• Title/Summary/Keyword: 섬발전

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A Scheme for listing on FAO GIAHS and Preservation of Juk-Bang-Ryeum in the Southern Coast of Korea (남해안 죽방렴의 세계중요농어업유산 등재 및 보존 방안)

  • Lee, Kyung-Joo;Kwon, Hojong;Jeong, Dae-Yul
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.325-336
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    • 2019
  • There are many bamboo weir (Juk-Bang-Ryeum) with the highest preservation value as a fisheries heritage from Sacheon to Namhae area in the Korea Hanrye National Marine Park. It was designated as a Korea National Cultural Property Sightseeing No. 71, and also as an important fishery asset listed in the Korea National Important Fisheries Heritage No. 3. It is an important cultural heritage that should be preserved for the future as a community asset to the local residents, and should be preserved as it's original form because of unique traditional fishery style in the world as well as natural environment oriented fishing system. The purpose of this study is to review the value of Juk-Bang-Ryeum in the South Sea as well as to preserve the tradition of it. This paper will make a contribution to the registration of it on the list of World Important Agricultural and Fishery Heritage (GIAHS), which is recognized by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). To make basic data for listing on it, we will analyze the characteristics and structure of Juk-Bang-Ryeum, and also research the value of it from the historical literature review as well state of arts. We also develop a scheme for listing on FAO GIAHS through checking necessary items step by step. Finally, we suggest some idea to preserve it more effectively.

Dynamic Numerical Modeling of Subsea Railway Tunnel Based on Geotechnical Conditions and Seismic Waves (지반조건과 지진파를 고려한 해저철도 터널의 동적 수치 모델링)

  • Kwak, Chang-Won;Yoo, Mintaek
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.38 no.11
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    • pp.69-86
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    • 2022
  • The railway is widely used to transport passengers and freight due to its punctuality and large transport capacity. The recent remarkable development in construction technology enables various subsea railway tunnels for continent-continent or continent-island connectivity. In Korea, design and construction experience is primarily based on the successful completion of the Boryeong subsea tunnel (2021) and the Gadeok subsea tunnel (2010). However, frequent earthquakes with diverse magnitudes, globally induced and continuously increased the awareness of seismic risks and the frequency of domestic earthquakes. The effect of an earthquake on the subsea tunnel is very complicated. However, ground conditions and seismic waves are considered the main factors. This study simulated four ground types of 3-dimensional numerical models, such as soil, rock, composite, and fractured zone, to analyze the effect of ground type and seismic wave. A virtual subsea railway shield tunnel considering external water pressure was modeled. Further, three different seismic waves with long-term, short-term, and both periods were studied. The dynamic analyses by finite difference method were performed to investigate the displacement and stress characteristics. Consequently, the long-term period wave exhibited a predominant lateral displacement response in soil and the short-term period wave in rock. The artificial wave, which had both periodic characteristics, demonstrated predominant in the fractured zone. The effect of an earthquake is more noticeable in the stress of the tunnel segment than in displacement because of confining effect of ground and structural elements in the shield tunnel. 

A Study on Formative Background and Spatial Characteristics of Katsura Imperial Villa (카츠라리큐(桂離宮, 계리궁)의 형성배경 및 공간특성)

  • Yeom, Sung-Jin;An, Seung-Hong;Yoon, Sung-Yung;Yoon, Sang-Jun;Son, Yong-Hoon;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.140-147
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    • 2015
  • The garden culture of Korea and Japan have been commonly influenced by Wonrim culture of China. Nevertheless, each culture has been settled down through the development of the two separate garden cultures, The purpose of this study is to grasp the formation background and main agent of development through theoretical consideration of gardens in Japanese Imperial Garden Katsura Imperial Villa, which is the origin of the representative garden making style-Circuit Style Garden, to look into the characteristic of spatial organization elements by conducting on-site survey and interview with a garden manager, and to obtain elementary views on Katsura Imperial Villa which is an important case of Japanese garden culture. As a result; first, Katsura Imperial Villa is the first jicheol juyu(round tour of ponds and springs) circuit style garden created by Toshihito Emperor and his son Toshitada Emperor, who were well-versed in Waka through the dynasty literature based on the story of Genji throughout about two generations lasting about 30 years; space composition of this garden is divided into land, island and water space, being composed of a total of 36 space components. Second, Katsura Imperial Villa was created with the primary goal of making a round tour around the garden land by arranging tea pavilions, such as Shokintei, Shokatei and Shoiken, etc., which introduced the then game culture into the garden. Third, the personnel in Katsura Imperial Villa intended to enjoy the scenic characteristics of the area where Katsura Imperial Villa was located from the interior of the garden by making Gepparo which was a tea pavilion for enjoying the rising moon on the hill even a litter faster and longer by piling up earth and setting up stone walls north of Koshoin which was a structure located west of the garden land.

