• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수소용기

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Severe Accident Sequence Analysis - Part 1: Analysis of Postulated Core Meltdown Accident Initiated by Small Break LOCA in Kori-1 PWR Dry Containment (고리 1호기 소형파단 냉각제 상실사고에 의해 개시된 가상 노심용융 사고 해석)

  • Jong In Lee;Seung Hyuk Lee;Jin Soo Kim;Byung Hun Lee
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.141-154
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    • 1984
  • An analysis is presented of key phenomena and scenario which imply some general trends for beyond design-basis-accident in Kori-1 PWR dry containment. The study covers a wide range of severe accident sequences initiated by small break LOCA. The MARCH computer code, with KAERI modifications was used in this analysis. The major emphasis of the paper are two folds, 1) the phenomenologic understanding of severe accident and 2) a study of H2 combustion and debris/ water interactions in a specific small break LOCA for Kori-1 plant. The sensitivity studies for the specific plant data and thermal interaction modelings used in the SASA were performed. The results show that if hydrogen burning does occur at low concentration, the resulting peak pressure does not exceed the design value, while the lower concentration assumption results in repeated burning due to the continuing H$_2$ generation. For debris/water interaction, the particle size has no effect on the magnitude of peak pressure for the amount of water assumed to be in the reactor cavity. But, the occurrence of peak pressure is considerably delayed in case of using the dryout correlation. The peak containment pressure predicted from the hydrogen combustion and steam pressure spite during full core meltdown scenario does not present a severe threat to the containment integrity.

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Effect of Methodologies for Laser-Induced Plasma Creation on Hydrogen Sensing (레이저 유도 플라스마 생성 방법이 수소 검출에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Jung-Ik;Kim, Ki-Bum
    • Transactions of the KSME C: Technology and Education
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.291-297
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    • 2015
  • As promising future energy source, hydrogen has been drawing much attention; however, it is easily leaked from the small gap in any storage container due to its find molecule size. In this study, Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) was used for hydrogen leak detection, and feasibility of the scheme was evaluated based on different way for plasma generation. Laser power of 295 mW was required for generating plasma on metal surface to measure hydrogen atomic emission while approximately 2.5 times higher laser power was needed for plasma formation directly in the hydrogen gas stream. It was shown that peak to base ratio increased linearly with increasing the concentration of hydrogen. It can be concluded that LIBS is a viable technique for hydrogen sensing when the concentration of hydrogen is less than 5%.

Development of Numerical Analysis Model on Cryogenic Vessel for Safety Pressure Maintenance and Control of Liquid Hydrogen BOG (액체 수소 BOG 안전 압력 유지 및 제어를 위한 극저온 용기의 수치 해석 모델 개발)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.280-289
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    • 2024
  • In this study, a cryogenic vessel was constructed to maintain and control the safe pressure of liquid hydrogen boil-off gas (BOG), and the numerical analysis was conducted on the development of computational fluid dynamics model inside the high-pressure vessel. An evaluation system was constructed using cryogenic inner and outer containers, pre-cooler, upper flange, and internal high-pressure container. We attempted to analyze the performance of the safety valve by injecting relatively high temperature hydrogen gas to generate BOG gas and quickly control the pressure of the high-pressure vessel up to 10 bar. As a results, the liquid volume fraction decreased with a rapid evaporation, and the pressure distribution increased monotonically inside a high pressure vessel. Additionally, it was found that the time to reach 10 bar was greatly affected by the filling rate of liquid hydrogen.

