• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소비자선호도

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Immune Activity of Mosidae and Quality Characteristics of Brown Rice Dasik Using Mosidae Powder (모시대의 면역 활성 탐색 및 모시대 분말 첨가 현미다식의 품질 특성)

  • Kim, Ae-Jung;Han, Myung-Ryun;Kim, Myung-Hwan;Tae, Ki-Hwan;Lee, Soo-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.548-554
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    • 2009
  • The principal objective of this study was to evaluate the immune activity of Mosidae and the physiochemical characteristics of brown rice Dasik prepared with Mosidae (Adenophora remotiflora) powder. We assessed the effects of Mosidae ethanol extract (MEE) on the production of IL-6T, IL-12 and TNF-$\alpha$ by peritoneal exudate macrophages (PEMs) using ELISA. We also determined general compositions, and conducted Hunter's color values, sensory evaluation, and the mechanical characteristics of Mosidae Dasik stored at room temperature ($20^{\circ}C$). With MEE treatment, ILI-6 (75% of LPS: positive control), IL-12 (35.7% of LPS) and TNF-$\alpha$ (27.32% of LPS) were proliferated at a dose of $1000{\mu}g/mL$. In the general compositions of the samples, fat contents of Mosidae Dasik significantly decreased (p<0.05). The more Mosidae powder was added to the samples, the more was the luminance, and Hunter's a and b were significantly decreased (p<0.05). As more Mosidae powder was added to the samples, springiness score was significantly decreased, but the score of hardness, gumminess and chewiness were increased (p<0.05). The results of sensory evaluation showed that there were significant differences in the color, taste and overall quality of the samples (p<0.05), but there was no significant difference in texture. We note that, among the samples evaluated herein, Mosidae stimulates some kinds of cytokines from machrophage and 1% Mosidae Dasik (MPD1) for the best commercial value.

Textural and Sensory Properties of Beef Jerky replaced Salt with Soybean Paste, Soy Sauce or Red Pepper Paste (소금(NaCl)을 된장, 간장 또는 고추장으로 대체한 우육포의 조직적 및 관능적 특성)

  • Lim, Hyun-Jung;Jung, Eun-Young;Kim, Gap-Don;Joo, Seon-Tea;Yang, Han-Sul
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the quality properties of beef jerky replaced salt (NaCl) with red pepper paste, soy sauce and soybean paste. The quality properties of beef jerky including water activity ($a_w$), pH, moisture content, protein content, color, shear force, texture profile analysis and sensory evaluations were investigated. The sliced beef samples were marinated at salt (control), soybean paste (T1), soy sauce (T2) and red pepper paste (T3) for 24 h and then dried at $70^{\circ}C$ for 8 h. The $a_w$ and moisture content varied from 0.88 to 0.79 and from 28.87% to 22.98%, respectively. All treatment samples showed higher final $a_w$ and moisture content than the control sample after drying for the 8 h (p<0.05). The protein content of T2 and T3 samples were lower than the control. Also, shear force and hardness value of all treatment samples had lower than the control (p<0.05). However, all treatment samples showed lower saltiness intensity than the control sample. Sensory panelists recorded greater flavor and texture scores to the samples with soy sauce replacement. Therefore, sensory panels found that the T2 samples had better overall acceptability scores than the other beef jerky samples (p<0.05).

A Comparative Review on Civil Money Penalties in Aviation Law (항공 과징금 제도의 비교법적 검토)

