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Research on an aristocratic officer's travels in the mid Chosun Korea by analysing Yu Hee-chun's diary (일기(日記)를 이용한 조선중기 양반관료의 여행 연구)

  • Jung, Chi-Young
    • Journal of Korean Historical Folklife
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    • no.26
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    • pp.71-106
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    • 2008
  • The objective of this research is to reconstruct an aristocratic officer's travels by analysing Yu, hee-chun's diary, Miamilgi. Yu had kept his diary for eighty three months, from October 1567 to May 1577, and there were twenty six times of travel logs which are analysed in this research. As a result of the analysis, his travels can be divided into official travels and private travels. Sixteen times of official travels were comprised of inspection tours for parishes as a superintendent of Jeonra province, trips to supervise maintenance works of royal tombs and to worship the tombs, to carry out the sanjae (rituals in the mountains) as a second minister of the ministry of rites. It was difficult for him to have private travels as he continually served as a royal officer. He had got only 10 times of private travels during the eighty three months for maintaining the ancestor's tomb and worshiping the ancestors, for recuperating himself and his wife, and for constructing his new house. All of these travels were long-distance ones. In terms of his travel routes, he frequently used royal main trunks, e.g. 'Haenamro' (from Seoul to Damyang), which were maintained by the royal government. The main reason of his frequent using of trunk lines was that convenience facilities such as the royal post stations (Yeok) and royal inns (Won) were equipped well in these roads so it was easy to get horse change services and lodging and boarding. The fact that main trunks were chiefly straight lines and the shortest way was rather secondary reason. On the other hand, when he was a superintendent of Junra province, he had four times of round inspection on all parishes of Junra province, following the tour routs covering all over the province. As he was incumbent royal officer, he started his travel by getting a permission from the king. Simultaneously, he made ready some travel items. Among the items, horse was most important one for the journey. After finishing all the preparing processes before the departure, he had special farewell ceremony for the King, Sookbae, and had a small party with his friends called Jeonbeul. Main transportation means for his travel was horse, and many kinds of horses such as royal government's horse, Yeokma, local government's horse, Swema, as well as his private one were used. Additionally, he used a palanquin while he was doing inspection trip as a superintendent of Junra province. Yu was incumbent officer so he mostly lodged in local government guest houses. If he could not find out any local guest house, he was lodged in royal inn, and in his relatives houses or irregularly in buddhist temples. Most meals were supplied by local royal governments. The activities in his journeys were varied on his travel objectives. In his private journey, it was the main activities that maintaining ancestor's tombs and having a memorial service. During the trip, he visited his relatives. His official trips, on the other hand, had a regularity. Main activities were dealing with public works, and visiting Hyanggyo (country public school). However in the midway, he visited his relatives and had a journey to scenic places.

Aesthetic study on sungkijiwon of Siakhwaseong (『시락화성(詩樂和聲)』의 성기지원(聲氣之元)에 관한 미학적(美學的) 고찰)

  • Lee, jong jin
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.56
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    • pp.209-239
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    • 2014
  • Aimed to the aesthetic implication about being a source of Akryul of 'Sungkijiwon' study in this paper. Akyul was kibonyulof HwangjongYul from ancient times. Hwajongyul consists of Yaungyuland Eumyoe, namely 12yul. Sungkijiwon was a role of seedling fundamental to the structure of the Hwangjongyul.Akyul is seen in nature. Nature which is the root of Akyul, it is inherent fully to human So that is the origin of Whangjongyul the source of the sound that the human kee of the fully implicit a world Sungkijiwon. The Sungkijiwon soon 'JeckjajIsong'. JeckjajIsong' is A first Ho, respiration that at birth the human, and the height of the sound is constant sound at this time. This sound is Preserving intact the nature of the human, Seong, Eum. Ack of Ackyul was derived from the expression from a nature of humun. Has a feature that is evident in the degree of Dosu always in the process of being extended to Yaungyul and Eumyoe, is 'original Sungkijiwon. Sungkijiwon comes from Wonkee of Taekuk of Habsanweil. The fundamental Dosu originate from 1. Hwangjong is calculated Kee including 1. 1 of Taekuk 1 of Eum and 1 of Yaung. This is a 3 and 1, the combined Yum-Yaung around Taekuk Similarly, 1 of chun, 1 of gi, 1 of In are three Samjae, And become 1, premier In of chun ji. Yulyoe is generated a 12yul. Yulryo becomes the kijuneum having Habsanweil through the differentiation, and generates the 12yul. Therefore it is possible to know that is based on humanistic a source of neutralizing beauty also original ackyul.

