• 제목/요약/키워드: 소비자 태도

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A Study on the Effect of Awareness of Organic Farming on Environment-Friendly Agriculture Product Consumption and Revitalization (유기농업에 대한 환경성·공익성 인식과 친환경 농산물 소비 및 활성화에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Ye-Eun;Kim, Sang-Bum;Choi, Jin-Ah;Han, Seokjun;An, Kyungjin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.46-55
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated the public's awareness and purchase behavior of organic farming and environment-friendly agriculture products. This study also analyzed whether awareness affects environment-friendly agriculture products' consumption and price resistance and support for the revitalizing organic farming. This study derived environmental and public interst in organic farming, and a web survey was conducted for statistical analysis. As a result, it was found that the awareness of organic farming did not affect the consumption of environment-friendly agriculture products, but in case of high awareness is high, the resistance to prices is low. In addition, it was found that the stronger the public's awareness, the more positive the support for the expansion of organic agriculture and the willingness to purchase environment-friendly agriculture products. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for preparing measures to revitalize organic agriculture in the future.

A Balanced Cognition-Affect Model of Information Systems Continuance for Mobile Internet Service (모바일 인터넷 서비스를 위한 정보시스템 지속성에 대한 이성과 감성의 조화 모델)

  • Kim, Ki-Eun;Kim, Hee-Woong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.461-480
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    • 2008
  • There are innumerable studies on technology adoption and usage continuance; most examine cognitive factors while affective factors or the feelings of users are left relatively unexplored. Although attitude and user satisfaction are factors commonly considered in Information Systems(IS) research, they represent only some aspects of feelings. In contrast, researchers in diverse fields have begun to note the importance of feelings in understanding and predicting human behavior. Feelings are anticipated to be essential particularly in the context of modern applications, such as mobile internet(M-internet) services, where users are not simply technology users but also service consumers. Drawing on the support of consumer research, social psychology and computer science, this study proposes a balanced cognition-affect model of IS continuance. Prior works in relation to IS research have already considered the emotional factors. The common factors are enjoyment, anxiety, affect and satisfaction. The main difference in our study is that the factors that we used are the primary dimensions of affect according to Circumplex Model of Affect. The horizontal axis of the model represents the pleasure dimension and the vertical represents the arousal dimension. Other emotional factors such as enjoyment and anxiety can be viewed as a combination of these two dimensions, and they can be placed in the vector space formed by these two primary dimensions. Affect has been defined as the enjoyment a person derives from using computers. Satisfaction has different conceptualizations. It has been conceptualized as judgment based on the expectation disconfirmation theory. Thus, while prior works considered the direct and indirect effects of "feeling-related constructs"(enjoyment and anxiety) on usage behavior, our study proposes effects of "feeling-based constructs"(pleasure and arousal). The balanced cognition-affect model is tested in a survey of, M-internet service users. The results establish the validity of the model.

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A Study on the Impact of the Service Characteristics of Premium Internet Information Contents on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty (인터넷 유료 정보콘텐츠 서비스 특성이 고객만족, 고객애호도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 콘텐츠 유형에 따른 조절효과 검증 -)

  • Choi, Pil-Jin;Sim, Sun-Hee;Kim, Ha-Kyun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the service characteristics of premium information contents, one of premium Internet contents, on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, as the premium Internet contents market has attained a rapid growth owing to the nationwide penetration of the Internet and its ease of use. Earlier studies were analyzed to define the service characteristics of premium Internet information contents, and a research model and hypotheses were formulated to find out the influence of the characteristics on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. After a survey was conducted, the analyzable answer sheets from 359 respondents were analyzed. As a result, four service factors of premium Internet information contents that were reliability, charge, usefulness and convenience were identified as the variables that had a significant impact on customer satisfaction, and the other two factors that were timeliness and diversity exerted no influence on that. And customer satisfaction affected customer loyalty in a significant manner. This study attempted to investigate the influential relationship of the diverse service characteristics of premium Internet information contents on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty to have a good understanding of the attitude and will of consumers who bought the premium information contents, and this study also intended to make a contribution to the improvement of the quality of information contents in an effort to step up the revitalization of the Internet contents market by helping the market attract more loyal customers.

