• Title/Summary/Keyword: 서식지 지도

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Ecological Status and Improvement Suggestion of a Wildlife Road-Crossing Structure at the Jingmaei-Pass in Incheon, Korea (인천시 징매이고개의 도로에 설치한 생태통로의 생태 현황과 개선 방안)

  • Kim, Jinkyoung;Cho, Hyungjin;Cho, Kang-Hyun
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2016
  • Roads are widely accepted to be as a major cause of habitat fragmentation. The wildlife road-crossing structure is one of the most acceptable alternatives among the solutions to provide connectivity between patches isolated by roads. We investigated noise disturbance, vegetation structure and wildlife crossing and habitation at a wildlife road-crossing structure located at the Jingmaei-Pass in Incheon, Korea, to monitor and evaluate its conservation value and ecological performance and to propose measures for their adaptive management. From the result of noise measurement, the noise disturbance from the road traffic was not properly blocked out at the wildlife crossing structure. The survey results of vegetation structure showed that the early-successional plant species such as Ambrosia trifida, Erigeron annuus, Pueraria lobata, Rosa multiflora invaded widely on the crossing structure. An efficient management of the vegetation should be necessarily considered for the facilitation of vegetation succession and the improvement of animal habitat. The crossing structure was used by limited mammal species: Apodemus agrarius, Nyctereutes procyonoides, Mogera wogura and Sciurus vulgaris coreae as the results of the monitoring using footprints and closed-circuit television. In conclusion, The Jingmaei-Pass wildlife crossing structure is unable to function properly as a biological corridor because of the interference of noise and flourishing disturbed vegetation. Therefore, proper alternatives are required for improving animal habitats and mobile environments to enhance the ecological function of a wildlife corridor.

Habitat Use of Passerine Birds at Hongdo Island, a Stopover Site (철새 중간기착지인 전남 홍도에서 참새목 조류의 서식지 이용)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee;Chae, Hee-Young;Yoo, Jeong-Chil
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.325-333
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to examine the pattern of habitat use of passerine migrants at Hongdo Island, Jeollanamdo Province, Korea from March 2006 to October 2007. The richness and abundance of species were the highest in shrubs among major habitat types including trees, shrubs, grass, agricultural fields. There were significant differences at trees, shrubs and agricultural fields among bird behavior. The frequency of resting and feeding was highest at trees ($x^2$=61.583, df=2, p<0.001) and agricultural fields, respectively($x^2$=117.339, df=2, p<0.001). In the shrub was similar in both resting and others behaviors, while the frequency of feeding was lowest ($x^2$=66.725, df=2, p<0.001). There were significant differences in observed individuals in relation to seasons. In autumn, number of observed individuals was higher in tree, lower in shrub, grass, agricultural field than spring. Habitat diversity (H') was significantly correlated with bird species diversity (H') (r=0.585, p<0.01). This study would be useful to establish conservation strategies for migratory stopover site of passerine birds.

Predicting the Suitable Habitat of Amaranthus viridis Based on Climate Change Scenarios by MaxEnt (MaxEnt를 활용한 청비름(Amaranthus viridis)의 기후변화 시나리오에 의한 서식지 분포 변화 예측)

  • Lee, Yong Ho;Hong, Sun Hee;Na, Chae Sun;Sohn, Soo In;Kim, Myung Hyun;Kim, Chang Seok;Oh, Young-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.240-245
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to predict the changes of potential distribution for invasive alien plant, Amaranthus viridis in Korea. The habitats of A. viridis were roadside, bare ground, farm area, and pasture, where the interference by human was severe. We used maximum entropy modeling (MaxEnt) for analyzing the environmental influences on A. viridis distribution and projecting on two different representative concentration pathways (RCP) scenarios, RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5. The results of our study indicated annual mean temperature, elevation and precipitation of coldest month had higher contribution for A. viridis potential distribution. Projected potential distribution of A. viridis will be increased by 110% on RCP 4.5, 470% on RCP 8.5.

