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Detection Ability of Occlusion Object in Deep Learning Algorithm depending on Image Qualities (영상품질별 학습기반 알고리즘 폐색영역 객체 검출 능력 분석)

  • LEE, Jeong-Min;HAM, Geon-Woo;BAE, Kyoung-Ho;PARK, Hong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.82-98
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    • 2019
  • The importance of spatial information is rapidly rising. In particular, 3D spatial information construction and modeling for Real World Objects, such as smart cities and digital twins, has become an important core technology. The constructed 3D spatial information is used in various fields such as land management, landscape analysis, environment and welfare service. Three-dimensional modeling with image has the hig visibility and reality of objects by generating texturing. However, some texturing might have occlusion area inevitably generated due to physical deposits such as roadside trees, adjacent objects, vehicles, banners, etc. at the time of acquiring image Such occlusion area is a major cause of the deterioration of reality and accuracy of the constructed 3D modeling. Various studies have been conducted to solve the occlusion area. Recently the researches of deep learning algorithm have been conducted for detecting and resolving the occlusion area. For deep learning algorithm, sufficient training data is required, and the collected training data quality directly affects the performance and the result of the deep learning. Therefore, this study analyzed the ability of detecting the occlusion area of the image using various image quality to verify the performance and the result of deep learning according to the quality of the learning data. An image containing an object that causes occlusion is generated for each artificial and quantified image quality and applied to the implemented deep learning algorithm. The study found that the image quality for adjusting brightness was lower at 0.56 detection ratio for brighter images and that the image quality for pixel size and artificial noise control decreased rapidly from images adjusted from the main image to the middle level. In the F-measure performance evaluation method, the change in noise-controlled image resolution was the highest at 0.53 points. The ability to detect occlusion zones by image quality will be used as a valuable criterion for actual application of deep learning in the future. In the acquiring image, it is expected to contribute a lot to the practical application of deep learning by providing a certain level of image acquisition.

A Study on the Change of Production Performance of 5 Strains of Korean Native Chicken after Establishment of Varieties (한국재래닭 5계통의 종 조성 후 생산능력 변화 추이에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ki Gon;Kang, Bo Seok;Park, Byoung Ho;Choo, Hyo Jun;Kwon, Il;Choi, Eun Sik;Sohn, Sea Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.193-204
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to investigate the changes in production performance of five strains of Korean native chickens (KNCs), which have been collected and established at the National Institute of Animal Science, Korea, since 1992. A total of 38,026 KNCs were tested and survival rate, body weight, age at first egg-laying, hen-housed egg production, and egg weight was analyzed. The mean survival rates of KNCs were 87.9±0.8, but no significant difference in survival rate between strains and in the annual survival rates of KNCs was observed. The average body weight of KNCs was 1,609.7±21.3g at 150 d. The average body weight of KNC-Black was the highest, whereas KNC-White had the lowest weight. A gradual increase in the annual weight change has been observed in almost all strains after 2004. The average age at first egg-laying was 146.9±1.1d in KNCs where KNC-White was the earliest and KNC-Black was the latest. The age at first egg-laying has increased after 2003, but has gradually decreased after 2008. The average hen-housed egg production at 270 d was 77.3±1.7 in KNCs, wherein KNC-Yellowish brown was the highest and KNC-Black was the lowest. The average egg weight at 270 d was 51.2±0.3g in KNCs, indicating that KNC-Black was the heaviest, whereas KNC-White was the lightest. A significant increase in annual egg weight has been observed since 2008. To conclude, the appearance and feather colors of KNCs have improved uniformly, and the body weight has also improved slightly since 2002.

Multi-Vector Document Embedding Using Semantic Decomposition of Complex Documents (복합 문서의 의미적 분해를 통한 다중 벡터 문서 임베딩 방법론)

