• Title/Summary/Keyword: 서학

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Basic Studies for the Breeding of High Protein Rice. I. Comparison of the analytical methods for the measurement of the protein content in the brown rice (수두 고단백 계통육성을 위한 기초적 연구 I. 계통육성을 위한 조단백질 분석법의 비교)

  • Mun-Hue Heu;Hak-Soo SUH
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    • v.12
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1972
  • In order to compare the analytical efficiency of the Kjeldahal, Dye binding and Biurett method for the determination of nitrogen content in the brown rice, correlation coefficients were calculate with the analytical data obtained by the above mentioned 3 different methods for the brown rice of 36 varieties or lines grown at 5 different nitrogen levels (0, 7.5, 15.0, 22.5 and 30.0kg/10a). Analysis of variance were made for the data of 6 varieties among those 36, and compared the precision of the data obtained by the 3 analytical methods. The expenditure (in terms of chemicals and labour) required for the 3 methods are also compared. The results are summarized as follows; 1. The correlation between D. B. C. and Kjeldahl value were generally more significant than the correlation between the value of Biurett and the value of Kjeldahl. But, the D. B. C. method generally overestimates than the Kjeldahl method at both extreme low and extreme high nitrogen contents, and the Biurett method includes more dispersed error than other two methods, though the optical values are parallel to the Kjeldahl nitrogen values at any levels of nitrogen applied. 2. The varietal difference in nitrogen value obtained by the 3 methods were different at the different nitrogen level applied. That is the interaction between variety and analytical method, and between the nitrogen level and analytical method were significant statistically. 3. The coefficient of variance (C, V.) was largest in the data analyzed by Biurett method and next in the data analayred by D. B. C. method. In the data analyzed by Biurett, the C. V. increased along onglong increase of nitrogen applied. But, in the data obtained by D. B. C. or Biurett the C. V. increased along the decrease of nitrogen applied. 4. From the comparison of the expenditure (in terms of chemicals and labour) required for the analysis of 100 samples by 3 methods, it was noticed that, the Biurett or D. B. C. method largely curtail the chemical expenditure and labour costs. Especially the Biurett method could curtail more labour costs.

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Chemical Compositions and Antioxidant Activity of the Colored Rice Cultivars (유색미의 화학적성분 및 항산화활성)

  • Kim, Eun-Ok;Oh, Ji-Hae;Lee, Kee-Taek;Im, Jung-Gyo;Kim, Sung-Soo;Suh, Hak-Soo;Choi, Sang-Won
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.118-124
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    • 2008
  • The chemical compositions and antioxidant activities of four different colored rice cultivars (white-colored rice: WCR, brown-colored rice: BCR, brown-colored waxy rice: BCWR, black-colored rice: BKCR) were investigated to evaluate the quality characteristics of the new brown rice cultivars. There was no significant differences in chemical compositions amongst the four rice cultivars, although WCR had higher amount of carbohydrate than did the other rice cultivars. 'The major fatty acids in the four rice cultivars were linoleic, oleic and palmitic acids, which accounted for about 96% of total fatty acids. Of note, higher amounts of saturated fatty acids (24.8%) and lower amount of unsaturated fatty acids (75.2%) were observed in BKCR than in the other rice cultivars. Two brown-colored rice cultivars, BCR and BCWR, possessed higher amounts of linoleic acid (40.8% and 42.1%, respectively) than did the other cultivars. The highest level of ${\alpha}$-tocopherol was found in WCR (51.3mg%), followed by BKCR (38.6mg%), BCWR (37.2 mg%), and BCR (34.5mg%). Free amino acid analysis showed that aspartic and glutamic acids were major amino acids of all cultivars, whereas phenylalanine, lysine, and histidine were minor. Particularly, relatively higher contents of aspartic and glutamic acids were found in BKCR, while relatively higher levels of alanine and ${\gamma}$-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were observed in BCR and BCWR. Also, BKCR had the highest phenolic content and antioxidant activity of any cultivar, followed by the two brown-colored rice cultivars and WCR. These results suggested that the new brown rice cultivars may possess quality characteristics intermediate between those of WCR and BCR.

A study on the scientific background of thinking of Kang Youwei and a stage of 'Tianyou' (강유위(康有爲) 사상의 과학적 배경과 '천유경계(天遊境界)')

