• Title/Summary/Keyword: 세포독성 치료

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The Effects of Betula Platyphylla on Cartilage Pratection, Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Activity in Arthritis (관절염 유발 모델에서 화피가 연골 보호 및 소염 진통에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yeo-Jin;Lee, Jae-Dong;Lee, Yun-Ho
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2007
  • 목적 : 본 연구는 화피의 연골 보호 및 소염 진통 작용을 알아보고, 화피를 이용한 관절염치료 약침액 개발의 기초자료를 얻기 위해 고안되었다. 방법 : In vitro에서는 토끼 무릎관절에서 배양된 연골조직에 5ng/ml IL-1${\alpha}$ 처리 후, 화피의 연골보호 효과, 연골세포에 대한 독성을 조사하였다. In vivo에서는 토끼 무릎관절내 collagenase를 주입, CIA 유발 후, 28일간 매일 토끼의 구강으로 화피, 증류수, CEX를 투여하였으며, 연골보호, 소염, 진통에 대한 측정을 하였다. 결과 : 화피는 proteoglican 및 collagen분해 억제, MMPs 활성 억제로 연골 보호 효과가 있었으며, 연골 세포에 대한 독성이 없었다. 소염작용은 PGE2 생산 억제 및 COX-2발현 억제, carrageenan 유발 쥐 모델에서의 부종 억제로 확인되었다. 진통작용은 tail flick test에서의 latency time 증가, formalin test에서의 염증성 통증억제로 나타났다. 결론 : 화피가 퇴행성관절염에 대한 연골 보호 효과 및 소염 진통 작용이 있으므로, 이를 근거로 약침액을 개발 응용하면 퇴행성관절염 치료에 활용될 수 있다고 사료된다.

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The Anticancer Effect and Mechanism of Photodynamic Therapy Using 9-Hydroxypheophorbide-a and 660 nm Diode Laser on Human Squamous Carcinoma Cell Line. (9-hydroxypheophorbide-a와 660 nm 다이오드 레이저를 이용한 광역학치료의 항암효과와 치료기전에 대한 연구)

  • Ahn, Jin-Chul
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.770-780
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    • 2009
  • A new photosensitizer, 9-Hydroxypheophorbide-a (9-HpbD-a), was derived from Spirulina platensis. We conducted a series of experiments, in vitro and in vivo, to evaluate the anticancer effect and mechanism of photodynamic therapy using 9-HpbD-a and 660 nm diode lasers on a squamous carcinoma cell line. We studied the cytotoxic effects of pheophytin-a, 9-HpbD-a, 9-HpbD-a red and 660 nm diode lasers in a human head and neck cancer cell line (SNU-1041). Cell growth inhibition was determined by using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction assay. The effects of 9-HpbD was higher than those of 9-HpbD-a red or pheophytin-a in PDT. We then tested the cytotoxic effects of 9-hydroxypheophorbide-a (9-HpbD-a) in vitro. The cultured SNU-I041 cells were treated with serial concentrations of 9-HpbD-a followed by various energy doses (0, 0.1, 0.5, 3.2 J/$cm^{2}$) and by various interval times (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 hr) until laser irradiation, then MTT assay was applied to measure the relative inhibitory effects of photodynamic therapy (PDT). Optimal laser irradiation time was 30 minutes and the cytotoxic effects according to incubation time after 9-HpbD-a treatment increased until 6 hours, after which it then showed no increase. To observe the cell death mechanism after PDT, SUN-I041 cells were stained by Hoechst 33342 and propidium iodide after PDT, and observed under transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The principal mechanism of PDT at a low dose of 9-HpbD-a was apoptosis, and at a high dose of 9-HpbD-a it was necrosis. PDT effects were also observed in a xenografted nude mouse model. Group I (no 9-HpbD-a, no laser irradiation) and Group II (9-HpbD-a injection only) showed no response (4/4, 100%), and Group III (laser irradiation only) showed recurrence (1/4,25%) or no response (3/4, 75 %). Group IV (9-HpbD-a + laser irradiation) showed complete response (10/16, 62.5%), recurrence (4/16, 25%) or no response (2/16, 12.5%). Group IV showed a significant remission rate compared to other groups (p<0.05). These results suggest that 9-HpbD-a is a promising photosensitizer for the future and that further studies on biodistribution, toxicity and mechanism of action would be needed to use 9-HpbD-a as a photosensitizer in the clinical setting.