  • Park, Jongin;Kim, Namgyu
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.19-41
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    • 2019
  • According to the rapidly increasing demand for text data analysis, research and investment in text mining are being actively conducted not only in academia but also in various industries. Text mining is generally conducted in two steps. In the first step, the text of the collected document is tokenized and structured to convert the original document into a computer-readable form. In the second step, tasks such as document classification, clustering, and topic modeling are conducted according to the purpose of analysis. Until recently, text mining-related studies have been focused on the application of the second steps, such as document classification, clustering, and topic modeling. However, with the discovery that the text structuring process substantially influences the quality of the analysis results, various embedding methods have actively been studied to improve the quality of analysis results by preserving the meaning of words and documents in the process of representing text data as vectors. Unlike structured data, which can be directly applied to a variety of operations and traditional analysis techniques, Unstructured text should be preceded by a structuring task that transforms the original document into a form that the computer can understand before analysis. It is called "Embedding" that arbitrary objects are mapped to a specific dimension space while maintaining algebraic properties for structuring the text data. Recently, attempts have been made to embed not only words but also sentences, paragraphs, and entire documents in various aspects. Particularly, with the demand for analysis of document embedding increases rapidly, many algorithms have been developed to support it. Among them, doc2Vec which extends word2Vec and embeds each document into one vector is most widely used. However, the traditional document embedding method represented by doc2Vec generates a vector for each document using the whole corpus included in the document. This causes a limit that the document vector is affected by not only core words but also miscellaneous words. Additionally, the traditional document embedding schemes usually map each document into a single corresponding vector. Therefore, it is difficult to represent a complex document with multiple subjects into a single vector accurately using the traditional approach. In this paper, we propose a new multi-vector document embedding method to overcome these limitations of the traditional document embedding methods. This study targets documents that explicitly separate body content and keywords. In the case of a document without keywords, this method can be applied after extract keywords through various analysis methods. However, since this is not the core subject of the proposed method, we introduce the process of applying the proposed method to documents that predefine keywords in the text. The proposed method consists of (1) Parsing, (2) Word Embedding, (3) Keyword Vector Extraction, (4) Keyword Clustering, and (5) Multiple-Vector Generation. The specific process is as follows. all text in a document is tokenized and each token is represented as a vector having N-dimensional real value through word embedding. After that, to overcome the limitations of the traditional document embedding method that is affected by not only the core word but also the miscellaneous words, vectors corresponding to the keywords of each document are extracted and make up sets of keyword vector for each document. Next, clustering is conducted on a set of keywords for each document to identify multiple subjects included in the document. Finally, a Multi-vector is generated from vectors of keywords constituting each cluster. The experiments for 3.147 academic papers revealed that the single vector-based traditional approach cannot properly map complex documents because of interference among subjects in each vector. With the proposed multi-vector based method, we ascertained that complex documents can be vectorized more accurately by eliminating the interference among subjects.

A Study on the Effect of the Document Summarization Technique on the Fake News Detection Model (문서 요약 기법이 가짜 뉴스 탐지 모형에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Jae-Seung;Won, Ha-Ram;Ahn, Hyunchul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.201-220
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    • 2019
  • Fake news has emerged as a significant issue over the last few years, igniting discussions and research on how to solve this problem. In particular, studies on automated fact-checking and fake news detection using artificial intelligence and text analysis techniques have drawn attention. Fake news detection research entails a form of document classification; thus, document classification techniques have been widely used in this type of research. However, document summarization techniques have been inconspicuous in this field. At the same time, automatic news summarization services have become popular, and a recent study found that the use of news summarized through abstractive summarization has strengthened the predictive performance of fake news detection models. Therefore, the need to study the integration of document summarization technology in the domestic news data environment has become evident. In order to examine the effect of extractive summarization on the fake news detection model, we first summarized news articles through extractive summarization. Second, we created a summarized news-based detection model. Finally, we compared our model with the full-text-based detection model. The study found that BPN(Back Propagation Neural Network) and SVM(Support Vector Machine) did not exhibit a large difference in performance; however, for DT(Decision Tree), the full-text-based model demonstrated a somewhat better performance. In the case of LR(Logistic Regression), our model exhibited the superior performance. Nonetheless, the results did not show a statistically significant difference between our model and the full-text-based model. Therefore, when the summary is applied, at least the core information of the fake news is preserved, and the LR-based model can confirm the possibility of performance improvement. This study features an experimental application of extractive summarization in fake news detection research by employing various machine-learning algorithms. The study's limitations are, essentially, the relatively small amount of data and the lack of comparison between various summarization technologies. Therefore, an in-depth analysis that applies various analytical techniques to a larger data volume would be helpful in the future.

