• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수로

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Morphological study on abdominal organs of healthy cats using omnidirectional radiography and fluoroscopy (다각도 방사선촬영 및 투시법을 이용한 정상 고양이 장기의 형태학적 연구)

  • Shin, Sa-kyeng;Hirose, Tsuneo;Sato, Motoyoshi;Miyahara, Kazuro
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.949-966
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    • 1996
  • To establish the method for the most effective radiography and fluoroscopy, the abdominal organs of cats were investigeted using omnidirectional angles with the center of the body as the axis using an omnidirectional protective shielding X-ray system and a $360^{\circ}$ rotary restraint unit for use in small animals. The organs examined were the diaphragm, liver, stomach, colon, spleen and kidney. The results obtained in the present study were as follows: 1. Regardless of gas in the stomach present or not, it was feasible to distinguish the left and right crura in the lumbar portion of diaphragm in the oblique projection inclined over $30^{\circ}$ and under $90^{\circ}$ from the lateral projection. 2. Outlines of the exterior left lobe and the interior right lobe of the liver were observed in the oblique image inclined up to $60^{\circ}$ from the lateral image, while that of the exterior right lobe was noted in the oblique image inclined up to $60^{\circ}$ from the ventrodorsal-dorsoventral images. 3. It was necessary to have gas present in the stomach for detailed morphological observations of the stomach. It was most clearly observed in the right $30^{\circ}$ ventral-left dorsal oblique projection($120^{\circ}$ image) and the left $60^{\circ}$ dorsal-right ventral oblique projection($300^{\circ}$ image). 4. Morphology of the colon was observable in detail by the oblique projection inclined over $30^{\circ}$ from the lateral projection. 5. To observe the whole spleen it was required to have images from the ventrodorsal projection ($90^{\circ}$ image) to the right $60^{\circ}$ ventral-left dorsal oblique projection ($150^{\circ}$ image) as well as those from the dorsoventral projection ($270^{\circ}$ image) to the left-right lateral projection $0^{\circ}$ image). 6. Dorsal and ventral sides of the kidney were observable in the oblique images inclined $30^{\circ}$ from the lateral image. 7. Considering above findings collectively, it was thought that the results of present study might be useful for the analysis of abnormalies in each organ of cat.

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Improvement of Herbicide Use in Crop Production. X. Interpretations in Tank - mix Use of Aciflurofen and Haloxyfop - methyl for Weeding on Late - season Cropped Soybeans (Glycine max L.) (제초제(除草劑)의 사용법(使用法) 개발(開發)을 위한 연구(硏究) - X. 만파대두(晩播大豆)의 잡초방제(雜草防除)를 위한 Acifluorfen과 Haloxyfop-methyl의 혼용효과(混用效果) 해석연구(解析硏究))

  • Guh, J.O.;Lee, K.;Kim, D.K.;Hong, S.H.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 1985
  • 25 tank-mixed combinations between Haloxyfop-methyl at 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2 kg ae/ha and Acifluorfen at 0, 0.082, 0.163, 0.245 and 0.326 kg ai/ha were applicated at post-emergence on the late-season cropped soybean(Glycine max) fields predominated by grasses and assessed on the weeding efficacy. A most abundant weed species on the experimented fields were found at September (25 species). The broadleaved weed species and sedges were successively and proportionately emerged by the control rate of grass species. From the mono-treatment of each herbicide, Haloxyfop-methyl was recognized as a highly selective one between grasses and soybean, and Acifluorfen between broadleaf weeds and soybean, respectively. By combined application with both herbicides a synergistic weeding efficacy was detected on total weed species, however antagonistic or additive on each weed groups. Among other traits of soybean, stem dry weight was influenced by weed competitions during October, number of pods per plant during August and seed yields during whole periods. For most effective and reasonable weeding, no less than 0.4 kg ai/ha of each herbicides should be applicated in combinations.