Tissue reactions to Implanted Intracanal Medicaments in Rats (백서에서 수 종의 근관 내 약제에 대한 조직 반응에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Ri;Kim, Byung-Hyun;Kim, Won-Kyung
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2004
  • 최근 근관 치료 영역에서는 적절한 기계적 근관 성형과 근관 세척으로만 효과적으로 근관 내 미생될의 숫자를 감소시킬 수 있어 다른 약제의 사용은 권장되고 있지 않다. 그럼 에도 불구하고 수종의 근관내 약제는 감염된 근관에서 미생물의 숫자를 줄이고 근관 내용물의 불활성화와 삼출액을 줄이기 위해 사용되고 있다. 그 중 포름 알데하이드를 함유하고 있는 Depulpin$^{(R)}$과 근관 치료학에서 오랫동안 널리 사용되어온 수산화 칼슘을 포함하고 있는 Tempcanal$^{(R)}$과 Vitapex$^{(R)}$ 등에 대한 세포 독성은 충분한 연구가 이루어지지 못한 상태이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 이들 약제가 백서에서의 세포 독성에 미치는 영향에 관하여 고찰하고자 하였다. Sprague-Dawley계 백서 숫놈 20마리를 사용하여, 각각의 쥐는 케타민과 럼푼을 근육내 주사하여 마취하였고, 복부의 피하 부위를 절개한 뒤 3개씩의 Teflon-coating된 매식체를 삽입하였다 매식체 안에는 각각 Tempcanal$^{(R)}$, Vitapex$^{(R)}$, Depulpin$^{(R)}$을 넣고, 백서 20마리를 6개군으로 나누어 매식체 삽입 후 1주 뒤, 4주 뒤에 희생시켜 매식체 주위 조직을 잘라내고 10%포르말린에 고정 후 파라핀에 포매 하였다 미세 절단기로 4$\mu$m로 연속 절단 후, hematoxy-line-eosin염색 후 3명의 관찰자가 광학 현미경으로 관찰하여 염증의 정도를 4단계로 평가한 뒤 Kruskall-Wallis test(P<0.05)로 통계 처리하였다. 그 결과 제 1군Tempcanal$^{(R)}$ 7일후 군), 제 2군(Vitapex$^{(R)}$ 7일후 군), 제 3군(Depulpin$^{(R)}$ 7일후 군) 모두 중등도의 염증도를 보였으나, 세 군간의 통계학적 유의성은 없었다. 그러나, 제 4군(Tempcanal$^{(R)}$ 30일후 군)과, 제 5군(Vitapex$^{(R)}$ 30일후 군)의 경우에서는 약한 염증도를 보여주었으나, 제 6군(Depulpin$^{(R)}$ 30일후 군)은 가장 심한 염증 반응과 함께 조직 괴사의 양상을 보여주었으며, 4, 5군과 6군간에 통계학적 유의성을 보였다. 본 실험 결과, Depulpin$^{(R)}$은 Tempcanal$^{(R)}$와 Vitapex$^{(R)}$에 비해 높은 세포 독성을 보여주공 있으나, 좀 더 많은 임상적 검증이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

A Literatural Study on Medicinal Herbs used in Cancer Therapy (악성종양(惡性腫瘍) 치료(治療)에 응용(應用)되는 약물(藥物)에 대(對)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察))

  • Park, Ryung-Joon;Park, Yong-Ki
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.9
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    • pp.139-154
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    • 2000
  • This studies were examined in orther to investigate the object and the method of animal experimental papers on medicinal herbs of cancer therapeutic activities from the reported 23 literatures containing anti-cancer effects of medicinal herbs. The results were obtained as follows: 1. The oriental medicinal therapies on cancer were Pujeung(扶正法), Kuesa(祛邪法), Pujeungkuesa(扶正法邪法). 2. The experimental medicinal herbs of cancers therapy were 103 species, which was used for experimental cancer single or combine. Among then, Houttuyniae herba, Polyporus, Manitis squama, Evodiae fructus, Aucklandiae radix and Pharbitidis semen were effective for cancer treatment, while Houttuyniae herba inhibited tumor cells, but not normal cells. Also, Evodiae fructus, Aucklandiae radix and Pharbitidis semen showed strong cytoxicities on 20 different tumor cell lines, whereas Saururi herba seu rhizoma showed cytoxicity against HT-29 cell, melanoma, SK-MEL-5 cell, and Anemarrhenae rhizoma against ovarian tumor cell only, and Schizonepetae herba against HT-29 cell line only with a potent inhivitory activities. 3. P815 cell, Yac-1 cell, Sarcoma 180 cell, K 562 cell, and SNU-1 cells were frequently used as experimental cancer therapy.