A Study on the "Holing-Bowl(받침그릇, 承盤) for the Jung-Byoung(정병, 淨甁)" or The Sacred Water-pot (정병 받침그릇(淨甁 承盤) 살핌 -고려불화(佛畵)-수월관음그림(水月觀音圖)으로 -)

  • Ghang, soon-hyoung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.34
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    • pp.124-136
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    • 2001
  • Among many different types of wares, we have amazing Sacred Water-pot(따르개, 注子) from Goryo-period(고리, 高麗, 918-1392). The stylistic peculiarity of Jung-Byoung(정병, 淨甁) is described in "Goryo-Dhogyoung, 고리도경, 高麗圖經", the classical design canon. It is said, "A sharpened mouth with narrow and prolonged neck is attached upon the broad mouth with thicker and even longer neck of the pot whose body intimates to the shape of melon." One could find this Jung-Byoung similar to the Indian drinking water jar, Kundika, which has been. even today, an everyday article in houses as well as in temples. In the early Buddhist cult, the object had been adopted as personal belonging of the Bodhisattvas(보살, 菩薩), especially of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara(관세음보살,觀世音菩薩). In short, the purifying character of water is met by the sacred ware to deliver the refreshing Sweet-Water(Holy-Water, 깨맑물, 단물, 단이슬물, 정수, 감로, 감로수, 성수, 淨水, 甘露, 甘露水, 聖水): For the holy purpose of fulfilling the thirst of people, of symbolozing the virtuous dharma. Thus, Ggamslkh-Byoung(깨맑병,淨水), the literal Korean name, denotes purifying and clarifying and clarifying water-pot to us. Among many other Asian countries, India, China, Korea, and Japan have a profound cult of the sacred water-pot(Ggamalkh-Byoung, Jung-Byoung, 깨맑병, 정병, 정수병, 감로병, 감로수병, 淨甁, 淨水甁, 甘露甁, 甘露水甁). Therefore, this charming holy object drew much attention not only from master artisans to shape and deliver them to people but also from painters and sculptors for their endowment of the sacred images dedicated to Buddha(부처,佛,佛陀). In China, the sacred water pot emerged in the period of Tang(당, 唐, 618~907)-Period and underwent much sophistication later on, I. e., from earthenware, ceramic-porcelain, bronze, and silver. However, the following represents a challenge to the well-known Goryo-Thangka(고리불화, 高麗佛畵) Painting of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara to our speculation on the Sacred Water-pot(정병, 淨甁). The image suggests, when examined closely, that the Sacred Water-pot has been accompanied by, or placed in, a transparent glasswere(유리그릇) or crystalbowl(수정그릇)! We have no other physical proof of the existence of such a Holding-Bowl(받침그릇, 承盤), except for in this particular painting. This Holding-Bowl would have not been a mere elaboration on the practicality of controling the drips from the mouth of the pot. As in the chapter on Tang-ho(탕호, 湯壺), or thermal bowl, in the "Goryo-Dhogyoung" it advises readers that this style of bowl is to be filled with hot water, and thus function as a preserver of heat in the water inside the pot. As an offering to the Buddha, the Sacred Water-pot could have been used for serving him hot tea. Hence the sacred bottle is to contain the refreshing water, the water transcends to nectar, and the nectar is prepared as a nectar tea to offer the Buddha. For both the Holding-Bowl of Ggamalkh-Byoung(Jung-Byoung)and the Celestial-Robe(날개옷, 天衣) of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, whose specified character is the Water-Moon(수월, 水月) in this particular Thangka(불화, 佛畵) painting, the transparency is essential. This is to refer to the purity and the lucid clarity of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and at a deeper level, to refer to the world of Buddhas-the Tushita(Paradise, Heaven, Eden, 극락, 불세계, 極樂, 佛世界). Howerver, without the discovery of an actual Holding-Bowl, accompanied by a Sacred Water-pot, such speculation will necessarily remain hypothetical. Nevertheless, there is an abundance of evidence of our ancient craftsmanship in jade and ctystal, dating back to the Bronze Age(1000~2B.C.) in Korea. By the time of the Three Kingdom-Period(삼국시대, 三國時代, 57B.C.~935A.D.), and especially the Silla(신라, 新羅, 57B.C.~935A.D.)-Empire, the jade and crystal ornamentation had become very intricate indeed. By the Goryo-Period(918~1392) and Chosun-Period(조선, 朝鮮,1392~1910),crystal-ware and jade art were popular in houses and Buddhist temples, whose master artsanship was heightened in the numerous Sarira-Cases(사리그릇, 舍利器), containing relics and placed inside Stupas(탑, 투, 搭)! Therefore, discovering a tiny part of the crystal or jade Holding-Bowl for the Sacred Water-pot and casting full light on this subject, would not be totally impossible. Lastly the present article shares the tiny hope for a sudden emergence of such a Holding-Bowl.