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Relationship among Brand Value Propositions, Brand Attitude and Brand Attachment considering Consumer Involvement (소비자 관여도를 고려한 브랜드 가치 제공, 브랜드 태도, 브랜드 애착의 관계)

  • Kim, Gyu-Bae;Kim, Byoung-Goo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - Many variables are needed for brand loyalty such as brand attitude, brand attachment, brand love and brand commitment. Thus, we should manage these all variables successfully for strong and differentiated brand equity. This study aims to identify the process of how the brand value propositions affect the brand attitude and brand attachment. This study specially conceptualizes that not only utilitarian value and hedonic value influence the brand attitude but also hedonic value influences the brand attachment. This study focuses on the moderating role of consumer involvement such as cognitive involvement and affective involvement in the causal relationships among brand value propositions, brand attitude, and brand attachment. Research design, data, and methodology - The five hypotheses were proposed and tested in this study. Three hypotheses were about the relationship among the brand value propositions(utilitarian value and hedonic value), brand attitude, and brand attachment. The other two hypotheses were about the moderating effect on consumer involvement in the causal relationships among brand value propositions, brand attitude, and brand attachment. Research data were collected from the students of universities located in Daejeon-Si and Chungchungnam-Do. For the purpose of test the hypotheses empirically, the 208 responses were used. We utilized SPSS18.0 for statistical analysis such as reliability test, factor analysis, and regression analysis. Results - The results show that the utilitarian value and hedonic value have influence on the brand attitude positively. The results also show that the hedonic value has influence on the brand attachment positively. We found that there is a moderating effect on the cognitive involvement in the relationship between the utilitarian value and the brand attitude. However, there is no moderating effect on the affective involvement in the relationship between the hedonic value and brand attachment. In Summary, 4 of 5 hypotheses in this study were supported and 1 hypothesis was not supported. We should identify the reason why the hypothesis 5, the moderating effect of the affective involvement in the relationship between the hedonic value and brand attachment, was rejected in this empirical analysis. Conclusions - Both the utilitarian value and the hedonic value that propose a brand are important for brand attitude. Specially, the hedonic value is important for brand attachment. Companies should provide the consumers with both the utilitarian value and the hedonic value in a balanced way for their favorable brand attitude and strong brand attachment. In the retail industry, the balance between the utilitarian value and the hedonic value is important in that there are many product brands and store brands providing consumers with various benefit and values. Also, there are possibilities that the causal relationships among brand value propositions, brand attitude and brand attachment are moderated by consumer involvement such as cognitive involvement and affective involvement. Companies should understand and consider consumer involvement for their efficient and effective brand management decision making.

Consumer's Attitudes toward Underwear Advertisements by Appeal Types-with or without Sex Appeal- (소구유형별 내의류 광고에 대한 소비자 태도-성적.비성적 소구유형을 중심으로-)

  • 홍성순;황춘섭
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.39
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    • pp.283-299
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    • 1998
  • The present study is to analyze the dimensions of affective responses according to the types of appeal in underwear advertisements and to find out the influences of affective res-ponses on the attitudes toward advertisement and brands. The research has been made by normative-descriptive survey method with the sample of 654 consumers residing in Seoul and Incheon. The data gaathered was analyzed by the methods of means, standard deviation, ANOVA, factor analysis and regression. The result are as follows : 1. There are 4 dimensions of affective responses ; Emotional dimension, Negative dimen-sion, Upbeat-activation dimension and Sexual activation dimension. 2. Affective responses to the advertising were different according to the characteristics of the consumers. According to the consumer's sex, there are significant differences in each dimension of their affective responses. To the sex appeal advertisement, man show higher degree of affective responses in Emotional, Upbeat-activation and Sexual-activation dim-ensions, while women show higher degree of affective responses in Negative dimension. 3. In case of female consumers, there are significant differences in affective responses to the both appeal type of advertisements according to consumer's age. As the age is increasing. Emotional dimension and Sexual-activation dimension are increasing, but Negative dimension is decreasing in the Ads with sex appeal. In particular, the 19∼24s age group shows strong responses in the Emotional dimension, Upbeat-activation dimension and Sexual-activation dimension to Ads with sex appeal, while it shows the lowest affective responses in Negative dimension. It represents the 19-24s age group is the most positive one to the under-wear advertisements with sex appeal. Consequently, it is proved that the Ads with sex appeal focusing on this age group can be one of the most effective advertising plans. 4. The involvement gets higher, Upbeat-ac-tivation dimension and Sexual-activation dimension are increasing both in males and female groups. But Negative dimension is in-creasing in the female consumer group of low involvement. 5. The attitudes toward advertisements and brands are comparatively stronger in the advertisements using sex appeal type. Regardless of types of appeal in the advertisements, there is a significant difference in their attitudes tow-ard Ads between male and female consumer groups. When Ads are sexual, attitudes toward Ads and Brands are stronger in the female consumer group. But males consumers show com-paratively strong attitudes toward the advertis-ements and brands in both types of appeal. 6. The age of consumers doesn't make any significant difference in their attitudes toward advertisements and brands in both types of appeal. 7. According to the involvement level of the consumers, there are significant differences in their attitudes toward advertisements. In the groups of low involvement, the female consumers show more favorite attitudes toward the advertisements with sex appeal, while the male group show more favorite attitudes toward the non-sex appeal advertisement. But there is no significant difference in consumer's attitude toward brands according to the types of appeal of the advertisement. 8. The affective responses of the consumers caused by the underwear advertisements have a respectable influence on their attitudes toward the advertisements and brands. This research represents that the advertisers should try to arise consumer's positive affective responses such as pleasant, happy, cheerful and warm-hearted emotions by the advertisements. Based on the above results of the research, it can be said that the consumer's affective responses have a strong effect not only on their attitudes toward adver-tisements but on those toward attitude toward the brands.