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Growth and Lodging of Paddy Rice as Affected by Paclobutrazol Application under the Different Level of Nitrogen Fertilizer (질소수준(窒素水準)이 다른 조건하(條件下)에서 Paclobutrazol 처리(處理)가 수도생장(水稻生長) 및 도복(倒伏)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Im, I.B.;Lee, S.Y.;Lim, M.S.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 1987
  • This study was conducted to examine the possibility of complete lodging. prevention, the growth and yield of the paddy rice plant by paciobutrazol 0.6%G application at 15 days before heading under the several levels (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 kg/10a) of nitrogen fertilizer in 1986. Culm length was shortened 10-15% by paclobutrazol application. The shortened rate of internode was very extreme on the 3rd and 4th internode in paclobutrazol application. Moment the height of center gravity and lodging index turned higher with increasing nitrogen fertilizer, on the other hand, those of paclobutrazol application were smaller than control. Lodging degree (0~4) was 1~3 above 25kg/10a level of nitrogen fertilizer in control, however, no more than 1 at 45kg/10a level of nitrogen fertilizer in paclobutrazol application. Ripened grain ratio and grain weight of paclobutrazol application were larger than those of control. Yield increased more 15-26% in paclobutrazol application than control. The nitrogen level of maximum yield was about 25kg/10a in control, but was 31kg/10a in paclobutrazol application.

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Factors Affecting Herbicidal Phytotoxicity and Efficacy of Antidote, CGA 123' 407, in Rice Nursery (못자리용(用) 제초제(除草劑)의 약해발생(藥害發生) 요인(要因)과 해독제(解毒劑) "CGA 123' 407" 효과(效果))

  • Kim, Soon-Chul;Lee, Soo-Kwan
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 1985
  • To establish the method of integrated weed management in rice nurserybed, phytotoxic factors of herbicide and antidote efficacy were evaluated at the Yeongnam Crop Experiment Station in 1982 and 1984. Seven hundred eighty four research items were carried out as weed control research since 1961. While 65% of these were belonged to rice research, only 6% was attributed to nurserybed among rice research. More herbicidal phytotoxicity exhibited when seedbed was pressed just after seeding than sand covered or uncovered seedbed and also this phytotoxic symptom enhanced by using intact seed compared to pregerminated seed. Rinsing practice of seedbed reduced the phytotoxic effect of butachlor and this effect was more pronounced with the number of rinsing operation increase and at the pressed plot. However, herbicidal efficacy was not significantly decreased by rinsing operation. Growth of rice seedling hardly affected where the herbicide was absorbed through root only compared to absorption from both of root and shoot for pyrazolate, butachlor and thiobencarb. Herbicide antidote `CGA 123'407' completely protected from the phytotoxic effect of pretilachlor without arising any adversal effect in weed control. However, without antidote, pretilachlor showed the most severe phytotoxic symptom among used herbicides.

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Effects of a Growth Retardant Paclobutrazol on the Growth and Yield Related Elements of Peanut (Archis hypogea L.) (생장조정제(生長調整劑) Paclobutrazol이 땅콩의 생육특성(生育特性)과 수량관련요소(收量關聯要素)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, H.S.;Cho, J.S.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.71-89
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    • 1988
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a growth retardant, Paclobutrazol on the growth, yield and its components. and physiological traits in peanut cv. Saeddle (early variety) and Nampung (medium variety). The results are summarized as follows : Main stem and branch length of both varieties were remarkably retarded at early growth stage application, but the retardation effect was reduced at late growth stage application. Number of branches was increased remarkably by treating 60ppm at 20days after seedling (DAS) in early variety. Lodging ill medium variety was not observed through growth period when 120ppm of Paclobutrazol was applied while lodging was not appeared between 40 DAS and 80 DAS in early variety. The numbers of riped pods in early variety was increased when application of 120ppm at 40 DAS was made while it was increased as application of 120ppm at 90 DAS in the medium variety. Cercospora leaf spot was reduced by spraying at 40 or 50 DAS regardless of concentration and varieties. Chlorophyll content and photosynthetic activity increased when paclobutrazol was applied during 40-60 DAS in early variety while these were observed at 90 DAS in medium variety. Seed weight tended to increase as paclobutrazol application was delayed. The ratio of pods to seeds was higher at 60ppm-40 DAS in early variety while it was higher at 120ppm-90 DAS in medium variety.

