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Major Characteristics Related to Eating Quality in Waxy Corn Hybrids (찰옥수수 교잡종의 식미관련 주요 특성)

  • Jung Tae wook;Kim Sun Lim;Moon Hyeon Gui;Son Beom Young;Kim Si Ju;Kim Soon Kwon
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    • v.50 no.spc1
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    • pp.152-160
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to investigate selectable criteria in evaluating waxy corn F1 hybrids for developing good eating quality waxy corn variety. The physicochemical property analysis of 6 waxy corn F1 hybrids - Chalok1, Chalok2, Heugjeomchal, Yeonnongl, Chalok4, and Suwon45- showed a range of 11.2\~13.1% for crude protein, 5.1\~6.0% for crude fat, 91.8\~92.6% for amylopectin, and 4.5\~6.6% for free sugar content. The pericarp thickness which is one of the most important characteristics related to tenderness in waxy corn was ranged 34\~47μm in 4 waxy corn hybrids - Yeonnongl, Chalok4, Suwon45, and Heugjeomchal. On the other hand, it was ranged 64\~81μm in Chalok1 and Chalok2. The amylogram analysis by rapid visco analyzer showed that in fresh waxy corn hybrid (DAP25), all amylogram properties except setback were higher in Yeonnongl, Chalok4, and Suwon45 compared to those of Chalokl, Chnlok2, and Heugjeomchal. However, in matured waxy corn hybyids (DAP45), the result was the opposite - the amylogram properties were higher in Chalokl, Chalok2, and Heugjeomchal than those of Yeonnongl, Chalok4, and Suwon45. The texture analysis showed that gumminess, chewiness, and hardness increased dramatically with the time after the cooking in Chalokl and Beugjeomchal. On the other hand, these above pyoperties did not change as rapidly with the time in Yeonnongl, Chalok4, and Suwon45. Gumminess, chewiness, and hardness did not increase much within 6 hours after steamingr but increased significantly 32 hours after steaming. Therefore, we have reached a conclusion that texture analysis of cooked waxy corn should be carried out 6 hours after steaming. In the sensory evaluation, Yeonnongl, Chalok4, and Suwon45 revealed higher palatability -6.8, 7.1, and 6.9 respectively - than. that of Chnlokl, Chalok2, and Heugjeomchal. The palatability analysis of 6 waxy corn hybrids showed palatability positively correlating with free sugar content,100-kernel weight, kernel length, kernet width, and consistency, but negatively correlating with pericarp thickness, hardness, gumminess, and chewiness.

The Patterns of CH4 and N2O fluxes from used Litter Stockpile from Korean Native Cattle (Hanwoo) (사용한 한우 깔짚에서 배출되는 CH4 및 N2O의 배출 특성)

  • Park, Kyu-Hyun;Choi, Dong-Yoon;Yoo, Yong-Hee
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.145-150
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to measure methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from the 6 month old litter stockpile used for korean native cattle (Hanwoo) from August 3, 2007 to October 4, 2007. Daily mean CH4 emissions was peaked to 273.013 μgm2s1 (SE : ±1.047μgm2s1) on first day and then gradually decreased to 2.309 μgm2s1 (SE : ±0.061μgm2s1) at the end of this experiment. Daily mean N2O emissions was as little as 0.269 μgm2s1 (SE : ±0.018μgm2s1) on first day, but exponentially increased up to 3.569 μgm2s1 (SE : ±0.454μgm2s1) on 43rd day and then slowly decreased to 1.888 μgm2s1 (SE : ±0.012μgm2s1) at the end of this experiment. Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-eq), calculated by global warming potentials of CH4 or N2O, of CH4 on first day occupied approximately 99% of sum of CO2-eq of CH4 and N2O. Methane emissions decreased and N2O emissions increased so that CO2-eq ratio of CH4 to N2O was 50:50 on 34th day. The effect of N2O on the ratio was increase thereafter. The ratio of daily mean CH4 and N2O emissions to daily error of the mean was calculated to find daily fluctuation of CH4 and N2O emissions. The ratio of CH4 was less than 1.0% till 11th day but increased to 10.9% on 57th day. The ratio of N2O (0.4%~51.0%) was higher than that of CH4, showing high in early stage and then gradually decrease, which was different from the pattern of CH4. The ratio of daily mean emissions to daily error of the mean was little in case of active CH4 or N2O generation period, which would be caused by the temporal and spatial heterogeneity of composting process. Hence more air supply on early stage to decrease CH4 generation and proper turning to reduce spatial heterogeneity are needed to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

