• Title/Summary/Keyword: 성구

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Anti-adipogenic Activity of Cortex ulmi pumilae Extract in 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes (유근피 추출물의 3T3-L1지방전구세포의 분화 억제 효능에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Hyun Young;Jin, Soojung;Nam, Soo Wan;Hyun, Sook Kyung;Kim, Sung Gu;Kim, Byung Woo;Kwon, Hyun Ju
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2014
  • Cortex ulmi pumilae, the cortex of Ulmus davidiana var. japonica, has been used in traditional folk medicine for its anti-inflammatory effect. Although its various bioactivities such as anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer, have been reported, the anti-adipogenic activity of cortex ulmi pumilae remains unclarified. In the present study, we investigated the effect of cortex ulmi pumilae extract on adipocyte differentiation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Treatment with cortex ulmi pumilae extract significantly reduced the formation of lipid droplets and triglyceride content in a dose-dependent manner; this is associated with an inhibition of the adipogenic transcription factors, CCAAT/enhancer binding protein ${\alpha}$ ($C/EBP{\alpha}$), $C/EBP{\beta}$, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ${\gamma}$ ($PPAR{\gamma}$). In addition, cortex ulmi pumilae extract treatment during the early stage of adipogenesis showed more efficient anti-adipogenic activity than treatment during other stages of adipogenesis. Cortex ulmi pumilae extract also inhibited cell proliferation and induced G1 arrest of 3T3-L1 cells in the early stage of adipogenesis. This was associated with upregulated expression of Cdk inhibitor p21 and downregulated expression of cyclin E and phospho-Rb, indicating that cortex ulmi pumilae extract blocks mitotic clonal expansion by cell cycle regulation. Taken together, these results suggest that cortex ulmi pumilae extract possesses anti-adipogenic activity through the inhibition of adipocyte differentiation by blocking mitotic clonal expansion.

The Effect of Ecklonia stolonifera Extracts on Blood Flow and Serum Lipid Level in Ovariectomized Rats (곰피 추출물이 난소를 절제한 흰쥐의 혈액 유동성 및 혈중 지질함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Kyoung;Jeon, Min-Hee;Park, Yong-Soo;Hwang, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Sang-Hyeon;Kim, Sung-Gu;Kim, Yuck-Young;Kim, Mi-Hyang
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.1851-1858
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    • 2010
  • Estrogen deficiency in peri- and postmenopausal women results in variety of neurovegetative, psychic and somatic symptoms, and may contribute to severe diseases within the aged female population. Ecklonia stolonifera (ES) is an edible brown algae traditionally used in fishery towns in Far East Asia. This study was performed to investigate the effects of ES extracts on blood flow and serum lipid concentration in ovariectomized rats. Weight-matched female Sprague-Dawley strain rats were assigned to four groups. Three groups were surgically ovariectomized (OVX). The fourth group was sham operated. Rats were randomly assigned to the following groups: sham-operated rats (Sham), ovariectomized control rats (OVX-CON), ovariectomized rats supplemented with ES extract at 50 mg/kg bw/day (OVX-ES50) and ovariectomized rats supplemented with ES extract at 200 mg/kg bw/day (OVX-ES200). Serum total cholesterol and triglyceride contents decreased in the sham group compared to the OVX-CON group. Six weeks feeding of ES extract resulted in a significant (p<0.05) lowering of serum triglyceride and a lowering tendency of total cholesterol level. The level of Hdl-cholesterol in serum increased by supplementation of ES extracts at 50 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg bw/day (p<0.05). Blood passage time of the ES extracts-supplemented group was higher than the OVX-CON group. The ability of platelet aggregation of groups treated with ES extracts was less than that of the OVX-CON group. These results suggest that the beneficial effects of ES extract may be used to possibly improve on the metabolic syndrome of menopausal women.

A Comparative Study on a Macrobenthic Community Structure from the Theory of Island Biogeography (도서생물지리설의 관점에서 대형무척추동물 군집 비교)

