• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수로

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Studies on the growth duration and hybrid sterility in remote cross breeding of cultivated rice (수도원연품종간잡종에 있어서의 생육일수와 불임에 관한 연구)

  • Mun-Hue Heu
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.31-71
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    • 1968
  • To clarify the breeding behavior of the hybrids between tropical and temperate area rice varieties, investigations were made on heading days and grain sterility. In this study, crosses were made in half way diallel involving 7 varieties: 2 photoperied sensitive Indicas, 2 less sensitive intermediate Indicas, 1 Ponlai Japonica and 2 high temperature sensitive Japonicas. The parents and $F_1$s were grown under 10 hours and 14 hours daylength controlled conditions at both IRRI(International Rice Research Institute, N$14^{\circ}$17') and Suwon(N$37^{\circ}$16'). F2s with their parents were grown at IRRI in the short day season, and at Suwon under natural conditions. Fa lines with their parents were grown at Suwon under natural conditions. Observations were made for heading days and sterility. The results are summarized as follow; 1. Heading days : 1. For the $F_1$s, earliness showed dominance or overdominance to lateness under the 10 hours condition, and dominance or partial dominance under the 14 hours conditions, at both IRRI and Suwon. 2. For the $F_2$s grown at IRRI during the shortday season earliness appeared to be dominant over lateness and segregation was not distinct and continuous. In the early season culture of $F_2$s at Suwon earliness showed partial dominance or was intermediate. In the proper season culture of $F_2$s lateness showed partial dominance or was intermediate. 3. In the combinations between late parental varieties which do not head at Suwon, transgressive segregants bearing effective panicles were obtained. 4. The crosses of parental varieties having long basic vegetative growth duration showed bigger variance in heading days, and significant correlation was found between of parental varieties and the mean coefficient of variance for parental arrays. 5. The means of heading days of F2 populations were significantly correlated with those of $F_1$ or mid-parents. The means of F 8 lines were also highly correlated with the means of $F_2$s, but, the means of $F_3$ lines grown at Suwon and of their parental $F_2$ individual, grown at IRRI were not correlated. 6. A faint heritability was calculated from the regression of $F_3$ lines grown at Suwon on the $F_2$ individuals grown at IRRI for most combinations, especially in the combinations involving shortday sensitive varieties. This implies low efficiency for the selection of heading days of $F_2$ individuals at IRRI to be grown in lines at Suwon. 7. No significant reciprocal effects were measured for $F_1$ and $F_2$ mean heading days. 8. Partitioning the observed photoperiod sensitivity. into two components, parental array mean md the deviation from this array mean, the parental photoperiod sensitivity contributing to the hybrids was measured in terms of general and specific combining ability for photoperiod sensitivity. 9. The photoperiod sensitivity of $F_1$s was higher than that of the parents, and it decreased as the generation progressed in most combinations of tested varieties. 10. The response of heading days to difference of temperature was weaker for $F_1$ hybrids than for the parents. The differences of temperature responses between the longday and shortday treatments were specific for the variety. 2. Sterility : 1. The $F_1$ sterility was specific for the combinations and not correlated to the parental sterility. The sterility of $F_1$s grown under the 10 hours condition was higher than of those grown under 14 hours. These results were the same at both locations, IRRI and Suwon. 2. The high sterile combinations in $F_1$ showed high sterility in $F_2$. The combinations between a high photoperiod sensitive variety and a high temperature sensitive variety showed high sterility and wider variance. 3. The mean sterility of $F_2$s was lower than of $F_1$s and the mean of $F_3$ lines was lower than of $F_2$s. Sterility decreased as the generation progressed, and the differences of $F_3$ sterility of different combinations were not significant. 4. A faint correlation between grain sterility and pollen sterility was observed in $F_2$ populations. 5. No significant reciprocal effects were measured in $F_1$ and $F_2$ sterility. 6. Following Griffing's method, specific combining ability effects were higher than general combining ability effects, especially in the combinations between highly photoperiod sensitive varieties and highly temperature sensitive varieties. 7. No distinct correlations were found between $F_2$ individual sterility grown at IRRI and $F_3$ line sterility grown at Suwon. 8. No distinct correlations were observed between heading days and sterility of $F_2$ individuals.