Study of the Impact of Light Through the Vitamin B12/Folate Inspection (Vitamin B12/Folate 검사 시 빛의 영향에 대한 고찰)

  • Cho, Eun Bit;Pack, Song Ran;Kim, Whe Jung;Kim, Seong Ho;Yoo, Seon Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.162-166
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    • 2012
  • Purpose : Vitamin B12 and Folate are for anemia work-up which is well known for its sensitivity of light; the screening manual also specifies to be careful with light conditions. According to this, our laboratory minimized the exposure of light when inspecting the Vitamin B12 and Folate, but the exposure cannot be wholly blocked due to other various factors such as when conducting specimen segregation. Thus, this inspection is to identify to what extent light can influence and whether the exclusion of light is mandatory during the Vitamin B12/Folate test. Materials and Methods : We have conducted two experiments of identifying the extent of light's influence when conducting the Vitamin B12/Folate test and also when specimens are under preservation. These experiments were progressed with various concentrations of patients' specimens which were requested to our hospital in March 2012. The first experiment is to verify the results on Vitamin B12/Folate dependent on light exposure during the experiment. In the process, we have compared the results of light exposure/exclusion during the incubation process after the reagent division. The second experiment is about the impact of light exposure on the results on Vitamin B12/Folate during the preservation. For 1, 2, 7 days the light on the specimen were wholly blocked and were preserved under 15C temperature refrigeration. Then, we compared the results of light-excluded specimen and the exposed one. Results : When conducting first experiment, there were no noticeable changes in the Standard and specimen's cpm, but for Vitamin B12, the average result of specimen exposed to light increased 7.8% compare to that of excluded one's. Furthermore, in the significant level 0.05, the significance probability or the p-value was 0.251 which means it has no impact. For Folate, the result being exposed to light decreased 5.4%, the significance probability was 0.033 which means it has little impact. For the second preservation, the result was dependent on the light exposure. The first day of preservation of Vitamin B12, the clinical material exposed to light was 11.6%, second day clinical material exposed to light was 10.8%, seventh day clinical material exposed to light increased 3.8%, the significance probability of the 1st, 2nd, 7th day is 0.372, 0.033, 0.144 respectively, and which indicates that the 1st and 7th day seems to have no impact. For Folate's case, the clinical material exposed to light has increased 1.4% but hardly had impact, 2nd day clinical material being exposed to light was 6.1%, 7Th day clinical material being exposed to light decreased 5.2%. The significance probability of Folate on the $1^{st}$, 2nd, 7th day is 0.378, 0.037, 0.217 respectively, and the 1st day and the 7th day seems to have no impact. Conclusion : After scrutinizing the impact of light exposure/exclusion, Vitamin B12 has no impact, while Folate seems to have no noticeable influence but light exclusion is recommended due to its significance probability of 0.033 when conducting experiment. During the preservation, the 2nd day result depend on the light exclusion seems to have impact or influence. However, to consider the complication of the experimental process, the experiment including technical errors is predictable. Hence, it is likely to have no impact of light. Nevertheless, it is recommendable to exclude the light during the long preservation as per the significance probability (p-value) of 1st and 7th day has been diminished.

