• Title/Summary/Keyword: 쇼핑 지향성

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Fashion Orientation, Goal-directed or Experiential Motivations, Shopping Flow Experience and Purchasing Behavior of Fashion Products (패션지향성, 목적지향적/체험적 쇼핑동기, 플로우 경험과 패션제품 구매행동)

  • Lee, Kyu-Hye;Choi, Ja-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among fashion orientation, shopping motivations, shopping flow experience, and purchases of fashion products. Two types of shopping motivations were employed in the study: goal-directed and experiential. A conceptual research model was developed using research variables and structural equational modeling was used to test hypotheses. Empirical results indicated that fashion orientation had a strong positive direct effect on both types of shopping motives. Experiential and goal-directed motivations both had significant influence on shopping flow experience by consumers. During this process the influence of experiential motivation on flow experience was stronger, which implies the importance of experiential motivation on shopping fashion products. In addition, shopping flow experience played an important role in fashion product purchasing. Results of this study suggest that retailers should take into consideration flow in the context of shopping.

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Sales Promotion Orientation and Shopping Styles: A Typological Approach for Consumer Segmentation (판촉지향성과 쇼핑스타일 : 소비자유형별 분석을 통한 시장세분화 접근)

  • 이영미;박경애
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.654-664
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to segment consumers based on sales promotion orientation and examine the differences between the consumer segments on shopping styles and demographics. A total of 462 responses collected from a questionnaire survey to subjects aged over 20 were analyzed. Cluster analysis on sales promotion orientation identified four groups including rational group(21%), active group(28%), insensitive group(22.1%), and interest group(28.9%) of sales promotion. MANOVA, ANOVA and $\chi$$^2$-test revealed significant differences among the four groups on shopping styles(high-quality prone, value prone, price prone. brand prone, fashion prone, hedonic shopping prone, and loyalty) and 4 demographic characteristics(i.e., age, marital status. occupation, and education). The rational group showed lower brand proneness than did other groups while the active group showed higher price and brand proneness. The interest group showed high value, brand, and hedonic shopping proneness while the insensitive group was the least engaged in shopping styles. The study developed a profile of each segment and provided marketing implications.

A Study on Customer Dissatisfaction, Complaining Behavior, and Long-Term Orientation of Internet Fashion Shopping Mall (인터넷 패션 쇼핑몰 고객 불만족, 불평행동 및 관계지향성에 관한 연구)

  • Ju, Seong-Rae;Chung, Myung-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.1866-1877
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    • 2008
  • The purposes of this study were to identify the dimensions of perceived dissatisfaction, complaining behavior, and long-term orientation of customers about the Internet fashion shopping mall, and to empirically examine the effects of each dimension of perceived dissatisfaction and complaining behavior on long-term orientation. For this study, questionnaires were administered to 275 Internet shopping mall customer. To analyze collected data, descriptive analysis, factor analysis, Cronbach's $\alpha$, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were used. Major findings were as follows. First, college students were found to mainly complain of dissatisfaction at product quality, refunding/changing/maintenance repair, price, contract, delivery, and payment after transaction with the Internet shopping mall. Second, customer dissatisfaction was found to have high correlation with complaining behavior and partly with customer neglect or exit. Third, higher customer dissatisfaction was found to increase customer complaining behavior in general. Finally, higher complaining behavior was found to have connection with lower customer loyalty and higher customer neglect and exit.

The Effect of Relationship Orientation Factors on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in Internet Shopping Malls (인터넷쇼핑몰에서 관계지향성 요인이 고객만족과 고객충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Il;Cho, Geon;Park, Yi-Suk;So, Soon-Hoo
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.129-149
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of relationship orientation factors on customer satisfaction and loyalty in Internet shopping malls. Based on previous exploratory work and a review of the literature of relationship marketing, six key factors of relationship orientation construct are identified: trust, bonding, communication. shared value. empathy and reciprocity. And a conceptual model is developed and seven research hypotheses are empirica1ly examined using structural equation modelling. The results show that bonding, shared value and reciprocity has statistically significant effect on the trust of online customers and trust has a positive influence on customer satisfaction and loyalty in Internet shopping malls. Theoretical. managerial and research implications are discussed.

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An Empirical Study on the Emotional Intelligence and Customer Orientation Call center Consultants in e-Business Marketing (e-비즈니스 마케팅에서 콜센터 상담사의 감정지능과 고객지향에 대한 분석)

  • Song, Hyung-Cheol
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 2021
  • This study is to investigate the impact of emotional intelligence of online shopping mall call center counselor on customer orientation. The SPSS 25.0 ststistics program was applied for the empirical analysis 148(87.05%)of 170 copies are used for final data analysis. The implications of results are as follows. First, use of emotion, a subfactor of emotional Intelligence, has shown to have a significant positive effect on customer orientation. Second, other's emotional appraisal, a subfactor of emotional Intelligence, has shown to have a significant positive effect on customer orientation. Third, self emotional appraisal, a subfactor of emotional Intelligence, has shown to have a significant positive effect on customer orientation. Fourth, regulation of emotion, a subfactor of emotional Intelligence, has shown to have a significant positive effect on customer orientation.

