• Title/Summary/Keyword: 섬유 그물망

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Evaluation of Support Performance of Fiber-Net Integrated Shotcrete in Tunnel Support System (숏크리트용 섬유 그물망 일체형 터널 지보시스템의 지보 성능 평가)

  • Kim, Jiyoung;Choi, Seongcheol
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.545-552
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    • 2020
  • This study evaluated the support performance of fiber-net integrated shotcrete in tunnel support system developed for the purpose of improving constructability and stability while fully performing its mechanical performance as a tunnel support materials by four-point bending test, two-dimensional numerical analysis, and cross-sectional analysis. As a result of evaluating the flexural performance through a four-point bending test, in the case of fiber-net reinforced shotcrete, the tensile performance of fiber-net resulted in a continuous increase in load after crack occurrence, unlike steel fiber reinforced shotcrete. Also, the results of the tunnel cross-sectional structure analysis for ground conditions and the cross-sectional analysis of fiber-net and steel fiber reinforced shotcrete showed that sufficient support performance can be exhibited even if the thickness of fiber-net reinforced shotcrete was reduced compared to the previous one. Additionally, through these results, the support pattern of fiber-net integrated shotcrete in tunnel support system, which can be applied efficiently to the construction sections requiring higher stability among the rock mass class III, was proposed.

Evaluation of Field Applicability of Shotcrete for Fiber-net Integrated Tunnel Support System through Mock-up Test (목업 테스트를 통한 숏크리트용 섬유 그물망 일체형 터널 지보시스템의 현장 적용성 평가)

  • Kim, Jiyoung;Choi, Seongcheol
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2020
  • The present study developed shotcrete for fiber-net integrated tunnel support system, which consists of fiber-net support materials including netlike fiber and shotcrete and integration technology between support materials. In addition, in order to evaluate the field applicability of the developed tunnel support system and compare with the performance of steel fiber reinforced shotcrete, mock -up test was conducted on the mock -up structure. The test results show that in the case of shotcrete containing coarse aggregate(S20A5RP10-C), the excessive rebound rate occurred as the secondary shotcrete was dropped during construction due to the degradation in bond performance with fiber-net. Also, in the case of steel fiber reinforced shotcrete, the amount of cast shotcrete fell short of target value due to the fiber ball and the degradation of pumpability. On the other hand, the amount of cast mortar shotcrete(S20A5RP10-M) and the installation position of fiber-net were almost close to the target values, and the lower rebound rate occurred compared to the steel fiber reinforced shotcrete.

Treatment of Phosphorus and Suspended Solid in Reject Water of Sewage Using an Integrated Slow Mixing/Sedimentation and Net Fit Fiber Filtration System (일체형 완속교반/침전 그물망 압착식 섬유여과장치를 이용한 하수처리장 반류수 내 고농도 인 및 부유물질 처리)

  • Kim, Jeongsook;Kim, Min-Ho;Kim, Mi-Ran;Jang, Jeong-Gook
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.816-821
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    • 2017
  • An integrated slow mixing/sedimentation and net fit fiber filtration system has been developed to reduce the high concentrations of suspended solid (SS) and total phosphorus (T-P) in the reject water from sewage/wastewater. A filtration device used in this experiment consists of coagulation, in-line mixing, air injection, slow mixing/sedimentation, and filtration processes. The performance test using this device was carried out with six operational modes for reject water from sewage treatment plant. Experimental conditions used were 16.7, 33.3, 41.7 and 50.0 ton/day of flow rate and 2~4 of Al/P molar ratio. By injection of coagulant in each operational mode, the high removal efficiencies of SS and T-P were obtained, but continuous operation time was decreased to 7.8~11.4 min in most modes. However, when the Mode 5 of the developed filtration device was applied, the continuous operation time was maintained up to 88.2 min. Also, it was found that the continuous operation time in the Mode 5 using the developed system was increased from 8 to 11.3 times longer than those in other modes. Backwashing flow rate was also very low at 5.4% of total filtered water. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Mode 5 of the developed filtration system was the most efficient treatment method for the removal of high concentrations of SS and T-P.