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Evaluation of Image Quality Based on Time of Flight in PET/CT (PET/CT에서 재구성 프로그램의 성능 평가)

  • Lim, Jung Jin;Yoon, Seok Hwan;Kim, Jong Pil;Nam Koong, Sik;Shin, Seong Hwa;Yoon, Sang Hyeok;Kim, Yeong Seok;Lee, Hyeong Jin;Lee, Hong Jae;Kim, Jin Eui;Woo, Jae Ryong
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.110-114
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    • 2012
  • Purpose : PET/CT is widely used for early checking up of cancer and following up of pre and post operation. Image reconstruction method is advanced with mechanical function. We want to evaluate image quality of each reconstruction program based on time of flight (TOF). Materials and Methods : After acquiring phantom images during 2 minutes with Gemini TF (Philips, USA), Biograph mCT (Siemens, USA) and Discovery 690 (GE, USA), we reconstructed image applied to Astonish TF (Philips, USA), ultraHD PET (Siemens, USA), Sharp IR (GE, USA) and not applied. inside of Flangeless Esser PET phantom (Data Spectrum corp., USA) was filled with $^{18}F$-FDG 1.11 kBq/ml (30 Ci/ml) and 4 hot inserts (8. 12. 16. 25 mm) were filled with 8.88 kBq/ml (240 ${\mu}Ci/ml$) the ratio of background activity and hot inserts activity was 1 : 8. Inside of triple line phantom (Data Spectrum corp., USA) was filled with $^{18}F$-FDG 37 MBq/ml (1 mCi). Three of lines were filled with 0.37 MBq (100 ${\mu}Ci$). Contrast ratio and background variability were acquired from reconstruction image used Flangeless Esser PET phantom and resolution was acquired from reconstruction image used triple line phantom. Results : The contrast ratio of image which was not applied to Astonish TF was 8.69, 12.28, 19.31, 25.80% in phantom lid of which size was 8, 12, 16, 25 mm and it which was applied to Astonish TF was 6.24, 13.24, 19.55, 27.60%. It which was not applied to ultraHD PET was 4.94, 12.68, 22.09, 30.14%, it which was applied to ultraHD PET was 4.76, 13.23, 23.72, 31.65%. It which was not applied to SharpIR was 13.18, 17.44, 28.76, 34.67%, it which was applied to SharpIR was 13.15, 18.32, 30.33, 35.73%. The background variability of image which was not applied to Astonish TF was 5.51, 5.42, 7.13, 6.28%. it which was applied to Astonish TF was 7.81, 7.94, 6.40 6.28%. It which was not applied to ultraHD PET was 6.46, 6.63, 5.33, 5.21%, it which was applied to ultraHD PET was 6.08, 6.08, 4.45, 4.58%. It which was not applied to SharpIR was 5.93, 4.82, 4.45, 5.09%, it which was applied to SharpIR was 4.80, 3.92, 3.63, 4.50%. The resolution of phantom line of which location was upper, center, right, which was not applied to Astonish TF was 10.77, 11.54, 9.34 mm it which was applied to Astonish TF was 9.54, 8.90, 8.88 mm. It which was not applied to ultraHD PET was 7.84, 6.95, 8.32 mm, it which was applied to ultraHD PET was 7.51, 6.66, 8.27 mm. It which was not applied to SharpIR was 9.35, 8.69, 8.99, it which was applied to SharpIR was 9.88, 9.18, 9.00 mm. Conclusion : Image quality was advanced generally while reconstruction program which is based on time of flight was used. Futhermore difference of result compared each manufacture reconstruction program showed up, however this is caused by specification of instrument of each manufacture and difference of reconstruction algorithm. Therefore we need further examination to find out appropriate reconstruction condition while using reconstruction program used for advance of image quality.

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Stratigraphic response to tectonic evolution of sedimentary basins in the Yellow Sea and adjacent areas (황해 및 인접 지역 퇴적분지들의 구조적 진화에 따른 층서)

