• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선행연구

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Genotype-by-Environment Interaction for Stickiness of Rice Cakes Using Glutinous Rice Cultivars in Different Environments (찰벼의 찰기에 대한 유전적 효과와 환경의 상호작용)

  • Yoon, Mi-Ra;Lee, Jeong-Heui;Cho, Jun-Hyun;Yang, Chang-Ihn;Lee, Jeom-Sig;Kwak, Jieun;Ahn, Eok-Keun;Kim, Mi-Jung;Kim, Sun-Lim
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.317-324
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to provide basic data on the genetic and environmental effects of stickiness in glutinous rice varieties. In our study, we analyzed the genotype-by-environment ($G{\times}E$) interactions of the stickiness using six glutinous rice varieties under six environmental conditions. AMMI (Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction) analysis results showed that genotype (variety, G), environment (cultivation region, E) and $G{\times}E$ interaction were highly significant (P < 0.001). Among all the variations of stickiness for glutinous rice varieties, the environmental effect was 24.5%, the genetic effect was 37.1%, and the $G{\times}E$ interaction effect was 28.9%. From the AMMI analysis, the IPCA1 scores of Aranghangchal (G6, IPCA1: 3.85) and Hwaseonchal (G4, IPCA1: -5.24) was lower than other varieties. On the other hand, the Sangjuchal (G1, IPCA1: -61.23) and Boseogchal (G2, IPCA1: 41.21) were highly affected by environmental effects. In this study, there were large differences in stickiness according to region of cultivation. In the future, it is considered that a precise study should be carried out on the environmental factors that may increase the stickiness of glutinous rice varieties.

Analysis to the Essential Factors of Humor Emerging in Chinese Cartoon Around Year of 2000 (2000년을 전후로 하여 중국 애니메이션에 나타난 유머요인 분석)

  • Dong, Peng;Oh, Jin-Hee
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.36
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    • pp.189-215
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    • 2014
  • Since the launching of in 1963, a large amount of outstanding cartoons had been produced in China by the year 1980. During this period of time, international reputation was achieved with the extremely full expression and characteristic stories originated from Chinese culture. Decades of cartoons were produced ever year benefiting from support of the government in the last years. However, the quality and in fluence power dropped down comparing with the increasing productivity. The outward followed by examples of successful international box office most of the animation made in China. These cartoons did not obtain admitting internationally, or disclose any traditional speciality of China, although the domestic box office is considered to be fairly successful. The key factors to the successful cases should be analysed and researched rather than simply estimating, in order to achieve both artistic and commercial success. Factor of humor, as a key element of a successful cartoon is proposed in this thesis. Prior to the discussion, a general definition of humor factor is described through Henri Bergson's comedy concept, based on which the key factors of humor will be analysed. A classification system would be derived and introduced as a tool for the analysis of humor factors. According to Henri Bergson, Humor is determined by circumstance, language and character factors. Humor factors are divided into visual, scene and acoustic factors in this research taking the Speciality of cartoon media into consideration. It is the speciality that, in addition to the visual and language factors, multiple acoustic elements are also introduced in such a presentation pattern. This classification system would be considerably applicable to the analysis of humor factors in Chinese cartoons. In this study, around the year 2000 to share the Chinese animation masterpiece were analyzed by selecting and , and . This discussion about key factors of humor is likely to be beneficial to the development of Chinese Cartoons in the future.

A study on design process for public space by users behavioral characteristics (이용자 행태 특성에 의한 공용공간의 디자인 프로세스 연구)

  • 김개천;김범중
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2004
  • A systemic approach to behavior on the basis of human psychology is needed for behavior-centered space design. Also, the recognition that human and environment, in all, have complementarity is needed- human and space shall be understood as a general phenomenon, supposing interaction. Design of behavior-oriented space means configuration and coordination of physical subjects as well as understanding, analysis and reflection of psychological and behavioral phenomena. It is analysis of a private individual as well as understanding of interaction between human groups, as well. In respect of space recognition, analysis not on material movement but on energy circulation and variable is important. It means that the understanding of user's behavior and psychology does not orient reasonable purpose just for convenience. That is, such understanding intends to understand behavioral patterns and psychological phenomena between space and human beyond the decomposition of structure of human and space into physical elements and the design based on standardized data. Thereby, more human-oriented space design might be implemented by the understanding of behavioral essence. Also, a user-centered design process from another viewpoint might be created, and the general amenity among man, space and environment - better environmental quality - might be produced. For this, the consciousness of human activity that is, activity system shall be ahead of it, and the approaches for design shall be implemented into a process not in predictive ideas but in semi-scientific system. On the basis of the above view, this study was attempted to investigate the orientation of design to recognize space as another life, and explore a process where it is drawn into a design language on the basis of human behavior. If the essence of space behavior and the activity system are analyzed through user observation and it is reflected upon a space design program and then developed into a formative language, a new design process on human and environment might be produced. In conclusion, the reflection of user's behavior and psychology into design, contrary to existing public space design based on physical data, can orient quality improvement of human life and ultimately be helpful to the proposition, 'humanization of space'.