The Population Trend and Management for Conservation in Myotis formosus (멸종위기종 붉은박쥐의 개체군 경향과 보호 관리 - 동면처의 장기 모니터링 결과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sun-Sook;Choi, Yu-Seong
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.411-421
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    • 2017
  • Understanding the need for temperature regulation, behavior, and ecology of hibernating bats provides the possibility of conservation and management for target species. Our objective in this study was to improve understanding of the population trend and ecological requirement in Myotis formosus population in South Korea. From 2007 to 2016, total of 58 hibernacula for Myotis formosus were found across the country. Of the 58 hibernating sites of Myotis formosus, 86% (n=49) were abandoned mines and 14% (n=8) were natural caves. During the survey period, 28 (5%) bats of total 570 bats were observed in natural caves (n=8) and 542 (95%) bats were observed in abandoned mines (n=49). The internal environments of hibernacula of M. formosus were highly stable despite dramatic variation in the external environment. Specifically, we examined the population trend of the endangered bat Myotis formosus in South Korea by long-term monitoring for hibernation sites. The population trend of endangered species M. formosus showed a marked stable in hibernating population. Our results indicate that a tightly collected long-term data set may help to establish the initial approximation of population trends and manage to threats for the endangered bat species.

Correlation Analysis between Frequency of Appearance and Environmental Factors in the River Habitat for Otter (Lutra lutra) (수달(Lutra lutra)의 서식지 출현빈도와 하천환경의 상관관계 분석)

  • Park, Eui-Jung;Kim, Dae-Young;Jin, Young-Hoon;Kim, Chul;Lee, Doo-Pyo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1063-1069
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    • 2007
  • 우리나라의 하천환경은 1990년대 이전의 산업화와 인구증가를 수반한 고도성장기를 거치면서 이수성 및 치수성만을 강조하며 개수되고 관리되었다. 그 결과 하천은 획일적인 단면과 저수로 및 제방이 콘크리트화되면서 하천의 자정능력은 감소되었고, 하천을 중심으로 생활하는 동물들의 서식처 기능을 상실해 하천생태계가 위협받고 있다. 하천공사에 자연형 하천공법이 도입되기 시작하여 자연형 하천공사가 이루어지고 있지만 생태환경의 관점보다는 조경 및 경관적, 그리고 위락적인 관점에서 공원화에 주안점을 두고 있어 하천의 생태적 특성의 반영이 부족하다는 평가를 듣고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 향후의 하천공법이 자연적 기능들 중 생물서식처 기능을 보다 깊이 다루어야 한다는 필요성을 고려하여, 먹이사슬의 최상위에 있을 뿐만 아니라 하천환경의 건강도를 판단할 수 있는 수환경의 지표종이라 불리는 수달(Lutra lutra)을 대상으로 배설물에 의한 출현빈도와 하천환경 요인들에 대한 상관관계를 분석하여 수달 서식지 복원을 위한 하천정비의 기초자료를 제공하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 현재 수달이 서식하고 있는 섬진강 지류인 서시천을 연구 대상지점으로 하여 5개 구간을 선정하였으며, 각 구간에 대한 계절별 수달의 배설물 분포를 조사하여 출현빈도를 나타내었다. 또한 먹이, 지형, 식생, 기상인자를 포함한 하천환경 요인들에 대한 자료를 각 계절별로 구축하였으며, 이를 수달의 출현빈도와의 상관관계를 조사하는데 활용하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 환경 기술적으로는 멸종위기종의 복원, 사회경제적으로는 하천정비사업의 방향제시 등의 기대효과를 가져올 수 있으리라 생각되며 분석된 인자들은 수달 서식지를 위한 하천정비의 기초자료에 유용할 것으로 보인다.따른 유량측정망을 구축하는 것이다.의 의사결정 지원 도구가 될 것이다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 도시유역의 물순환 해석을 위한 일련의 과정, 즉 자료의 조사 및 취득에서부터 물순환 해석 모형을 이용한 정량적 현황파악, 물순환 개선 기법 및 평가를 수행함에 있어 주요 착안점 및 실무에서의 기술적 가이드를 제공하고자 하였으며, 보다 세밀한 도시유역의 물순환 해석을 위하여 우리나라와 일본에서 적용이 활발한 물리적 기반의 분포형 모형(WEP, SHER, SWMM)의 적용사례를 통하여 국내 도시하천의 물순환 해석에 활용함에 있어서의 실질적인 적용절차 등을 제시하고자 하였다. 한다.호강유역의 급격한 수질개선을 알 수 있다.世宗實錄) $\ulcorner$지리지$\lrcorner$(地理志)와 동년대에 동일한 목적으로 찬술되었음을 알 수 있다. $\ulcorner$경상도실록지리지$\lrcorner$(慶尙道實錄地理志)에는 $\ulcorner$세종실록$\lrcorner$(世宗實錄) $\ulcorner$지리지$\lrcorner$(地理志)와의 비교를 해보면 상 중 하품의 통합 9개소가 삭제되어 있고, $\ulcorner$동국여지승람$\lrcorner$(東國與地勝覽) 에서는 자기소와 도기소의 위치가 완전히 삭제되어 있다. 이러한 현상은 첫째, 15세기 중엽 경제적 태평과 함께 백자의 수요 생산이 증가하자 군신의 변별(辨別)과 사치를 이유로 강력하게 규제하여 백자의 확대와 발전에 걸림돌이 되었다. 둘째, 동기(銅器)의 대체품으로 자기를 만들어 충당해야할 강제성 당