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Lodging Related Traits and Yield of Two Rice Varieties as Affected by Paclobutrazol at Different N Levels and Split Rates (질소(窒素) 시비량(施肥量)과 분시비율(分施比率)이 다른 조건(條件)에서 Paclobutrazol 처리(處理)가 출수후(出穗後) 수도품종(水稻品種)의 도복(倒伏) 관련형질(關聯形質)과 수량(收量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Suk-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.64-70
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    • 1988
  • An experiment was carried out to know the effects of paclobutrazol on the lodging related traits and yield of a japonia (Seomjinbyeo) and an indica (Samgangbyeo) rice variety grown at 3 N levels (10, 20, 30 kg/10a) and 3 N split rates [basal + top dressing 15 days after transplanting (DAT) : top dressing 25 days before heading (DBH) was 100 : 0, 80 : 20, and 60 : 40]. Paclobutrazol (3kg/10a of 0.6% G) was applied 15 DBH and lodging related traits were observed 3, 13, 23, and 33 days after heading (DAH). The results obtained summarized as follows. 1. Culm length was increased as N level increased, but decreased by application of paclobutrazol. Culm length was not affected by N split rates in both varieties. 2. Lodging was not occurred at all plots, but lodging index of Seomingbyeo was much greater than that of Samgangbyeo. In both varieties loding index increased up to 23 DAH due to an increase in fresh weight and a decrease in breaking strength and levelled off thereafter due to a decrease in both fresh weight and breaking strength. 3. Culm length of Seomjinbyeo and fresh weight of shoot and culm length of Samgangbyeo were positively correlated with lodging index, but breaking strength was not correlated with lodging index in both varieties during the most of ripening stages. Direct effect of culm length contributing to lodging index was positive and much greater than that of fresh weight and breaking strength in Seomjinbyeo, but in Samganbyeo direct effect of culm length and fresh weight was positive, but that of breaking strength was negative with similar magnitudes. 4. Yield in brown rice of Seomjinbyeo was not affected by N level, but split application of N increased yield. In contrast, yield of Samgangbyeo was increased as N level increased, but yield was not affected by N split rates. Paclobutrazol did not affect yield of rice in Seomjinbyeo, but decreased yield by 5.2% in Samgangbyeo due to a decrease in the number of spikelets per panicle.

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Studies on the Characteristics of Germination and Emergence of Tall Panicum(Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx.) (미국개기장(Panicum dichotomiflorum)의 발아(發芽) 및 출아(出芽) 특성(特性)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, M.;Shim, S.I.;Lee, S.G.;Kang, B.H.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.146-153
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    • 1998
  • This experiment was conducted to clarify the characteristics of germination and emergence of Panicum dichotomiflorum which is a noxious weed species in direct-seeded rice field. P. dichotomiflorum was planted with several treatments such as different depths of irrigation to verifiy the ecological habits of seedling emergence and growth. In order to know the germination characteristics, Panicum dichotomiflorum seeds, pretreated with low-temperature($4^{\circ}C$) stratification for breaking the dormancy, were germinated under different temperature regimes and water potentials. Germination rates of P. dichotomiflorum was increased from 0% of dormant seed to 1%, 35% and 44% by stratification for 21, 28 and 42 days, respectively. Two dominant weed species in directseeded rice fields, Echinochloa crus-galli and Panicum dichotomitlorum, showed different germination habit under different temperature regimes. Echinochloa crus-galli showed more higher germination rate than Panicum dichotomiflorum at relatively low temperature regime(20/$10^{\circ}C$). Both species germinated faster at 30/$20^{\circ}C$ than at 20/$10^{\circ}C$. When the water potential was lowered, germination of Panicum dichotomiflorum was reduced more drastically than Echinochloa crus-galli. The critical water potential for germination of P. dichotomiflorum was -0.7MPa but Echinochloa crus-galli was affected slightly by the same water potential. The results showed that Echinochloa crus-galli can germinate under more wide range of soil water potential than Panicum dichotomiflorum. Emergence of P. dichotomiflorum was highly affected by irrigation depth and the level of water table. When the depth of irrigation water was increased, emergence of P. dichotomiflorum was dragged and emergence rate showed significant difference under the irrigation depth deeper than 6cm. The maximum depth of irrigation water for survival of Panicum dichotomiflorum seedling was 9cm.