Comparative analysis of auto-calibration methods using QUAL2Kw and assessment on the water quality management alternatives for Sum River (QUAL2Kw 모형을 이용한 자동보정 방법 비교분석과 섬강의 수질관리 대안 평가)

  • Cho, Jae Heon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.345-356
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    • 2016
  • In this study, auto-calibration method for water quality model was compared and analyzed using QUAL2Kw, which can estimate the optimum parameters through the integration of genetic algorithm and QUAL2K. The QUAL2Kw was applied to the Sum River which is greatly affected by the pollution loads of Wonju city. Two auto-calibration methods were examined: single parameter application for the whole river reach and separate parameter application for each reach of multiple reaches. The analysis about CV(RMSE) and fitness of the GA show that the separate parameter auto-calibration method is better than the single parameter method in the degree of precision. Thus the separate parameter auto-calibration method is applied to the water quality modelling of this study. The calibrated QUAL2Kw was used for the three scenarios for the water quality management of the Sum River, and the water quality impact on the river was analyzed. In scenario 1, which improve the effluent water quality of Wonju WWTP, BOD and TP concentrations of the Sum River 4-1 station which is representative one of Mid-Watershed, are decreased 17.7% and 29.1%, respectively. And immediately after joining the Wonjucheon, BOD and TP concentrations are decreased 50.4% and 40.5%, respectively. In scenario 2, Wonju water supply intake is closed and multi-regional water supply, which come from other watershed except the Sum River, is provided. The Sum River water quality in scenario 2 is slightly improved as the flow of the river is increased. Immediately after joining the Wonjucheon, BOD and TP concentrations are decreased 0.18mg/L and 0.0063mg/L, respectively. In scenario 3, the water quality management alternatives of scenario 1 and 2 are planned simultaneously, the Sum River water quality is slightly more improved than scenario 1. Water quality prediction of the three scenarios indicates that effluent water quality improvement of Wonju WWTP is the most efficient alternative in water quality management of the Sum River. Particularly the Sum River water quality immediately after joining the Wonjucheon is greatly improved. When Wonju water supply intake is closed and multi-regional water supply is provided, the Sum River water quality is slightly improved.


