• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선원

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Finite Element Simulation of Laser-Generated Ultrasound and Interaction with Surface Breaking Cracks (유한요소법을 이용한 레이저 유도 초음파와 표면 균열과의 상호작용 모델링)

  • Jeong, Hyun-Jo;Park, Moon-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 2004
  • A finite element method is used to simulate interaction of laser-based ultrasounds with surface breaking tracks in elastic media. The laser line source focused on the surface of semi-infinite medium is modeled as a shear dipole in 2-D plane strain finite elements. The shear dipole-finite clement model is found to give correct directivity patterns for generated longitudinal and shear waves. The interaction of surface waves with surface breaking cracks (2-D machined slot) is considered in two ways. Both the source and receiver are fixed with respect to the cracks in the first case, while the source is moving in another case. It is shown that the crack depth tested in the range of 0.3-5.0mm $({\lambda}_R/d=0.21{\sim}3.45)$ can be measured using the corner reflected waves produced by the fixed laser source. The moving laser source is found to cause a large amplitude change of reflected waves near crack, and the crack whose depth is one order lower than the wavelength ran be detected from this change.

Protocol Optimization of Coronary CT Angiography (심혈관 CT 조영술의 프로토콜 최적화)

  • Lee, Hae-Kag;Yoo, Heung-Joon;Lee, Sun-Yeob;Goo, Eun-Hoe;Seok, Jong-Min;Han, Man-Seok;Lee, Kwang-Sung;Cho, Jae-Hwan;Kim, Bo-Hui;Park, Cheol-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2011
  • This research compared and analyzed the heart rate of the patient in which the LVEF value is 40% less than and normal patient. When as for LVEF 40% or less becomes to each heart rate and LVEF in a relation, we can know that the time to reach 100HU hangs long. Therefore, in patients, that is 40% less than, when setting up the Premonitoring delay, we could know to could give 5 primary solid phrases. It is seen that subsequently an addition injected 40cc as to Saline, to all patients by 4cc/sec speeds after injecting the capacity of Scan time ${\times}$ 4cc + 30cc with 4cc/sec speeds. And HR excludes 80 or greater in 40% less than, the contrast agent shows the large-scale difference. In addition, in 40% less than, it could predict that the time difference was big and the contrast agent was already out in the Left ventricle Wash- when the contrast agent reached 100HU and Scan was started There is a wide difference between under 40% LVEF and normal. when starting scan from low LVEF patients. So, Injection contrast media protocol Should be determined to CCTA. And then In case of low LVEF is recommended to more low Pitch than routine Pitch because we should reduce scan failed in accordance with low LVEF.

Analysis of Counting Rate according to Presence or Absence of Detector's Protector in Beta-rays Measurement using Geiger-Muller Counter (Geiger-Muller 계수관을 이용한 베타선측정에서 디텍터 보호유무에 따른 계수율 분석)

  • Jang, Ji-Yong;Jeong, Moon-Taeg;Song, Jong-Nam;Ha, Jae-Jun;Han, Jae-Bok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2018
  • In the surface contamination test using the end-window Geiger-Muller type counter, the wrap is used as a method for protecting the detector exposed to the outside in order to measure the beta-rays. We analyze the effect of this method on the measurement rate and the correction factor, and wanted to make it clear to radiation workers that excessive use of the wrap can affect the measured value of the beta-rays. The experimental method was to compare and analyze the change of the beta-rays measurement counting rate and the calibration factor according to the wrap thickness using the beta-rays with different energy of 3 KBq, 1.5 KBq and 0.3 KBq. The subjects of this study were the end-window Geiger-Muller type counter which were held at the calibration center certified by Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (KOLAS) in March 2012, Cl-36 (Chlorine) and Sr-90 (Strontium) were used as the source of beta radiation. The measurement counting rate decreased with increasing wrap thickness, and the calibration factor increased with increasing wrap thickness. Since the changes of the measurement counting rate and the calibration factors can reduce the accuracy of the instrument readings, but also have a significant impact on detector contamination and damage, so there is a need to find out what thickness of wrap is most effective. If we using a wraps with thickness that show a low rate of change of the measurement counting rate and the calibration factor, it will protect the detector and minimize the effect on the measured value of the beta-rays.