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A Methodology to Develop a Curriculum of Landscape Architecture based on National Competency Standards (국가직무능력표준(NCS) 기반 조경분야 교육과정 개발)

  • Byeon, Jae-Sang;Shin, Sang-Hyun;Ahn, Seong-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 2017
  • This study began from the question, "is there a way to efficiently apply industrial demand in the university curriculum?" Research focused on how to actively accept and respond to the era of the NCS (National Competency Standards). In order to apply NCS to individual departments of the university, industrial personnel must positively participate to form a practical-level curriculum by the NCS, which can be linked to the work and qualifications. A valid procedure for developing a curriculum based on the NCS of this study is as follows: First, the university must select a specific classification of NCS considering the relevant industry outlook, the speciality of professors in the university, the relationship with regional industries and the prospects for future employment, and the need for industrial manpower. Second, departments must establish a type of human resource that compromises goals for the university education and the missions of the chosen NCS. In this process, a unique competency unit of the university that can support the basic or applied subjects should be added to the task model. Third, the task model based on the NCS should be completed through the verification of each competency unit considering the acceptance or rejection in the curriculum. Fourth, subjects in response to each competency units within the task model should be developed while considering time and credits according to university regulations. After this, a clear subject description of how to operate and evaluate the contents of the curriculum should be created. Fifth, a roadmap for determining the period of operating subjects for each semester or year should be built. This roadmap will become a basis for the competency achievement frame to decide upon the adoption of a Process Evaluation Qualification System. In order for the NCS to be successfully established within the university, a consensus on the necessity of the NCS should be preceded by professors, students and staff members. Unlike a traditional curriculum by professors, the student-oriented NCS curriculum is needed sufficient understanding and empathy for the many sacrifices and commitment of the members of the university.

Evaluation of Chloride Diffusion Behavior and Analysis of Probabilistic Service Life in Long Term Aged GGBFS Concrete (장기 재령 GGBFS 콘크리트의 염화물 확산 거동 평가 및 확률론적 염해 내구수명 해석)

  • Yoon, Yong-Sik;Kim, Tae-Hoon;Kwon, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2020
  • In this study, three levels of W/B(Water to Binder) ratio (0.37, 0.42, 0.47) and substitution ratio of GGBFS (Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag) rate (0 %, 30 %, 50 %) were considered to perform RCPT (Rapid Chloride Diffusion Test) at the 1,095 aged day. Accelerated chloride diffusion coefficient and passed charge of each concrete mixture were assessed according to Tang's method and ASTM C 1202, and improving behaviors of durability performance with increasing aged days are analyzed based on the test results of previous aged days from the preceding study. As the age of concrete increases, the passed charge and diffusion coefficient have been significantly reduced, and especially the concrete specimens containing GGBFS showed a significantly more reduction than OPC(Ordinary Portland Cement) concrete specimen by latent hydraulic activity. In the case of OPC concrete's results of passed charge, at the 1,095 days, two of them were still in the "Moderate" class. So, if only OPC is used as the binder of concrete, the resistance performance for chloride attack is weak. In this study, the time-parameters (m) were derived based on the results of the accelerated chloride diffusion coefficient, and the deterministic and probabilistic analysis for service life were performed by assuming the design variable as a probability function. For probabilistic service life analysis, durability failure probabilities were calculated using Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) to evaluate service life. The service life of probabilistic method were lower than that of deterministic method, since the target value of PDF (Probability of Durability Failure) was set very low at 10 %. If the target value of PDF suitable for the purpose of using structure can be set and proper variability can be considered for each design variable, it is believed that more economical durability design can be made.