  • Lee, Sang-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Professional Engineer Association Conference
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    • 1995.12b
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    • pp.30-48
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    • 1995
  • 서울시는 국가의 수도로서 이제 6n년의 역사를 맞이하였다. 뛰어난 산수와 자연 경관을 가진 서울시의 자연은 근세이후 도시의 발전에 따른 점차적으로 훼손되어 왔으며, 특히 1960년대 이후의 도시성장기에 시행된 개발 위주의 도시 정책은 공원 녹지의 잠식을 가속화시켜 본래의 자연은 양적, 질적 측면에 많은 피해가 발생되었다. 또한 도시 정책의 부분으로서 공원 녹지 정책은 개발 위주의 도시 정책에 밀려 제기능을 발휘 할 수 없었으며, 정책에 있어서도 목표와 미래 방향에 대한 뚜렷한 비전을 제시하지 못하였다. 현재 공원 녹지와 관련된 정책 환경을 볼 때, 각종의 도시개발 사업, 지방 자치제 시행에 따를 도시의 난 개발은 부족한 공원녹지를 더욱 잠식하는 위협요소가 되고 있으며, 토지수요에 대한 공급의 한계 상황에 직면해 있는 시점에서 개발론자 들은 공원 녹지를 개발의 주요대상으로 인식하는 자세를 견지하고 있다. 그러나 최근 들어 지구 환경의 문제의 대두, 환경에 대한 시민의 관심, 정책 집행자들의 환경 보전과 관리의 움직임이 나타나기 시작하고 있어 서울시의 공원 녹지의 미래 전망을 밝게 해주는 긍정적인 요소가 되고 있다. 2000년대를 바라본 현시점에서 도시의 기간 요소로서 공원 녹지는 단지 존재만의 가치가 아니라 적정한 기능을 부여하고 이용의 활성화를 통한 공원 녹지의 새로운 탄생이 요구되고 있다. 이것은 공원 녹지정책 측면에서 공원 녹지의 양적 측면에서의 풍요로움과 질적 측면에서의 기능성의 회복과 도시 구성적 측면에서의 공원 녹지의 네트워크의 구성이라는 3가지의 정책 이슈를 제기한다. 양적 측면에서 녹의 풍요로움을 확보하기 위해서는 기존의 공급 지표 위주의 정책보다는 공원 녹지의 총량적인 관리 체제를 통한 전 도시적 차원의 공원녹지 관리 시스템이 필요하며, 공원 녹지로서 잠재 가치를 가지고 있는 새로운 유형의 공원 녹지의 조성과 각종 개발사업에 대한 공원 녹지의 잠식 방지를 위한 명확한 사회적인 공감대의 형성이 요구된다. 질적 측면에서는 공원 녹지의 기능성의 회복이라는 측면과 시대에 부합되는 새로운 기능 및 가치의 부여가 필요하며, 이를 위해서는 공원의 매력, 공원의 시설기능 증진, 녹지의 질의 향상 및 녹지 가치의 증진에 대한 다양한 시책이 요구된다. 구성적 측면에서는 공원녹지의 개별적 존재보다는 공원 녹지를 상호간 유기적인 계통을 확보하여 공원 녹지의 네트워크를 형성하여 도시 속의 산재된 고립된 섬으로서의 공원 녹지가 아닌 시민생활에 늘 가까이 있는 생활 속의 공원녹지로 재편되어야 한다. 이러한 정책의 의제는 양적 측면에서 보전(CONSERVATION)과 창출(CREATION), 질적 측면에서 쇄신(RENOVATION)과 복구(RESTORATION), 그리고 구성적 측면에서 공원 녹지의 연결(CONNECTION)과 시민 참여에 의한 운동(MOVEMENT)이라는 정책 개념의 구현을 통해 가능하다. 이러한 정책 개념과 의제를 가지고 서울시 공원 녹지 정책을 구체화시키기 위해서 푸르름의 새로운 탄생이라는 기치 아래 풍요로운 서울, 사랑 받는 공원, 생활 속의 녹지의 3대 목표, 공원 녹지의 보전, 잠재 공원 녹지의 창출, 공원의 활성화, 녹지의 복구, 경관 보전 및 복구, 공원 녹지의 네트워크, 도시 녹화의 7대 과제를 설정하고 미시설 공원 녹지 집행, 개발 사업시 공원 녹지의 확보, 환경 녹지의 총량 보호 관리, 도시 소공원 개발, 역사 문화 공원 조성, 하천 공간 복원, 공원 시설 기능 개선, 이용 프로그램 개발, 공원 관리 개선, 환경 피해 녹지의 회복, 도시 환경 림 조성, 녹지 기능 증진, 도시 자연 경관 보전, 공원 녹지체계 구성, 공원 녹지 공급 균형, 주변 환경 녹화, 가로 녹화의 17개 시책을 제안하였다. 이러한 정책사업의 원활한 추진을 위해서는 기존의 관주도의 일방적인 공원 녹지 행정이 아닌 시민의 참여를 통한 시민이 함께 하는 정 책 사업의 추진이 요구되며, 특히 민간 부문의 적극적 인 참여를 유도하기 위한 방안이 동시 에 강구되어야 한다. 또한 공공에서는 정 책 집행을 위한 조직과 행정의 개편, 예산의 확보 방안을 적극적으로 검토해야 한다. 현재 서울시는 지방자치제 시행에 따라 시 행정에 있어 많은 변화가 예고되고 있으며, 공원 녹지는 새로운 환경 변화에 부합되는 적절한 도시요소가 될 것으로 추정된다. 서울시 하천 복개의 금지, 하천공간의 복원에 대한 움직임, 환경 녹지 복구를 위한 사업의 시행, 민간부문의 환경 운동의 활성화 등 바람직 한 현상이 전개되고 있어, 공원 녹지는 미래의 도시 관리 에 있어 주요 관심사가 될 것이다.

