• Title/Summary/Keyword: 생태계교란 식물

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The Survey on Actual Condition Depending on Type of Degraded area and Suggestion for Restoration Species Based on Vegetation Information in the Mt. Jirisan Section of Baekdudaegan (식생정보에 기초한 백두대간 지리산권역 내 훼손지 유형별 실태조사)

  • Lee, Hye-Jeong;Kim, Ju-Young;Nam, Kyeong-Bae;An, Ji-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.558-572
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to classify the types of degraded areas of Mt. Jirisan section in Baekdudaegan and survey the actual condition of each damage type to use it as basic data for the direction of the restoration of damaged areas according to damage type based on the vegetation information of reference ecosystem. The analysis of the Mt. Jirisan section's actual degraded conditions showed that the total number of patches of degraded areas was 57, and the number of patches and size of degraded areas was higher at the low average altitude and gentle slope. Grasslands (deserted lands) and cultivated areas accounted for a high portion of the damage types, indicating that agricultural land use was a major damage factor. The survey on the conditions of 14 degraded areas showed that the types of damage were classified into the grassland, cultivated area, restoration area, logged-off land, and bare ground. The analysis of the degree of disturbance (the ratio of annual and biennial herb, urbanized index, and disturbance index) by each type showed that the simple single-layer vegetation structure mostly composed of the herbaceous and the degree of disturbance were high in the grassland and cultivated land. The double-layer vegetation structure appeared in the restoration area where the pine seedlings were planted, and the inflow of naturalized plants was especially high compared to other degraded areas due to disturbances caused by the restoration project and the nearby hiking trails. Although the inflow of naturalized plants was low because of high altitude in bare ground, the proportion of annual and biennial herb was high, indicating that all surveyed degraded areas were in early succession stages. The stand ordination by type of damage showed the restoration area on the I-axis, cultivated area, grassland, logged-off land, and bare ground in that order, indicating the arrangement by the damage type. Moreover, the stand ordination of the degraded areas and reference ecosystem based on floristic variation showed a clear difference in species composition. This study diagnosed the status of each damage type based on the reference ecosystem information according to the ecological restoration procedure and confirmed the difference in species composition between the diagnosis result and the reference ecosystem. These findings can be useful basic data for establishing the restoration goal and direction in the future.

The Management Plan and Vascular Plants of Ancient Tombs in Bullodong, Daegu (대구 불로동 고분군 일대의 관속식물상 및 관리방안)

  • You, Ju-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to provide ecological information to preserve cultural assets and the environment by investigating and analyzing the vascular flora distributed in the ancient tombs of Bullodong, Daegu, which have a unique and special landscape and ecosystem. The numbers of vascular plants are summarized as 352 taxa of 76 families, 237 genera, 326 species, 4 subspecies, 17 varieties, 3 forms, 1 hybrid and 1 cultivar., the planted species are 45 taxa including 11 taxa of parking lot and surrounding facilities, 12 taxa of natural yard, 13 taxa of agricultural land and existing cultivated trees and 10 taxa of trees planted as landscaping inside in the past. The rare plants are 6 taxa including Potentilla discolor, Gueldenstaedtia verna, Koelreuteria paniculata, Lithospermum arvense, Scorzonera austriaca and Iris ruthenica, and Korean endemic plants are 2 taxa including Clematis brachyura and Hemerocallis hkuunensis. The floristic target species are 18 taxa including 1 taxon of grade V, 2 taxa of grade IV, 3 taxa of grade III, 1 taxon of grade II an 10 taxa of grade I. The invasive alien plants are 54 taxa, and ecosystem disturbing species are 6 taxa including Humulus scandens, Rumex acetosella, Solanum carolinense, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Lactuca seriola, and Symphyotrichum pilosum.