  • Ryo In Chang;Kim Boo Yang;Kwak won Jun;Kim Gi Hyoun;Park Se Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.8 no.1_2 s.9
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    • pp.1-43
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    • 2000
  • A comparison study for understanding a stratigraphic response to tectonic evolution of sedimentary basins in the Yellow Sea and adjacent areas was carried out by using an integrated stratigraphic technology. As an interim result, we propose a stratigraphic framework that allows temporal and spatial correlation of the sedimentary successions in the basins. This stratigraphic framework will use as a new stratigraphic paradigm for hydrocarbon exploration in the Yellow Sea and adjacent areas. Integrated stratigraphic analysis in conjunction with sequence-keyed biostratigraphy allows us to define nine stratigraphic units in the basins: Cambro-Ordovician, Carboniferous-Triassic, early to middle Jurassic, late Jurassic-early Cretaceous, late Cretaceous, Paleocene-Eocene, Oligocene, early Miocene, and middle Miocene-Pliocene. They are tectono-stratigraphic units that provide time-sliced information on basin-forming tectonics, sedimentation, and basin-modifying tectonics of sedimentary basins in the Yellow Sea and adjacent area. In the Paleozoic, the South Yellow Sea basin was initiated as a marginal sag basin in the northern margin of the South China Block. Siliciclastic and carbonate sediments were deposited in the basin, showing cyclic fashions due to relative sea-level fluctuations. During the Devonian, however, the basin was once uplifted and deformed due to the Caledonian Orogeny, which resulted in an unconformity between the Cambro-Ordovician and the Carboniferous-Triassic units. The second orogenic event, Indosinian Orogeny, occurred in the late Permian-late Triassic, when the North China block began to collide with the South China block. Collision of the North and South China blocks produced the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu-Imjin foldbelts and led to the uplift and deformation of the Paleozoic strata. Subsequent rapid subsidence of the foreland parallel to the foldbelts formed the Bohai and the West Korean Bay basins where infilled with the early to middle Jurassic molasse sediments. Also Piggyback basins locally developed along the thrust. The later intensive Yanshanian (first) Orogeny modified these foreland and Piggyback basins in the late Jurassic. The South Yellow Sea basin, however, was likely to be a continental interior sag basin during the early to middle Jurassic. The early to middle Jurassic unit in the South Yellow Sea basin is characterized by fluvial to lacustrine sandstone and shale with a thick basal quartz conglomerate that contains well-sorted and well-rounded gravels. Meanwhile, the Tan-Lu fault system underwent a sinistrai strike-slip wrench movement in the late Triassic and continued into the Jurassic and Cretaceous until the early Tertiary. In the late Jurassic, development of second- or third-order wrench faults along the Tan-Lu fault system probably initiated a series of small-scale strike-slip extensional basins. Continued sinistral movement of the Tan-Lu fault until the late Eocene caused a megashear in the South Yellow Sea basin, forming a large-scale pull-apart basin. However, the Bohai basin was uplifted and severely modified during this period. h pronounced Yanshanian Orogeny (second and third) was marked by the unconformity between the early Cretaceous and late Eocene in the Bohai basin. In the late Eocene, the Indian Plate began to collide with the Eurasian Plate, forming a megasuture zone. This orogenic event, namely the Himalayan Orogeny, was probably responsible for the change of motion of the Tan-Lu fault system from left-lateral to right-lateral. The right-lateral strike-slip movement of the Tan-Lu fault caused the tectonic inversion of the South Yellow Sea basin and the pull-apart opening of the Bohai basin. Thus, the Oligocene was the main period of sedimentation in the Bohai basin as well as severe tectonic modification of the South Yellow Sea basin. After the Oligocene, the Yellow Sea and Bohai basins have maintained thermal subsidence up to the present with short periods of marine transgressions extending into the land part of the present basins.

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Effects on the pathogenicity and the immunogenicity of Eimeria tenella to the chickens treated with dexamethasone and testosterone propionate and on the relation with antibody titers for Newcastle disease virus (덱사메타손과 테스토스테론 호르몬으로 처리된 닭에서 Eimeria tenella의 병원성 및 면역원성과 뉴캣슬병 바이러스에 대한 항체가의 비교)

  • Youn, Hee-jeong;Noh, Jae-wuk;Oh, Hwa-gyun
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.337-345
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    • 1995
  • To evaluate the pathogenicity and immunogenicity of Eimeria tenella to the chicken treated with dexamethasone(DEX) and testosterone propionate (TES), we administered 0.1ml/chicken of dexamethasone and 40mg/chicken of testosterone propionate at 1-, 2-, and 7-days old, respectively. We also immunized with ND oil-emulsion vaccine at 2 weeks old. After that, we immunized and challenged with 100 and $1{\times}10^5$ oocysts/chicken of E tenella at 2 and 4 weeks old, respectively. And then we investigated the HI titers for ND virus, survival rate, body weight gain, lesion score and the weight of the bursa of Fabricius and thymus. The titers for ND virus in the groups treated with TES were higher than those in the groups treated with DEX and CON during 3 to 6 weeks. After challenge, the survival rate of testosterone propionate treated-challenged(TES-CHA) and TES-immunized and challenged(TES-V&C) groups were 61.5 and 83.3% and those of the other groups were all 100%. At 1 week after challenge, the lesion scores of TES-CHA group(4.0) was the highest of all experimental groups. Those of DEX and controlchallenged( CON-CHA) groups were 2.8, and those of all V&C groups were 2.4. During 1 and 2 weeks after immunization, the body weight gains of TES groups were severe low(61.6-82.2g and 189.6-260.4g). During 1 and 2 weeks after challenge, the body weight gains of all CHA groups were lower than those of not challenged groups. But, those of all V AC groups were not different from those of not immunized groups. At 4- and 6-weeks old, the weight of the bursa of Fabricius and thymus in the chicken of all TES groups were lower than those of all control (CON) and DEX groups. Therefore, testosterone propionate acted as immunosuppressive drug. Also, it was thought that the chicken affected a little humoral immunity to E tenella.