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A Study on the Adaptation and Change of Amusement Culture on the Case of Wolmido Pleasure Ground during the Japanese Colonial Era (일제강점기 월미도유원지를 통한 행락 문화의 수용과 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jeoung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.134-147
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    • 2014
  • Pleasure grounds, which were introduced during the Japanese colonial era, were places for organizing new amusement activities, and developed into a large-scale private spaces and a new type of public space at the same time. This study explores the scenery and accommodations of pleasure grounds and the changes of the amusement culture through the Wolmido Pleasure Grounds, which was a typical pleasure grounds of the time. At that time, Wolmido became a comprehensive amusement/entertainment place with many elements of both Western and Japanese pleasure grounds such as exotic buildings harmonized with trees, a beach, a seaside school, public playing field, and zoo constructed on the Island. Wolmido Pleasure Ground, which was connected with Kyungsung by Kyungin railroad during the Japanese colonial era, is a good example showing the process of the popularization and commercialization of the amusement culture. The process of popularization of amusement shows the spreading of the enjoyment of leisure time with amusement activities through appreciating the beautiful scenery of the pleasure grounds among various social classes. The caste system was broken and anyone could use the pleasure grounds by paying the fee, of which there were many kinds, so the distinction between genders and the different classes, such as the Chosun people and Japanese, regarding amusement in pleasure grounds disappeared gradually. Also, pleasure grounds were a place for Western hobby-sports activities and were the means to generalize collective and dynamic activities through summer school and various sport games. At the same time, there were places for deviation from the existing social norms when it was combined with entertainment facilities. The commercialization of amusement took place in the form of an artificial entertainment culture within an artificial environment. First, the scenery was artificially constructed and this scenery created the image of paradise such as 'captivating summer vacation spot' and 'water kingdom'. This was the result of the combined intentions of the colonial authority, the railroad company and the amusement corporation to produce economic profits and encourage development in the area. Second, an artificial spectacle was constructed using nature as the backdrop. Buildings of various styles created a modernized and exotic image when they were combined with each other. Artifacts such as breakwaters and arcades created new attractions for people that enabled them to view both nature and the crowds from a whole different perspective. Third, pleasure grounds contributed to the advent of passive users who would just follow the given use and instructions. In this way, one can find the prototype of popular entertainment places of today such as sightseeing complexes, amusement parks, and theme parks through the construction of amusement grounds as a place for providing dynamic activities.

Rainfall and Hydrological Comparative Analysis of Water Quality Variability in Euiam Reservoir, the North-Han River, Korea (북한강 의암호의 수질 변동성에 대한 강우·수문학적 비교분석)

  • Hwang, Soon-Jin;Sim, Yeon Bo;Choi, Bong-Geun;Kim, Keonhee;Park, Chaehong;Seo, Wanbum;Park, Myung-Hwan;Lee, Su-Woong;Shin, Jae-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2017
  • This study explored spatiotemporal variability of water quality in correspondence with hydro-meteorological factors in the four stations of Euiam Reservoir located in the upstream region of the North-Han River from May 2012 to December 2015. Seasonal effect was apparent in the variation of water temperature, DO, electric conductivity and TSS during the study period. Stratification in the water column was observed in the near dam site every year and vanished between August and October. Increase of nitrogen nutrients was observed when inflowing discharge was low, while phosphorus increase was distinct both during the early season with increase of inflowing discharge and the period of severe draught persistent. Duration persisting high concentration of Chl-a (>$25mg\;m^{-3}$: the eutrophic status criterion, OECD, 1982) was 1~2 months of the whole year in 2014~2015, while it was almost 4 months in 2013. Water quality of Euiam Reservoir appeared to be affected basically by geomorphology and source of pollutants, such as longitudinally linked instream islands and Aggregate Island, inflowing urban stream, and wastewater treatment plant discharge. While inflowing discharge from the dams upstream and outflow pattern causing water level change seem to largely govern the variability of water quality in this particular system. In the process of spatiotemporal water quality change, factors related to climate (e.g. flood, typhoon, abruptly high rainfall, scorching heat of summer), hydrology (amount of flow and water level) might be attributed to water pulse, dilution, backflow, uptake, and sedimentation. This study showed that change of water quality in Euiam Reservoir was very dynamic and suggested that its effect could be delivered to downstream (Cheongpyeong and Paldang Reservoirs) through year-round discharge for hydropower generation.

Successful Management and Operating System of a UNESCO World Heritage Site - A Case Study on the Wadi Al-Hitan of Egypt - (유네스코 세계자연유산의 성공적인 관리와 운영체계 - 『이집트 Wadi Al-Hitan』의 사례 -)

