• Title/Summary/Keyword: 상호매체성 관계

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A Study on the Basic Design Education Using WWW (WWW를 활용한 기초디자인교육에 관한 연구)

  • 김소영;임창영
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 1998
  • The evolution of computing environments caused various dharges in our society. The change cj instruction media is one of these effects. WWW using network techndogy is regarded as a pov.powerful tool for rerrote instruction. The methods of utilizing network technologies in design instrudion and design process rould be diversified comparing with those of other general instruction. Computer graphics has been regarded as a very use!u design tool for its accuracy and rapidty. Network can help us to do creative work using cornplter graphics. The merits of this technology are sharing resources and rraking it easy to roIlaborate. Recent cxxnputer graphics instruction has some defects in oontents and methods. The oontents have a weak relationship with other industrial design subjects. From above, the purpose of this thesis is to use computer graphics and netv.urk technology for supporting basic design instruction. Virtual gallery using WWW can be a cyberspare v.tlere the evaluation of results and the exchange of information take plare. This tool makes it easier to oomrunicate and oollaborate with dassmates. A casestudy-Composition with basic objectswas exea.rted by individual for distributed asynchronous rmde. The results of this thesis are summarized for four factors. Rrst, it was easy to transform idea. Serond, student-oriented working was performed. Third, interaction among students was activated. Fourth, not only final results, but also midterm results was oonsidered for evaluation. These methods also have problems as rerent instruction methods, but it rould be used as a instruction tool to compensate for existing instruction methods.

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Correlation of Jacques Lacan's Mirror Stage and the process of Remediation on Image Media (쟈크 라캉의 거울단계와 영상미디어의 매개과정과의 연관성)

  • Ahn, Sang-Hyuk
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.4 s.62
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, I am going to analyze a correlation of Jacques Lacan's Mirror Stage and the process of remediation on image media. It is because the remediation process of various digital media is letting people pass through one time of mirror stage again. Remediation for the Internet of traditional media, conflict with the virtual world and real world, identification that a virtual image changes a practical image is for it to be caused a remediation process by mutual link of various image media. The Narcissism which occurs in the relation a self with a idealized self searches a new own expression and forms a skillful mania culture. Reflexivity of active mania culture same as a Jacques Lacan's Mirror Stage is to be the possibility becoming the feature of media culture of today. However, if digital media culture generation spends extremely wasting time from the image media, these image media generations cannot grow into new future-type man. According to this, it is necessory to have a study on Visual Literacy that it is related to a Jacques Lacan's Mirror Stage.

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Price and Volatility Spillovers in MENA Stock Market (중동지역주식시장의 가격및변동성이전효과분석)

  • Lee, Hahn Shik
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.3-33
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    • 2010
  • While new evidence on international spillover effects has been widely discussed around the globe, the MENA (Middle East and North African) region has received little attention concerning international transmission of stock market movements. In this paper, we discuss international spillover effects between the major developed markets (US, Japan and Germany) and the emerging markets in the MENA region (Turkey and Egypt). While GARCH-type models have mainly been used to investigate international stock market spillovers in much of previous studies, we develop new testing strategies based on discrete wavelet decomposition. The basic finding is that price as well as volatility spillover effects exist from the developed stock markets to the MENA counterparts, although evidence for price spillover to the Egyptian market is rather weak. As for the interdependence of the major MENA stock markets, no spillover effects are found between these markets, while the two MENA markets are somewhat related with each other.

A Study on the Utilization of Digital Design by Three Dimensional Modeling (3차원 모델링을 이용한 디지털 디자인의 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.447-456
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    • 2012
  • In space design or form design step, recognized necessity of digital design practical use. Also, deduced systematized analysis method that can use various function of CAD system actively. These method can promote the practical use because third dimensional digital design escapes plan and design process in concept that get presentation result after is completed, establishes role of effective and systematic digital design at planning and design of space or form. This uses by a design tool that ease designer's judgment and space and form analysis in architectural planning and design process that third dimension digital design is not part by a simplicity design tool. Share and takes advantage of digital design process method that is deduced in this study, need continuance of connection study for more effective and systematic digital design methodology deduction. Need public ownership of teaching material development and teaching method that can deliver extended third dimension digital design process.

A Study on the External Form Characteristic Depicted on the Deconstructional Fashion (해체주의 패션에 보여진 외형적 양식의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 김혜정
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.271-280
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    • 2000
  • This is the deconstruction of functionism and means the complex phenomenon of disharmony such as the reputation of purity, search for history, irony and so on. The perceptional system of post modernist and deconstructionist philosopy, that allow us to have the critical angle of view such as the deconstruction of the existing foundation and the absence of the meaning of the reasoncentered thinking of the west, is shown to be grafted into design, fashion and so forth. These elements are taking root as the style of the end of the 20th century. The deconstructional fashion revolting against the existing regime has been reconstructed and created a innovative aesthetic sense by going so far as to address the way that doffing is formed, the way to handle materials and physiological and psychological elements. The deconstructional fashion depicted on new interpretation of the body proportion with planeness and specificity while ignoring three-dimensionality , structuristic rationality

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A Study on the Analysis of Mediated Effects of Father's Play Participation in the Relationship Between Father's Play Belief and Child's Playfulness (아버지의 놀이신념과 유아 놀이성 관계에서 아버지의 놀이 참여도의 매개효과 분석)

  • Choi, Tae-Sun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.333-342
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    • 2020
  • Children grow and develop through play. Play is being used as a friend and a learning material and tool in everyday life of children. It is a research study aimed to empirically analyze the effects of father's play belief and play participation on child's playfulness. A survey was carried out for the selected 284 children aged 5 years and older attending kindergarten located in D-gu, Seoul in order to achieve the goal of this study. Frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, reliability verification, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were conducted on the data collected through the survey by using the SPSS program, and the research results were derived as below. First, it showed that father's play belief and play participation have a positive effect on child's playfulness of physical spontaneity, social spontaneity, cognitive spontaneity, expression of joy, and a sense of humor. Second, father's play participation had a significant effect as a partial parameter in the relationship between father's play belief and child's playfulness. Thus, it was drawn the conclusion that father's play belief and play participation are important variables that can predict child's playfulness. Therefore, It will be necessary to promote children's playfulness development by continuously providing parent education programs on creating an atmosphere of various interaction at home through plays in the relationship between father and child and a desirable role of father in the play activities with child at the level of preschool educational institutions.