Multiple roles of Korean Immigrant wives Depression (한국 이민 주부의 다양한 역할이 우울에 미치는 영향)

  • Um, Chae-Chung
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.223-231
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    • 1998
  • 결혼한 여성의 우울과 관련된 주 요인의 하나는 그들의 다양한 역할이 정신적인 건강에 부정적인 영향을 심리적으로 미친다고 발표되어 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 한국 이민 주부에 대한 이러한 영역에서의 연구가 매우 부족한 실정이다. 중서부의 주요 도시인 시키고의 도심지에 위치한 11곳의 한국인 교회에서 편의 표출 방법으로 다음과 같은 기준에 맞는 대상자를 선택하였다. 나이는 25-55세 사이, 결혼하여 남편과 함께 살고 있으며, 매주 20시간 이상씩 일하고 있는 여성 등의 기준을 충족시키는 응답자의 수는 282명이었다 대상자들에게는 5가지의 설문 즉 인구통계학적, 우울에 대한 역학 연구, 성 역할 지향성의 지수, 역할 분담 및 대처 전략 등에 관한 질문이었다. 중다회귀분석 (Multiple Regression Analysis)에서 통계학적으로 유의한 관계를 보인 것은 다음과 같았다. 주부의 자녀가 적을수록 우울의 수준은 높았고, 가족의 수입이 많을수록 우울의 수준은 낮았으며, 주부가 일하는 것이 경제적 필요를 충족시키기 위함이라고 스스로 지각(주부들은 일하는 역할이 합법적으로 판단되어지기를 원했고 또 지각했는데 이와 대조하여 일의 역할을 비합법적으로 지각하는 것)할수록 우울의 수준은 더 높았다. 비록 일하는 것이 저녁 늦게 자고 아침 일찍 일어남을 의미할지라도 모든 가사를 완수하기 위하여 열심히 일한다고 하면 할수록 우울의 수준은 더 높았다. 주부가 일의 역할을 합법적으로 지각하면 할수록 남편과 다른 가족의 구성원들에게 도움을 요청하거나 도움을 받는 것을 원하지 않았으며, 일을 더 열심히 하기 위해 대처전략과 우선순위(주부가 일을 전혀 완수 할 수 없을지라도 가정의 어떤 일이 중요하고 어느 것이 두 번째로 중요한지를 결정하는)를 더 잘 설정하고 더 잘 수용하는 것 같았다. 식품 등을 쇼핑하는데에 많은 시간을 소모할수록 우울의 수준은 더 높았다. 이 자료는 스트레스와 대처이론을 지지하고 있다.

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Customer's Time Orientation: Moderating Effects on the Service Convenience-Shopping Performance Linkages in Retail Contexts (고객의 시간 지향성: 소매업체에서의 서비스 편의성과 쇼핑 성과의 관계에 대한 조절효과)

  • Kim, Mi-Jeong;Park, Chul-Ju
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - Understanding how service convenience drives shopping performance is imperative for retailers such as department and large discount stores. Retailers have to enhance shopping productivity by reducing the costs of shopping, as convenience triggers customers' perceived shopping value, leading to customer satisfaction, and ultimately patronage behavior. Consumers, generally considering time as a scarce resource, are more sensitive to the time costs of tasks in regard to shopping trip, differently from forming perceptions of convenience in time orientation. Therefore, this study attempts to examine the moderating effects of consumers' time orientation on the relationships among service convenience of retailers and shopping performances such as shopping value and service performances. Research design, data, and methodology - The department and discount store chains were chosen as the point of analysis in this study. Data were collected from a survey of real-life consumers and all respondents were screened to ensure only those who had visited in the department and discount store chains within past six month prior to the day of data collection. Out of 600 self-reported surveys that were distributed, a total of 530 responses were returned and after excluding 20 incomplete responses, the final sample size was 510. The three hypotheses were proposed and tested in this study. The one hypothesis was on the moderating effects of time orientation for the effects of service convenience on shopping value (hedonic and utilitarian shopping value). The other two hypotheses were on the comparisons between high and low time-oriented customers with the effects in shopping value from service performance. Hierarchical moderated regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. Results - The results suggest that the effect of service convenience on utilitarian shopping value and the positive effect of utilitarian shopping value on customer satisfaction are greater in low time orientation than high time orientation customers. Conversely, when customers are highly oriented toward time, the effects of hedonic shopping value on customer satisfaction and revisit intention are greater than for customers who are lowly oriented toward time. Conclusions - This study has two-fold significance. First, this study contributes to the consumer behavior and services marketing literature by incorporating customers' time orientation into the service convenience-shopping performance. Although the effect of service convenience on shopping performance might differ from customers' perceptions concerning shopping, there has been little investigation or comparison between customers' perception on time. This study is a first attempt to consider how the effects of service convenience on shopping value and service performance vary with differing levels of customers' time orientation. This study advances prior studies by showing that the service convenience-shopping value and service convenience-service performance relationships vary across different combinations of the customer's time orientation. The findings of this study suggest that the retailers need to enhance the experiential aspects of the stores for their high time-oriented customers. Conversely, for the low time-oriented customers, the retailers should boost the visual distinctiveness and ease of store navigation.

Study of the Purchasing Behavior of Cosmetics :Focused on Japanese, Chinese Tourist and Korean (화장품 구매행동 연구 -한국인과 방한 중국·일본관광자를 대상으로)

  • Chun, Joo-Hyung;Chun, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.7459-7466
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the purchasing behavior of cosmetics among Japanese, Chinese tourists and Koreans, as well as the differences according to nationality. Based on a literature study, a questionnaire was developed and a field survey was performed. A self-administered survey was conducted throughout Myungdong and Suwon. The 251 usable questionnaires were collected. A Reliability test, Factor analysis, Regression test, and ANOVA were used. The purchasing behavior of cosmetics has 5 factors gained by the factor analysis, including the functionality of cosmetics, the newest one of the cosmetics, brand-oriented cosmetics, impulsive purchase, and physical evidence. In addition, the purchasing behavior of cosmetics is becoming complicated, and the attitudes to cosmetics has changed. Finally, there are a few differences among Japanese, Chinese tourists and Koreans. According to this research, cosmetic companies must underline their brand and focus on managing the cosmetic functionality, physical evidence of the store, and the skill and attitudes of point of sales.