  • Seo, In-Soo;Choi, Byoung-Mi;Kim, Mi-Hyang;Yun, Jae-Seong;Park, Jae-Yeong;Lee, Sang-Yeop
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.179-187
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    • 2010
  • The Theory of Island Biogeography describes that the number of species on an island affected by island area and distance from the mainland. This study was performed to compare and analyze the community structure of the macro-invertebrates in three isolated islands, around Korean waters in terms of the Theory of Island Biogeography. Macrobenthic animals were collected using a modified underwater quadrat in August 2009. A total of 104 macrobenthic species were sampled with a mean density of 399 individuals $m^{-2}$ and biomass of 1,506.70 g $m^{-2}$. Based on the abundance and biomass data, there were 10 dominant species accounting for approximately 67.17% of total individuals. The highest densities were found in the amphipoda Amphipoda spp., the bivalvia Modiolus agripetus and Mytilus coruscus, the Sipunculida Phascolosoma scolops and the polychaeta Syllidae unid.. On the contrary, the top ten species made up 95.66% of the total biomass while the three most abundant, the bivalves M. coruscus, Streostria circumpicta and M. agripetus. The conventional multi-variate statistics (cluster analysis and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling) applied to assess spatial variation in macrobenthic assemblages. Cluster analysis and nMDS ordination analysis based on the Bray-Curtis similarity identified 2 station groups. The group 1 was consisted with Gageodo (except for lower station at Transect 2) and Dokdo station and was numerically dominated by the polychaetes Eunice antennata and Syllidae unid., the cirripedia Megabalanus rosa and the bivalvia M. coruscus. However, group 2 was associated with Sohwado station and was characterized by high abundance of the anomura Petrolisthes japonicus, the gastropoda Lirularia pygmaea and the brachiopoda Coptothyris grayi. In conclusion, these results suggested that the species diversity and community structure of macrobenthos in three isolated island seemed slightly related to island area and distance from the mainland.

Gender Preference and Sex Imbalance in the Population and Their Implication in Korea (한국의 성선호와 성비불균형 분석)

  • 박재빈
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.87-114
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    • 1994
  • 1950년대부터 많은 개발도상국가들은 가족계획을 위주로 하는 인구제어정책을 추진하여 왔다. 특히 가부장제도를 중심으로하는 동아시아 국가들에 있어서는 남아선호관이 출산력 저하나 피임 실천율이 증대에 지대한 유해요인으로 일관해 왔다. Sheps(1963)는 실증적으로 2명의 아들을 갖기 위해서는 약 3.9명 정도의 자녀를 두어야 한다는 연구결과를 제시한바 있다. 이와 같은 남아선호관의 여파에도 불구하고 한국과 홍콩은 1980년대 증반에 이미 1.6명 수준의 저출산율을 이룩하였으며, 1970년대에 인구억제 정책을 시작한 중국도 2명 수준으로 저하되어 가족계획사업의 성공사례로 평가되어 왔다. 그러나 이들 국가들의 출산율은 지난 20-30년이라는 짧은 기간에 너무나 급진적으로 감소된 반면에 남아선호관의 상존으로 인한 성비(여자 100명당 남자수)의 불균형을 초래하게 되였다. 한 예로 한국의 경우 1960년도만 해도 6명 이상의 자녀를 출산하는 과정에서 1-2명의 아들을 둘 수 있는 확률은 매우 높았으나, 최근에는 출산율이 2명 이하로 저하되어 아들을 둘 수 있는 확률은 과거보다 3-4배 어려워졌기 때문에 인위적인 방법으로 아들을 두는 부모의 수가 증가하고 있다. 중국은 1970년대 중반기부터 강력히 추진되어온 소위 "한자녀 갖기 운동"으로 인하여 여아출산인 경우 영아살해 또는 출생의 미신고등 많은 사회적 물의를 야기하였고, 최근에는 초음파검사를통한 선택적 인공임신중절(태아가 여아인 경우)으 경우가 급격히 증가하고 있다. 우리 나라의 성비는 출산율이 급격히 감소된 1980년대 증반기부터 급격히 증가되었다. 즉 인구전체에 대한 성비는 1980년의 103.9명에서 1985년에 110명으로 증가하였고ㅡ 1990년 116.9명으로 증가되었다. 성비는 자녀의 수가 적을수록 높아지는 추세이다. 1991년 조사에서 출산을 종료한 부인의 경우 1자녀의 성비는 무려 206명이나 되고 있다. 이와 같은 결과는 한자녀를 원하는 부인이 아들을 둔 경우 1자녀에서 조산을 결심하기 때문인 것이다. 통계청 자료에 의하면 성비는 무엇보다도 자녀의 출산순위와 밀접하다. 1991년 출생신고자료의 경우 첫아이의 출생시 성비는 106.1명이고, 둘째아이가 112.8명이나, 셋째아이는 184.7명으로 크게 증가하고 넷째 이상의 경우는 212.3명이나 된다. 동일한 출산순위라도 이미 두고 있는 자녀의 성에 따라서 많은 차이를 보인다. 1991년도 3번째 출산의 경우 딸만 2명을 두고 있는 자녀의 성에 아들만 2명 또는 아들과 딸을 각각 1명씩 두고 있는 경우에 비해 높은 성비를 보이고 있다. 자녀를 출산하는데 있어서 처음에는 아들ㅇ르 기다리지만 딸의 수가 증가함에 따라 적극적으로 아들을 낳고자 하는 노력을 지속하게 됨을 알 수 있다. 이는 즉 임신한 자녀의 성이 딸로 판명되면 인공임신중절을 통해 임신을 종결시키고 있음을 의미한다. 최근 한국보건사회연구원에서 수행한 연구결과에 의하면 이미 출생한 자녀의 성구성은 임신결과를 결정하는 가장 중요한 변수로 부각되고 있다. 즉 임신이 인공임신중절로 귀착되는 확률은 부모가 이미 아들을 두고 있는 경우에 일관성 있게 증가되고 있음을 보이고 있다. 따라서 남아선호관은 임신결과를 결정할뿐 아니라 선택절 인공임신중절에 의한 성비의 불균형을 초래하는 주요 변수로써 할거되었다. 특히 피임실천이 보편화되고 선택적 인공임신중절의 이용이 손쉬운 현대사회에 있어서는 남아선호관이 출산력 저하에 저해요인으로서가 아니라, 인위적이던 자연적이던 간에 아들만 두면 단산하는 현행의 출산풍토하에서는 남아선호관이 오히려 출산력저하에 결정적으로 작용하고 있다고 하겠다. 태아의 성 판별을 통한 선택적 인공임신중절의 건수는 1990년 한해에 약 20,000건 정도가 되고, 1986-1990년 사이에 총 80,000건으로 추정된다. 이 수치는 출생한 여아수의 5%에 해당한다. 현재 출생시 성비의 불균형은 연간 총출생수의 10% 미만에 불과한 3번째 이상의 출산에서 발생되고 있기 때문에 인구학적인 측면에서는 큰 문제가 아니다. 그러나 앞으로 출산율의 감소와 더불어 선택적 인공임신중절이 년간 출생수의 90% 이상을 차지하고 있는 둘째, 첫째출산순위로 확산된다면 성비의 불균형은 급진적으로 가속화되어 전통적 결혼관습의 재연등 인간의 생태계를 파괴하는 새로운 차원에서의 사회인구학적인 문제가 야기될 것이다. 결론적으로 성비의 불균형을 초래하는 근본적인 원인은 우리 나라으 전통적인 의식구조인 남아선호관의 상종과 최신의 의료기술에 의한 선택적 인공임신중절에 기인된 것이기 때문에 이를 시정하기 위한 제반 사회제도적 극복정책은 지속적으로 강화되어야 할 것이다.되어야 할 것이다.