  • Lim, Jong Deock
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.106-121
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    • 2011
  • The number of World Natural Heritage Sites is smaller than that of World Cultural Heritage Sites. As of 2010, the total number of natural sites was 180, which is less than 1/3 of all cultural sites. The reason why the number of natural sites is smaller can be attributed to the evaluating criteria of OUV(outstanding universal value). Only 9 fossil related sites were designated as World Heritage Sites among 180 Natural Sites. This study compares their OUVs including the academic value and characteristics of the 9 World Heritage Sites to provide data and reference for KCDC(Korean Cretaceous Dinosaur Coast) to apply as a World Natural Heritage Site. This study was carried out to obtain information and data on the Wadi Al-Hitan of Egypt which was designated as a World Natural Heritage Site. The study includes field investigation for whale fossils, interviews of site paleontologists and staff, and inspections of facilities. Three factors can likely be attributed to its successful management and operating system. First, there is a system for comprehensive research and a monitoring plan. Secondly, experts have been recruited and hired and professional training for staff members has been done properly. Finally, the Wadi Al-Hitan has developed local resources with specialized techniques for conservation and construction design, which matched well with whale fossils and the environment at the site. The Wadi Al-Hitan put a master plan into practice and achieved goals for action plans. To designate a future World Natural Heritage Site in Korea, it is important to be recognized by international experts including IUCN specialists as the best in one's field with OUV. Full-time regular-status employees for a research position are necessary from the preparation stage for the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Local government and related organizations must do their best to control monitoring plans and to improve academic value after the UNESCO World Heritage Site designation. As we experienced during the designation process of Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes as the first Korean World Natural Heritage Site, participation by various scholars and specialists need to be in harmony with active endeavors from local governments and NGOs.

The Myth of the Samsunghyeol through Communication Mathematic - Historical Analysis of The Goyangbu 3 (고양부 3을나의 3의 통신수학-역사적 분석을 통한 3성혈 신화 해석)

  • Lee, Seong kook;Lee, Moon Ho;Kim, Jeong Su
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.581-587
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    • 2022
  • The water god, Venerable Bhadra, Indian Tammola (Tamla as the 'mol' and 'ju' characters were eliminated) came to Tamla with 900 Arahants(The highest Buddhist monks) around 563-483 BC. It is the propagation of Buddhism through the world's most sacred water (Heiligkeit). The traces of the three surnames of Goyangbu are the first samsunghyeol and the dwelling of the den of Jonjaam(cave of venerable Bhadra) in Yeongsil, giving a glimpse into the era of living in caves. The second is a link that is in line with 3, the basic number in the decomposition of 900 (=3*3*100) disciples of Bhadra, considering that 3 and 3 of the three surnames in Goyangbu are three times 9. At this time, 3 is the person of heaven and earth, religiously, marriage, hope, or complete number, and Jeju culture is resting everywhere. For example, 3 of the samsunghyeol, 3 of the 1, 2, 3 Dodong, 3 of the 3 Dado, 3 of the 3 Mudo, 3 of the 3 disasters, 3 of the Goyangbu 3-surnames, 3 of the house Olle Jeongnang and, among 900 (=3*3*100) disciples of Venerable Bhadra, the common factor is 3. It is the 'island of 3'. These papers consist of 1 and 2 parts. In Part 1, the name of Tamla came from Tammola, India, and 900 Indian Buddhist Arahants estimated that the three surnames in Goyangbu were the ancestors. Part 2 highlights how the basic principle of jeonganag derived from Indian customs has evolved and is being used in modern mobile communication and DNA gene life science.

Research on the Soundscape for Excavation, Preservation and Promotion of Soundscape Resources in Hongdo Island (홍도의 소리경관 자원의 발굴, 보존 및 육성을 위한 사운드스케이프 조사연구)

  • Han, Myung-Ho;Oh, Yang-Ki;Roh, Tae-Hak
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.343-355
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    • 2009
  • In order to restore the identity of sound environment and expand the sound culture of a region, the purpose of this study are to excavate the resources of soundscape and find out the plans for the preservation and promotion of soundscape resources peculiar to the region. For this purpose, this research is conducted through an interview survey of residents and an observation survey using listening walk in Hongdo, one of the southwesten island of Korea. The results of survey confirm that there are so many sounds to hear around Hongdo island, those are, natural sounds such as the song of the birds, the roar of the waves, the whistling sounds, the shriek of the seagulls, and the pebbles sounds washed away by the waves, and artificial sounds such as the steam-whistle signals, the ship's broadcasts, the voice of tourists, the sounds of church bells, lighthouse sirens etc. The results suggest that it is necessary to consider several ways for restoration of an unique soundscape in Hongdo island, those are, improvement for efficient management of a ship's broadcasts in public areas, removal of a ferry in Hongdo swimming beach, management of Dangsanje (a religious service), preservation of a lighthouse siren and a foghorn, restoration and improvement of underground stream, management and control of public fish market, restoration of brooklet, management of cooperative system for a fish market, restoration of PoongO-Gut (a ritual for a large harvest) and a skate festival, management of a Hongdo sports meeting, sound quality modification of a boat whistle, restoration of orientalia such as a funeral bier, ecosystem preservation activity of the shore and ocean, and promotion of amenity for fascination and vitality in a rural community. Also, a sound map is drawn up for many tourists so as to realize the importance of sound environment and identity of soundscape and to gain their experience at first hand in Hongdo island.