  • Lee, Chang-Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.3-38
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    • 2019
  • In 1984, Congress enacted a new measure of administrative sanctions which is a civil money penalty program for violations of Aviation Act and its implementing regulations. This civil money penalty system has been in operations in lieu of suspending or revoking certificates issued by Korean government, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport. According to the rules of Aviation Business Act or Aviation Safety Act, where the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport should order an air carrier to suspend operation because of her violation under certain rules, in which case the suspension of operation is likely to cause serious inconvenience to consumers of air transport services or to harm public interest, the Minister of the department may impose an administrative monetary penalty in lieu of the suspension of operation. In this regard, airline related civil money penalties are somewhat different from those of fair trade, which is the origin of the money penalties system in Korea. Civil money penalties in the field of fair trade are imposed on executive duty violations that undermine the value of the market economy order, and focus on reimbursement of profits due to violations and compensation for unfair spending by consumers. However, in the aviation sector, breach of duty by a business operator does not simply cause the property loss of the public, but it has a direct impact on life or property of the public. In this respect, aviation penalties are more likely to be administrative sanctions or punitive measures than refunds of unfair benefits, compared to penalties in the field of fair trade. In general, civil money penalties have been highly preferred as administrative sanctions because they are subject to investigations by administrative experts and thus, efficiency can be ensured and execution is quicker than judicial procedures. Moreover, in Korea, because punitive civil damages cannot awarded by the courts, the imposition of civil money penalties is recognized as a means of realizing social justice by recognizing the legal feelings of the people. However, civil money penalties are administrative sanctions, and in terms of effectiveness, they are similar to criminal fines, which are a form of punishment. Inadequate legislation and operation of penalties imposition may cause damage to the value of Constitution. Under the above recognition, this paper has been described for the purpose of identifying the present status of the civil money penalties imposition system and operating status in the area of air transport under the laws and regulations in Korea. Especially, this paper was focused on exploring the problem and improvement direction of Korean system through the comparative study with foreign laws and regulations.

Conditional Generative Adversarial Network based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System (Conditional Generative Adversarial Network(CGAN) 기반 협업 필터링 추천 시스템)

  • Kang, Soyi;Shin, Kyung-shik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.157-173
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    • 2021
  • With the development of information technology, the amount of available information increases daily. However, having access to so much information makes it difficult for users to easily find the information they seek. Users want a visualized system that reduces information retrieval and learning time, saving them from personally reading and judging all available information. As a result, recommendation systems are an increasingly important technologies that are essential to the business. Collaborative filtering is used in various fields with excellent performance because recommendations are made based on similar user interests and preferences. However, limitations do exist. Sparsity occurs when user-item preference information is insufficient, and is the main limitation of collaborative filtering. The evaluation value of the user item matrix may be distorted by the data depending on the popularity of the product, or there may be new users who have not yet evaluated the value. The lack of historical data to identify consumer preferences is referred to as data sparsity, and various methods have been studied to address these problems. However, most attempts to solve the sparsity problem are not optimal because they can only be applied when additional data such as users' personal information, social networks, or characteristics of items are included. Another problem is that real-world score data are mostly biased to high scores, resulting in severe imbalances. One cause of this imbalance distribution is the purchasing bias, in which only users with high product ratings purchase products, so those with low ratings are less likely to purchase products and thus do not leave negative product reviews. Due to these characteristics, unlike most users' actual preferences, reviews by users who purchase products are more likely to be positive. Therefore, the actual rating data is over-learned in many classes with high incidence due to its biased characteristics, distorting the market. Applying collaborative filtering to these imbalanced data leads to poor recommendation performance due to excessive learning of biased classes. Traditional oversampling techniques to address this problem are likely to cause overfitting because they repeat the same data, which acts as noise in learning, reducing recommendation performance. In addition, pre-processing methods for most existing data imbalance problems are designed and used for binary classes. Binary class imbalance techniques are difficult to apply to multi-class problems because they cannot model multi-class problems, such as objects at cross-class boundaries or objects overlapping multiple classes. To solve this problem, research has been conducted to convert and apply multi-class problems to binary class problems. However, simplification of multi-class problems can cause potential classification errors when combined with the results of classifiers learned from other sub-problems, resulting in loss of important information about relationships beyond the selected items. Therefore, it is necessary to develop more effective methods to address multi-class imbalance problems. We propose a collaborative filtering model using CGAN to generate realistic virtual data to populate the empty user-item matrix. Conditional vector y identify distributions for minority classes and generate data reflecting their characteristics. Collaborative filtering then maximizes the performance of the recommendation system via hyperparameter tuning. This process should improve the accuracy of the model by addressing the sparsity problem of collaborative filtering implementations while mitigating data imbalances arising from real data. Our model has superior recommendation performance over existing oversampling techniques and existing real-world data with data sparsity. SMOTE, Borderline SMOTE, SVM-SMOTE, ADASYN, and GAN were used as comparative models and we demonstrate the highest prediction accuracy on the RMSE and MAE evaluation scales. Through this study, oversampling based on deep learning will be able to further refine the performance of recommendation systems using actual data and be used to build business recommendation systems.

