선정하여 조류발전단지를 설계하고 후류의 특성을 분석하였다. 먼저 전자해도의 상세 수심 자료를 추출해 상용 프로그램인 ADCIRC 프로그램에 실제 지형을 수치 모형화하였고, 잠재적 에너지 분포가 높은 해역에 1MW급 수평축 조류발전 터빈을 설계하여 적용하였다. 또한 조류발전단지 내의 터빈의 배치 방법(Centered, Staggered Layout)에 따른 후류의 특성을 분석하여 연간 전력 생산량을 계산하였다.

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