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The Precision Test Based on States of Bone Mineral Density (골밀도 상태에 따른 검사자의 재현성 평가)

  • Yoo, Jae-Sook;Kim, Eun-Hye;Kim, Ho-Seong;Shin, Sang-Ki;Cho, Si-Man
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: ISCD (International Society for Clinical Densitometry) requests that users perform mandatory Precision test to raise their quality even though there is no recommendation about patient selection for the test. Thus, we investigated the effect on precision test by measuring reproducibility of 3 bone density groups (normal, osteopenia, osteoporosis). Materials and Methods: 4 users performed precision test with 420 patients (age: 57.8±9.02) for BMD in Asan Medical Center (JAN-2008 ~ JUN-2008). In first group (A), 4 users selected 30 patient respectively regardless of bone density condition and measured 2 part (L-spine, femur) in twice. In second group (B), 4 users measured bone density of 10 patients respectively in the same manner of first group (A) users but dividing patient into 3 stages (normal, osteopenia, osteoporosis). In third group (C), 2 users measured 30 patients respectively in the same manner of first group (A) users considering bone density condition. We used GE Lunar Prodigy Advance (Encore. V11.4) and analyzed the result by comparing %CV to LSC using precision tool from ISCD. Check back was done using SPSS. Results: In group A, the %CV calculated by 4 users (a, b, c, d) were 1.16, 1.01, 1.19, 0.65 g/cm2 in L-spine and 0.69, 0.58, 0.97, 0.47 g/cm2 in femur. In group B, the %CV calculated by 4 users (a, b, c, d) were 1.01, 1.19, 0.83, 1.37 g/cm2 in L-spine and 1.03, 0.54, 0.69, 0.58 g/cm2 in femur. When comparing results (group A, B), we found no considerable differences. In group C, the user_1's %CV of normal, osteopenia and osteoporosis were 1.26, 0.94, 0.94 g/cm2 in L-spine and 0.94, 0.79, 1.01 g/cm2 in femur. And the user_2's %CV were 0.97, 0.83, 0.72 g/cm2 L-spine and 0.65, 0.65, 1.05 g/cm2 in femur. When analyzing the result, we figured out that the difference of reproducibility was almost not found but the differences of two users' several result values have effect on total reproducibility. Conclusions: Precision test is a important factor of bone density follow up. When Machine and user's reproducibility is getting better, it’s useful in clinics because of low range of deviation. Users have to check machine's reproducibility before the test and keep the same mind doing BMD test for patient. In precision test, the difference of measured value is usually found for ROI change caused by patient position. In case of osteoporosis patient, there is difficult to make initial ROI accurately more than normal and osteopenia patient due to lack of bone recognition even though ROI is made automatically by computer software. However, initial ROI is very important and users have to make coherent ROI because we use ROI Copy function in a follow up. In this study, we performed precision test considering bone density condition and found LSC value was stayed within 3%. There was no considerable difference. Thus, patient selection could be done regardless of bone density condition.