A Study on Consumer's Emotional Consumption Value and Purchase Intention about IoT Products - Focused on the preference of using EEG - (IoT 제품에 관한 소비자의 감성적 소비가치와 구매의도에 관한 연구 - EEG를 활용한 선호도 연구를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Young-ae;Kim, Seung-in
    • Journal of Communication Design
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    • v.68
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    • pp.278-288
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of risk and convenience on purchase intention in the IOT market, and I want to analyze the moderating effect of emotional consumption value. In this study, two products were selected from three product groups. There are three major methods of research. First, theoretical considerations. Second, survey analysis. Reliability analysis and factor analysis were performed using descriptive statistics using SPSS. Third, we measured changes of EEG according to in - depth interview and indirect experience. As a result of the hypothesis of this study, it was confirmed that convenience of use of IoT product influences purchase intention. Risk was predicted to have a negative effect on purchase intentions, but not significant in this study. This implies that IoT products tend to be neglected in terms of monetary loss such as cost of purchase, cost of use, and disposal cost when purchasing. In-depth interviews and EEG analysis revealed that there is a desire to purchase and try out the IoT product due to the nature of the product, the novelty of new technology, and the vague idea that it will benefit my life. The aesthetic, symbolic, and pleasure factors, which are sub - elements of emotional consumption value, were found to have a great influence. This is consistent with previous research showing that emotional consumption value has a positive effect on purchase intention. In-depth interviews and EEG analyzes also yielded the same results. This study has revealed that emotional consumption value affects the intention to purchase IoT products. It seems that companies producing IoT products need to concentrate on marketing with more emotional consumption value.

[ $^1H$ ] MR Spectroscopy of the Normal Human Brains: Comparison between Signa and Echospeed 1.5 T System (정상 뇌의 수소 자기공명분광 소견: 1.5 T Signa와 Echospeed 자기공명영상기기에서의 비교)

  • Kang Young Hye;Lee Yoon Mi;Park Sun Won;Suh Chang Hae;Lim Myung Kwan
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : To evaluate the usefulness and reproducibility of $^1H$ MRS in different 1.5 T MR machines with different coils to compare the SNR, scan time and the spectral patterns in different brain regions in normal volunteers. Materials and Methods : Localized $^1H$ MR spectroscopy ($^1H$ MRS) was performed in a total of 10 normal volunteers (age; 20-45 years) with spectral parameters adjusted by the autoprescan routine (PROBE package). In all volunteers, MRS was performed in a three times using conventional MRS (Signa Horizon) with 1 channel coil and upgraded MRS (Echospeed plus with EXCITE) with both 1 channel and 8 channel coil. Using these three different machines and coils, SNRs of the spectra in both phantom and volunteers and (pre)scan time of MRS were compared. Two regions of the human brain (basal ganglia and deep white matter) were examined and relative metabolite ratios (NAA/Cr, Cho/Cr, and mI/Cr ratios) were measured in all volunteers. For all spectra, a STEAM localization sequence with three-pulse CHESS $H_2O$ suppression was used, with the following acquisition parameters: TR=3.0/2.0 sec, TE=30 msec, TM=13.7 msec, SW=2500 Hz, SI=2048 pts, AVG : 64/128, and NEX=2/8 (Signa/Echospeed). Results : The SNR was about over $30\%$ higher in Echospeed machine and time for prescan and scan was almost same in different machines and coils. Reliable spectra were obtained on both MRS systems and there were no significant differences in spectral patterns and relative metabolite ratios in two brain regions (p>0.05). Conclusion : Both conventional and new MRI systems are highly reliable and reproducible for $^1H$ MR spectroscopic examinations in human brains and there are no significant differences in applications for $^1H$ MRS between two different MRI systems.

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