The Collection of Paintiongs and Calligraphy at Jipgyeong-dang Hall during King Gojong's Reign(1897~1907) (고종연간 집경당(緝敬當)의 운용과 궁중(宮中) 서화수장(書畵收藏))

  • Hwang, Jung-yon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.40
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    • pp.207-241
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    • 2007
  • This paper investigates the royal collection of paintings and calligraphy during King Gojong's (高宗) reign (1897~1907) based on the function of the Jipgyeong-dang Hall (緝敬堂), situated at "sleeping realm (寢殿)," Gyeongbok Palace. Using the surviving palace records and art works this study argues that the date of building the hall is approximately confined to the year of 1890. Not being matched with the general opinion that the Jipgyeong-dang Hall was used for the official meeting with envoys, this hall functioned as the main place for royal audience and the storehouse for archives. The role of Gojong as collector and patron was essential not only to the maintenance of the collection but also to the strengthening of royal authority just before the Japanese annexation in 1910. The specific titles of the collection at this hall can be verified through the Catalogue of the Books, Paintings, and Calligraphy Exposed to the Sun at Jipgyeong-dang Hall (緝敬堂曝曬書目) dating to the nineteenth century. The records of the catalogue inform us that more than 1,000 paintings and pieces of calligraphy, inkrubbings from old steles, manuals for painting, and encyclopedia concerning art theories from Korea, China, and Japan were preserved there. The collection of Jipgyeong-dang Hall resulted from Gojong's policy to foster the collection of contemporary Chinese and Japanese art works and various catalogues. Standing behind the Gyeongbok Palace, the Jibok-jae Hall (集玉齋) also preserved the diverse sources of practical learning, as did the Jipgyong-dang Hall for Gojong. The enormous royal collections by Gojong might have been constructed in accordance with the royal artistic taste and the artistic milieu of the late Joseon period. The surviving royal catalogues confirm this assumption as documentary evidence.

An Analysis on the Survey of the Cultural Heritage Committee (문화재위원회 설문조사 분석)

  • Kim, Hong-real
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.37
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    • pp.405-444
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    • 2004
  • The Cultural Heritage Committee is an advisory committee established under the Cultural Heritage Administration with the aim of carrying out examination and deliberation on preservation, management and use of cultural heritage. The Cultural Heritage Administration is the highest administrative organization in terms of Korean cultural heritage. It was founded to produce and execute policies on cultural heritage, an important task that requires a high level of specialized knowledge, skills and academic expertise. It involves in-depth investigation and consultation of experts in the field of cultural heritage. An organization consisting of distinguished experts, the Cultural Heritage Committee plays an important role in policymaking on cultural heritage of Korea. The Korean government established the Bureau of Cultural Heritage in October 1961, and enacted provisions (as a presidential decree) on the organization on March 27, 1962, according to the Cultural Heritage Act established on January 10 of the same year. The Cultural Heritage Committee was opened as a deliberation committee according to the law, on which currently 90 members serve in 8 subcommittees. The term of office of a committees member is two years. The deliberation of the committee, which covers the entire range of cultural heritage, including their designation and cancellation, is normally concluded by the deliberation and decision of each subcommittee. This study aims to analyze of the survey of the Cultural Heritage Committee as the highest organ for the deliberation of policies on the matters of cultural heritage. The subject of the analysis in this study is a questionnaire survey that was conducted between Oct. 20 and Nov. 29, 2003, of 116 former and current members of the committee.

Variation in bioactive principles and bioactive compounds of Rosa rugosa fruit during ripening (해당화 열매 성숙단계에 따른 생리활성 및 기능성 물질 변화 분석)