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The Effect of Ginkgo Biloba Extract on the Fractionsted Radiation Therapy in C3H Mouse Fibrosarcoma (Ginkgo Biloba Extract가 C3H 마우스 섬유육종의 분할 방사선치료에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Hoon;Ha, Sung-Whan;Park, Charn-Il
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : A ginkgo biloba extract (GBE) has been known as a hypoxic cell radiosensitizer. Its mechanisms of action are increase of the red blood cell deformability, decrease the blood viscosity, and decrease the hypoxic cell fraction in the tumor. The aims of this study were to estimate the effect of GBE on fractionated radiotherapy and to clarify the mechanism of action of the GBE by estimating the blood flow in tumor and normal muscle. Materials and Methods : Fibrosarcoma (FSall) growing in a C3H mouse leg muscle was used as the tumor model. When the tumor size reached 7 mm in diameter, the GBE was given intraperitoneally at 1 and 25 hours prior to irradiation. The tumor growth delay was measured according to the various doses of radiation (3, 6, 9, 12 Gy and 15 Gy) and to the fractionation (single and fractionated irradiation) with and without the GBE injection. The radiation dose to the tumor the response relationships and the enhancement ratio of the GBE were measured. In addition, the blood flow of a normal muscle and a tumor was compared by laser Doppler flowmetry according to the GBE treatment. Results : When the GBE was used with single fraction irradiation with doses ranging from 3 to 12 Gy, GBE increased the tumor growth delay significantly (p<0.05) and the enhancement ratio of the GBE was 1.16. In fractionated irradiation with 3 Gy per day, the relationships between the radiation dose (D) and the tumor growth delay (TGD) were TGD (days)=0.26×D (Gy)+0.13 in the radiation alone group, and the TGD (days)=0.30×D (Gy)+0.13 in the radiation with GBE group. As a result, the enhancement ratio was 1.19 (95% confidence interval; 1.13\~1.27). Laser Doppler flowmetry was used to measure the blood flow. The mean blood flow was higher in the muscle (7.78 mL/100 g/min in tumor and the 10.15 mL/100 g/min in muscle, p=0.005) and the low blood flow fraction (less than 2 mL/100 g/min) was higher in the tumor (0.5%vs.5.2%,p=0.005). The blood flow was not changed with the GBE in normal muscle, but was increased by 23.5% ( p=0.0004) in the tumor. Conclusion : Based on these results, it can be concluded that the GBE enhanced the radiation effect significantly when used with fractionated radiotherapy as well as with single fraction irradiation. Furthermore, the GBE increased the blood flow of the tumor selectively.

Surgery Alone or Postoperative Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Rectal Cancer - With Respect to Survival, Pelvic Control, Prognostic Factor - (직장암에서 수술단독 또는 수술후 방사선치료 -생존율, 골반종양제어율, 예후인자를 중심으로-)

  • Nam, Taek-Keun;Ahn, Sung-Ja;Nah, Byung-Sik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.327-334
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : To find out the role of postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy in the treatment of rectal cancer by comparing survival, pelvic control, complication rate, and any prognostic factor between surgery alone and postoperative radiotherapy group. Materials and methods : From Feb. 1982 to Dec. 1996 total 212 patients were treated by radical surgery with or without postoperative radiotherapy due to rectal carcinoma of modified Astler-Coiler stage B2\~C3. Of them, 18 patients had incomplete radiotherapy and so the remaining 194 patients were the database analyzed in this study. One hundred four patients received postoperative radiotherapy and the other 90 patients had surgery only. Radiotherapy was peformed in the range of 39.6\~55.8Gy (mean: 49.9 Gy) to the whole pelvis and if necessary, tumor bed was boosted by 5.4\~10Gy. Both survival and pelvic control rates were calculated by Kaplan-Meier method and their statistical significance was tested by Log-rank test. Multivariate analysis was peformed by Cox proportional hazards model. Results : 5-year actuarial survival rate (5YSR) and 5-year disease-free survival rate (5YDFSR) of entire patients were 53%and49%, respectively. 5YSRs of surgery alone group and adjuvant radiotherapy group were 63%vs45%, respectively (p=0.03). This difference is thought to reflect uneven distribution of stages between two treatment groups (p<0.05 by χ2test) with more advanced disease patients in adjuvant radiotherapy group. 5YSRs of surgery alone vs adjuvant radiotherapy group in MAC B2+3, C1, C2+3 were 68%vs55% (p=0.09), 100%vs100%, 40%vs33% (p=0.71), respectively. 5YDFSRs of surgery alone vs adjuvant radiotherapy group in above three stages were 65%vs49% (p=0.14), 100%vs100%, 33%vs31% (p=0.46), respectively. 5-year pelvic control rate (5YPCR) of entire patients was 72.5%. 5YPCRs of surgery alone and adjuvant radiotherapy group were 71%vs74%, respectively (p=0.41). 5YPCRs of surgery alone vs adjuvant radiotherapy group in B2+3, C1, C2+3 were 79%vs75% (p=0.88), 100%vs100%, 44%vs68% (p=0.01), respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that only stage was significant factor affecting overall and disease-free survival in entire patients and also in both treatment groups. In view of pelvic control, stage and operation type were significant in entire patients and only stage in surgery alone group but in adjuvant radiotherapy group, operation type instead of stage was the only significant factor in multivariate analysis as a negative prognostic factor in abdominoperineal resection cases. Conclusion : Our retrospective study showed that postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy could improve the pelvic control in MAC C2+3 group. To improve both pelvic control and survival in all patients with MAC B2 or more, other treatment modality such as concurrent continuous infusion of 5-FU, which is the most standard agent, with radiotherapy should be considered.