Vegetation Classification and Distributional Pattern in Damyang Riverine Wetland (담양하천습지의 식생유형과 분포양상)

  • Ahn, Kyunghwan;Lim, Jeongcheol;Lee, Youlkyung;Choi, Taebong;Lee, Kwangseok;Im, Myoungsoon;Go, Youngho;Suh, Jaehwa;Shin, Youngkyu;Kim, Myungjin
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2016
  • Damyang riverine wetland was designated as a wetland protected area in 2004; that is located in the Yeongsan river mainstream. Total 30 phytosociological releves at field studies were classified with 22 vegetation types including of 101 species (unidentified 1 species). Legends of actual vegetation map were separated by 6 types; riparian forest, substitute vegetation, synanthropic vegetation, wet meadow vegetation, open water, an area of wetland vegetation is about 35 % ($386,841.86m^2$). Results of this study area as follows. The plant society of Damyang riverine wetland was conjectured that it was formed by rapidly water environment change with installed weir on the upstream of protected area and operating of Damyang dam on top of the basin. Until recently, the terrace land on the river was used to cultivate, but that would be formed fallow vegetation scenery on riverfront caused by no cultivation after designated protected area. Paspalum distichum var. indutum community designated as invasive alien plant by Korea Ministry of Environment was widely developed and Myriophyllum spicatumunrecorded in the country as newly alien species was discovered in the study zone. The plants as lapped over developing environment for Leersia japonica must be occupied habitat of native plant species having similar niche. The various plant society in Damyang riverine wetland should be developed because of environmental changes, disturbances and damages of stream.

Damage and Management by Invasive European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Island (도서지역 굴토끼(Oryctolagus cuniculus) 침입에 따른 피해와 관리)

  • Lee, Do-Hun;Choi, Chul-Hyun;Kim, Young-Chae;Jang, Gab-sue;Lee, Changwoo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.315-330
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study is to examine the damage of plants in the islands due to the habitat and feeding of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and to suggest future management plan. The survey area Beomseom Island is found to be a vegetation distribution type that was formed secondary by the exposure of artificial interference except for evergreen vegetation distribution and European rabbit showed high habitat track density mainly in the lumbering area. Kkamakseom Island was identified as a severe vegetation distribution area due to interference, and European rabbit showed high habitat track density around deciduous broad leaved forests. Feeding plants of European rabbit was identified as a total of 12 families 17 breeds. Total 9 families 11 breeds were found in Beomseom Island while 5 families 6 breeds were found in Kkamakseom where most available food resources were loss to European rabbit. As for vegetation index of Beomseom Island, about 6.6% of total island area was declined and the vegetation index of Kkamakseom Island was reduced at most area of the island. In Kkamakseom Island, the area where EVI decreased to less than -0.008 unit/yr was reduced to 5.2%, and the area where it was reduced to -0.008 to -0.006 unit/yr in total was 13.32% of the total area. Thus, it was estimated to be seriously damaged by vegetation. Therefore, immediate management is required.

Studies on the Management Plan in Urban Ecological Protected Area of Seoul - A Case Study of the Baeksil Valley Ecological Scenery and Conservation Area - (서울 도시생태 보호지역 관리계획 연구 - 백사실계곡 생태·경관보전지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Seok-Cheol;Han, Bong-Ho;Kwak, Jeong-In
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.109-126
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    • 2015
  • This study is for constructing detailed data to secure biological diversity and maintain a healthy ecosystem in Backsasil Valley Ecological and Scenery Conservation Area, and for preparing an ecological management plan fit for the protected area. The period for this study was from April 2010 to May 2013. Recently, the increase of visitors to Baeksasil Valley, as well as the plantation and dissemination of introduced vegetable species, become factors accelerating ecological disturbance. Major research contents included the reviews of the management system of the protected areas, the necessity of ecological management at the basin level, establishing the system of a management plan, research and analysis of environment ecology, analysis of threatening factors, goal-setting, management strategies, and a plan through SWOT analysis. Survey items were the natural environment, major components of ecosystem, and human-use. The goals of ecological management were basin zone management for amphibians, conservation and restoration of forest vegetation for conservation habitat of Dryocopus martius, conservation habitat of Zelkova serrta for nature landscape, and management of users for environment protection. The conservation management plan at a basin zone level contains the management of point and non-point pollution sources in the upstream, securing growing conditions for native plants, securing safe habitats for amphibians, and securing of habitats for major wild birds. Also, restoration of natural forests, management of native plants and introduced vegetable species, and restoration of degraded forest paths are suggested for the restoration plans.