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Macrobenthic Faunal Assemblages on the Soft-Bottoms around Dokdo in the East Sea, Korea (한국 동해 독도 주변 천해 및 사면해역의 대형저서동물군집)

  • Choi, Jin-Woo;Hyun, Sang-Min;Kim, Dong-Sung;Kim, Woong-Seo
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.429-442
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    • 2002
  • The faunal assembalges of macrobenthos and their habitat conditions on the soft-bottoms around Dokdo(Dok Island) was investigated using a box corer and a van Veen grab in Sept. 1999 and May 2000. The sediments in the slope sites were composed of sand particles and those in Ullneung Basin were mud. The sediments in the shelf sites were in the range of fine to medium sand. The organic content of the slope sediments was in the range of 1 to 2%. The macrobenthos occurred at the slope sites represented by 15faunal groups belonging to 8 phyla, and the major faunal group was polychaetous annelids. They comprised ca. 80.6% in slope sites, and 84.8% in shelf sites. Dominant species in the slope were Exogone verugera(40.9%), Cossura longocirrata (8.4%), Tharyx sp. (6.6%), Scalibregma inflatum (4.9%), Aedicira sp. (4.7%), Aricidea ramosa (3.8%), and Sigambra tentaculata (3.7%). Dominant species in the shelf were Chone sp. (49.3%), Tharyx sp. (18.4%), Ophelina acuminata (6.7%), Chaetozone setosa (3.8%), Glycera sp. (2.6%), and Aedicira sp. (2.4%). The mean densities of macrobenthos in the slope and shelf area were $2,028\;ind./m^2$ and $456\;ind./m^2$, respectively. The trophic composition of benthic polychaete worms in the slope area was different from that in shallow shelf area: surface deposit feeding worms were most abundant in slope area whereas filter feeding worms in shelf area. According to the cluster analysis and MDS plots, the spatial distribution of macrobenthos in Dokdo slope region was related with the sediment properties such as particle size and organic content. In the case of vertical distribution of macrobenthos in slope sites, most faunas concentrated in the upper sediment layer within 2cm depth.