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A Study on Sod Culture Using Water Foxtail (Alopecurus aegualis var. amurensis) in Apple Orchard (뚝새풀을 이용(利用)한 사과원 초생재배(草生栽培)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Jung, J.S.;Lee, J.S.;Choi, C.D.;Cheung, J.D.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.128-135
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    • 1998
  • The experiment was carried out to obtain basic informations on sod culture using water foxtail in apple orchard at Kyeongbuk Provincial RDA in 1996 to 1997. Period of seedling emergence varied with sowing time and accumulative temperature. Sowing at Nov. 25 required longer than 100 days, while it needed only 8 days when water foxtail was sowed at Sep. 20. In a view of accumulative temperature, sowing at March 15 needed $139^{\circ}C$ but it required about $1,000^{\circ}C$ at August 10. This result showed that the seed of water foxtail has strong summer-dormancy in natural condition. Water foxtail had s-shape growth curve during growing season, and growth rate was the highest from March to May in this period. Plant height increased 2 times and 4 times for dry weight from March 20 to April 20. However, growth was decreased by summer depression after May. Major weeds in apple orchard were horseweed, akino-nogeshi and shepherd's-purse. These species were suppressed by the dominance of water foxtail. Water foxtail as a cover plant could be used for a method of weed control instead of herbicide in apple orchard.

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Selectivity of Bleaching Herbicides Caused by Physiological Differences between Rice and Barnyardgrass (벼와 피의 생리적(生理的) 차이(差異)에 의한 백화형(白化型) 제초제(除草劑)의 선택성(選擇性))

  • Na, J.Y.;Kim, J.S.;Kim, T.J.;Cho, K.Y.;Pyon, J.Y.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.89-101
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    • 1992
  • In this study, various physiological and biochemical experiments were conducted to know whether the selectivity between rice and barnyardgrass treated with bleaching herbicides containing diphenyl ether compounds was also partly based on their basic physiological proterties such as peroxidation ability, membrane stability or antioxidant system. It seemed to be partly based on the differences of their physiological characteristics that barnyardgrass was commonly more susceptible to most of the bleaching herbicides than rice. The scenescence of intact leaf segment was more rapid in barnyardgrass than in rice, indicating that barnyardgrass is weak at early stage. Also pigment metabolic ability, antioxidant enzyme activities(peroxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase) and antioxidant content (tocopherol, ascorbic acid, glutathione, carotenoids) were lower in barnyardgrass on the basic of fresh weight. However, lipoxygenase activity and the content of unsaturated fatty acid which is vulnerable to oxygen radicals were higher in barnyardgrass, suggesting that barnyardgrass seedling bave a properties easy to be peroxidized. The differences of PPIX (protoporphyrin IX) or carotenoid content, which are the primary substances inducing herbicide activity, were not related to the selectivity between rice and barnyardgrass.

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Weed Occurrence and Competitive Characteristic under Different Cultivation Types of Rice(Oyriza sativa L.) - 2. Competition for Community Space of Rice and Weed (수도(水稻) 재배유형별(栽培類型別) 잡초발생양상(雜草發生樣相)과 경합특성(競合特性) - 제(第) 2 보(報). 군락공간(群落空間)에 대한 벼와 잡초(雜草)의 경합(競合))

  • Im, I.B.;Guh, J.O.;Lee, S.Y.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 1993
  • Differences in community space of weed and rice were investigated among five types of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation. The five types employed were three transplanting cultivations such as conventional hand transplanting, machine transplanting with 30-day-old seedling, and machine transplanting with 10-day-old seedling and two direct-seedlings such as flood direct-seeded rice by pregerminated seed and dry direct-seeded rice by dry seed. The greatest competition between rice and weeds as determined by growth rate of rice was found in between 10 and 11 weeks after transplanting (WAT) and/or seeding, irrespective of cultivation types. Competition injury due to weeds was greater in transplanting with 10-day-old seedling than with 30-day-old seedling. The greatest injury in growth of rice was found in direct-seeded cultivation. In transplanting cultivations space occupation by rice in lower than 80 cm height level was low as compared with that by weeds. Plant heights of dominant weeds such as E. crus-galli and E. kuroguwai were shorter by heading date, but taller after the heading date than those of rice. In direct-seeding community space was mainly occupied by the weeds. The pattern of community structure and competition injury caused by weeds showed a similar tendency obtained on the basis of species distribution, number, and dry weight of the occurred weeds.

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