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Studies on the Effects of Rice Plant on the Changes of Materials in Submerged Paddy Soils (수도재배(水稻栽培)가 답상태토양(畓狀態土壤)의 물질변화(物質變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Kwang Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.71-97
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    • 1974
  • Many studies on the changes of the materials in the water-logged paddy soil have been reported, but there will be several problems to apply them on the field soil. The main differences between the method of soil packed in beaker or column tube to that of natural field furrow slice are with or without of the rice root and the effect of water percolation. On the other hand, the mechanism of the water percolation on the changes of material in the natural field furrow slice are gradually understood. The purpose of this experiment is to know the effect of the rice cultivation on the chemical and physical changes of material in the water-logged paddy soil. Obtained results are as follows. 1. The physical and chemical changes on the water-logged paddy soil in the non-planted control-plot were nearly the same as the beaker or column tube experiment, while in the planted plot, slightly altered patterns were observed. 2. The relation between the number of tillers and total cation, $Ca^{{+}{+}}$, $Mg^{{+}{+}}$, Fe and Mn in the leachate showed very high significance. T hisresult showed that the leaching of those cation was promoted by growing of the rice r- of the rice root. 3. On the other hand, the concentration of the potassium, silica and phosphorus in leachates was gradually decreased and that of $NH_4$-N could not detect after the stage of active tillering. These facts revealed that such components were absorbed by rice plant. 4. The highly significant correlation between the number of tillers and the concentration of the total cation, $Ca^{{+}{+}}$, $Mg^{{+}{+}}$, $Fe^{{+}{+}}$, Fe and Mn in the percolated water was observed except that of $Mg^{{+}{+}}$. It was also showed that the rice root promoted the leaching of those cation. 5. The very high significance in the correlation between $HCO_3{^-}$ and the number of tillers indicated that the higher activity of the rice root was, the more $HCO_3{^-}$ concentration in the leachate was increased. 6. The relationship between the $HCO_3{^-}$ and the total cation, $Ca^{{+}{+}}$, $Mg^{{+}{+}}$, $Fe^{{+}{+}}$, Fe and Mn was appeared very highly significant. $HCO_3{^-}$, the metabolite of the rice root, promoted the leaching of $Ca^{{+}{+}}$, $Mg^{{+}{+}}$, $Fe^{{+}{+}}$ and Mn. This fact might be a result that these cations were leached as the form of bicarbonate. 7. The iron in the leachate was the form of $Fe^{{+}{+}}$ and the correlation between $Fe^{{+}{+}}$ and $HCO_3{^-}$ was very highly significant. This result indicated that it seemed to be ferrous bicarbonate when it is leached out. 8. In the rhizosphere, ferrous iron was decreased gradually and the concentration of glucose was as high as 2 to 3 times in comparison with the other parts of the soil. These facts were the same as the previous reports in which rhizosphere was oxidized by the oxigen excreted from the root, and was enriched by the organic matter which was also excreted from the root and accumulated residues of the root. 9. ${\beta}$-Glucosidase and phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere was higher than that of the other parts of the soil. This facts might be attributed to the vigorous activity of microorganism in the rhizosphere where glucose concentration was high. 10. The pH in the leachate of the planted plot was lower than that of control, and the Eh on the planted soil was elevated in the last stage.