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Radiotherapy in Supraglottic Carcinoma - With Respect to Locoregional Control and Survival - (성문상부암의 방사선치료 -국소종양 제어율과 생존율을 중심으로-)

  • Nam Taek-Keun;Chung Woong-Ki;Cho Jae-Shik;Ahn Sung-Ja;Nah Byung-Sik;Oh Yoon-Kyeong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : A retrospective study was undertaken to determine the role of conventional radiotherapy with or without surgery for treating a supraglottic carcinoma in terms of the local control and survival. Materials and Methods : From Jan. 1986 to Oct. 1996, a total of 134 patients were treated for a supraglottic carcinoma by radiotherapy with or without surgery. Of them, 117 patients who had completed the radiotherapy formed the base of this study. The patients were redistributed according to the revised AJCC staging system (1997). The number of patients of stage I, II, III, IVA, IVB were 6(5%),16(14%),53(45%),32(27%),10(9%), respectively. Eighty patients were treated by radical radiotherapy in the range of 61.2\~79.2Gy (mean : 69.2 Gy) to the primary tumor and 45.0\~93.6Gy (mean : 54.0 Gy) to regional lymphatics. All patients with stage I and IVB were treated by radiotherapy alone. Thirty-seven patients underwent surgery plus postoperative radiotherapy in the range of 45.0\~68.4Gy (mean : 56.1 Gy) to the primary tumor bed and 45.0\~59.4Gy (mean : 47.2 Gy) to the regional lymphatics. Of them, 33 patients received a total laryngectomy (±lymph node dissection), three had a supraglottic horizontal laryngectomy (±lymph node dissection), and one had a primary excision alone. Results : The 5-year survival rate (5YSR) of all patients was 43%. The 5YSRs of the patients with stage I+II, III+IV were 49.9%,41.2%, respectively (p=0.27). However, the disease-specific survival rate of the patients with stage I (n=6) was 100%. The 5YSRs of patients who underwent surgery plus radiotherapy (S+RT) vs radiotherapy alone (RT) in stage II, III, IVA were 100%vs43% (p=0.17), 62%vs52% (p=0.32), 58%vs6% (p<0.001), respectively. The 5-year actuarial locoregional control rate (5YLCR) of all the patients was 57%. The 5YLCR of the patients with stage I, II, III, IVA, IVB was 100%,74%,60%,44%,30%, respectively (p=0.008). The 5YLCR of the patients with S+RT vs RT in stage II, III, IVA was 100%vs68% (p=0.29), 67%vs55% (p=0.23), 81%vs20% (p<0.001), respectively. In the radiotherapy alone group, the 5YLCR of the patients with a complete, partial, and minimal response were 76%,20%,0%, respectively (p<0.001). In all patients, multivariate analysis showed that the N-stage, surgery or not, and age were significant factors affecting the survival rate and that the N-stage, surgery or not, and the ECOG performance index were significant factors affecting the locoregional control. In the radiotherapy alone group, multivariate analysis showed that the radiation response and N-stage were significant factors affecting the overall survival rate as well as locoregional control. Conclusion : In early stage supraglottic carcinoma, conventional radiotherapy alone is an equally effective modality compared to surgery plus radiotherapy and could preserve the laryngeal function. However, in the advanced stages, radiotherapy combined with concurrent chemotherapy for laryngeal preservation or surgery should be considered. In bulky neck disease, all the possible planned neck dissections after induction chemotherapy or before radiotherapy should be attempted.