Study on the Anchovy Boat Seine - II - On The Hydrodynamic Resistance and Performance of Patti-net (기선권현망의 연구 II - 파치망의 유체저항과 그물꼴에 관하여 -)

  • Lee, Byoung-Gee;Su, Young-Tae;Han, Hi-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 1978
  • A boat seine has been used as a major fishing gear for catching anchovy (Engraulis japonica) in the southern coastal waters of Korea since the 1920s. Since the 1950s some improvement from the original seine has been made; powered boats equipped with net hauler has been used instead of rowing boats with hand-driven capstan, and the seining method has been changed into the trawling method. But even now, there are many problems to be solved in the view point of decreasing man power without decreasing catching efficiency. For the purpose, patti-net has been introduced from Japan and experimented on the commercial base since 1972, and it was known that the patti-net could be operated with man power as half as needed in the coventional net, but catching efficiency was not so desirable. Therefore, the study on the characteristics of it were required. The authors carried out a model experiment with a Qne-twentieth scale model net towed by a powered boat on the sea. The obtained results run as follows: 1. Hydrodynamic resistance of the model net can be explained as $R_p=69.6 V_{I.66}$ $R_h=37 v^2$ where $R_p$ and $R_b$ denote the resistance of the whole gear and the cod end in kg respectively, and v the towing speed in mlsec. 2. Performance of wing and cod end showed no deformation such as observed at the conventional net. 3. The ratio of opening at the entrance of bag net to that of cod end showed about 2: 1. Therefore, when we intend to enlarge the net to be able to operate in the deep fishing ground, the cod end should be enlarged in the same proportion and increased towing power is needed .. Then, it will be better to increase the ratio for increasing fishing efficiency without increasing towing power.

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Effects of Substrates on Fiber Digestion Pattern and Fibrolytic Enzyme Production by Neocallimastix frontalis (기질의 종류가 Neocallimastix frontalis에 의한 섬유소 분해양상과 섬유소 분해 효소 생산에 미치는 영향)

  • Sung, H.G.;Lee, Sung.S.;Ha, J.K.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.763-772
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    • 2004
  • The patterns of fungal growth and fiber digestion under the microscope, and tile productions of fibrolytic enzyme were studied in an in vitro culture with Neocallimastix frontalis SA when either filter paper or rice straw was provided as sole energy source. Under the microscopic observation, active zoospores attachment, sporangium development and complex rhizoidal system were founded on the surface and at the edge of filter paper. After 7 days of incubation, a reduced fiber mass, a decreased fiber cohesion and a weakened fiber structure by fungal digestion were clearly observed. Similar fungal development was observed with rice straw, but fungal growth and digestion took place mostly on the damaged and exposed portion of rice straw. Although there were some differences in absolute concentration and pattern, the concentration of both cellulase and xylanase increased with incubation time with the higher activity being obtained with filter paper. Their differences were large especially after 48 and 96hr of incubation(P< 0.05). The filter paper was more good inducer of cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzymes compared with complex substrate, rice straw. These findings suggest that the filter paper is the better energy source for N frontalis than the complex substrate, and structural disintegration by physical process is able to help rumen fungal growth on the lignified roughage although anaerobic rumen fungi have mechanical and enzymatic functions for fiber digestion.