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A Case Study of Foraging Time Budget and Habitat Selection of Oriental White Storks (Ciconia boyciana) in Natural State (자연상태에서 황새의 섭식 행동과 서식지 선택에 대한 사례연구)

  • Sung, Ha-Cheol;Cheong, Seok-Wan;Kim, Jung-Hee;Kim, Su-Kyung;Park, Shi-Ryong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2008
  • As a step toward developing conservation and restoration plans for an endangered species of the Oriental White Stork (Ciconia boyciana), we studied daily foraging behavior and ecology. We released two individuals, male and female, after enclosing study site with a fence and cutting out a part of two or three feathers of primaries. Research was conducted from 16 June to 11 July, 2007 for 25 days at Whawonri, Mewonmyung, Chungbuk province. We investigated diural and daily variation of foraging time budget, diet composition, and habitat selection of the feeding individuals. The storks quadratically invested for foraging time and resting time according to time of day, but no significant variation in the foraging time and resting time appeared daily over 25 days. As a result, the storks mainly used wetland as a foraging site in the center of the study area to that in the edge as well as to other types of habitat. The high usage for wetland in the center did not change over the 25 days while Rice field decreased and Wetland in the edge and Pathway increased. Female invested more time for foraging than male, but the foraging efficiency did not differ between them. We discussed the significance of foraging behavior and habitat selection for management plan.

A Study on the Habitat Environment and Mutualism with Ants of Genus Melampyrum - focusing on M. roseum, M. setaceum var. nakaianum and M. roseum var. ovalifolium in Kangwondo - (며느리밥풀속 서식지 특성 및 개미와의 공생관계에 관한 연구 - 강원도의 꽃며느리밥풀, 새며느리밥풀 및 알며느리밥풀을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyeon;Lyu, Dong-Pyo;Kim, Gab-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 2016
  • To search for habitat characteristics of myrmecochory Melampyrum species, diaspores and related ant species, habitat characteristics, collecting fruits and diaspores of three Melampyrum species, cafeteria experiments, and the related ant species were studied from May 2012 to November 2014. The habitat of Melampyrum species was south-facing open forest edge with slightly acidic soil and relatively shallow soiil layers. Major plants coexisting with Melampyrum species were four woody species including Quercus mongolica and four herbaceous species including Carex siderosticta. These Plants might be host plants of the Melampyrum species. The shape of the diaspore was an oval seed attached to the white cap on one side. Significant differences is proved between three plant species in weight of diaspores, seeds and and elaiosome ratios. Mean values of diaspores weight showed 10.6mg, 8.0mg and 7.2mg in M. setaceum var. nakaianum, M. roseum var. ovalifolium and M. roseum, respectively. The heaviest elaiosome is M. roseum var. ovalifolium with 1.2mg, M. setaceum var. nakaianum has 1.0mg and the lightest elaiosome is M. roseum with 0.8mg. Major ant species frequently transporting the diaspores of Melampyrum species are Myrmicinae four species; Myrmica kotokui, M. excelsa, Myrmecina nipponica and Aphaenogaster japonica. Further studies on Melampyrum species, hemiparasite annual myrmecochorous plant, and related ant species should be needed.