Studies on the Total Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) Activities and CPK Isoenzymes Fractions of the Sera and Organ Tissues in Ruminant (반추수의 혈청과 장기조직의 Creatine Phosphokinase(CPK) 총활성 및 CPK Isoenzyme 분획에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon Sang-Bo;Kim Duck-Hwan
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.433-449
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    • 1992
  • Total CPK activities and CPK isoenzymes fractions of the sera and tissues were examined to obtain the physiological basic data of ruminant available in veterinary clinical practice. For the sera total CPK activities and CPK isoenzymes fractions, total 39 clinically healthy Korean native goats (3 to 10 months old, IS of female and 18 of male) and 6 of Korean native goats (1 to 2 years old, 3 of female and 3 of male) were used. Seventeen Korean native cattle (3 to 6 years old, 10 of female and 7 of male) and 27 Holstein-Friesian cattle (2 to 8 months old, 7 of female and 3 to 12 years old, 20 of female) were also examined for the sera total CPK activities and CPK isoenzymes fractions. For the total CPK activities and CPK isoenzyme fractions, 3 of female Korean native goats (7 months old), 3 of female Korean native cattle (2 years old) and 3 of dairy cattle (2 years old, 2 of female and 1 of male) were used. The tissues examined were the cerebrum (2 of Korean native cattle), spinal cord (1 of Korean native cattle), heart, lung, diaphragm, reticulum, liver, spleen, kidney, jejunum. colon and femoral muscle. The results obtained were as follows : 1. In Korean native goats less than 1-year-old. serum total CPK activities were 67.8±17.7(39.0~96.5) IU/ in female and 63.4±19.0(28.7~94.4) IU/ in male. Further they were 67.0±5.3(59.5~70.7) IU/ and 54.5±11.1(39.1~69.4) IU/ in female and male Korean native goats over 1-year-old, respectively. Serum total CPK activities of female were slightly higher than those of male. Significance between age and sex was not found. 2. Serum total CPK activities were 56.8±19.7(27.6~90.5) IU/ and 65.6±10.8(52.8~78.0) IU/ in female and male Korean native adult cattle, respectively, Serum total CPK activities of male were slightly higher than those of female, but they were not significant 3. Serum total CPK activities we,e 72.5±8.2(57.2~83.2) IU/ and 60.8±12.5(42.7~80.6) IU/ in calves and adult of dairy acttle, respectively. Serum total CPK activities of calves were significantly higher than those of adult(p<0.05). 4. In Korean native goats less than 1-year-old, serum CPK isoenzymes fractions were high with decreasing order of MM>MB>BB and MM>BB>MB in female and male, respectively. Further they were high with decreasing order of MM>MB>BB and MM>B8>MB in female and male Korean native goats over 1-year-old, respectively. The main fractions of CPK isoenzymes were MM in sera of Korean native goats. 5. Serum CPK Isoenzyme fractions were high with decreasing order of MM>MB>BB In both female and male of Korean native cattle. The main fraction among them was MM. 6. Serum CPK isoenzymes fractions were high with decreasing order of MM>BB>MB in both calves and adult of dairy cattle. The main fraction among them was MM. 7. Total CPK activities were high with decreasing order of the femoral muscle>kidney>reticulum>diaphragm>liver>spleen>heart>colon>lung>jejunum in Korean native goats. 8. Total CPK activities were high with decreasing order of the spinal cord >cerebrum>femoral muscle>reticulum>kidney>liver>spleen>diaphragm>lung>colon>heart>jejunum in Korean native cattle. 9. Total CPK activities were high with decreasing order. of the femoral muscle >liver>retoculum>kidney>heart>colon>lung>spleen>jejunum>diaphrasm in dairy cattle. 10. The pattern of the cardiac CPK isoenzymes fractions was identical in Korean native goats, Korean native cattle and dairy cattle. They were high in the order of MM>MB without BB fractions and the main fraction was MM. 11. The pattern of the pulmonary CPK isoenzymes fractions was the same Korean native goats, Korean native cattle and dairy cattle. They were high with decreasing order of MM>MB>BB and the main fraction among them was MM. 12. The pattern of CPK isoenzymes fractions of the diaphragm was Identical in Korean native goats and Korean native cattle. They were high with decreasing order of MM >BB >MB except dairy cattle (MM>MB>BB) but the main fraction among them was MM. 13. The pattern of the reticular CPK isoenzymes fractions was identical in Korean native cattle and dairy cattle. They were high with decreasing order of BB >MM >MB except Korean native goats(BB>MB>MM) but the main, fraction among them was BB 14. The pattern of the hepatic CPK isoenzymrs fractions was identical in Korean native cattle and dairy cattle. They were high with decreasing order of MB >BB >MM except Korean native goats(MB>MM>BB)but the main fraction was MB. 15. The splenic CPK isoenzymes fractions showed different pattern. They were high with decreasing order of MB>BB>MM, MM>BB>MB and BB>MB>MM in Korean native goats, Korean native cattle and dairy cattle, respectively. The main fraction among them was different from each other. 16. The pattern of the renal CPK isoenzymes fractions was identical in Korean native cattle and dairy cattle. They were high with decreasing order of MM >MB>BB except Korean native goats(BB>MB>MM). 17. The CPK isoenzymes fractions of the Jejunums showed different pattern. They were high with decreasing order MM>MB>BB, MM>BB>MB and BB>MM>MB in Korean native goats, Korean native cattle and dairy cattle, respectively. The main fractions were MM In Korean native goats and Korean native cattle, and BB in dairy cattle. 18. The colonic CPK isoenzymes fractions showed different pattern. They were high with decreasing order of MM>MB>BB, MM>BB>MB and BB>rrfB>MM in Korean native goats, Korean native cattle and dairy cattle, respectively. The main fractions were MM in Korean native goats and Korean . native cattle, and BB in dairy cattle. 19. The cerebral CPK isoenzymes fractions were high with decreasing order of BB >MM without MB detected in Korean native cattle and those of spinal cord were high with decreasing order of BB >MM >MB. The main fractions in both cerebrum and spinal cord were BB.