Development of Water Reusing System by Using Net3FM (Net Fit Fiber Filter Module) (그물망 압착식 섬유여과장치를 이용한 물 재이용 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jeongsook;Kim, Mi-Ran;Jo, Myung-Chan;Jang, Jeong-Gook
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.1523-1528
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to develop pilot plant Net3FM(Net Fit Fiber Filter Module) system and to suggest optimum operating condition for municipal wastewater reuse. SS concentration of biologically treated sewage effluent was reduced from 1.5~5.4mg/L to 0.4~1.0mg/L without coagulant injection in Net3FM system, and the SS removal efficiency was average 84.7%. And also, the removal efficiencies of COD and T-P were decreased slightly due to the SS removal by filtration. Coagulation-Filtration test was conducted to enhance the removal efficiencies of SS and T-P. The optimum dosage of coagulant was injected automatically by auto-controlling system, which is controlled by detecting value of turbidity of secondary sewage effluent. SS, COD and T-P concentrations in filtrated effluent were 0.21~0.57, 1.6~6.2 and 0.137~0.392mg/L with coagulant injection by in-line mixer in Net3FM system, respectively. The removal efficiencies of SS and T-P were highly increased to 92.8% and 89.8%, respectively. It was due to the combined the processes of coagulation and filtration. Net3FM system was evaluated that the removal efficiency of pollutants in secondary sewage effluent and the utilization potential as reclaimed water technology were very high.

Evaluation of Biogas Production Rate by using Various Electrodes Materials in a Combined Anaerobic Digester and Microbial Electrochemical Technology (MET) (미생물 전기화학 기술이 적용된 단일 혐기성소화조에서 전극재질에 따른 바이오가스 생성 효율 평가)

  • Shin, Wonbeom;Park, Jungyu;Lee, Beom;Kim, Yonggeun;Jun, Hangbae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.82-88
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    • 2017
  • MET (Microbial Electrochemical Technology), such as MFC (Microbial Fuel Cell) and MEC (Microbial Electrolysis Cell), is a promising technology for producing sustainable biogas from an anaerobic digester (AD). At current stage, however, the most likely limiting factors, large internal resistances, should be overcome for successful scale up of this technology. Various researchers reported that application of electrode materials containing high current density, increase of ion strength and conductivity, configuration of electrode are good methods for minimizing internal resistances. Recently, stainless steel is receiving great attention because of not only high performance and durability but also low cost. Therefore, in this study, we evaluate electrochemical characteristics and biogas production rate using various electrode materials and configuration (graphite carbon coated with catalysts ($GC-C_M$) or not (GC), stainless steel mesh (SUS-M) and plate (SUS-P)). As the results, current densities of $GC-C_M$, GC, SUS-P, SUS-M were 2.03, 1.36, 1.04, $1.13A/m^2$, respectively. Methane yields of $GC-C_M$, GC, SUS-P, SUS-M were 0.27, 0.14, 0.19, 0.21 $L-CH_4/g-COD_{rem}$., respectively. Stainless steel shows high current density and methane yield, which are similar as graphite carbon coated with catalysts.

Characteristics of Cellulose Aerogel Prepared by Using Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide-urea (Sodium Hydroxide-urea 수용액을 이용하여 제조한 셀룰로오스계 에어로겔의 특성)

  • Kim, Eun-Ji;Kwon, Gu-Joong;Kim, Dae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.302-309
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    • 2013
  • The highly porous cellulosic aerogels were prepared by freeze-drying method using sodium hydroxide-urea aqueous solution in the process of dissolution, gelation, regeneration and organic solvent substitution. The structural characteristics of porous aerogel were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and nitrogen adsorption apparatus. As a result, the dissolving pulp was completely dissolved, but filter papers and holocellulose were divided into two layers (dissolved and undissolved parts) in the process of centrifugation. The structure of aerogel from dissolved pulp showed porous pores in the surface and net-shaped network in the inner part. Aerogels from filter paper and holocellulose had the condensed porous network surface and the open-pore nano-fibril network inner structure. Undissolved form of fibers was observed in the aqueous solution of aerogel from holocellulose. The BET value ($S_{BET}$) of aerogel from dissolved pulp was ranged in 260~326 $m^2/g$, and it was decreased with the increase of concentration. Whereas, the $S_{BET}$ value of aerogel from filter paper (198~418 $m^2/g$) was increased with the increase of concentration. The $S_{BET}$ value of aerogel from holocellulose were 137 $m^2/g$ at 2% (w/w) of cellulose, and it was increased to maximum 401 $m^2/g$ at 4% (w/w) of cellulose. Then, it was decreased at 5% (w/w) of cellulose.