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Change of Harmful Micnoorganisms in Pickling Process of Salted Cabbage According to Salting and Washing Conditions (배추김치의 절임공정 조건에 따른 위해미생물 변화)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Lee, Yu-Keun;Yang, Ji-Young
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.417-423
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    • 2011
  • Salted Cabbage products purchased from different companies at 4 different districts in South Korea were detected in this study. Cabbage and salt are the main materials for kimchi manufacture. The results of general bacteria contaminated in the samples were $1.4{\times}10^5$, $6.4{\times}10^5$, $1.7{\times}10^7$, $3.6{\times}10^7$ CFU/g in cabbage and $2.7{\times}10^3$ CFU/g in salt, respectively. The results of coliforms were detected as $2.4{\times}10^4$ CFU/g, and there was no Escherichia coli in any sample. Staphylococcus aureus was detected in cabbage as $9.9{\times}10^2$, $8.0{\times}10^1$, and $3.0{\times}10^3$ CFU/g, Bacillus cereus was also found in cabbage as $4.1{\times}10^3$ and $1.0{\times}10^1$ CFU/g. The results of Campylobacter jejuni and Vibrio paraheamolyticus were $2.4{\times}10^6$ and $1.0{\times}10^4$ CFU/g in cabbage, respectively. $1.0{\times}10^3$ CFU/g for Yersinia enterocolitica was determined in salt. In case of Listeria monocytogenes, the results were $1.5{\times}10^1$, $1.1{\times}10^2$, and $4.5{\times}10^1$ CFU/g in cabbage. Total batcteria ranged from $1.4{\times}10^1$ to $4.4{\times}10^5$ CFU/g were detected in salting solution, from $1.5{\times}10^4$ to $1.2{\times}10^8$ CFU/g in dehydrated salted-cabbage, from $9.4{\times}10^4{\sim}1.3{\times}10^8$ CFU/g in minced salted-cabbage. The results of E. coli in samples from different companies were different from one to anther. The results of the contamination of S. aureus and B. cereus showed positive in salting solution and dehydrated salted-cabbage at a portion of companies. V. paraheamolyticus was detected in salting solution. The contamination of Y. enterocolitica ranged from $9.5{\times}10^2$ to $1.8{\times}10^3$ CFU/g in salting solution, from $1.7{\times}10^1$ to $2.7{\times}10^2$ CFU/g in dehydrated salted-cabbage, from $1.2{\times}10^2$ to $1.3{\times}10^8$ CFU/g in minced salted-cabbage. The contamination of L. monocytogenes ranged from $8.0{\times}10^2$ to $1.7{\times}10^4$ CFU/g in salting solution, from $2.8{\times}10^2$ to $1.2{\times}10^4$ CFU/g in dehydrated salted-cabbage. During the manufacture processing of Kim chi, microorganisms were detected in cabbages salted in different concentrations of salt solution at 8%, 10%, 12% and 15% for 5-20 hours. As the results, $3.5{\times}10^5-1.7{\times}10^6$, $3.4{\times}10^5-2.5{\times}10^6$, $5.4{\times}10^5-2.3{\times}10^6$, $4.0{\times}10^5-2.3{\times}10^6$ CFU/g were detected for E. coli in samples at different treatment conditions. $1.9{\times}10^4-4.1{\times}10^4$, $4.1{\times}10^3-2.8{\times}10^4$, $1.5{\times}10^3-7.8{\times}10^3$, $2.2{\times}10^4-6.6{\times}10^4$ CFU/g were detected for S. aureus in samples at different treatment conditions. Salmonella typhimurium was detected in salted cabbage with various salt concentration after salting for 5 hrs, the result ranged from $2.5{\times}10^5$ to $3.8{\times}10^6$ CFU/g, and change of microorganism was the smallest in salted cabbage under the concentration of salting solution at 10% for 15 hours. The cabbage salted in 10% salting solution for 15 hours were washed with water for 2 and 3 times, with chlorine for 3 times, and with acetic acid for 3 times. E. coli was detected in the samples washed with water for 2 and 3 times, washed with chlorine for 3 times. The contamination of S. aureus was $3.0{\times}10^5$ CFU/g in the samples washed with water for 2 times, $5.6{\times}10^3$ CFU/g in the samples washed with acetic acid for 3 times, $3.6{\times}10^5$ CFU/g in the samples washed with water for 3 times and same amount in the samples washed with chlorine for 3 times. According to the results, the contamination of S. aureus was $5.6{\times}10^3$ CFU/g lower in samples washed with chlorine and acetic acid than that in samples washed with water. In case of S. typhimurium, it has been detected in samples washed with water and chlorine, $3.0{\times}10^1$ CFU/g as the lowest concentration among all the samples was measured in the samples washed with acetic acid for 3 times.