Multidimensional Model for Assessing Risks from Occupational Radiation Exposure of Workers (직업상 피폭에 따른 방사선 위험성 평가를 위한 다차원적 모델)

  • Bae, Yu-Jung;Kim, Byeong-soo;Gwon, Da-yeong;Kim, Yong-min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.555-564
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    • 2017
  • The current radiation risk assessment for occupational exposure is based on the measured exposure dose and health checkups of workers. This people-centered risk assessment may occur errors because absence of using personal dosimeter or unrelated health symptoms of individuals lead to difficulties in obtaining accurate data from workers. In addition, although the established legal upper dose limit was used as a reference for the assessment, it does not imply that this limit is the optimal dose of radiation workers should get; ALARA principle should always be appreciated. Therefore, a new risk assessment model that can take account of all the important factors and implement optimization of radiation protection is required at the national level. In this paper, based on the KOSHA Risk Assessment, we studied on the workplace-centered risk assessment model for radiation field rather than the people-centered. The result of the study derived a right model for radiation field through the analysis of the risk assessment methods in various fields and also found data acquisition methods and procedures for applying to the model. Multidimensional model centering on the workplace will enables more accurate radiation risk assessment by using a risk index and radar plot, and consequently contribute to the efficient worker management, preemptive worker protection and implementation of optimization of radiation protection.

Thermoluminescent Response of Thin LiF:Mg,Cu,Na,Si Detectors to Beta Radiation (얇은 LiF:Mg,Cu,Na,Si 검출기의 베타선장에 대한 TL 반응)

  • Nam, Y.M.;Kim, J.L.;Chang, S.Y.;Cho, H.W.;Kim, H.J.
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.39-43
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    • 1999
  • Thermoluminescent (TL) response characteristics of a thin LiF:Mg,Cu,Na,Si Teflon detectors have been studied for use in beta radiation detection. The detectors were fabricated from a mixture of LiF:Mg,Cu,Na,Si phosphor and Teflon powder which was molded into a thin disk form of $50mg/cm^2$ thickness. These detectors were irradiated to beta fields of $^{147}Pm,\;^{204}Tl\;and\;^{90}Sr/^{90}Y$ sources with a covering of Kapton foil ($2mg/cm^2$) and photon irradiation was carried out with a $^{137}Cs$ source at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). Batch uniformity was estimated to be 4.7% and the beta dose response presented linear relationship from 0.1 mGy to 100 Gy. The beta energy responses of thin detectors normalized to $^{137}Cs$ were presented as 0.46, 1.09 and 1.06 for $^{147}Pm,\;^{204}Tl\;and\;^{90}Sr/^{90}Y$ beta rays, respectively. The evaluated values for angular responses were $0.93{\pm}0.03\;(^{147}Pm),\;0.94{\pm}0.04\;(^{204}Tl),\;and\;0.92{\pm}0.05\;(^{90}Sr/^{90}Y)$. The results satisfied well a proposed ISO Standard for beta ray dosimeters.

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Characterization of Radiation Field in the Steam Generator Water Chambers and Effective Doses to the Workers (증기발생기 수실의 방사선장 특성 및 작업자 유효선량의 평가)

  • Lee, Choon-Sik;Lee, Jai-Ki
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.215-223
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    • 1999
  • Characteristics of radiation field in the steam generator(S/G) water chamber of a PWR were investigated and the anticipated effective dose rates to the worker in the S/G chamber were evaluated by Monte Carlo simulation. The results of crud analysis in the S/G of the Kori nuclear power plant unit 1 were adopted for the source term. The MCNP4A code was used with the MIRD type anthropomorphic sex-specific mathematical phantoms for the calculation of effective doses. The radiation field intensity is dominated by downward rays, from the U-tube region, having approximate cosine distribution with respect to the polar angle. The effective dose rates to adults of nominal body size and of small body size(The phantom for a 15 year-old person was applied for this purpose) appeared to be 36.22 and 37.06 $mSvh^{-1}$) respectively, which implies that the body size effect is negligible. Meanwhile, the equivalent dose rates at three representative positions corresponding to head, chest and lower abdomen of the phantom, calculated using the estimated exposure rates, the energy spectrum and the conversion coefficients given in ICRU47, were 118, 71 and 57 $mSvh^{-1}$, respectively. This implies that the deep dose equivalent or the effective dose obtained from the personal dosimeter reading would be the over-estimate the effective dose by about two times. This justifies, with possible under- or over- response of the dosimeters to radiation of slant incidence, necessity of very careful planning and interpretation for the dosimetry of workers exposed to a non-regular radiation field of high intensity.

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Radiation Shielding Analysis on The Spent Fuel Storage Facility for the Extended Fuel Cycle (장주기(長週期) 핵연료(核燃料) 저장시설(貯藏施設)에서의 방사선차폐해석(放射線遮蔽解析))

  • Lee, Tae-Young;Ha, Chung-Woo;Yook, Chong-Chul
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 1984
  • Estimated dose rates in spent fuel pool storage with the extended fuel cycle core management were reviewed and compared with design limit after calculation with the aid of DLC-23/CASK(22 n, 18 g) nuclear data and ANISN code. Radioactivity and gamma spectrum within spent fuel assemblies were calculated with ORIGEN code by extended fuel cycle model. In the calculation of dose rate, the fuel pool geometry was assumed to be infinite slab. Also, composition materials and radiation source within assemblies which are being stored in pool storage were assumed to be uniformly distributed throughout all the assemblies. As a result of culculation of dose rate from stored assemblies and waterborne radionuclides in pool water, the calculated dose rates appear to be lower than design basis limit under normal condition as well as abnormal condition.