Cultural Conflicts and Characteristics of Anti-Korean Wave in Southeast Asia: Case Studies of Indonesia and Vietnam (동남아시아 반한류에 나타난 문화적 갈등과 특성: 인도네시아와 베트남을 중심으로)

  • KIM, Su Jeong;KIM, Eun June
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.1-50
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    • 2016
  • This paper aims to investigate the cultural conflicts and characteristics of anti-Korean Wave discourse taken placed among Southeast Asian countries. To do this, it takes Vietnam and Indonesia as the study cases, which have been showing a trend of anti-Korean Wave discourse as well as high popularity of Hallyu. As research methods, the paper analyzes both on-line discourses of anti-Korean Wave and the email audience interviews from both countries. The results show some significant differences between the two countries as well as the similarity that Anti-Korean Wave discourses have been actively produced and disseminated through on-line media. As for Indonesia, the Anti-Korean Wave discourse pivots on the elements clashing between Indonesia's religion and cultural values and Korean consuming culture. According to the Anti-Korean Wave discourse, K-pop contents and entertainers are criticized for damaging the society's morals and cultural identities based on Islamic rules and values. Thus, the sentiment of the Anti-Korean Wave is likely to lead to the cultural nationalism for the sake of their cultural identity. As for Vietnam, anti-Korean Wave discourse mainly consists of issues on enthusiastic K-pop fans' anti-social behaviors and generational conflicts which are presumed attributed as the chief factor of the Anti-Korean Wave. In the Vietnamese discourse, social elites and adults treat the enthusiastic K-pop fans as those who are in need of educational care or psychological therapy. Unlike the Indonesian case, anti-Korean Wave discourse in Vietnam criticized the K-pop and the performer's competence for being cheap sexy and incompetence. They also denounce Korean dramas for their trite, typical story lines, use of excessive emotion, and unrealistic nature. However, the two country's interview participants have in common both acknowledged that rather than considering the Anti-Korean Wave as an issue that needs to be resolved it should be embraced as a natural cultural phenomenon.

Increase of Match-ending type of 'Ureonggaksi' folktale and its secularization : focusing on materials from 『The Comprehensive Collection of Korean Folklore』(1979-1985) and 'The Revision And Enlargement project' (2008-2018) (우렁각시 설화의 결연형 증가와 세속화 양상 - 『한국구비문학대계』와 '개정·증보 사업'의 자료를 중심으로 -)

    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.70
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    • pp.467-493
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    • 2018
  • This Study looks into increase of Match-ending type of 'Ureonggaksi' folktale and its secularization focusing on Match-ending types of 71 materials from "The Comprehensive Collection of Korean Folklore"(1979-1985) and 'The Revision And Enlargement project' (2008-2018). This study classifies 'Ureonggaksi' folktale into ones of 1910-70s, 80s, and 2000s. Match-ending types increase in "The Comprehensive Collection of Korean Folklore" and 'The Revision And Enlargement project'. Match-ending types constitute 60% of Ureonggaksi' folktale materials from "The Comprehensive Collection of Korean Folklore" and 'The Revision And Enlargement project', which is twice more than 34% of Parting-ending types. Firstly, taboo motif in Match-ending types is inclined to disappear. Even if taboo motif appears, materials with keeping its taboo are more than breaking one. It means that the function of taboo weakens, since the meaning of sacred wedding is emphasized when it is broken. Desacralization of Ureonggaksi figure is inclined to make the match of hero and heroin recognized as a common one. Increase of match type without taboo motif, and a new Ureonggaksi type in 'The Revision And Enlargement project', Underground monster-defeating type, with a character of Romantic matching narrative, mean Discoloration of Ureonggaksi folktale. Interest and recognition on sacred existence disappears, and there is found the conciousness to pursue happiness in real world through connection between man and woman by realistic world-view. This study contains 37 Ureonggaksi folktales recorded in 'The Revision And Enlargement project' (2008-2018) as material. Furthermore, there are found new Ureonggaksi types in 'The Revision And Enlargement project': Underground monster-defeating type, which is transformed from groom with bird-feather clothes type(a kind of matching-ending type of Ureonggaksi folktale), and the subjugated's resistance awareness weakens and shows a character of Romantic matching narrative.