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Studies on the Physico-chemical Properties and Characterization of Soil Organic Matter in Jeju Volcanic Ash Soil (제주도(濟州道) 화산회토양(火山灰土壌)의 이화학적(理化学的) 특성(特性) 및 유기물(有機物) 성상(性状)에 관(関)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Sang-Kyu;Cha, Kyu-Seuk;Kim, In-Tak
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 1983
  • A series of laboratory experiment was conducted to find out the chemical composition, characterization of humic substances by physical and chemical methods and reaction of Na-pyrophosphate, Ca(OH)2 and rice straw with albumin on the degradation of soil organic matter in the volcanic ask soils of the Jeju Island. Results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The contents of organic matter, available silicon, active iron and aluminum concentration in volcanic ash the soils were remarkably higher but available phosphorous was comparatively lower than the mineral soils. In volcanic ash soil, the contents of potassium, calcium and magnessium were higher in upland soil than that of forest soil. The ratios of active Al+++/Fe++, C/P and K/Ca+ Mg were apparently high in volcanic ash soils while that of SiO2/O.M. was high in mineral soil. 2. The carbon/nitrogen ratio in humin, humic acid content in organic matter, and carbon contents of humin in total carbon of soil organic matter were apparently higher in the volcanic ash soils than in the mineral soils, The total nitrogen and fractions of acid or alkali soluble nitrogen were remarkably high in volcanic ash soils while mineralizable nitrogen (NH4-N and NO3) contents were high in mineral soils. 3. The values of K600, RF and log K were also higher in volcanic ash soils than those in mineral soils, and the absorbance in the visible range were high and color was dark in the soil of which humification was progressed Extracted humic acid from volcanic ash soil was less reactive to the oxidizing chemical reagent and was persistance to the acid or alkali hydrolysises. 4. The major oxygen-containing functional groups in humic substances of volcanic ash soils were phenolic-OH alcoholic-OH and carboxyl groups while those in mineral soil were methoxyl and carbonyl groups. 5. Absorption spectra of alkaline solution of humic acid ranged from 200 nm to maxima 500 nm. Visible spectra peaks of from humic substances in the visible region were recognized at 350, 420, 450 and 480 nm. Only one single absorbance peak was observed in the visible region at 362 nm for Heugag series and two absorbance Peak were also at 360 nm and 390 nm for Yeungrag series. 6. Evolution of carbon as Co2 was increased with addition of Na-pyrophosphate in Namweon and Heugag series, and "priming effects" took place on the soil organic matter decomposition by addition of rice straw with albumin in Ido series.