A Study on the Transition of Hydrogen-Air and LPG-Air Explosion to Fire (수소와 액화석유 가스의 공기혼합기의 폭발 후 화재로 전이 연구)

  • Oh Kyu-Hyung;Lee Sung-Eun;Rhie Kwang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.19 no.4 s.68
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    • pp.150-154
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    • 2004
  • Gas explosion characteristics of hydrogen and liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) were measured in 6L cylindrical vessel, and experiment for explosion to fire transition phenomena of the gases were carried out using the 270L vessel. Explosion characteristics were measured using the stain type pressure transducer and explosion to fire transition phenomena was analyzed with the hish-speed camera. Base on the experiment, it was found that explosion pressure was most high slightly above the stoichiometric concentration, and explosion pressure rise rate and flame propagation velocity were proportional to the combustion velocity. And we find that those kind of explosion characteristics affect the explosion-to-fire transition, in addition, explosion flame temperature, flame residence time, are important parameters in explosion-to-fire transition.

An Analytical Study on the Seismic Behavior and Safety of Vertical Hydrogen Storage Vessels Under the Earthquakes (지진 시 수직형 수소 저장용기의 거동 특성 분석 및 안전성에 관한 해석적 연구)

  • Sang-Moon Lee;Young-Jun Bae;Woo-Young Jung
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.152-161
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    • 2023
  • In general, large-capacity hydrogen storage vessels, typically in the form of vertical cylindrical vessels, are constructed using steel materials. These vessels are anchored to foundation slabs that are specially designed to suit the environmental conditions. This anchoring method involves pre-installed anchors on top of the concrete foundation slab. However, it's important to note that such a design can result in concentrated stresses at the anchoring points when external forces, such as seismic events, are at play. This may lead to potential structural damage due to anchor and concrete damage. For this reason, in this study, it selected an vertical hydrogen storage vessel based on site observations and created a 3D finite element model. Artificial seismic motions made following the procedures specified in ICC-ES AC 156, as well as domestic recorded earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 5.0, were applied to analyze the structural behavior and performance of the target structures. Conducting experiments on a structure built to actual scale would be ideal, but due to practical constraints, it proved challenging to execute. Therefore, it opted for an analytical approach to assess the safety of the target structure. Regarding the structural response characteristics, the acceleration induced by seismic motion was observed to amplify by approximately ten times compared to the input seismic motions. Additionally, there was a tendency for a decrease in amplification as the response acceleration was transmitted to the point where the centre of gravity is located. For the vulnerable components, specifically the sub-system (support columns and anchorages), the stress levels were found to satisfy the allowable stress criteria. However, the concrete's tensile strength exhibited only about a 5% margin of safety compared to the allowable stress. This indicates the need for mitigation strategies in addressing these concerns. Based on the research findings presented in this paper, it is anticipated that predictable load information for the design of storage vessels required for future shaking table tests will be provided.

Thermal Transient Response of a PWR Pressurizer Vessel Wall for the Inadvertent Auxiliary Spray Transient (PWR 가압기에서 오동작 보조살수 과도시 용기벽의 열적 과도응답)

  • Jo, Jong-Chull;Lee, Sang-Kyoon;Shin, Won-Ky;Cho, Jin-Ho
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.183-199
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    • 1991
  • Transient response of temperature distributions in a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) pressurizer vessel wall for the Inadvertent Auxiliary Spray transient has been analyzed with conservatism accounted for the resulting thermal stresses in the regions of the vessel wall which are wetted by the spray water droplets. In order to determine the forced convective heat transfer coefficient at the inner boundary surface of vessel wall where the droplets impinge on and flow down, the transient temperatures of spray droplets when they reach the inner surface of the vessel wall after travelling from the spray nozzle through the pressurizer interior space occupied with the saturated steam-noncondensable hydrogen gas mixture have been predicted. The transient temperature distributions in the vessel wall have been obtained by using the finite element method, and the typical results have been provided. It has been shown that the results of thermal analysis are consistent with representation of the input transient and have plausible physical meaning.