Optimization of PS-7 Production Process by Azotobacter indicus var. myxogenes L3 Using the Control of Carbon Source Composition (탄소원 조성 조절을 이용한 Azotobacter indicus var. myxogenes L3로부터 PS-7 생산 최적화)

  • Ra, Chae-Hun;Kim, Ki-Myong;Hoe, Pil-Woo;Lee, Sung-Jae;Kim, Sung-Koo
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2008
  • The proteins in whey are separated and used as food additives. The remains (mainly lactose) are spray-dried to produce sweet whey powder, which is widely used as an additive for animal feed. Sweet whey powder is also used as a carbon source for the production of valuable products such as polysaccharides. Glucose, fructose, galactose, and sucrose as asupplemental carbon source were evaluated for the production of PS-7 from Azotobacter indicus var. myxogenes L3 grown on whey based MSM media. Productions of PS-7 with 2% (w/v) fructose and sucrose were 2.05 and 2.31g/L, respectively. The highest production of PS-7 was 2.82g/L when 2% (w/v) glucose was used as the carbon source. Galactose showed low production of PS-7 among the carbon sources tested. The effects of various carbon sources addition to whey based MSM medium showed that glucose could be the best candidate for the enhancement of PS-7 production using whey based MSM medium. To evaluate the effect of glucose addition to whey based media on PS-7 production, fermentations with whey and glucose mixture (whey 1, 2, 3%; whey 1% + glucose 1%, whey 1% + glucose 2% and glucose 2%, w/v) were carried out. Significant enhancement of PS-7 production with addition of 1% (w/v) and 2% (w/v) glucose in 1% (w/v) whey media was observed. The PS-7 concentration of 2% glucose added whey lactose based medium was higher than that of 1% glucose addition, however, the product yield $Y_{p/s}$ was higher in 1% glucose added whey lactose based MSM medium. Therefore, the optimal condition for the PS-7 production from the Azotobacter indicus var.myxogenes L3, was 1% glucose addition to 1% whey lactose MSM medium.

Human Health Risk, Environmental and Economic Assessment Based on Multimedia Fugacity Model for Determination of Best Available Technology (BAT) for VOC Reduction in Industrial Complex (산업단지 VOC 저감 최적가용기법(BAT) 선정을 위한 다매체 거동모델 기반 인체위해성·환경성·경제성 평가)

  • Kim, Yelin;Rhee, Gahee;Heo, Sungku;Nam, Kijeon;Li, Qian;Yoo, ChangKyoo
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.325-345
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    • 2020
  • Determination of Best available technology (BAT) was suggested to reduce volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a petrochemical industrial complex, by conducting human health risk, environmental, and economic assessment based on multimedia fugacity model. Fate and distribution of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) was predicted by the multimedia fugacity model, which represent VOCs emitted from the industrial complex in U-city. Media-integrated human health risk assessment and sensitivity analysis were conducted to predict the human health risk of BTEX and identify the critical variable which has adverse effects on human health. Besides, the environmental and economic assessment was conducted to determine the BAT for VOCs reduction. It is concluded that BTEX highly remained in soil media (60%, 61%, 64% and 63%), and xylene has remained as the highest proportion of BTEX in each environment media. From the candidates of BAT, the absorption was excluded due to its high human health risk. Moreover, it is identified that the half-life and exposure coefficient of each exposure route are highly correlated with human health risk by sensitivity analysis. In last, considering environmental and economic assessment, the regenerative thermal oxidation, the regenerative catalytic oxidation, the bio-filtration, the UV oxidation, and the activated carbon adsorption were determined as BAT for reducing VOCs in the petrochemical industrial complex. The suggested BAT determination methodology based on the media-integrated approach can contribute to the application of BAT into the workplace to efficiently manage the discharge facilities and operate an integrated environmental management system.

Energy band gap of $Zn_{0.86}Mn_{0.14}Te$ epilayer grown on GaAs(100) substrates (GaAs(100)기판 위에 성장된 $Zn_{0.86}Mn_{0.14}Te$에피막의 띠 간격 에너지)