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The antioxidative and neuroprotective effects of Bombusae concretio Salicea and phenolic compounds on neuronal cells (신경세포에서 천축황(天竺黃)과 페놀성 물질의 항산화 및 신경보호 효과)

  • Seo, Young-Jun;Jeong, Ji-Cheon
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.219-225
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    • 2000
  • 산화적인 스트레스가 여러가지 신경 및 비신경계에서의 병리원인으로 알려져 있다. 퇴행성 뇌질환에 대한 예방과 치료에는 항산화 방어기술이 주요대상이며 스테로이드 분자중에서 estrogen만이 산화적인 원인에 의한 신경세포사를 방어하는데 특이적인 효과를 가지고 있다. 본 연구는 천축황(天竺黃)의 항산화적 뇌신경 보호기전을 연구하는 것으로 신경세포주, 뇌세포막, 이의 산화적 정량실험법을 사용하여 천축황(天竺黃)이 갖는 항산화 및 신경보호활성이 소수성 페놀(phenolic molecules)성 물질과 유사함을 밝히게 되었다. 즉, 페놀성 물질로서 2,4,6-trimethylphenol, N-acetylserotonin, 및 5-hydroxyindole와 유사한 뇌신경 보호활성을 나타내었으며 천축황(天竺黃)은 생쥐의 N2a cell과 사람 SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cell에서 산화적인 글루탐산 독성에 대하여 보호를 하였다. 천축황(天竺黃)의 산화적 글루탐산 독성에 대한 보호활성은 과산화수소에 대한 것과 유사하였다. 이러한 항산화 활성은 $20\;{\mu}g/ml$에서, LDL의 산화적 보호 활성은 $5\;{\mu}g/ml$농도에서 발휘되었다 (최대활성은 $16\;{\mu}g/ml$). 이러한 결과는 천축황(天竺黃)이 노인성 치매에 보호효과가 있음을 시사하였다.

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Evaluation of In Vivo Safety of Inhibitory Compounds from Cheongmoknosang Mulberry Leaves against Helicobacter pylori (청목노상 뽕잎으로부터 분리한 Helicobacter pylori 저해물질에 대한 In Vivo 안전성 평가)

  • Kim, Byong-Oh;Cho, Young-Je
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.40 no.10
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    • pp.1404-1410
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    • 2011
  • Biological compounds (caffeic acid, rosemarinic acid, and chlorogenic acid) from mulberry leaf extracts were administered to mice in order to confirm their stability. All male and female mice survived upon a 4,000 mg/g dose in an acute toxicity test, and they also survived after injection of 2,000 mg/kg for 13 weeks repeatedly. Therefore, the level of toxicity was not high. In a comparison of the control and test groups, there were no significant differences upon naked eye inspection, and the weights of stomachs infected by Helicobacter pylori were not significantly different. Regarding the effects on immune cells, NO of macrophages decreased more than that of control when medicine was administered. The spleens of the female mice group proliferated slightly in LPS and Con A within 48 hr, whereas the other test group showed a similar level and the cell toxicity of natural killing cells decreased. Therefore, we concluded that caffeic acid, rosemarinic acid, and chlorogenic acid from mulberry leaf extracts are not harmful for the treatment of infected patients the development as a healthy functional food.

Treatment of Severe Henoch-Schoenlein Purpura Nephritis in Children (소아의 심한 헤노흐-쇤라인 자반증의 치료)

  • Shin, Jae-Il;Lee, Jae-Seung
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2010
  • The overall prognosis of Henoch-Schoenlein purpura (HSP) is favorable, but severe nephritis has a high risk of progression to end stage renal failure. Recent studies emphasize the importance of early treatment in children with severe HSP nephritis, but the treatment of severe HSP nephritis still remains controversial due to the rarity of randomized controlled studies in this field. Nevertheless, several intensive therapies, such as intravenous high-dose methylprednisolone pulse, immunosuppressive/cytotoxic drugs, fibrinolytic therapy, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agent and plasma exchange, have been used in children with severe HSP nephritis. In this review, we focus on the treatment of severe HSP nephritis in children.