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Therapeutic Angiogenesis by Intramyocardial Injection of pCK-VEGF165 in Pigs (돼지에서 pCK-VEGF165의 심근내 주입에 의한 치료적 혈관조성)

  • Choi Jae-Sung;Han Woong;Kim Dong Sik;Park Jin Sik;Lee Jong Jin;Lee Dong Soo;Kim Ki-Bong
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.5 s.250
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    • pp.323-334
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    • 2005
  • Background: Gene therapy is a new and promising option for the treatment of severe myocardial ischemia by therapeutic angiogenesis. The goal of this study was to elucidate the efficacy of therapeutic angiogenesis by using VEGF165 in large animals. Material and Method: Twenty-one pigs that underwent ligation of the distal left anterior descending coronary artery were randomly allocated to one of two treatments: intramyocardial injection of pCK-VEGF (VEGF) or intramyocardial injection of pCK-Null (Control). Injections were administered 30 days after ligation. Seven pigs died during the trial, but eight pigs from VEGF and six from Control survived. Echo-cardiography was performed on day 0 (preoperative) and on days 30 and 60 following coronary ligation. Gated myocardial single photon emission computed tomography imaging (SPECT) with 99mTclabeled sestamibi was performed on days 30 and 60. Myocardial perfusion was assessed from the uptake of 99mTclabeled sestamibi at rest. Global and regional myocardial function as well as post-infarction left ventricular remodeling were assessed from segmental wall thickening; left ventricular ejection fraction (EF); end systolic volume (ESV); and end diastolic volume (EDV) using gated SPECT and echocardiography. Myocardium of the ischemic border zone into which pCK plasmid vector had been injected was also sampled to assess micro-capillary density. Result: Micro-capillary density was significantly higher in the VEGF than in Control (386±110/mm2vs.291±127/mm2;p<0.001). Segmental perfusion increased significantly from day 30 to day 60 after intramyocardial injection of plasmid vector in VEGF (48.4±15.2%vs.53.8±19.6%;p<0.001), while no significant change was observed in the Control (45.1±17.0%vs.43.4±17.7%;p=0.186). This resulted in a significant difference in the percentage changes between the two groups (11.4±27.0%increasevs.2.7±19.0%decrease;p=0.003). Segmental wall thickening increased significantly from day 30 to day 60 in both groups; the increments did not differ between groups. ESV measured using echocardiography increased significantly from day 0 to day 30 in VEGF (22.9±9.9mLvs.32.3±9.1mL;p=0.006) and in Control (26.3±12.0mLvs.36.8±9.7mL;p=0.046). EF decreased significantly in VEGF (52.0±7.7%vs.46.5±7.4%;p=0.004) and in Control (48.2±9.2%vs.41.6±10.0%;p=0.028). There was no significant change in EDV. The interval changes (days 30\~60) of EF, ESV, and EDV did not differ significantly between groups both by gated SPECT and by echocardiography. Conclusion: Intramyocardial injection of pCK-VEGF165 induced therapeutic angiogenesis and improved myocardial perfusion. However, post-infarction remodeling and global myocardial function were not improved.