A Proposal to Control System and the Problems of the Problems of the Report about Supply and Demand for Medical Technicians and Management Policy ("의료기사인력수급에 관한 보고서"의 문제점과 관리제도의 개선방안)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyun;Lim, Yongmoo
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: In this paper, we have analyzed the problems of the Oh's report which is used to the basic data for supply and demand of medical technicians and studied a proposal for improvement to control system and supply and demand of korean optometrists. Methods: We have analyzed errors of Oh's report including supply and demand for medical technicians and management policy, expecting number for future optician, inaccurate estimation by limited data (employment rate, retirement rate, mortality rate) and an incorrect method of measurement for future supply and demand. Results: Oh's report showed the 18% error for estimation of supply which exclude the irregular entrance students. The estimation of supply was calculated by graduation rate 62.6% (college and University of Technology are 78.9% and 85.98% respectively), employment rate 65.8% (the average employment between 2002 and 2007 is 73.96%) and retirement rate is 2.3% (the retirement of pharmacists is 1.3%) but it showed the significant differences to objective data. For estimate the suitable ratio of optometrists to the population, the ratio use of medical facilities by an age group was used, and suggested spectacle wearers 1,280 persons (populations 2,928 persons) per optometrist but the different from reference of Germany (4,706 persons), America (1,789 persons) and Korea (1,825 persons/an optometrist) are applied to estimation on supply. This report applied the low employment rate and argued that maintain the present situation, but claimed that utilize unemployment persons. The above result has induced double weighting effect on estimation of supply. Conclusions: To solve the related problems of supply and demand, we have to make a search for exact data and optimum application model, have to take an example of nation similar job category as Germany and the research result of the job satisfaction into consideration. After we get the integrated research result, we must carried out the policy with fairness and balance for the estimation of supply and demand. Therefore exact research is required prior to beginning policy establishment, government and related group have to make a clear long-term plan and permanent organization for medical technician to establish supply and demand of medical technician.

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A Survey on Status of Pregnancy and Delivery at a Rural Village, Nepal(Dolakha Bazar Area) (네팔 돌카지역의 임신분만 환경)

  • Ahn, Young-Woo;Kang, Yune-Sik;Kam, Sin;Lee, Jong-Young
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.29 no.4 s.55
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    • pp.721-732
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted to investigate the status of pregnancy and delivery and relationship among knowledge, attitude and practice about pregnancy and delivery in poor country, Nepal. A questionnaire survey by interviewer was conducted to examine the general characteristics, knowledge about pregnancy and delivery, attitude about pregnancy and delivery, the rate of prenatal care and delivery condition of women who had an experience of delivery during last year$(1994.4.13\sim1995.4.12)$ at a rural area, nepal(Dolakha Bazar Area). The major findings are as follows ; Among respondents, 87.5 percentage never had health education and the degree of knowledge about pregnancy and delivery was low. Among respondents, 56.6 percentage had the attitude that they didn't want antenatal care, 42.8 % of respondents answered that they wouldn't visit hospital or health center when vaginal bleeding occurred and 82.9% thought that the delivery itself was dirty. The proportion of women who experienced antenatal care was 28.3%, the proportion of health facilities delivery was 5.3%, which was very low and 82.6% of home delivery case didn't sanitate the tool to cut the umbilical cord. The women who had positive attitude about antenatal care and health facility utilization experienced more antenatal care and health facilities delivery. On consideration of above findings, health education for pregnancy and delivery is required to improve mother-child health status in poor country. To make efficient health education, the target population group, such as the uneducated, inhabitants far from health center or medical facility, must be chosen. To help the poor countries in medical field, the study on health status and its related factors on these countries like this article would be required.

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A Clinical Study of Renal Abscesses in Children (소아 신농양의 임상적 고찰)

  • Hwang You-Sik;Rhie Young-Jun;Ahn Sun-Young;Han Sang-Won;Lee Jae-Seung
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.64-68
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : Renal abscess is very rare in children and its diagnosis is difficult because symptoms are often nonspecific. In previous studies, on]y 15% to 25% of patients were reported to be diagnosed at the time of admission. Early diagnosis and treatment are important be cause mortality rate correlates positively with the time of diagnosis. The purpose of this study is to clarify the clinical features of children with renal abscess and to investigate the possible indicators of this disease for early diagnosis and Proper treatment. Methods : Twelve children diagnosed with renal abscess from Jan. 1996 to Jul. 2004 were included. The age of patients ranged from S months to 15 years. We retrospectively analyzed the demographics of patients, their symptoms, predisposing factors, diagnostic methods and causative organisms and the treatment modalities. Results : Fever was the most common manifestation, Five children(42%) had vesicoureteral reflux. Renal ultrasonography and computerized tornography were the most frequently used imaging tools to detect renal abscess. Gram negative bacteria were isolated in 7 patients and Staphylococcus aureus grew in 2 patients. All patients received intravenous antibiotics and 4 patients underwent aspiration or drainage of renal abscess. The average admission duration was 30 days. Conclusion : Renal abscess should be included in the differential diagnosis of prolonged fever in children, especially when flank pain is combined. For early diagnosis and a better prognosis, patients should be promptly investigated with ultrasonography or computerized tomography.