  • Kwak, Minjeong;Eom, Seung Hee;Gil, Jinsu;Kim, Ju-Sung;Hyun, Tae Kyung
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.236-245
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    • 2019
  • Fruit ripening is a genetically programmed process involving a number of biochemical and physiological processes assisted by variations in gene expression and enzyme activities. This process generally affects the phytochemical profile and the bioactive principles in fruits and vegetables. To appraise the variation in bioactive principles of fruits from Rosa rugosa during its ripening process, we analyzed the changes in antioxidant and anti-elastase activities and polyphenolic compounds during the four ripening stages of fruits. Overall, an extract of unripe fruits contained the highest levels of total phenolic and flavonoid contents, radical scavenging activity, reducing power, oxygen radical antioxidant capacity, and elastase inhibitory activity, compared with the extracts of fruits at other stages of ripening. Additionally, we found that the reduction of flavonoid content occurs because of decreased transcriptional levels of genes involved in flavonoid biosynthesis pathway during the ripening process. Based on HPLC analysis, we found that the extract of unripe fruits contained the highest amount of myricetin, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, syringic acid, and p-coumaric acid and suggested that the antioxidant and anti-elastase activities of the extract obtained from stage 1, should be mediated by the presence of these compounds. Additionally, we analyzed the interaction sites and patterns between these compounds and elastase using the structure-based molecular docking approach, and suggested that chlorogenic acid strongly interacted with elastase. Together, these findings suggest that the maturity of fruits has profound effects on the pharmaceutical value of R. rugosa.

Characteristics of Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Gihwa Stream, Tributary of Dong River, Korea (동강 지류 기화천의 저서성 대형무척추동물 군집특성)

  • Jeon, Hyoung-Joo;Hong, Cheol;Song, Mi-Young;Kim, Kyung-Hwan;Lee, Wan-Ok;Kwak, Ihn-Sil
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.105-117
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    • 2019
  • In order to investigate the characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Gihwa stream, a tributary of the Dong River, we surveyed the community and environmental factors in April and November 2013 at 6 sites. The benthic macroinvertebrate taxa represented total 63 species belonging to 29 families, 12 orders, 5 classes and 4 phyla. Total 48 (10~28 in each site) species were collected in April and 44 (13~24 in each site) in November. The number of individuals increased slightly from 5602,290m2 in April to 8063,674m2 in November. Chironomidae spp. was dominant species in April and Stenopsyche bergeri was dominant species in November. In the Functional Feeding Groups, Gathering-collector(53.9%) was dominant in April, while Filtering-collector (44.3%) increased in November. Intolerant order category (i.e. EPT species richness) in St.1, St.5 and St.6 increased in November compared to April due to the increase of Trichoptera. St.2, St.3 and St.4, which were located near the fish farm, were low EPT as a whole, but Benthic macroinvertebrate index (BMI) was good state in November than April due to decrease of Chironomidae spp.. The environmental factors in the survey site showed similar tendency except for St.1 between both seasons, and electrical conductivity, salinity, and water width showed seasonal differences. Cluster analysis and Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) based on benthic macroinvertebrate community data were divided into two groups according to season. Electrical conductivity, salinity and substrate composition were the most influential factors determining the distribution patterns of macroinvertebrate communities.

Inhibitory Effects of Locusta migratoria Ethanol Extracts on RANKL-induced Osteoclast Differentiation (RANKL 유도된 파골세포 분화에 대한 풀무치 에탄올 추출물의 분화 억제 효과)

  • Baek, Minhee;Seo, Minchul;Lee, Joon Ha;Lee, Hwa Jeong;Kim, In-Woo;Kim, Sun Young;Kim, Mi-Ae;Kim, Sunghyun;Hwang, Jae-Sam
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.29 no.10
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    • pp.1104-1110
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    • 2019
  • Recently, there has been an increase in the elderly population of the world. Consequently, bone metabolic diseases such as osteoporosis are emerging as a social problem. Osteoclasts play a role in bone resorption, and osteoporosis is induced when bone resorption occurs excessively. Because currently used bone resorption inhibitors may cause side effects when used for a long period of time, it is necessary to develop a new material that effectively inhibits osteoclast differentiation. This study aimed to confirm the inhibitory effect of ethanol extract of Locusta migratoria on RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation and its mechanism. The toxicity and proliferation effects of LME on RAW264.7 osteoclasts were measured by an MTS assay. There was no cytotoxicity or proliferation when the osteoclasts were treated with up to 2,000μg/ml of LME. In order to confirm the effect of LME on the differentiation of osteoclasts, osteoclasts were treated with RANKL alone or with LME for 3 days. As a result of a TRAP (tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase) assay, the increasing osteoclast differentiation by RANKL decreased in a concentration-dependent manner with the treatment of LME. In addition, LME suppressed the expression of differentiation-related marker genes (TRAP, RANK, NFATc1, and CK) and proteins (NFATc1 and c-Src) that had been increased by RANKL. Also, LME influenced the NFκB, ERK and JNK signaling pathways, resulting in the inhibition of osteoclast differentiation. These results suggest that LME may be used as a novel functional material for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis by playing a role in inhibiting bone absorption.