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Design of the Detector Head for Single Photon Detection in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Its Performance Evaluation (유방암진단에서의 단일광자검출을 위한 검출기 전단부의 설계와 성능평가)

  • Kim, Kwang-Hyun;Cho, Gyu-Seong;Chung, Woon-Kwan
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.263-270
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    • 2003
  • Monte Carlo simulation has been peformed to induce optimized parameters of the detector head of gamma camera for the diagnosis of breast cancer and to evaluate it under the diagnosis condition of the breast cancer. For the simulation, we used Tungsten collimator, having a lattice structured array with holes of $3mm{\times}3mm$ and septal thickness of 0.25 mm, which are corresponding to the pixellated photosensor. For driving optimum parameters we used Trade-Offs procedure between the geometric efficiency and the spatial resolution, varying the detector head components. In order to pre-evaluate the performance of the optimized detector head, we assumed diagnosis condition that the breast tumor is located in the middle of phantom with various sizes and its location is 25 mm from the collimator surface, considering background count caused by radiation sources from other organs. It was shown that the performance of the optimized detector head can be degraded according to the breast cancer size and the background count under real diagnosis conditions of breast cancer. Therefore, it is concluded that the spatial resolution, which is used as an indicator to distinguish the various sizes of breast cancer and is dependent on the characteristic of the detector head, appears to be meaningless in early diagnosis of the breast cancer.

Assessment of Effective Doses in the Radiation Field of Contaminated Ground Surface by Monte Carlo Simulation (몬테칼로 시뮬레이션에 의한 지표면 오염 방사선장에서의 유효선량 평가)

  • Chang, Jai-Kwon;Lee, Jai-Ki;Chang, Si-Young
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.205-213
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    • 1999
  • Effective dose conversion coefficients from unit activity radionuclides contaminated on the ground surface were calculated by using MCNP4A rode and male/female anthropomorphic phantoms. The simulation calculations were made for 19 energy points in the range of 40 keV to 10 MeV. The effective doses E resulting from unit source intensity for different energy were compared to the effective dose equivalent $H_E$ of previous studies. Our E values are lower by 30% at low energy than the $H_E$ values given in the Federal Guidance Report of USEPA. The effective dose response functions derived by polynomial fitting of the energy-effective dose relationship are as follows: $f({\varepsilon})[fSv\;m^2]=\;0.0634\;+\;0.727{\varepsilon}-0.0520{\varepsilon}^2+0.00247{\varepsilon}^3,\;where\;{\varepsilon}$ is the gamma energy in MeV. Using the response function and the radionuclide decay data given in ICRP 38, the effective dose conversion coefficients for unit activity contamination on the ground surface were calculated with addition of the skin dose contribution of beta particles determined by use of the DOSEFACTOR code. The conversion coefficients for 90 important radionuclides were evaluated and tabulated. Comparison with the existing data showed that a significant underestimates could be resulted when the old conversion coefficients were used, especially for the nuclides emitting low energy photons or high energy beta particles.

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Development of the Process Mapping for the Radiation Safety Management (방사선안전관리를 위한 Process Mapping 개발)

  • Lee, Yong Sik;Lee, Jin Woo;Lee, Yun Jong
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2013
  • Recent domestic use of radiations has increased in the number of institutions and companies as well as operating as an investment, a variety of facilities and safety management are becoming increasingly complex. Despite the increase of radiation workers and facilities, the number of RSOs (Radiation Safety Officers) has not increased with a growing domestic radiation industry. The radiation safety management work (radiation workers management, radiation sources management, facilities management etc.) has been managed by insufficient number of the RSOs. These problems could be directly or indirectly related to causes of the radiation accidents. In this paper, we designed the Process Mapping of radiation safety management work for an efficient safety management of the radiation facilities and protection of radiation accidents. To develop the Process Mapping, we analyzed the radiation safety requirements of management issues and the individual procedures. Based on the Process Mapping, the work procedures for an appropriate radiation safety management of each institution can be configured clearly. Through this procedures, the safety risk factors in radiation facilities can be reduced, and the radiation safety management system will be improved. Depending on your needs, the Process Mapping could be modified and could be used for an efficient radiation safety management.