The hydrodynamic characteristics of the canvas kite - 1. The characteristics of the rectangular, trapezoid canvas kite - (캔버스 카이트의 유체역학적 특성에 관한 연구 - 1. 사각형 캔버스 카이트의 특성 -)

  • Bae, Bong-Seong;Bae, Jae-Hyun;An, Heui-Chun;Lee, Ju-Hee;Shin, Jung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.196-205
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    • 2004
  • As far as an opening device of fishing gears is concerned, applications of a kite are under development around the world. The typical examples are found in the opening device of the stow net on anchor and the buoyancy material of the trawl. While the stow net on anchor has proved its capability for the past 20 years, the trawl has not been wildly used since it has been first introduced for the commercial use only without sufficient studies and thus has revealed many drawbacks. Therefore, the fundamental hydrodynamics of the kite itself need to ne studied further. Models of plate and canvas kite were deployed in the circulating water tank for the mechanical test. For this situation lift and drag tests were performed considering a change in the shape of objects, which resulted in a different aspect ratio of rectangle and trapezoid. The results obtained from the above approaches are summarized as follows, where aspect ratio, attack angle, lift coefficient and maximum lift coefficient are denoted as A, B, $C_L$ and $C_{Lmax}$ respectively : 1. Given the rectangular plate, $C_{Lmax}$ was produced as 1.46${\sim}$1.54 with A${\leq}$1 and 40$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$42$^{\circ}$. And when A${\geq}$1.5 and 20$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$22$^{\circ}$, $C_{Lmax}$ was 10.7${\sim}$1.11. Given the rectangular canvas, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.75${\sim}$1.91 with A${\leq}$1 and 32$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$40$^{\circ}$. And when A${\geq}$1.5 and 18$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$22$^{\circ}$, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.24${\sim}$1.40. Given the trapezoid kite, $C_{Lmax}$ was produced as 1.65${\sim}$1.89 with A${\leq}$1.5 and 34$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$44$^{\circ}$. And when A=2 and B=14${\sim}$48, $C_L$ was around 1. Given the inverted trapezoid kite, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.57${\sim}$1.74 with A${\leq}$1.5 and 24$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$36$^{\circ}$. And when A=2, $C_{Lmax}$ was 1.21 with B=18$^{\circ}$. 2. For a model with A=1/2, an increase in B caused an increase in $C_L$ until $C_L$ has reached the maximum. Then there was a tendency of a gradual decrease in the value of $C_L$ and in particular, the rectangular kite showed a more rapid decrease. For a model with A=2/3, the tendency of $C_L$ was similar to the case of a model with A=1/2 but the tendency was a more rapid decrease than those of the previous models. For a model with A=1, and increase in B caused an increase in $C_L$ until $C_L$ has reached the maximum. Soon after the tendency of $C_L$ decreased dramatically. For a model with A=1.5, the tendency of $C_L$ as a function of B was various. For a model with A=2, the tendency of $C_L$ as a function of B was almost the same in the rectangular and trapezoid model. There was no considerable change in the models with 20$^{\circ}$${\leq}$B${\leq}$50$^{\circ}$. 3. The tendency of kite model's $C_L$ in accordance with increase of B was increased rapidly than plate models until $C_L$ has reached the maximum. Then $C_L$ in the kite model was decreased dramatically but in the plate model was decreased gradually. The value of $C_{Lmax}$ in the kite model was higher than that of the plate model, and the kite model's attack angel at $C_{Lmax}$ was smaller than the plate model's. 4. In the relationship between aspect ratio and lift force, the attack angle which had the maximum lift coefficient was large at the small aspect ratio models, At the large aspect ratio models, the attack angle was small. 5. There was camber vertex in the position in which the fluid pressure was generated, and the rectangular & trapezoid canvas had larger value of camber vertex when the aspect ratio was high, while the inverted trapezoid canvas was versa. 6. All canvas kite had larger camber ratio when the aspect ratio was high, and the rectangular & trapezoid canvas had larger one when the attack angle was high.

Effects of Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty on Static Lung Function and Exercise Performance (승모판협착증 환자에서 경피적 풍선확장판막성형술의 폐기능 및 운동부하 검사에 대한 효과)