A Study on Ecotope Diversity Transition Analysis in the Middle of Mankyung River (만경강 중류 에코톱다양성 추이분석 연구)

  • Kim, Woo Ram;Kim, Ji Sung;Kim, Kyu Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.480-480
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    • 2016
  • 에코톱은 생태학적 지휘체계(Niche)와 서식처(Habitat)가 결합된 환경을 의미하며 도면에서 최소한의 단위로 일반적인 구성요소의 상태, 잠재자연식생, 잠재생태계 기능으로 균일하게 분류가 가능한 요소로서 천이단계 또는 토지이용이 서로 다른 패치들로 이루진 생태공간을 의미한다. 따라서 에코톱과 비오톱은 식물과 동물의 특정 군집에 요구되는 서식공간의 개념에서는 의미가 같지만 비오톱은 서식공간의 일부분 또는 한 개 이상의 생물이 서식가능한 공간의 개념으로 사용된다. 현재 네덜란드, 스페인을 포함한 유럽국가에서는 에코톱분류를 통한 하천을 관리하는 방안을 제시하고 있으며 이에 대한 많은 연구가 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 만경강 중류 소양천 합류점에서 전주천 합류점까지 약 3.5km 구간의 제외지포함 제내지 1km 폭을 대상으로 1918년 고지도 토지피복을 분류하고, 1948년 해방이전 항공사진, 2003년 2014년 항공사진을 활용한 에코톱을 분류하여 이에 대한 에코톱 다양성지수를 추이분석하여 하천으로부터 떨어진 거리 별 에코톱다양성지수 변화를 분석하였다. 분석결과 과거 제방축조 이전인 1918년 에코톱 다양성 지수는 하천으로부터 멀어질수록 안정적으로 감소하였으나 1948년 이후의 하천은 제내지에서부터 지수값이 급격히 감소한 것을 알 수 있었다. 이는 1948년 이후의 만경강은 과거 1918년 하천에 비해 구하도 공간이 농경지 증가, 보설치 등으로 인한 인위적 교란에 의한 감소로 분석되어지며 에코톱다양성과 밀접한 연관이 있는 생물종다양성 역시 감소하였음을 유추할 수 있다.

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Study on the Current Status of Naturalized Plant in Jeolla-do (전라도 귀화식물의 현황)

  • Kim, Deok-Ki;Ryu, Tae-Bok;Lee, Chang-Woo;Choi, Dong-Hui;Kim, Nam-Young
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.399-409
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    • 2017
  • The rapid increase of naturalized plants causes disturbance of the ecosystem. The purpose of this study is to identify the reality of naturalized flora in Jeolla-do. A total of 830 sites were studied in 2016. These naturalized plants consisted of 189 taxa in total, belonging to 38 families, 116 genera, 181 species, 2 forms and 6 varieties. According to the results of the analysis based on place of origin, 75 taxa were from Europe, and 59 taxa were from North America. According to the analysis of the ecological characteristics, compositae had the highest diversity among 31 families, with 44 taxa, followed by Gramineae, with 24 taxa, and Leguminosae, with 10 taxa. Naju-si had the highest diversity among 36 counties, with 77 taxa. This study identified 37 (Jeollanam-do) and 30 taxa (Jeollabuk-do) not listed in the preceding literature in Jeolla-do. We found a lots of differences between flora's databases of previous studies resulting from the naturalized plant definition.

The Study for Flora of Vascular Plants of Deokjeokdo (Incheon) (덕적도(인천)의 관속식물상 조사 연구)