Gemcitabine Plus Vinorelbine as Second-line Chemotherapy of the Patients of Previously Treated Non-small Cell lung Cancer: Phase II Trial (비소세포 폐암 환자의 이차 치료로서 Gemcitabine과 Vinorelbine 혼합 요법의 효과)

  • Jang, Pil Soon;Kang, Hyun Mo;Lee, Jeong Eun;Kwon, Seon Jung;An, Jin Young;Lee, Yun Sun;Jeong, Sung Soo;Kim, Ju Ock;Kim, Sun Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.344-351
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    • 2005
  • Background : Both gemcitabine and vinorelbine are effective anticancer drugs with mild toxicity on non-small cell lung cancer, and monotherapy of these drugs are effective as a second-line chemotherapy. The aim of this trial was to assess the response and toxicity of a combination of gemcitabine and vinorelbine in patients of previously treated for non-small cell lung cancer. Materials and Methods : 24 patients, initial stage III A/B,IV and previously treated with platinium and taxane based regimens, were enrolled from June 2000 to March 2004. The regimens consisted of vinorelbine $25mg/m^2$ followed by an infusion of gemcitabine $1000mg/m^2$ on day 1 and day 8 every three weeks. This course was repeated more than twice. Results : Twenty-four patients were analyzed for the response, survival rate, and toxicities. The overall response was 17% with a complete remission rate of 4%. The median time-to progression (TTP) was 3.1 months (95%, CI 1-10months), and the survival time was 8.2 months (95%, CI 1-23 months). The grade 3/4 toxicities encountered were neutropenia (12.5%), anemia (0%), thrombocytopenia (0%). Non-hematological 3/4 toxicities were not observed. Conclusion : A combination of gemcitabine and vinorelbine in patients previously treated for non-small cell lung cancer provides a relatively good response rate, and a low toxicity profile. However, further study will be needed to confirm its effectiveness.

Effects of Chitosan on Anti-tumor Activity in Mice (키토산이 암세포성장에 미치는 효과)

  • 정양숙;김광혁;정영기;장명웅
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.209-214
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    • 2004
  • Cytotoxic anticancer chemotherapeutic agents generally produce severe side effects, while reducing host resistance to cancer and infections, especially through the destruction of lymphoid and bone marrow cells. In this study, we have investigated the effect of chitosan on cytotoxic activity against cancer cells and life span in mice. The direct cytotoxicity of chitosan or chitosan-combinated chemotherapeutic agents for tumor cells was observed. In addition, the effect of life span extention was counted on sarcoma 180 mice injected with chitosan-combinated mitomycin C. The effect of growth inhibion for cancer cells, K562 and Yac-1 was shown in the cytotoxicity test of chitosan or chitosan-combinated chemotherapeutic agents. Also, the effect of life span extension was observed on sarcoma 180 mice injected with chitosan-combinated mitomycin C. Our results suggest that life span extension in sarcom 180 mice exposed with chitosan-combinated chemotherapeutic agents showed the probability of its usefulness for cancer therapy if more research results were accumulated.

Effect of Growth Inhibition in Hep3B cell and HeLa cell by treatment of Euonymus alatus(Thunb.) Sieb extracts (귀전우(鬼箭羽)(Euonymus alatus(Thunb.) Sieb)가 간암세포(肝癌細胞)(Hep3B)와 자궁암세포(子宮癌細胞)(HeLa)의 성장억제(成長抑制)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Dal-Yeong
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 1999
  • Euonymus alatus(Thunb.) Sieb has been used for cancer theraphy such as Liver cancer, esophagus cancer, stomach cancer, and uterine cancer in folk. Eupolyphaga simemsis(ES) extracted from Euonymus alatus(Thunb.) Sieb increases HDL-C/TC ratio and LCAT activity. TGF-${\beta}$ and Insulin has been Knoen as factors to induce the supression of proliferation of Hep3B, Human hepatoblastoma cell. Plasma HDL3-C involved in carbohydrate methabolism in the liver was maintained in low level by Euonymus alatus(Thunb.) Sieb. The low level of plasma HDL3-C suppresses the transition from normal liver to Fat liver. Finally, this resuly in suppression of cancer in liver. In this study, Euonymus alatus(Thunb.) Sieb showed higher cell toxicity in hepatoblastoma cell(Hep3B) compared to the uterine cancer cell(HeLa). This means Euonymus alatus(Thunb.) Sieb seems not to affect in the all kinds of cancer. In future, we will study whether Euonymus alatus(Thunb.) Sleb have an effect on the liver cancer induced by virus and hepatocellular carcinoma. Also, the mechanims of suppression of cell proliferation in HCC need to investigated.

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