  • 최용대;안갑수;이광재;김성구;심석주;윤희중;유영문;김대중;정양준
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.122-126
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    • 2003
  • In this study, $Zn_{0.86}Mn_{0.14}$Te epilayer of 0.7 $\mu\textrm{m}$-thickness was grown on GaAs(100) substrate by using hot wallepitaxy. GaAs(100) substrate was removed from $Zn_{0.86}Mn_{0.14}$Teepilayer by the selective etching solution. The crystal structure and the lattice constant of only Z $n_{0.86}$ M $n_{0.14}$Te epilayer were investigated to be zincblende and 6.140 $\AA$ from X-ray diffraction pattern, respectively. Mn composition x of $Zn_{1-x}Mn_x$Te epilayer was found to be 0.14 using this lattice constant and Vegard's law. The crystal quality of the epilayer was confirmed to be very good due to 256 arcsec-full-width at half-maximum of the double crystal rocking curve. The absorption spectra from the transmission ones were obtained to measure the band gap energy of $Zn_{0.86}Mn_{0.14}$Te epilayer from 300 K to 10 K. With the decreasing temperature,. strong absorption regions in the absorption spectra were shifted to higher energy side and the absorption peak meaning the free exciton formation appeared near the absorption edge. The band gap energy values of $Zn_{0.86}Mn_{0.14}$Te epilayer at 0 K and 300 K were found to be almost 2.4947 eV and 2.330 eV from the temperature dependence of the free exciton peak position energy of $Zn_{0.86}Mn_{0.14}$Te epilayer, respectively. The free exciton peak position energy of $Zn_{0.86}Mn_{0.14}$Te epilayer without GaAs substrate was larger 15.4 meV than photoluminescence peak position energy at 10 K. This energy difference between two peaks was analysed to be Stokes shift.

Limitation of Prediction on Intravenous Immunoglobulin Responsiveness in Kawasaki Disease (가와사끼병에서 정맥용 면역글로불린 치료 반응 예측의 한계)

  • Kim, Seong-Koo;Han, Ji-Yoon;Rhim, Jung Woo;Oh, Jin Hee;Han, Ji-Whan;Lee, Kyung Yil;Kang, Jin-Han;Lee, Joon-Sung
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : We aimed to evaluate predictive parameters for non-response to intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) in patients with Kawasaki disease (KD) before IVIG use using two controls. Methods : We evaluated 229 consecutive KD patients who were treated with 2 g/kg of IVIG at a single center. Those who had persistent fever >24 hours after IVIG infusion made up the 23 IVIG non-responders; the first control included a total 206 defervesced cases and the second control included 46 cases that were matched for age and pre-treatment fever duration to non-responders. Results : Demographic and clinical characteristics were similar in IVIG non-responders and responders at presentation. As for laboratory findings, the neutrophil differential, CRP, AST, ALT, and LDH were higher, and lymphocyte differential, total protein, albumin, platelet count, and total cholesterol were significantly lower in IVIG non-responders compared to responders by univariate analysis in both study designs. However in multivariate analysis, non-responders showed a significantly higher neutrophil differential (cutoff value, >77%, sensitivity 68.4% and specificity 79.5%) and lower cholesterol (<124 mg/dL, sensitivity 79% and specificity 70.5%). Whereas plasma albumin (<3.6 g/dL, sensitivity 73.7% and specificity 60%) was the sole laboratory parameter of non-responders in the second study design. Conclusion : Severity of inflammation in KD was reflected by higher or lower laboratory values at presentation. Because the multivariate analysis for these indices may be influenced by some confounding factors, including the numbers of patients of different ages and fever duration, other assessment modalities are needed for KD patients with the greatest risk of coronary artery lesions.

The Relationship Between Son Preference and Fertility (남아 선호와 출산력간의 관계)

  • 이성용
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.31-57
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    • 2003
  • This study is intended to examine (l)whether the value of son-for example, old age security and succession of family lineage- causing son preference in the traditional society can be explained at the individual level, (2)whether women without son in the son preference country continue her childbearing until having at least one son or give up the desire of having a son at a certain level. To accomplish these purposes, the 1974 Korean National Fertility Survey data are analyzed by the quadratic hazard models controlling unobserved heterogeneity. Unlike ordinary regression model, even omitted variables that affect hazard rates and are uncorrelated with the included independent variables can distort the parameter estimates in the hazard model. Therefore the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator(NPMLE) of a mixing distribution developed by Heckman and Singer is used to control unobserved heterogeneity. Based on the statistical result in this study, the value of son causing son preference is determined at the societal level, not at the individual level. And Korean women without a son did not continue endlessly childbearing during child bearing ages until having a son. In general, they gave up the desire having a son when she had born six daughters continuously. Thus, 30-40 years ago, the number of daughters that women without a son giving up the desire of son was six, which is about the level of total fertility rate during 1960s. In these days, we can often see many women who have only two or three daughters and do not any son. This means that the level of giving up the desire of son, which is one factor representing the strength of son preference, becomes lower. If the strength of son preference did not become much weaker, then the fertility rates in Korea could not reach the below replacement level.