• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소음 감소

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A Development of COS Holder to Reduce an Impact Ambient Noise (충격성 소음 감소용 COS 홀더 개발)

  • Cho, Hyun-Seob
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.1062-1068
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    • 2007
  • We are using COS to block the excess current and to protect the transformer. But the fuse of COS is melt due to the overload resulting from the excess current flows and it destroys an air severing relations to clear as strong arc happens. Such phenomenon induces an impact ambient noise and it gives the circumstance area resident or pedestrian the fear. Thus, it is necessary that we urgently need to control the ambient noise from the actual circumstances. In this study, we investigate the characteristic of an impact ambient noise associate with the melting state of the COS fuse and suggest the method to reduce the noise.

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A study on the acoustic performance evaluation of heat recovery ventilator with a sound absorbing duct (흡음덕트 부착 열회수형 환기장치의 음향성능 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Myung-Whan;Song, Jun-Young;Park, Hui-Seong
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.468-475
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the acoustic problems of the conventional heat recovery ventilator and to suggest the methods of noise reduction from a heat recovery ventilator according to the installed location. The noise level, in this study, was measured and discussed as the parameters of size, wind volume and sound absorbing duct length for a heat recovery ventilator based on domestic and international related standards. It is found, as a result, that almost all of noise levels from the small and medium heat recovery ventilators without the sound absorbing duct in the anechoic chamber were higher than the noise standard value of 50 dB(A) regardless of the wind volume, and the noise levels went down when a sound absorbing duct was installed. In addition, the sound pressure level relative to frequency bands according to the length of sound absorbing duct was generally decreased, as the length of sound absorbing duct in the small and medium heat recovery ventilators was big, and the sound pressure level was generally increased, as the wind volume was great.

Blade shape optimization of centrifugal fan for improving performance and reducing aerodynamic noise of clothes dryer (의류 건조기 성능 향상과 공력소음 저감을 위한 원심팬의 날개 형상 최적화)

  • Choi, Jinho;Ryu, Seo-Yoon;Cheong, Cheolung;Kim, Min-kyu;Lee, Kwangho
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.321-327
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is paper is to improve the flow performance and to reduce the aerodynamic noise of air discharge system consisting of a centrifugal fan, ducts and a housing for the clothes dryer. Using computational fluid dynamics and acoustic analogy based on FW-H (Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings) Eq., air flow field and acoustic fields of the air discharge system are investigated. To optimize aerodynamic performance and aerodynamic noise, the response surface method is employed. The two factors central composite design using the inflow and outflow angles of fan blades is adopted. The devised optimum design shows the reduction of turbulent kinetic energy in the ducts and the housing of the system, and as a result, the improved flow rate and reduce noise is confirmed. Finally, the experment using the proto-type manufactured usign the optimum design shows the increase of flow rate by 4.2 %.

Noise Reducation of Concrete Pavement through Application of Random Transverse Tining (콘크리트 포장의 소음 저감을 위한 임의 간격 타이닝 설계 및 적용)

  • Park, Jin-Whoy;Choi, Tae-Hui;Cho, Yoon-Ho
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.7 no.4 s.26
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    • pp.125-140
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    • 2005
  • This study suggests a suitable random transverse tining for reduction tire/road noise from concrete pavement. Through literature reviews, random transverse tining that can disperse the energy concentrated to the specific frequency was suggested using the LCG(linear congruential generators) algorithm. The spacing of tining from this study is applied to Daegu-Pohang express highway. For the purpose oi comparison, two other random tining sections were included that are research products from Chung-Ang university and Wisconsin DOT. In result of pass-by noise measurement by car, though designed section is superior to the others as noise reduction by reducing pitch noise, the effectiveness is not large. In case of traffic noise measurement, lower noise was observed at random transverse tining sections than uniformly transverse tining section, too. But there are seine differences between pass-by noise and traffic noise.

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Effect of Noise Cancelling Devices on Dental Handpieces Using Ear Model (귀 모형을 이용한 치과 핸드피스에 대한 소음 저감 장치의 효과 분석)

  • Mo, Seunghan;Kang, Jungu;Kim, Ik-Hwan;Choi, Hyung-Jun;Song, Je Seon;Shin, Yooseok
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 2020
  • This study intended to evaluate noise level of dental handpieces and the effects of noise cancelling devices. An ear model was designed to measure the level of the noise delivered to the inner ear during dental handpiece operation. The level of noise was measured in various conditions using the ear model and the portable noise meter. Noise level was measured again after applying of 4 different noise cancelling devices to the model ear. The noise level of dental handpieces was 82.5 - 84.4 dB. When 4 types of noise canceling devices were applied, the noise level reduced to 67.4 - 73.8 dB. All 4 devices had statistically significant effect in reducing the noise of the handpiece. Considering the intensity and exposure time, noise in dental clinics can cause hearing damage to dentists. For protection from the risk of occupational hearing damages, noise canceling devices can be recommended.