Youth Employees Turnover Determinants by Business Scale and Wage Effects (청년 취업자의 기업규모별 이직 결정요인 및 임금효과)

  • Moon, Young-Man;Hong, Jang-Pyo
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.195-230
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    • 2017
  • This study combined Youth Panel Data(2009~2014) to analyze youth employees' turnover determinants by business scale and wage effects and the results are as follows: First, the turnover rate of youth employees was analyzed and as a result, the average turnover rate in 2014 was 26.3% and was found to be small company 25.6%, medium-sized company 25.1%, large company 17.2% in terms of business scale (based on regular permanent position), showing that the larger the company size, the lower the turnover rate. Second, turnover reasons of youth employees were found to be dissatisfaction with working conditions 40.3%, job mismatch 39.2%, personal reasons 11.8% in order and turnover by job mismatch was higher in large companies (41.5%) than in small and medium enterprises (38.5%). Third, job satisfaction and job-major agreement depending on the status of turnover were analyzed and as a result, the lower the job satisfaction and job-major agreement, the higher the turnover rate in all areas. Fourth, scale turnover determinants by business scale were analyzed through panel regression analysis and as a result, variables significantly affecting turnover were analyzed to affect objective working conditions such as wage and employment type and job satisfaction and 'job-level of education skill level major'agreement variables to lower the turnover rate as well. Fifth, wage effects depending on the status of turnover were estimated and as a result, the wage level of youth employees who changed their job was lower than that of youth employees working in the same company by about 3.1% and this wage gap was further expanded over time. But, turnover of changing employment type(temporary position${\rightarrow}$regular permanent position) and company size (small and medium enterprise${\rightarrow}$large company) was not the case. Therefore, in order to reduce the turnover rate of youth employees, it is necessary to increase overall job satisfaction and job-major agreement with objective working conditions and working in the same company for a long period of time rather than changing jobs frequently can be said to be rational choice in terms of youth employees.

A Study on the concern and change of form and matter in medical conversation by writing (의학필담 형식과 내용의 상관성 및 변천에대한 연구 - '~ 록(錄)', '~ 의담(醫談)', '~ 필어(筆語)'를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyung-Tae
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.37
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    • pp.217-248
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    • 2009
  • 'Pil-dam-chang-su-jib'(collection of conversation by writing about poetry or sentences) which was remained in Japan through the dispatching of Tong-sin mission belong to the Joseon dynasty is a valuable historical records directly to verify sincere relationships with Korea and Japan in the past. At the center of the 'Pil-dam-chang-su-jib', a conversation of senators who was technocrat both countries at that time was not a little contained. Because they need to exchange information and opinions which they had been curious at an appointed hour, the most impending medical problems of that period had to be brought out in the senator's 'Pil-dam-chang-su-jib' and the value of material is high as much. If you examine the 'Pil-dam' records which was exchanged from senators to senators of both countries at that time, you can directly confirm the universality and difference of the medical science and medicine tradition of various East Asian countries. The purpose of a paper was in consolidation to a base of translation and investigation hereafter to consider the characters embodied in medical conversation in the first half of $18^{th}$ centuries. '~ Rok(錄)' can be an opportunity to organize the customs history through the studying an illness, medicines and a remedy. The necessity of the investigation about medical related conversation by writing is in this place. '~ Ui-dam(醫談)' is considering with the all factors above, the first half of 18th century's medical conversation materials are certificated remarkably valuable materials to the cultural history around the physician at that time. '~ Pil-ur(筆語)' is to use of questions and answers form gives presence and reality at the conversation by writing. So, conversation was let the readers to gain the feeling of movement. Also, the contents are substantially reflected the long history of Eastern medical and revealed medical science, treatment reality at that time. Not correspondent with normal collection of conversation by writing, the medical conversation by writing shows a special quality at rich material to confirm the technocrat's identity. The first half of $18^{th}$ century medical conversation by writing had been a foundation of the rational description system at the coming medical conversation to change the description system according to the envoy's coming situation.

Study on the Respiration Control Method(yonghobigyeol) of Bongwoo Gwon Tae-hoon and the Xiangweibiaolishuo (duplicity theory) in Daxue/Zhongyong (봉우권태훈(鳳宇權泰勳) 선생(先生)의 조식법(調息法)(용호비결(龍虎秘訣))과 『대학(大學)』·『중용(中庸)』의 상위표리설(相爲表裏說)에 관한 고찰(考察))