Study on the Digital Character and Realism in the Digital Age -Focused on the CG Works of the ACM SIGGRAPH Asia- (디지털 시대: 디지털 캐릭터와 리얼리즘 -ACM 시그래프 아시아 출품작을 중심으로-)

  • Choo, Hye-Jin
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.37
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    • pp.439-461
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    • 2014
  • Art has evolved into remarkable changes in its art form maintaining a close link with the contemporary scientific technologies that gave birth to new tools of expression in each era. Animation is an art form in an inextricable connection with technological aspects because it was spawned by the technical background like movies. In this regard, animation is often viewed very strongly by technical advancements in terms of an aesthetic approach. John Whitney Sr., one of the pioneers in computer graphics arts, turned his attention to the new technology called computer graphics as a means to visualize images and movement. The advent of a new medium had a strong influence not only on tools and means for novel expression but also on the gradual shift in thinking about arts and even the audiences' taste. In the 1980s, animation was combined with computer technology and the rapid progress of computer graphic technology opened up the era of new visual aesthetics, Today, the development of digital technology presents a different dimension of realism, either advocating hyperrealism by digital actors or presenting new illusionism by classic cartoon characters emphasized in a distortion or metamorphosis from a real life in order to consolidate animation realism. Based on the two perspectives mentioned above, this study can identify methods of digital character appropriation focused on the works of the ACM SIGGRAPH Asia and find how the relationship between art and technology has changed the digital realism and evolved the digital character as the digital technology has developed.

Expansion of Poetry using Interactive Art (인터랙티비티(interactivity)를 이용한 시의 확장 - Golan Levin 의 를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dong-Jo;Kang, Chang-Koo;Kim, Hyung-Gi
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02b
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    • pp.571-575
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    • 2008
  • Recently, media mix, or mix Policy, the marketing mix, as several different personalities mixed media, as appropriate to maximize the effectiveness of interactive for the increased interest. This is the era of constrained expression of the existing inter-rack area or add to interactivity, the reproduction of the emerging relationship with the user, and extend it by looking for a new alternative, in this thesis is that the elements of these inter activity When applied to the area of the city would be extended. Only the concept of a writer at work that gives meaning to the poem from the perspective of the author's intent at the same time, and enjoy self-representation within the subjective meaning of work and how to seek grant. Therefore, work on the readers and writers are interactivity variety of ways to communication and effect relationship sincerity rise causes. This thesis at the interactivity are three ways to take advantage of the present work in the area of the author and sentimental self-image gain. First, the type of sentimental survey based on the rack at the interactivity to expand the city's area of representation, and second, through user existing types of active interaction in a variety of subjective interpretations allow us to escape, and Third, the interaction between the author and user way through the city to establish new forms of expression.

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Effectiveness of Web-Based On-line Corporate Education: The Case of 'L' Company (웹기반 온라인 기업교육의 성과에 관한 연구: L기업의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Ryu, Il;Kim, Jae-Jon;Cho, Young-Man
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2003
  • The increasing demand for the distance learning has created a need to explore the implications of the emerging paradigm shift in the learning environment. For the use of information technology to improve learning processes, the pedagogical assumptions underlying the design of information technology for educational purposes must be understood. However, little theoretical development or empirical research has examined learning effectiveness in web-based distance learning. Thus, this paper reviews from research in management communications, education, social psychology, and information systems literatures to develop an conceptual model of influences on web-based corporate education outcomes. The hypotheses empirically examined using survey data from 152 students of 'L' company. The data support the validity and reliability of our constructs. And the hypotheses of this study get partially significant support. Finally, the implications of this survey results are discussed in terms of learning performance.

Space Design Expression Method According to the Analysis of the Characteristics of Movies - Focused on the Characteristics Expressive of the Illusionist - (영화의 특성 분석에 따른 공간디자인의 표현방법 - 환영성 표현 특성을 중심으로 -)

  • 송춘의
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2004
  • Space design in the 21st century has been developed in connection with media more various than ever. In the age of image represented by popular culture, space design connected with media is based on post-reason thoughts constituting the post-modern society, and reflects polysemously and pluralistically changes in the society through the identification of art with life. The movie, which is an image perceived particularly sensibly and the most impractical simulated image among various illusionary media images composing the contemporary society, is growing rapidly in interrelation with various fields of art based on its peculiar nature, and its influence is getting more extensive. The movie manipulates mass society to create what does not exist and restore lost images into new realities through the reproduction of extremely realistic senses, and uses them in establishing virtual realities and creating illusionary images representing the age of simularc. The illusionary expression of the movie produces new meanings through disintegrating existing meanings and recombining them, and expresses popular culture from a position closest to our everyday life. Such an analytical attitude toward the illusionary movie reflecting our society can be a new approach to space design. The present study attempts to suggest the possibility of applying such an illusionary characteristic of the movie as a methodology of space design by utilizing the characteristic as a conceptual language of space design.

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