Estimation on the Interior and Outside Aircraft Noise Level of Residential House (주거용 건물의 실내.외 항공기소음레벨 평가)

  • Bang, Min;Kim, Do-Heong;Kim, Heung-Sik;Cho, Chang-Geun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.687-691
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    • 2007
  • It is important to increase the sound proof performance of building for reducing the influence of aircraft noise on the bais of actual survey of existed buildings. The purpose of this study is to propose the basic data for designing sound insulation of residential house. In this study, field measurement of aircraft noise Interior and outside noise level difference were carried out for 7 days in 2 residential houses. As the result, aircraft noise levels showed to be Leq $71.8{\sim}74.5$dB(A), WECPNL $82.2{\sim}83.4$ and indoor noise level were NC-55 ${\sim}63$ over acceptable NC-30 in 2 measured houses. Noise reduction effect showed to be $15.8{\sim}23.1$dB(A) in measured houses, and houses with double window were preferable to those with single window in sound proof performance. The outside sound pressure level for residential house was a little different according to the type of source. In measuring by using aircraft noise it was effected by angle and distance from measuring point, to aircraft, window area, and sound absorption of room, and so on.

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Anti-allergic Effects of Shensuyin (삼소음(蔘蘇飮)의 항알레르기 효과(效果))

  • Lee, Seung-Eon;Shin, Jo-Young;Lee, Si-Hyeong
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2005
  • 모든 알레르기 반응의 중심축이 되는 비만세포는 주로 피부, 위장관 및 호흡기관의 점막에 분포하고 있다. 활성화된 비만세포는 즉각형 알레르기 반응을 일으키는 여러 인자들을 방출시키게 된다. 方藥合編(방약합편)에 따르면 蔘蘇飮(삼소음)은 알레르기 鼻炎(비염), 發熱(발열), 風寒(풍한), 頭痛(두통), 기침에 效能(효능)이 있는 處方(처방)이다. 본 硏究(연구)는 蔘蘇飮(삼소음)의 肥滿細胞(비만세포) 의존성 아나필락시 반응(anaphylactic reaction)에 대한 藥理(약리) 效果(효과)를 조사하기 위한 것이다. 蔘蘇飮(삼소음)은 compound 48/80으로 유발되는 전신성 아나필락시 쇼크(systemic anaphylactic shock)와 耳介(이개) 浮腫(부종) 反應(반응)(ear swelling response)을 농도 의존적으로 억제하였다. 蔘蘇飮(삼소음)을 0.1, 1 mg/ml로 전처리 하였을 때, 흰쥐 복강 肥滿細胞(비만세포)(rat peritoneal mast cells, RPMCs)에서 compound 40/80에 의해 유발되는 히스타민 분비는 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 蔘蘇飮(삼소음)은 anti-dinitrophenyl IgE에 의해 활성화 된 수동 피부 아나필락시(passive cutaneous anaphylaxis, PCA)를 농도 의존적으로 抑制(억제)하였다. 결론적으로 蔘蘇飮(삼소음)은 肥滿細胞(비만세포) 의존성 즉각형 알레르기 反應(반응)을 抑制(억제)하여, 항 아나필락시 활성(anti-anaphylactic activity)을 가지는 것으로 보여 진다.

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Analysis of Objective Sound Quality Features for Vacuum Cleaner Noise (청소기 소음 측정을 위한 객관적 음질 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Wook;Cho, Youn;Park, Jong-Geun;Hwang, Dae-Sun;Song, Chi-Mun;Lee, Chul-Hee
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.258-264
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose an objective quality feature which is based on the human auditory system to measure vacuum cleaner noise. It is observed that some frequency bands are more sensitive to the human auditory system. Therefore, we divided the audible frequency range of vacuum cleaner noise into a number of frequency bands and the average energy of these bands was calculated. Among a number of average energies, an average energy of a frequency band was selected as the proposed feature. In order to test the performance of the proposed feature, fourteen vacuum cleaners were chosen and the noise was recorded in an anechoic-chamber. Then we performed subjective tests to obtain subjective scores of the noise data using the PCM (paired comparison method) and ACR (absolute category rating) subjective methods. The proposed objective quality feature shows high correlation with the subjective scores.

Correlation between Proximity Noise Measurement Method (CPX) and Roadside Measurement Method (SPB) for Road Traffic Noise (도로교통소음에 대한 근접소음 측정법(CPX)과 통과소음 측정법(SPB)의 상관관계)

  • Yoo, In-Kyoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.310-319
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    • 2020
  • Korea estimates the traffic noise by measuring the total traffic noise when the traffic passes (SPB; Statistical Pass-By). Another method (CPX; Close Proximity) directly measures the tire/road noise by installing a microphone near the tire. The CPX method is not a formal test method in Korea. There has been little research between CPX and SPB. This study proposes a method for estimating SPB, using the CPX, which is easy to measure. This study used the results of a large-scale test conducted by Korea Expressway Corporation (KEC) and a research paper on CPX in this section. The results by the KEC showed that the low noise pavement has a noise reduction of 10.4dB. In CPX research, the noise reduction was 10.7dB and was similar to 10.4dB in SPB. This study shows why the noise reduction is the same regardless of the position, the reason that the amount of noise reduction is similar, the difference of the noise according to the position of the microphone using the concept of noise summation and distance reduction. This study shows that including the CPX as a variable in the traffic noise prediction program is very important to improve noise prediction reliability.