Suitable Site Assessment using Habitat Suitability Index for Ruditapes philippinarum in Gochang(Hajun) (서식지 적합지수를 이용한 고창 갯벌어장 바지락의 어장적지평가)

  • Jeon, Seungryul;Choi, Yoon-Seok;Cho, Yoon-Sik;Kim, Yeong-Tae;Choi, Yonghyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.484-491
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    • 2015
  • The productivity of Manila clam(Ruditapes philippinarum) aquaculture farm is closely related to suitable site selection, so it is essential to assess the habitat suitable for aquaculture species in order to manage yield. This study evaluated the habitat suitable index(HSI) with 9 sites for tidal flat farm, Gochang(Hajun) on May 2014. The suitability index was selected Growth(hydrodynamics, chlorophyll a), Survival(sediment-sand, silt-clay) and Water Environment(dissolved oxygen, salinity). Both Weight and No weight were tried for objective judgment as HSI scoring method. As a result, it shows lower tidal flat(HSI; No weight: 0.60~0.76, Weight: 0.47~0.70) is higher than upper(HSI; No weight: 0.25~0.27, Weight: 0.09~0.10), hydrodynamics and sediment particle size are the most effective. This research can consider the potential suitable site for Manila clam through scientific approach, and provide the basis for optimal management practices in tidal flat farm.

Distribution Status, Habitat Characteristics and Extinction Threat Evaluation of the Endangered Species, Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis (Pisces: Salmonidae) (멸종위기어류 열목어 Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis (Pisces: Salmonidae)의 분포현황과 서식지 특징, 멸종위협 평가)

  • Ko, Myeong-Hun;Choi, Kwang-Seek;Han, Mee-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.74-83
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    • 2021
  • Distribution status, habitat characteristics, and extinction threat evaluation of the endangered species, Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis were investigated in 2015 and 2019. Historical distribution reports of B. l. tsinlingensis were divided into before 1990, 1997~2006, 2000~2011, and 2010~2019. Among the 150 sampling sites investigated during the study period, number of individuals of B. l. tsinlingensis were collected 542 individuals from 67 sites. The streams inhabited of B. l. tsinlingensis were Naerincheon (11 stations), Odaecheon (11 stations), Bukcheon (10 stations), Bangtaecheon (8 stations), Songjeongricheon (4 stations), Suipcheon (3 stations), Inbukcheon (3 stations), Hyeondongcheon (3 stations) etc. The main habitat of B. l. tsinlingensis was upstream of the river with a high altitude of more than 400 m, 4~20 m water flow width, 1~2 m water depth, and high ratio (70~80%) boulder bottoms. The main reasons for the decline in population size were assumed as river works, construction of reservoirs and bridges, discharge of contaminated water into the river, the inflow of summer vacationers, and weir. Compared to our results there exists evidence that states a 20.7% reduction in occupancy within 10 years, in a small appearance range (7,732 km2) and occupancy area (268 km2), number of disconnected locations (15 locations), and a decline in habitat quality. Therefore, B. l. tsinlingensis is now considered as Near Threatened (NT) based on the results (Near meets VU A2acd, B1b(i,ii,iii)+B2b(i,ii,iii)) of IUCN Red List categories and criteria.

Predicting the suitable habitat distribution of Conyza sumatrensis under RCP scenarios (RCPs 기후변화 시나리오에 따른 큰망초(Conyza sumatrensis)의 적합 서식지 분포 예측)

  • Myung-Hyun Kim;Soon-Kun Choi;Jaepil Cho;Min-Kyeong Kim;Jinu Eo;So-Jin Yeob;Jeong Hwan Bang
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2022
  • Global warming has a major impact on the Earth's precipitation and temperature fluctuations, and significantly affects the habitats and biodiversity of many species. Although the number of alien plants newly introduced in South Korea has recently increased due to the increasing frequency of international exchanges and climate change, studies on how climate change affects the distribution of these alien plants are lacking. This study predicts changes in the distribution of suitable habitats according to RCPs climate change scenarios using the current distribution of the invasive alien plant Conyza sumatrensis and bioclimatic variables. C. sumatrensis has a limited distribution in the southern part of South Korea. Isothermality (bio03), the max temperature of the warmest month (bio05), and the mean temperature of the driest quarter (bio09) were found to influence the distribution of C. sumatrensis. In the future, the suitable habitat for C. sumatrensis is projected to increase under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 climate change scenarios. Changes in the distribution of alien plants can have a significant impact on the survival of native plants and cause ecosystem disturbance. Therefore, studies on changing distribution of invasive species according to climate change scenarios can provide useful information required to plan conservation strategies and restoration plans for various ecosystems.