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Adolescents' Purchasing Behavior for Hair-care Products (청소년의 헤어제품 구매 행동에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Yean-Hwa;Oh, Kyung-Wha
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2011
  • This study investigates the relationship between the purchasing behavior for hair-care products and the attitude toward hair-care products by adolescents. A total of 412 middle and high school students located in Seoul and Gyunggi-do province participated in this research. SPSS 12.0 for Windows Program was utilized for statistical analysis. As a result, the hair concerns and the satisfaction of adolescents as well as their attitudes towards hair-care products were significantly affected by gender, school level, and educational experiences. Female high school students with some degree of educational experiences had a more rational and brand-oriented attitude. Students having a higher rational and brand-oriented attitude bought hair-care products in regards to the quality of the product and environmental impact. On the other hand, those having a conspicuous and fashion pursuit attitude showed an image and fashion concern purchasing behavior. Adolescents usually purchased styling and dyeing products at a cosmetic specialty store and hair-care cleaning products from a discount store. They obtained the information about hair-care products from relatives, personal experiences, and TV advertisements.

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The Structural Correlation between Consumer's Attitudes and Intention of Repurchase of Home Meal Replacement (HMR) according to the Product Categories (가정식사 대용식(HMR) 제품 유형별 재구매 의도와 소비자 태도 구성개념간의 구조적 관련성 검증)

  • Chung, La-Na;Lee, Hae-Young;Yang, Il-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.344-351
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    • 2007
  • The purposes of this study were to analyze the consumer inclination to convenience towards HMR in order to verify the structural correlation of the actual state of consumption, and to analyze consequently, the direct or indirect effects among 'frequency of using,' 'preference', 'satisfaction', and 'intention to repurchase'. The subjects were adults in their twenties or older who had used HMRs and lived in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province in Korea. Random sampling of 550 subjects, who were distributed a questionnaire from March 12 to 30, 2005. A total of 451 questionnaires were returned (the return rates were 82%). The main results of this study were as follows : Regarding the types of HMR, 'Ready to eat' had higher preference (3.31), satisfaction (3.33) and 'intention to purchase it again' (3.38) than those of 'Ready to heat' and 'Ready to end-cook.' Consumer inclination to convenience towards HMR was analyzed in order to verify the structural correlation of the actual state of consumption, and consequently, the direct or indirect effects among 'frequency of using,' 'preference', 'satisfaction', and 'intention to repurchase' were analyzed. The gross effect of 'frequency of using' on 'intention to repurchase' was 0.435, the gross effect of preference on 'intention to purchase it again' was 0.659, and the gross effect of satisfaction on 'intention to purchase it again' was 0.772 for 'Ready to eat.' The gross effect of 'frequency of using' on 'intention to repurchase' was 0.448, the gross effect of preference on 'intention to repurchase' was 0.556, and the gross effect of satisfaction on 'intention to repurchase' was 0.654 for 'Ready to heat.' The gross effect of 'frequency of using' on 'intention to repurchase' was 0.432, the gross effect of preference on 'intention to repurchase' was 0.494, and the gross effect of satisfaction on 'intention to repurchase' was 0.608 for 'Ready to end-cook.' To summerize the above results, there was a difference of the structural correlation among component concepts of the actual state of consuming according to the criteria of HMR. Thus, it implied that differentiated sales strategies were needed according to the criteria of HMR.