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Calculation of Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration of KLDAS applying Ground-Observed Meteorological Data (지상관측 기상자료를 적용한 KLDAS(Korea Land Data Assimilation System)의 토양수분·증발산량 산출)

  • Park, Gwangha;Kye, Changwoo;Lee, Kyungtae;Yu, Wansik;Hwang, Eui-ho;Kang, Dohyuk
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.6_1
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    • pp.1611-1623
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    • 2021
  • Thisstudy demonstratessoil moisture and evapotranspiration performance using Korea Land Data Assimilation System (KLDAS) under Korea Land Information System (KLIS). Spin-up was repeated 8 times in 2018. In addition, low-resolution and high-resolution meteorological data were generated using meteorological data observed by Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), Rural Development Administration (RDA), Korea Rural Community Corporation (KRC), Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co.,Ltd. (KHNP), Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-water), and Ministry of Environment (ME), and applied to KLDAS. And, to confirm the degree of accuracy improvement of Korea Low spatial resolution (hereafter, K-Low; 0.125°) and Korea High spatial resolution (hereafter, K-High; 0.01°), soil moisture and evapotranspiration to which Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2) and ASOS-Spatial (ASOS-S) used in the previous study were applied were evaluated together. As a result, optimization of the initial boundary condition requires 2 time (58 point), 3 time (6 point), and 6 time (3 point) spin-up for soil moisture. In the case of evapotranspiration, 1 time (58 point) and 2 time (58 point) spin-ups are required. In the case of soil moisture to which MERRA-2, ASOS-S, K-Low, and K-High were applied, the mean of R2 were 0.615, 0.601, 0.594, and 0.664, respectively, and in the case of evapotranspiration, the mean of R2 were 0.531, 0.495, 0.656, and 0.677, respectively, indicating the accuracy of K-High was rated as the highest. The accuracy of KLDAS can be improved by securing a large number of ground observation data through the results of this study and generating high-resolution grid-type meteorological data. However, if the meteorological condition at each point is not sufficiently taken into account when converting the point data into a grid, the accuracy is rather lowered. For a further study, it is expected that higher quality data can be produced by generating and applying grid-type meteorological data using the parameter setting of IDW or other interpolation techniques.

Sensitivity Analysis for CAS500-4 Atmospheric Correction Using Simulated Images and Suggestion of the Use of Geostationary Satellite-based Atmospheric Parameters (모의영상을 이용한 농림위성 대기보정의 주요 파라미터 민감도 분석 및 타위성 산출물 활용 가능성 제시)

  • Kang, Yoojin;Cho, Dongjin;Han, Daehyeon;Im, Jungho;Lim, Joongbin;Oh, Kum-hui;Kwon, Eonhye
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1029-1042
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    • 2021
  • As part of the next-generation Compact Advanced Satellite 500 (CAS500) project, CAS500-4 is scheduled to be launched in 2025 focusing on the remote sensing of agriculture and forestry. To obtain quantitative information on vegetation from satellite images, it is necessary to acquire surface reflectance through atmospheric correction. Thus, it is essential to develop an atmospheric correction method suitable for CAS500-4. Since the absorption and scattering characteristics in the atmosphere vary depending on the wavelength, it is needed to analyze the sensitivity of atmospheric correction parameters such as aerosol optical depth (AOD) and water vapor (WV) considering the wavelengths of CAS500-4. In addition, as CAS500-4 has only five channels (blue, green, red, red edge, and near-infrared), making it difficult to directly calculate key parameters for atmospheric correction, external parameter data should be used. Therefore, thisstudy performed a sensitivity analysis of the key parameters (AOD, WV, and O3) using the simulated images based on Sentinel-2 satellite data, which has similar wavelength specifications to CAS500-4, and examined the possibility of using the products of GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK2A) as atmospheric parameters. The sensitivity analysisshowed that AOD wasthe most important parameter with greater sensitivity in visible channels than in the near-infrared region. In particular, since AOD change of 20% causes about a 100% error rate in the blue channel surface reflectance in forests, a highly reliable AOD is needed to obtain accurate surface reflectance. The atmospherically corrected surface reflectance based on the GK2A AOD and WV was compared with the Sentinel-2 L2A reflectance data through the separability index of the known land cover pixels. The result showed that two corrected surface reflectance had similar Seperability index (SI) values, the atmospheric corrected surface reflectance based on the GK2A AOD showed higher SI than the Sentinel-2 L2A reflectance data in short-wavelength channels. Thus, it is judged that the parameters provided by GK2A can be fully utilized for atmospheric correction of the CAS500-4. The research findings will provide a basis for atmospheric correction of the CAS500-4 in the future.