  • Kim, Yong-Tae;Kim, Woo-Sung;Lim, Chae-Man;Chin, Jae-Yong;Koh, Youn-Suck;Kim, Jae-Joong;Park, Seong-Wook;Park, Seung-Jung;Lee, Jong-Koo;Kim, Won-Dong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1994
  • Background: Patients with mitral stenosis(MS) have been demonstrated to have a variable degree of pulmonary dysfunction and exercise impairment. The hemodynamic changes of MS can be reversed after percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty(PMV), but the extent and time course of the imporvement in pulmonary function and exercise capacity are not defined. Methods: In order to investigate the early(3 weeks or less)and late(3 months or more) effects of PMV on pulmonary function and determine if the pulmonary dysfunction is reversible even in patients with moderate to severe pulmonary hypertension, we performed the spirometry, measurements of diffusing capacity and lung volumes, and incremental exercise tests in patients with MS before and after PMV. Results: In 46 patients with MS(age: $40{\pm}12$years, male to female ratio: 1:2, mitral valve area: $0.8{\pm}0.2cm^2$) there was a significant increase in FVC(P<0.0025), $FEV_1$(P<0.001), $FEF_{25-75%}$(P<0.001, $FEF_{50%}$(P<0.001), PEF(P<0.0005), MVV(P<0.005), $\dot{V}O_2$max (P<0.0001), and AT(P<0.0001) after average 10 days of PMV. Also there was a significant decrease in DLco(P<0.0001) and DL/VA(P<0.0001). At later($5{\pm}2$months) follow-up in 11 patients, there was no further improvement in any parameters of pulmonary function and exercise test. Twenty nine patients with sinus rhythm were divided into 16 patients with pulmonary arterial pressure(PAP) more than 35mmHg and/or tricuspid regurgitation grade n or more(group A) and 13 patients with PAP less than 35mmHg(group B). Group A Patients had significantly lower FVC(P<0.001), $FEV_1$(P<0.001), DLco(P<0.05), $\dot{V}O_2$ max(P<0.025) and mitral valve area(P<0.025) than group B patients. Group A patients after PMV, showed significant increase in FVC(P<0.001), maximum $O_2$ pulse(P<0.00001) and $\dot{V}O_2$ max(P<0.00025). Both group showed an increase in AT(P<0.0001, P<0.005), but group A showed greater decrease in $\dot{V}E/\dot{V}O_2$ and $\dot{V}E/\dot{V}CO_2$ both at AT(P<0.001, P<0.001) and $\dot{V}O_2$ max(P<0.0001, P<0.0001) after PMV compared with group B. Conclusion: These data suggest that patients with MS can show increased pulmonary function and exercise performance within 1 month after PMV. Patients with moderate to severe pulmonary hypertension had a significant increase in exercise performance compared with those with mild to no pulmonary hypertension and it is thought to be related to a significat decrease of ventilation for a given oxygen consumption at maximum exercise.

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Correlation of p53 Protein Overexpression, Gene Mutation with Prognosis in Resected Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer(NSCLC) Patients (비소세포폐암에서 p53유전자의 구조적 이상 및 단백질 발현이 예후에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Y.H.;Shin, D.H.;Kim, J.H.;Lim, H.Y.;Chung, K.Y.;Yang, W.I.;Kim, S.K.;Chang, J.;Roh, J.K.;Kim, S.K.;Lee, W.Y.;Kim, B.S.;Kim, B.S.
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.339-353
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    • 1994
  • Background : The p53 gene codes for a DNA-binding nuclear phosphoprotein that appears to inhibit the progression of cells from the G1 to the S phase of the cell cycle. Mutations of the p53 gene are common in a wide variety of human cancers, including lung cancer. In lung cancers, point mutations of the p53 gene have been found in all histological types including approximately 45% of resected NSCLC and even more frequently in SCLC specimens. Mutant forms of the p53 protein have transforming activity and interfere with the cell-cycle regulatory function of the wild-type protein. The majority of p53 gene mutations produce proteins with altered conformation and prolonged half life; these mutant proteins accumulate in the cell nucleus and can be detected by immunohistochemical staining. But protein overexpression has been reported in the absence of mutation. p53 protein overexpression or gene mutation is reported poor prognostic factor in breast cancer, but in lung cancer, its prognostic significance is controversial. Method : We investigated the p53 abnormalities by nucleotide sequencing, polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism(PCR-SSCP), and immunohistochemical staining. We correlated these results with each other and survival in 75 patients with NSCLC resected with curative intent. Overexpression of the p53 protein was studied immunohistochemically in archival paraffin- embedded tumor samples using the D07(Novocastra, U.K.) antibody. Overexpression of p53 protein was defined by the nuclear staining of greater than 25% immunopositive cells in tumors. Detection of p53 gene mutation was done by PCR-SSCP and nucleotide sequencing from the exon 5-9 of p53 gene. Result: 1) Of the 75 patients, 36%(27/75) showed p53 overexpression by immunohistochemical stain. There was no survival difference between positive and negative p53 immunostaining(overall median survival of 26 months, disease free median survival of 13 months in both groups). 2) By PCR-SSCP, 27.6%(16/58) of the patients showed mobility shift. There was no significant difference in survival according to mobility shift(overall median survival of 27 in patients without mobility shift vs 20 months in patients with mobility shift, disease free median survival of 8 months vs 10 months respectively). 3) Nucleotide sequence was analysed from 29 patients, and 34.5%(10/29) had mutant p53 sequence. Patients with the presence of gene mutations showed tendency to shortened survival compared with the patients with no mutation(overall median survival of 22 vs 27 months, disease free median survival of 10 vs 20 months), but there was no statistical significance. 4) The sensitivity and specificity of immunostain based on PCR-SSCP was 67.0%, 74.0%, and that of the PCR-SSCP based on the nucleotide sequencing was 91.8%, 96.2% respectively. The concordance rate between the immunostain and PCR-SSCP was 62.5%, and the rate between the PCR-SSCP and nucleotide sequencing was 95.3%. Conclusion : In terms of detection of p53 gene mutation, PCR-SSCP was superior to immunostaining. p53 gene abnormalities either overexpression or mutation were not a significant prognostic factor in NSCLC patients resected with curative intent. However, patients with the mutated p53 gene showed the trends of early relapse.