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Numerical Study of Hydrogen Desorption in a Metal Hydride Hydrogen Storage Vessel (금속수소화물 수소 저장 용기 내부의 수소방출에 대한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Kang, Kyung-Mun;Nam, Jin-Moo;Yoo, Ha-Neul;Ju, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.363-371
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, a three-dimensional hydrogen desorption model is developed to precisely study the hydrogen desorption kinetics and resultant heat and mass transport phenomena in metal hydride hydrogen storage vessels. The metal hydride hydrogen desorption model, i.e. governed by the conservation of mass, momentum, and thermal energy is first experimentally validated against the temperature evolution data measured on a cylindrical $LaNi_5$ metal hydride vessel. The equilibrium pressure used for hydrogen desorption simulations is derived as a function of H/M atomic ratio and temperature based on the experimental data in the literature. The numerical simulation results agree well with experimental data and the 3D desorption model successfully captures key experimental trends during hydrogen desorption process. Both the simulation and experiment display an initial sharp decrease in the temperature mainly caused by relatively slow heat supply rate from the vessel external wall. On the other hand, the effect of heat supply becomes influential at the latter stages, leading to smooth increase in the vessel temperature in both simulation and experiment. This numerical study provides the fundamental understanding of detailed heat and mass transfer phenomena during hydrogen desorption process and further indicates that efficient design of storage vessel and heating system is critical to achieve fast hydrogen discharging performance.

Damage Visualization of Filament Wound Composite Hydrogen Fuel Tank Using Ultrasonic Propagation Imager (초음파전파영상화 시스템을 이용한 필라멘트 와인딩 복합재 수소 연료 탱크의 손상 가시화)

  • Lee, Jung-Ryul;Jeong, Hyomi;Chung, Truong Thanh;Shin, Hejin;Park, Jaeyoon
    • Composites Research
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.143-147
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    • 2015
  • This paper proposes laser ultrasonic technique for the impact damage inspection of hydrogen fuel tank and proves that the impact damage can be visualized using an ultrasonic wave propagation imager with an easy detachable sensor head as an impact damage inspection tool for hydrogen fuel tanks. Also the performances of the proposed ultrasonic propagation imager support it can be implemented in real-world technology when the hydrogen car becomes popular.

Development of Safety Assessment for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle (수소연료전지 자동차 안전성 평가기술 개발)

  • Yong, Gee Joong;Lee, Kwang Bum
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.500-508
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    • 2014
  • In the ongoing debates over the need to identify new sources of energy and to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. Hydrogen has emerged as one of the most promising alternatives due to its emissions from the vehicle being virtually zero. The governments have identified the development of regulations and standards as one of the key requirements for commercialization of HFCV. Regulations and standards will help overcome technological barriers to commercialization. The development of Global Technical Regulation (GTR) for HFCV occurred under the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations. Development of a technique for safety assessment of HFCV include four tasks, research for regulation system and policy, hydrogen safety, vehicle operation safety and protection against high-voltage. The objective is to establish a technique for safety assessment and amend safety standards for HFCV and consequently reflect research results to vehicle management policy. We devised safety standards and evaluation techniques with regard to high-pressure gas and high voltage of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. KMVSS for HFCV was amended to June 10, 2014. including the results of the safety assessment technology for high-voltage and hydrogen characteristics.


  • Ahn, Hyuk-Jin;Lee, Sang-Hyuk;Hur, Nahm-Keon;Lee, Moon-Kyu;Yong, Gee-Joong
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.176-182
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    • 2009
  • In the present study, a numerical simulation for the diffusion of hydrogen jet in a enclosure was performed to aid the leakage test of the hydrogen for the safety of the hydrogen vehicle. The temporal and spatial distributions of the hydrogen concentration in the test chamber are predicted from the present numerical analyses. Flammable region of 4-74% and explosive region of 18-59% hydrogen by volume was identified from the present results. Factors influencing the diffusion of the hydrogen jet were examined to evaluate the effectiveness of forced ventilation for relieving the accumulation of the leaked hydrogen gas in the chamber, which include location of open windows, size of leakage nozzle, and leakage rate among others. The distribution of the concentration of the leaked hydrogen for various cases can be used as a database in various applications for the hydrogen safety.

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