  • Gwon, Yeong-hun;Bong, Hak-Keun;Yun, Dae-Jung
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.54
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    • pp.387-416
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    • 2014
  • This article explored the duplicity relation between the Daxue/Zhongyong of Confucianism and the Yonghobigyeol of Taoism, which was advocated by Bongwoo Gwon Tae-hoon, who was a Confucian scholar and the progenitor of Sundoism. The view of Bongwoo Gwon Tae-hoon was that the Confucian scriptures that contain the mind control method handed down from Confucius are Daxue, Zhongyong and Zhouyixicichuan (周易繫辭傳). His another view was that Zhuzi (朱子) intentionally did not expose the original object of Confucian mind control method in the interpretation of Sangangling (三綱領) of Daxuezhangju (大學章句) annotated by him, since he was invoked by the contemporary logic of Sung Period (宋代). Bongwoo Gwon Tae-hoon added a new annotation on Daxue Sangangling and tried to disclose the original object of Confucian mind control method through new interpretation by explaining the implied meaning of character '中' (zhong) of Zhongyong Yunzhijuezhong (允執厥中) by way of Iljungron (一中論). In addition to this new interpretation, Bongwoo Gwon Tae-hoon took the Yuanxiangfa (原象法), which Confucius compiled as the extract of Yijing (易經) from Zhouyixicichuan (周易繫辭傳), as the core of Confucian metaphysical philosophy study. He suggested Yuanxiangfa as a methodology to reach the ultimate target of study together with the Yonghobigyeol of Taoism and paid attention to the close relationship between the two. Bongwoo Gwon Tae-hoon verified the original object of Daxue by new interpretation on Daxue Sangangling, left an analytical thought on the consistency among Daxue, Zhongyong and Xicichuan (繫辭傳) and the study method of Igyohabil (異敎合一), where he integrated the principle of Taoism and Confucianism. Bongwoo Gwon Tae-hoon left a new topic to Korean world of thought, which is as important as the Seondanhosuron (禪丹互修論) of Cheonghaja Gwon Geuk-jung (靑霞子 權克中) in Joseon Period.

A study of Mrs Yun's Teaching Life and It's Meaning (윤씨부인의 여사적(女師的) 삶과 그 의미)

  • Yoon, Kyunghee
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.49
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    • pp.161-185
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    • 2012
  • This thesis reorganized the life of Mrs. Yun who was a noble woman in the middle of the Joseon period with main material of Seopo, Kim, Man Joong(1637-1692)'s "Seonbijungkyungbuinhaengjang(先?貞敬夫人行狀)" and considered yeosa(女師)'s image of noble woman embodied by her son. Although women who were remarkable in premodern period nurtured their son well and they became excellent, it's easy that the life of their mother can be hidden by sons' shadow. Luckily, materials of Mrs. Yun were kept by her descendants, so people could analogize how she could endure difficulties and how she educate her children. In a word, the life of Mrs. Yun can be yeosa(女師)'s life. She was born as a only daughter of the best ancestry in the period and grown to be a considerable woman with strong will and discipline under the strict training of her grandmother, Junghye Ongju. And then, she married Gwangsan Kimmun, the best literature house of Joseon period, but her husband, Kim, Ik Kyum was died by unexampled difficulty, Byungjahoran. During the tribulation, Mrs. Yun was in charge of not only parents supporting but also two sons' education excellently. She educated not only her children but also grandchildren and nephews around her, so she had extraordinary passion and sincerity for the education. As the result, she enjoyed a glory that two sons and grandchildren became on daejehak. Mrs. Yun was living with thrift and saving continuously regardless of her circumstances. When her granddaughter became inkyungwanghoo who is a wife of sookjong, she didn't kick her common habit and trained strictly the mind of family members who could be easily in disorder. In spite of the richness, he obeyed manners and showed thrift and saving continuously and thoroughly. When there was a crisis in her family, the first son, Kim, Man Ki was died and the second son, Kim, Man Joong and grandson went into exile during the continuous political upheaval. But, she supported her house, obeyed the rules and promised the future. At that time, she continuously encouraged grandchildren and the eldest grandsons of the head family to study without any stop for themselves in spite of the difficulties. Mrs. Yun pursued truly valuable life. She considered that the life which didn't get praised by other people wasn't valid although he or she lived a pleasant life in luck and richness. Mrs. Yun was a true teacher yeosa (女師) who placed a true value on the life enduring hardship and poorness without fear and becoming an example of other people.