  • Han, Sung Gu
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.27
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    • pp.197-222
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    • 2009
  • The Reform Movement(戊戌變法) of 1898 was a boundary tablet of modern history of science and technology which inherited the past and ushered in the future. Kang Youwei(康有爲), as a leader, his scientific thoughts opened up the way of Chinese enlightenity campaign and pushed the development of Chinese modem science and had an important position in modem history of scientific thoughts. The dissertation analyses the source, establishment and content of Kang Youwei. Kang Youwei developed the useful and discarded the useless of the view of implement science held by the Westernized Party, undertook a deep and throughout thinking on the nature of science, had cognition of scientific methods and spirit, by which he criticized negative proneness of ancient Chinese views of science. He put forwards a series of practical suggestions on political reform that provided a solid guarantee and support in system for scientific development. Kang Youwei rooted in the soil of Chinese traditional academic culture, but also western learning in modern western civilization. Kang go through Westernization Movement since the in-depth study of Western natural and inevitable outcome of the social sciences, are giving to science and technology. Although he was originally of Western "science" has a lot of misunderstandings and prejudices, but these shallow hazy perceptual knowledge, his view of science which constitutes the basis of the formation. In the course of scientific inquiry, Kang has begun to explore the essence of scientific development. He has a gut feeling that behind the scientific discovery of the existence of a force, which is the scientific truth and is used to grasp the scientific method. After contact with the Western world, with the traditional "Heaven(天)", and modern Chinese intellectuals began to "axiom(公理)" to recover his traditional "Heaven" of the new understanding is reflected mainly in "Zhutianjiang(諸天講)". "Zhutianjiang" is the Kang Yuwei in the absorption of traditional astronomy knowledge base, will the traditional arithmetic, as well as Buddhism and the West since the twentieth century, new knowledge of astronomy combines written. Kang while recognizing that scientific instruments, is nothing more than an extension of the role of the human senses and make the "Dao(道)" is more clear, but the "artifacts(器物)" caused by the inherent limitations of the limited nature of human knowledge, which is "Heaven" boundless nature of the broad terms, refused to concede defeat to. In reality, the activities of political reform, he gradually recognize this real-world helpless, and he recognized that the real world to achieve common ground of social ideal is impossible, so he chose comfort in life that people really get a stage of "Tianyou(天遊)". This is the cause that his writing "Datongshu(大同書)", at the same time, followed by writing "Zhutianjiang" talk "Tianyou".

The Critic on Mohism in the History of Korean Thoughts Centered on the Theory of Rejecting Heterodoxy (한국사상사에서의 묵가(墨家) 비판 - 벽리단론(闢異端論)의 전개 양상을 중심으로 -)

  • Yun, Muhak
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.29
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    • pp.89-123
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    • 2010
  • As above, as theoretical basis of critiques against School of Mohism, the researcher summarized the positions of the elder Confucian scholars including Meng Zi. In the body of text, taking it as promises, the researcher examined the critiques against Mo Tzu and School of Mohism as well focusing on the aspects and development of the theory of rejecting heterodoxy which had been introduced and strongly argued from the end of Goryeo kingdom to the late Joseon period. The summary of the body of this text is as follows: In the old literatures prior to Goryeo Kingdom, the researcher couldn't find any cases that either the School of Mohism or Mo Tzu including the Hundred Schools of Thought had been rejected explicitly. Having reached the end of Goryeo and the beginning of Joseon period, Meng Zi's viewpoints on the theory of rejecting heterodoxy had begun to emerge and come into play with the progress of accepting Neo-Confucianism, and, these critiques against Yang Zhu and Mo Tzu being given, the scholar-literati circle had started rejecting Buddhism and Lao Tzu. Basically the contents of the critiques against the School of Mohism in the early period of Joseon were in succession to Meng Zi's theory of rejecting heterodoxy and the views and thoughts of the elder Confucian scholars including Han Yu rather than any specific critiques against Mo Tzu' ideology itself. Until entering the middle of Joseon period, the critiques against the School of Mohism had been used as a tool to promote Confucianism in an affirmative manner, while arguing strongly against the viewpoint of Han Yu in the first place. Particularly, not only the original text of the Mo Tzu's writings were directly quoted, although it was partial, but also the contents of the critiques against the School of Mohism had been developed and stretched to the extent of their entire ideological system. Having approached to the late period of Joseon, the critiques against the School of Mohism had begun to be linked to those critiques against the study of state examination or of sentence patterns including Catholic Church, furthermore the critics raised their harsh tones against the irregularities of the society at large like the issue of corruptions of the government officials of those days instead, although they still had firmly stood on the ground of the theory of rejecting heterodoxy. Those scholars that belonged to the School of Practical Learning, in particular, said in justification of the School of Mohism arguing that the major ideologies of Mo Zi had usefulness in the real world, also they even evaluated that Meng Zi ' critiques against the School of Mohism were immoderate. To sum up, characteristics of scholars in the Joseon period to understand and critique the School of Mohism are that ideologies of Mo Tzu were mostly used as a tool for the sake of critiques against heresies in other sectors of society based mainly on Meng Zi's theory of rejecting heterodoxy, rather than opposing views against the ideologies or philosophies of the School of Mohism itself. Meanwhile, however, on the plus side, the critics praised Mo Tzu's individual efforts in order to put his ideology of peace into practice apart from the ideological system of the School of Mohism. Also, having reached the late period of Joseon, the researcher was able to have discovered the fact that the writings of Mo Tzu had been used as historical materials in order to ascertain historical truths of Confucian Scriptures, rather not having it regarded as an ideology text.