  • Beck, Eun-Ho;Moon, Ae-Ra;Park, Jeong-Mi;Jang, Chang-Gee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.158-171
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    • 2010
  • The flora of Deokjeok Island was investigated 35 times from September 2007 to September 2008. Based on voucher specimens, the study indicated that this area consisted of 535 taxa in total; 108 families, 320 genera, 480 species, 2 subspecies, 45 varieties and 8 forms were present. Compositae and Graminae were the first and second most common families surveyed in the region, respectively. Among the more remarkable examples found were four taxa of Korean endemic plants, six taxa of rare and endangered plants designated by National Arboretum, and 55 taxa of specific plants that have been designated by the Ministry of Environment. Furthermore, 50 taxa of naturalized plants were observed and they occupied 17.9% of the total in the surveyed area. Although some parts of the investigated region were disturbed by human impact, the ecological status was comparatively well preserved. However, the area where the remarkable plants were discovered should be more systematically protected. Since the proportion of naturalized plants in the human habitation area was considerably high and the spreading of these plants seems consistent, it is expected that the ecosystem of this area may become critically unstable in near future.

Distributional Characteristics and Management Device of Naturalized Plants in Naedong Stream, Changwon-si (창원시 내동천의 귀화식물 분포특성과 관리방안)

  • You, Ju-Han;Park, Kyung-Hun;Yoon, Young-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.96-105
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to offer raw data on managing naturalized plants and the ecological characteristics of urban streams by researching the naturalized plants distributed in Naedong Stream, Changwon-si. The results are as follows. The numbers of naturalized plants were summarized as 45 taxa: 18 families, 38 genera, 43 species and 2 varieties. There were 3 taxa of invasive alien plants: Rumex acetocella, Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior and Sicyos angulaus. In an analysis of life forms, there were 2 taxa of megaphanerophytes, 1 taxa of nanophanerophytes, 3 taxa of chamaiphytes, 7 taxa of hemicryptophytes, 1 taxa of geophytes and 31 taxa of therophytes. The urbanized and naturalized indices were 16.6% and 25.1%, respectively. The results of an analysis by vertical structures showed that naturalized plants included 30 taxa upstream, 42 taxa midstream and 32 taxa downstream. For the urbanized index, upstream was 11.1%, 15.5% in midstream and 11.8% in downstream. For the naturalized index, upstream was 21.7%, 33.3% in midstream and 37.2% in downstream. An analysis of crossing structures showed at taxa of 39 naturalized plants on bank. 30 taxa along the riverside and 7 in the water. For the urbanized index, banks were 14.4%, riverside 11.1% and waterside 2.6% while the naturalized index included 30.5% on the banks, 30.6% along the riverside and 20.0% in the water. As regards the management of naturalized plants, because Remex acetocella, Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior and Sicyos angulaus have a negative impact on the ecosystem, they need to be efficiently controlled.

A Study on the Characteristics of Aquatic Insect Fauna in Differently Disrupted Ponds Located in Gungdaeoreum, Jeju (제주도 궁대오름 일대 교란정도가 다른 연못의 수서곤충 분포 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Gyeong Hun;Kim, Dong-Soon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.433-441
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to understand the distribution characteristics of aquatic insects in ecologically different ponds in terms of the disruption. We investigated the fauna of aquatic insects in three artificial ponds (pond 1, 2 and 3) and two natural ponds (pond 4 and 5) located within 1 km each other around Gungdaeoreum in Jeju Island, from March 2018 to June 2020. A total of 50 species belonging to 15 families were found in the surveyed ponds: total 850 individuals with 14 species in 4 families of the order Odonata, total 4,391 individuals with 14 species in 6 families of the order Hemiptera, and total 2,014 individuals with 22 species in 4 families of the order Coleoptera. In overall, total abundance and species numbers were relatively higher than those of artificial pond in natural ponds in which animal and plant ecosystems were well established. In the case of artificial ponds, the number of individuals and species recovered rapidly when reconstituted by introducing aquatic plants, etc. (Pond 1). The nymphs of Odonata were observed largely in ponds without natural enemies such as large fish, and where adults could freely access without interception by artificial structure. Phytophagous Corixidae of the order Hemiptera were abundant, and Haliplidae populations of the order Coleoptera were affected by the distribution of the plants. Accordingly, the major factors affecting aquatic insect abundance were identified as the presence of refuges such as the topography and aquatic plants and presence of predators. Species of the order, Odonata were vulnerable based on these factors. Our results can be useful as basic information for the restoration of wetlands and construction of artificial wetlands or for conservation of species diversity in the future.