A Study on the Comparison of Liang Shu-Ming and Lee Don-Hwa's Perceptions of Modernization and the Philosophical Grounds of their Perceptions : Focusing on Works during the New Cultural Movement Period in Korea and China (양수명과 이돈화의 근대화에 대한 견해 및그 철학적 근거에 대한 비교 연구 - 한·중 신문화운동 시기의 저작을 중심으로 -)

  • Hwang, Jong Won
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.36
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    • pp.319-352
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims to compare Liang Shu-Ming and Lee Don-Hwa's perceptions of modernization and the philosophical grounds of their perceptions during the New Cultural Movement period in Korea and China. Although Liang and Lee had different levels of enthusiasm towards New Cultural Movement, they shared many commonalities in their attitudes to Western modernization and their philosophical justifications for such attitudes. Liang Shu-Ming not only held positive views of Western modernization, but also examined the spiritual dynamics contributing to the development in science and democracy in Western countries. By analyzing the three fundamental questions of life, three kinds of human attitudes toward life, three types of culture derived from human attitudes, and the recapitulation theory, Liang systematically reviewed the spiritual dimension of Western modernization. Liang defined the spirit of Western modernization as a calculative rationality based on egoism and the separation of Self and Other. Such a statement demonstrates Liang's keen insights towards Western modernization. Meanwhile, although Lee Don-Hwa basically held positive views of Western modernization, from the beginning, he pointed out the problems with Western modernization and attempted to overcome these problems by employing the "human is heaven" doctrine of Cheondogyo. While Lee embraced modern science and the theory of evolution, he also insisted on the legitimacy of mysticism and the compatibility of the creation theory of Cheondogyo and the theory of evolution. Although Lee employed the concepts in Western philosophy of life, he also emphasized the interdependence, reciprocal relationship, and connectedness between Self and Other from the perspective of Cheodogyo doctrine. From the fact that Lee Don-Hwa transcended the modernization theory when he was applying it to answer questions, it seemed that Lee preceded Liang Shu-Ming. Nevertheless, Lee did not demonstrate the keen insight into the spiritual dimension of Western modernization, and his criticism against Western modernization did not touch upon the problem of rationality as Liang did.

A interpretive Study of the Analects of Confucius's 'Ren(仁)' (『논어(論語)』의 '인(仁)'에 관한 해석학적(解釋學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Seo, Geun-sik
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.36
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    • pp.31-56
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    • 2009
  • The core thought of Confucius("論語") is 'Ren(仁)'. Then, how ought we to interpret this 'Ren(仁)'? In this study, the researcher has interpreted 'Ren(仁)' from the perspective of Xiujizhiren(修己治人), which is the doctrine of Confucianism and its ideal. At first, the researcher closely reviewed Ren(仁) on the viewpoint of Xiuyang (修養). Ren(仁) is the most fundamental virtue that enables general populace to equip with their qualification as a human being. Specifically, to live like a human being, Ren(仁) is a must. That is to say, it will suffice if we only can expose well what was already cherished inside us, rather than exerting efforts to attain Ren(仁), in some contexts, that must achieve in order to live like a human being. The reason that we exert our efforts for self-cultivation is to bring this Ren(仁), which is foundation of human life, before the public. Even in relationship-building, Ren(仁) is necessary. Human being is not an existence that can live alone, but at all times, humans are required to build a relationship with others. To make this relationship-building lead into right direction, we need to think of that the standpoint of oneself and the other are identical. That is, when I myself and the other person are in the most optimal situation, then a right relationship-building can take place. This most optimal status is Ren(仁). The ideal of Confucianism is to establish a society where all people can enjoy their comfortable life. To accomplish such a society, each individual and society ought to be benevolent and to cherish humanity at the first place. That is to say, people should attain Ren(仁) from both aspects of Xiuji(修己) and Zhiren (治人). If Ren(仁) has not been attained from any of either side, then it is hard to say that the ideal of Confucianism is completely realized. However, Zhiren(治人) must be backed up by Xiuji(修己). For this reason, Kongzi(孔子) presented three steps in connection with this cultivation process, to wit, 'Cultivation of himself in reverential carefulness'(修己以敬) ${\rightarrow}$ 'Cultivation of himself so as to give rest to others'(修己以安人) ${\rightarrow}$ 'Cultivation of himself so as to give rest to all the people'(修己以安百姓). It is noticeable that Xiuji(修己) is included in all three phases. The society that Kongzi(孔子) longed for is still valid in this modern world. Therefore, Ren(仁) which was edified by Kongzi(孔子) is necessary for today's society. If we don't interpret Ren(仁) as with a fixed term lying stagnant in one place, then its definition shall be interpreted newly so as to suit the times and the situation of civil society, thus this Ren(仁) shall be the foundation for building a desirable society for humans.