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Role, Change, Job Satisfaction and Obstacles in Carrying out the Role of Public Health Nurses in Health Center (보건소 보건간호사의 역할변화, 역할수행의 장애요인과 만족도)

  • Ahn, Kyeong-Sook;Jung, Moon-Sook
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1995
  • Based on the questionnaires sent to 270 nurses of public health centers in kyungnam during the period of March 19 to April 11 in 1992, this study was written for the of finding out the grade of satisfaction, obstacles in carrying out duties concerned with nursing services and the change of nurses role needed according to the change of the local public health administration. The first-ranking tasks carried by nurses of public health center are believed to have been family planning activities before the 1970's, nursing services during the 1970's, mother-child health activities during the 1980's, and nursing services during the period of 1990 to 1992. As far as the priority order of all the family planning activities is concerned, the counseling of the insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device, the use of oral pill or the distribution of condom was placed emphasis on before 1970, and publicity activities of family planning after that time. The first priority order of mother-child health activities has been put on the registration of pregnant women since 1970, with prenatal examination and vaccination ranking next to it. The priority order for activities against tuberculosis was laid on finding out and registration of new T.B. patients every year, with patients' control, and medication or injection ranking next to it. As for the priority order of nursing services, traveling medical examination and treatment ranked the first-stressed activity before 1970, with medication and injection ranking next to it. The first priority order management activity of communicable diseases was put on vaccination before 1970, with medication and injection. ranking next. And consultation and education ranked second to it during 1990 to 1992. As for the health services of the aged, traveling examination and treatment ranked the order, with the assistance of medical examination ranking next to it. As far as troubles and obstacles shown in case of family planning, the rate of residents' lack understanding was 28.8%, that of lacking budget 13.6%, and the imperfection of public health administration system 11.9%. In the case of tuberculosis control, residents' lacking understanding was 32.5%, the deficiency of public health administration system 18.2%, over-duty(shortage of hands) 15.6%, and the insufficiency skill and know-how 13.0%. In the case of nursing services, the deficiency of public health administration system was 18.2%, each over-duty(the shortage of hands) and the shortage of facilities and equipment 15.6% respective, and residents' lacking understanding 13.0%. The rate of dissatisfaction with the chance or possibility of promotion for his or her career or capability was shown to be 49.2%, and 65.9% of the health nurses expressed their complaints of the deficiency of the chance of the promotion to a professional or expert. when the public health nurses were asked in the questionably whether they were satisfied or not with current state of equipment and facilities needed for public health service, 49.6% of them answered in the negative. The grade of the satisfaction with the current individual position was shown to be low as much as the status of his or her position was now. 37.6% of those asked in the research answered to have the readiness to switch jobs for the reasons of dissatisfaction and so on with lacking promotion chance as well as bad working condition. Significant correlation between the grade of job satisfaction and the current status of the po as found to be in this research, which showed that the lower the status of position was, the lower the grade of job satisfaction was. But little correlation between the grade of job satisfaction and his or her schooling and career was found. In order to carry out primary health care successfully, it can be said that more education and publicity activities to make public health nurses and residents see it in a new light are requested. In addition to it, it is suggested that the improvement of promotion system for public health nurses and the enlargement of job province should also be taken in consideration of the high dissatisfaction with and complaints of the chance of promotion and the system of position. In order words, it is important that considerations for system improvement enough to make nursing services pleasant and satisfactory should be taken into.

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