Effects of Reference Price Advertisements by Service Reputation (서비스 명성에 따른 준거가격광고 효과)

  • Park, Min-Sook;Chun, Myung-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 2008
  • Price is an important marketing issue in current competitive environment characterized by various distribution channels such as economic circumstance and the Internet. Many companies, for their best profits, use a price discrimination strategy such as price discount that reinforces consumer's purchasing behavior and they employ advertising strategy by presenting reference price with information of price discount in advertisements. Accordingly, many research verifies the advertising effects of presented reference price in advertisements, this study tries to expand the existing study area which is limited on reference price of product by examining the its effects on service area. It also aims to verify the effects of reference price advertisements by the level of service reputation. For this experiment, a factorial design with service reputation and presented method of reference pricewas used. The result of this study is that attitude toward price and use intention on presented reference price in service advertisements are higher than not presented it. In the case of high service reputation, advertising effect on presented reference price in service advertisements are greater than presented price discount rates in service advertisements. And in the case of low service reputation, advertising effects can be much greater by just presented reference price in service advertisements. Therefore, in service advertisements, strategic views on presented methods of reference price by the level of service reputation are essentially needed.

A Case Study on Competence-based Curriculum in Finnish Secondary Home Economics Curriculum (핀란드 가정과 교육과정의 역량 기반 교육과정 사례 연구)

  • Yang, Ji Sun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.19-39
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the main characteristics regarding of implicating competence-based curriculum in Finland's home economics curriculum by analyzing curriculum documents and related literature. The research findings are categorized into four main characteristics. First, home economics in Finland belongs to the 7-9 grades. The key content areas are composed of 'food knowledge & skills and food culture', 'housing & living together' and 'consumer & financial skills' at an integrated approach. Secondly, the subject competences of home economics are not presented; however, the general objectives of transversal competences are defined in Finland's curriculum document. Transversal competences describe the aspects of the objectives that are emphasized in grades 7-9 and strengthens the connectivity with each subject. Thirdly, the objectives of home economics included in the instructions in Finland consist of a content system that links learning skills, content areas, and transversal competences. Both learning skills as a role of subject competences and content areas as objectives support teachers who restructure an curriculum. Fourth, in terms of achieving subject objectives, the assessment criteria in Finland home economics is to evaluate the achievement of good knowledge and skills through actual performance. Based on the research findings, the main features of the revised curriculum in Finland include encouragement of flexibility in education systems and learner's uniqueness in schools. If the implementation of subject competences in home economics is to be strengthened, it is necessary to intergrate the knowledge and competence, require a curriculum system for implements' subject competence, carryout assessment as learning to learn, and facilitate school community and teacher community for deeper co-operation.

The Typicality of On-line Shopping Malls (전형성과 온라인 쇼핑몰 -결정요인과 쇼핑몰유형에 따른 차이를 중심으로-)

  • Cha, Tai-Hoon;Chae, Seung-Won
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.11
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2003
  • Typicality is usually defined as the degree to which an item is perceived to represent a category. Typicality has been a important subject in consumer behavior because it is related closely with brand preference, awareness and top of mind. The past studies about typicality have focused on brand and store in off-line environment. At the point of time internet shopping mall industry becomes mature, we can expect that most internet users are accustomed to it. So the study about typicality of internet shopping mall is timely. The antecedents and outcomes of typicality of internet shopping mall are mainly studied in this paper. Also, I investigated the influence of the type of internet shopping mall on typicality and the influence of typicality on preference and purchase intention. The followings are the results of this study. Firstly, frequency of exposure and attribute structure explained perceived typicality. Secondly, the type of internet shopping mall was found to be a moderator of the relationship between attribute structure and typicality. Thirdly, there is a positive correlation between typicality and preference. Finally, there is a positive correlation between typicality and purchase intention.

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